Staff Attack Chain




Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
As an Staff/Elec Stalker, I can vouch how good it is.

On the other hand, enjoy spending a few billion influence on survivability?
This is what I console myself with.

Willpower is extremely survivable and ultimately I had strong subjective reasons for going Willpower:

(1) I had never played the powerset before and was interested in trying it.
(2) It fit the character concept while Electric Armor did not.
(3) I really hate repeating powersets and had just finished levelling up a DM/Elec Brute two days before Staff released.

Btw, I was on a team with a Staff/Elec Stalker yesterday who had the entire Raiden thing going and he was pretty impressive, though at one point he took a wrong turn in Grandville and ended up dying as he faced a group on his own while the rest of the team was fighting elsewhere. Seeing his trouble, I asked if he had a rez handy. He said yes, but that he didn't dare rez where he was (beneath the feet of the group that had killed him). So I told him I was about to try something crazy and to be ready. Then I leapt in, dropped Eye of the Storm, and took off. With the group chasing me, he was free to rez and happily I managed to live too.

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Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
This is what I console myself with.

Willpower is extremely survivable and ultimately I had strong subjective reasons for going Willpower:

(1) I had never played the powerset before and was interested in trying it.
(2) It fit the character concept while Electric Armor did not.
(3) I really hate repeating powersets and had just finished levelling up a DM/Elec Brute two days before Staff released.

Btw, I was on a team with a Staff/Elec Stalker yesterday who had the entire Raiden thing going and he was pretty impressive, though at one point he took a wrong turn in Grandville and ended up dying as he faced a group on his own while the rest of the team was fighting elsewhere. Seeing his trouble, I asked if he had a rez handy. He said yes, but that he didn't dare rez where he was (beneath the feet of the group that had killed him). So I told him I was about to try something crazy and to be ready. Then I leapt in, dropped Eye of the Storm, and took off. With the group chasing me, he was free to rez and happily I managed to live too.
Willpower is a plenty strong set in itself, too. I wouldn't feel bad at all for the choice in it.

Sounds like you had fun, too!



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
<--- Doesn't play Shield Defense. Thinks it looks a little too dorky with non-weapon sets, and doesn't like any of the weapon sets that can use it enough to... use it.
Yeah I hate shield too. It is pretty spiffy looking with Street Justice though if you want the Captain America look. I played one all through beta, and have one on live. However it suffered fro that "Too much of a good thing." problem. So, he never gets played now.

Guys, I am not trying to end the debate and do not want to be accused of it again. I do have a Staff/EA scrapper at lvl 50 now. Only +1 level shift, I do have t2 reactive interface, and t1 ion judgement, and t2 Clarion Radial. Radiation treatment and the HVAC guy came and stopped me from finishing it up.

I can tell you this with all honesty. Red Shepherd is a beast. He plows through minions and LTs like an Adamantium weed eater, with a Vorpal enchantment.

Numbers are great and all, but pylon numbers are not going to demonstrate what the set is going to do against a group, or what the set is going to do in the hands of a skilled player or builder.

Reppu, you are one of my global friends, and we share the same server. You are welcome to come play with me at any time to see what I can do with my Staff/EA scrapper character. I for some unknown reason like you, I think it is because you remind me of my sister, and oldest daughter. I have always liked blunt women. Happily married, so that was not a come on or pick up line.

I for the record do not think staff needs a buff. I do think scrappers should have a unique mechanic that makes them a special flower again. and I do not think I deserve a kick in the nads for thinking that.

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Staff/Elec and Staff/EA are (IMO, so take it with a grain of salt) probably the two top choices. Both have tools for recharge (Lightning Reflexes and Entropic Aura) and both have a good end-recovery power.

Now, I know DA is a great choice because Form of the Soul's end discount is a god-send. Admittedly, I only tried DA once and that was as a BS/DA Scrapper and the end useage made me want to gut myself.

As was posted earlier, sure, Titan Weapons has a higher DPS, but you can't possibly sustain that DPS for any length of time. Which I feel is an appropriate trade-off. Staff isn't trying to be a hyper-offensive set like TW. Staff is trying to be a set that gives players a variety of tools, sort of like DP for Blasters (Except that Staff Mastery > Swap Ammo)

And honestly, I think having tools is a great way to go.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I do think scrappers should have a unique mechanic that makes them a special flower again. and I do not think I deserve a kick in the nads for thinking that.
No, but I don't think having the most consistent and regular performance of any of the melee ATs is a bad thing either



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
Staff/Elec and Staff/EA are (IMO, so take it with a grain of salt) probably the two top choices. Both have tools for recharge (Lightning Reflexes and Entropic Aura) and both have a good end-recovery power.
Willpower has Quick Recovery as an always on, 30% boost to normal recovery which can be improved in the usual way by enhancements. I have noticed with Stamina 3-slotted and Quick Recovery (2-slotted I think) that I can manage after several non-stop pulls to start to work my endurance down. I have been running mostly Form of the Body but am thinking I will be trying out Form of the Mind heavily tonight to see how things go.

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Originally Posted by Issen View Post
No, but I don't think having the most consistent and regular performance of any of the melee ATs is a bad thing either
Not going to argue that.

Really, I think all scrappers should be immune to fear. Because it is obvious those who prefer scrappers to all other ATs are. hehehe I am a scrapper, no matter what toon I am playing, I am a scrapper. It is what is in my heart and soul.

I remember the first time I soloed a Pylon. I was running past it with my DB/WP scrapper and thought to myself (I wonder if I can do that) So I did, and I posted it on the boards. I think I may have been to first to do so also. Right after that Werner (I am pretty sure) did it and timed it, and it became a thing.

The RWZ challenge. That was ours (scrappers), then when it was too easy we put rules on it. Must be x amount of bosses, Can't use inspirations.

I tanked hammi for a raid once back before the Regen nerf. There was no doubt in my mind that I could do it. I was after all a scrapper.

Fear is never a part of any decision a scrapper makes. So yeah, we should just be immune to is.

For the record: This post was mostly a joke about being immune to fear, the other stuff I named is true though. My first pylon time was abysmal by the way, something like 12-15 min. My KM/Elec can do it in under 2, right at 1 min if I use lore.

I love my scrappers above all other ATs. I am sorry if that offends any one....not really. If you don't like my scrapper lover you can bite my ***, or try any way. Scrappers do not take kindly to sch things.

In case you can't tell I took my cancer pain meds.

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Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Willpower has Quick Recovery as an always on, 30% boost to normal recovery which can be improved in the usual way by enhancements. I have noticed with Stamina 3-slotted and Quick Recovery (2-slotted I think) that I can manage after several non-stop pulls to start to work my endurance down. I have been running mostly Form of the Body but am thinking I will be trying out Form of the Mind heavily tonight to see how things go.
I'd swap that slotting, personally. QR gives more recovery than Stamina.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Yeah I hate shield too. It is pretty spiffy looking with Street Justice though if you want the Captain America look. I played one all through beta, and have one on live. However it suffered fro that "Too much of a good thing." problem. So, he never gets played now.

Guys, I am not trying to end the debate and do not want to be accused of it again. I do have a Staff/EA scrapper at lvl 50 now. Only +1 level shift, I do have t2 reactive interface, and t1 ion judgement, and t2 Clarion Radial. Radiation treatment and the HVAC guy came and stopped me from finishing it up.

I can tell you this with all honesty. Red Shepherd is a beast. He plows through minions and LTs like an Adamantium weed eater, with a Vorpal enchantment.

Numbers are great and all, but pylon numbers are not going to demonstrate what the set is going to do against a group, or what the set is going to do in the hands of a skilled player or builder.

Reppu, you are one of my global friends, and we share the same server. You are welcome to come play with me at any time to see what I can do with my Staff/EA scrapper character. I for some unknown reason like you, I think it is because you remind me of my sister, and oldest daughter. I have always liked blunt women. Happily married, so that was not a come on or pick up line.

I for the record do not think staff needs a buff. I do think scrappers should have a unique mechanic that makes them a special flower again. and I do not think I deserve a kick in the nads for thinking that.
I should set off the creeper alert, but it's glad to see that some people can appreciate blunt and analytical individuals. Thanks!



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
I am beginning to wonder if Electric Armor is not the best secondary for for Staff Fighting. This may be "grass is greener" buyer's regret for having gone Willpower (Edit: Let me note I am very happy with Willpower), but look at what Electric Armor brings to the table: a damage aura, decent psionic resist, a heal, endurace cost reduction, recharge boost, endurance gain (self)/drain (enemies), and you're basically immune to energy attacks and endurance drain.

Running Form of the Mind in combination with Lightning Reflexes is like have 1.6 recharge reduction SOs slotted. If you add in Hasten it is like having 3.7 recharge SOs slotted while ignoring ED. And this is before you consider slotting recharge reduction in any of your powers. Of course you'lll be consuming endurance like crazy but you have Power Sink to replenish you, which due to all the recharge you're packing along with you slotting it up will probably be up quite often. And for whatever damage you take, Energize will not only be healing you but reducing your endurance costs for 30s at a time.
Staff's tools make it interesting to make cases for good synergy all over the place. My Staff/SR is capable of running all her defense toggles plus combat jumping simultaneously while being endurance discounted by Staff. And the melee defense buff means I was running around with high melee defense from the start, coupled with pretty high AoE. And just as I begin to solve my own endurance problems with stronger slotting, Sky splitter is going to come along and give me either regeneration and recovery boosts or resistance boosts within the defense (at the very brisk rate I'm leveling even totally solo, that'll probably happen tonight).

I can't imagine what it must be like to have Staff's very strong endurance discount practically from the start with Dark Armor. Probably the most interesting aspect of Staff Fighting is that its combo buffs are *exactly* what most people need while leveling, particularly endurance discount and recharge.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
I'd swap that slotting, personally. QR gives more recovery than Stamina.
I was heading for 3 and 3. Just hadn't gotten around to giving QR its 3rd slot. But thanks for the heads up on which is more productive, in case I ever need to cannibalize a slot somewhere.

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'm just saying, even when power creep exists, there's no really good reason to just barrel on into more power creep until eventually Titan Weapons ans Street Justics are just average.

I'd much rather they add power-sets into the game, shoot for average and then nerf or buff outliers as needed. It's not going to provide people with an endless cycle of FOTM powersets, but it's also not going to fall into a cycle of endless power creep either.
Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
To be honest, as long as I got to hit things with a stick while looking even vaguely like some of those kung fu demonstration forms I was going to be happy.
I agree 100%, which is why I'm sticking to my Dark/Shield until something comes even close to it's performance and survivability without using any inspirations or incarnate powers.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread