City of Warcraft?

Agent White



I'm all for the idea that magic and mysticism has a place in the comic book universe, but jeezus, it seems to really be getting out of hand. With the changes that went to Dark Astoria recently, and the new Night Ward zone coming in i23, I feel like I'm playing another game. I can name more enemy groups based on magic/mysticism than I can who aren't, which in a game that's based on comic book lore seems a bit ridiculous.

I have no idea if I'm in the minority when it comes to this, just thought I'd share my feelings. I imagine I'll get some negative responses from this. I guess my suggestion would be more typical comic book villain groups, less warcraft.



Right, because that's all we ever get is magic. I mean, look at it! Croatoa in Issue 5, then...

Issues 6 and 7: COV, COV bump to 50. General issue.
Issue 8: Faultline revamp. Non magical.
Issue 9: Inventions. STF. Wentworth's. Non magical.
Issue 10: Invasion. RWZ. Non magical (other than one Rikti type.)
Issue 11: Ouroboros, DB/WP. Purple sets. Non magical.
Issue 12: Midnight Hour. Introduces the Midnight Club. While a magic "themed" group, mostly noted for introduction of the (non magical) Cimerora, VEATs, powerset proliferation and the Hollows makeover. So a "Barely magical" issue. First one since issue 5.
Issue 13: Day jobs. PVP revamp. Decidedly not magical unless you count the final disappearance of people from PVP zones.
Issue 14: AE introduced. Non magical.
Issue 15: Annversary issue. Khan and Barracude TF/SF added. Dominator revamp. Some might call the last "magical," but not in the sense you mean.
Issue 16: Power customization. Non - any origin.
Issue 17: Ultra Mode. Keith Nance/Jenni Adair/Dean Macarthur/Leonard Simon. New Posi TFs. Also not magical.
Issue 18: Alignment system.
Issue 19: Incarnate System. Vincent Ross is a magical arc, investigating the leviathan. The heroside arc with Roy Cooling is not.
19.5: Expansion of alpha slots, intro of WST.
Issue 20: BAF/Lam/Sutter/Kai, 4 slots unlocked.
20.5: Keyes. More Lore pets. Non magical.
21: First ward. Concentratign on the lack of magic elsewhere in Praetoria. Also, Underground trial, DFB (non magical,) new tutorial.
21.5: TPN introduced (non magical.) Extra Incarnate choices.
22: Dark Astoria revamp. *It's a zone that's been magic themed since it came out, what did you EXPECT it to be?* And it's been asked to be revamped for YEARS. Of COURSE it's magic themed. But if you don't like that, there are four early-mid level contacts that have nothing to do with magic.
23: Finishing up Praetoria. While we have a magic zone, we have some distinctly non magic items we know about as well, such as the Magesterium.

Concurrent with issue 18, Co-release of Going Rogue, which introduces Praetoria... which until First Ward was decidedly non magical. And as noted, First Ward was meant to kinda-sorta explain this (noted by the playerbase, as well) lack.

So, frankly, complaining it's "out of hand" is nonsense. First Ward was supposed to help explain why there's "no magic" elsewhere in the game (and it's not even heavily magic based.) DA - well, *duh,* of course it's magic based, that's the whole lore behind the zone. Has been for years. And even with all this "OMG Overwhelming" magic stuff, there's a fair amount of NON-magic-themed content thrown in with it.

So just like the four legged rig "overuse" rants, guess what. All you have to do is wait. And stop whining.



Alien invaders is next (coming storm).

Also, incarnate level Malta and IDF which is not magic, put Tech.

And sooner or later, Praetorian Hamidon, which is mutation.

And we're getting Mecha costume.

And much of First Ward is Interdimensional, which is Nature/Science as much as it is Magic.

And almost all of Going Rogue was completely devoid of Magic.

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Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
I'm all for the idea that magic and mysticism has a place in the comic book universe, but jeezus, it seems to really be getting out of hand. With the changes that went to Dark Astoria recently, and the new Night Ward zone coming in i23, I feel like I'm playing WoW. I can name more enemy groups based on magic/mysticism than I can who aren't, which in a game that's based on comic book lore seems a bit ridiculous.

I have no idea if I'm in the minority when it comes to this, just thought I'd share my feelings. I imagine I'll get some negative responses from this. I guess my suggestion would be more typical comic book villain groups, less warcraft.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Heh. I'd actually skipped that line. I mean, I'm more than happy to go over them if he *really* believes that.



I already know he can't do it, anyway.



Much like the other two recent threads on this topic, I don't disagree that this would be a significant complaint if it were actually true. However, it isn't.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
21: First ward. Concentratign on the lack of magic elsewhere in Praetoria. Also, Underground trial, DFB (non magical,) new tutorial.
You left out the Atlas Park revamp, and the Mercy Island changes, both of which didn't seem to focus much on magic, and in the case of Mercy with the removal of the Snakes and the increased Longbow stuff, it actually seemed to be a reduction in magic in favor of tech.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
I already know he can't do it, anyway.
It's got me faintly curious.

Note I'll go with "overall theme." If there's something (like the Family) where a boss *might* be magic, but everyone else uses guns - not magic. "Mix" has more heavy representation, such as Arachnos.
Going solely from memory:

1-50 groups:
1. *Circle of Thorns: Magic, yes.
2. Council/Column: Natural/Science/Tech
3. Void Hunters (Nictus) : Science
4. *Longbow: Mixed/undeclared (though mostly Natural/Tech,the Wardens/Officers are the questionable ones)
5. *Arachnos: Mixed (Mu = magic, everything else, mostly natural/tech/science.)
6. Security guards: Natural.
7. PPD: Natural/Tech.

Low level groups (appear by 20 including PVP zones)
8. Skulls: Mostly natural. Bosses = magic. Putting in as Natural.
9. Hellions: Same as skulls.
10. RIP: Natural
11. Snakes: Natural (born snakes)/Mutant (mutated humans)/Incarnate (Sstheno.) Yes, there are priests to direct worship - but they throw knives/use swords/bite and don't do anything "magical."
12. Lost: Mutant
13, Trolls: Science
14. Luddites: Natural
15. *Cap gremlins: Magic
16. Wyvern: Natural or Tech
17. Clockwork: Psychic (wouldn't really say "magic," even though "psychic" isn't an origin. Don't know if the CWK, who controlls them, would be mutant or what.)
18. Outcasts: Mutant
19. Tsoo: Mix of Natural and Magic
20. *Shivans: *Sound* more "Incarnate" related. WIll tentatively say "Magic."
21, Contaminated: Science
22, Family/Marcone/Mooks: Natural (And this is three groups I'm counting as one, so it's weighting in the "more magic groups" favor.)
23. *Legacy Chain: Magic
24, *Midnighters: Magic
25. Vahzilok: Science

Praetoria groups:
26. PPD: Tech/Natural (Including the "DUST" and... whatever that other group is. Another "gimme" for the magic count.)
27. Resistance: Natural/Tech
28. Destroyers: Science
29. Praetorian Clockwork: Tech
30. Ghouls: Science
31, *Syndicate: Mostly natural.I'll throw it in "mixed" for the kineticists.
32. Seers: Portrayed more as "mutant."

Late additions, since I forgot:
33. Goldbrickers: Tech
34. Freakshow (show up in Bloody Bay) - Tech
35. *Banished Pantheon (again, BB) - Magic.
36. Warriors: Natural.

That takes us to level 20 or so.
Groups: 36
Magic, including "mixed": 9.

Anyone want to continue? Or disagree with some placements? (May want to move this whole thing to General Discussion)



Cimerorans use magic, but most of them are just natural warriors.
Menders are tech/science, but their usual method of time travel seems to be more magical.
Warworks are tech, along with the IDF - although the genetic manipulation of the IDF Commanders could make them semi-sceince too.
The Devouring Earth are mutants, although the Hamidon was created with a blend of science and dark magic.
All versions of the Carnies are heavily magical.
The only magic used by the Resistance are the Rune Soldiers in first Ward.
Malta are heavily tech.
Rularuu has a heavy magical feel, but the set up of the Shadow Shard has a big emphasis on science and tech, and seems more like an alien world to explore rather than a magical realm.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Never thought of Ralaruu as magical, more of universe like power cosmic(yes, I used a Marvel Comics term) than magic.



Not busting your chops like many others here, but I'd say this was an understatement:

Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
I imagine I'll get some negative responses from this.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



No....just no.

(Others have shown why, so no need to elaborate much more :P )

Don't I know you???



Will have to agree with the rest.

It hasn't been that magical. Some of the last updates have dealt with magic, sure. But that's not the majority of the content.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'm sure if we did some extensive Search-Fu that we'd find people complaining that this game was City of Tech, or City of Mutants, or City of Blah Blah Blah. This complaint is just the flavor of the moment.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I'm sure if we did some extensive Search-Fu that we'd find people complaining that this game was City of Tech, or City of Mutants, or City of Blah Blah Blah. This complaint is just the flavor of the moment.
Right offhand, I remember references to City of Blasters, then how because of some costume pieces we'd become City of Anime, or how the devs were ignoring one side or the other. Right now we're both "OMG so many four legged rigs no more!" mixed with "OMG Magic," thus we get the Liger.



Oh look, it's this thread again.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
It's got me faintly curious.


That takes us to level 20 or so.
Groups: 36
Magic, including "mixed": 9.

Anyone want to continue? Or disagree with some placements? (May want to move this whole thing to General Discussion)

Yeah couple of disagreements.

Longbow Wardens have been presented as Mutants not Magic.
The game universe presents Psionics/Psychics as Mutant so Syndicate wouldn't be magical

Now adding more

Carnival Mutant/Magic mix
Malta are Natural/Tech
Croatoa groups 4x magic

so 42 groups now
Magic: 11



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Right offhand, I remember references to City of Blasters, then how because of some costume pieces we'd become City of Anime, or how the devs were ignoring one side or the other. Right now we're both "OMG so many four legged rigs no more!" mixed with "OMG Magic," thus we get the Liger.
Well, Lygers *are* known for their magical abilities.

Don't I know you???



8. Skulls: Mostly natural. Bosses = magic. Putting in as Natural.
9. Hellions: Same as skulls.

Calling shenanigans here. They are both magic. The fact that their recruits aren't skilled yet still puts both groups firmly in the magic column.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I won't feel like I'm playing WoW until all the character models look like something ripped from Timesplitters 2.



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
I'm all for the idea that magic and mysticism has a place in the comic book universe, but jeezus, it seems to really be getting out of hand. With the changes that went to Dark Astoria recently, and the new Night Ward zone coming in i23, I feel like I'm playing WoW.
sounds like you haven't played WoW in a really, really long time.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



This thread hasn't been locked/deleted yet? There must Really be some Magic going on here. ;-)



*yawn* lol I love seeing threads like this so I can just point at the screen and laugh at the absurdity of it all.



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
Never thought of Ralaruu as magical, more of universe like power cosmic(yes, I used a Marvel Comics term) than magic.
I'm inclined to compare it more to the Negative Zone (Marvel again) than anything magical.

It seems to me to be an alternate dimension with some completely different natural laws in effect.

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