Celestial Armor?




I mainly play a PB, Next Spirit. I've never had so much fun on any other AT before. With him being my main I have decided to make angelic costumes and fantasy esque costumes to fit his part. The celestial armor is right up my alley and I have been looking forward to the set for awhile. Then it goes away. I'm only tier 6 right now in the rewards as this is my 2nd account and it isnt as old as my original (since launch). When can I get the celestial armor again? I'd buy the heck out of it on the store! I just know taking it off therewards will make me lose interest slightly. Unless it goes to the market.

Fight The Power



Celestial armor is getting phased out with issue 23 to make room for the mecha set.
Celeastial armor will come back on a recurring schedule, but i don't think even paragon studios knows when they'll do that



And that makes me rage a little

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You'll just need to be patient.
Or willing to shell out.

I bought my way out of Tier 7 right up to Tier 9. It actually wasn't that bad a decision, I shouldn't need to spend any more money on the game for another year.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
And that makes me rage a little
Why are you surprised? They said up front the items on that tier will be cycled in and out.

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Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Or willing to shell out.

I bought my way out of Tier 7 right up to Tier 9. It actually wasn't that bad a decision, I shouldn't need to spend any more money on the game for another year.
I was in a similar position, but mid way in Tier8.

This seems like a good time to ask, as I couldn't get any positive answer from their FAQ page.

If you buy a chunk of time, lets say a 12 month sub, do they front load all your Reward Tokens, as in do you get all 12 up front, or do they still hand them out on a monthly basis?



I wouldn't be surprised if after a while of being cycled out they were added to the store. I'd support such a thing as well, let Tier 9 VIPs get the first shot at it, then after a while let everyone buy it.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
If you buy a chunk of time, lets say a 12 month sub, do they front load all your Reward Tokens, as in do you get all 12 up front, or do they still hand them out on a monthly basis?
Over the term of your time unfortunately.

Although if you buy a chunk of points you get all the tokens right away, which is what let me pick up the two current VIP sets.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Over the term of your time unfortunately.

Although if you buy a chunk of points you get all the tokens right away, which is what let me pick up the two current VIP sets.
Ahh that's a shame..

I too just resorted to buying a chunk of Paragon Points, because I was unsure about long-term subs question.

Not like it was a waste of money though, got some nice costume bits, and a few powersets out of the paragon points hehe.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
If you buy a chunk of time, lets say a 12 month sub, do they front load all your Reward Tokens, as in do you get all 12 up front, or do they still hand them out on a monthly basis?
The question was answered already... but as an added bit of trivia: The Devs actually wanted all the Reward Tokens to be granted at the start, but, due to limitations with their current system they couldn't get it to actually work. Sadly

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Celestial armor is getting phased out with issue 23 to make room for the mecha set.
Celeastial armor will come back on a recurring schedule, but i don't think even paragon studios knows when they'll do that
Can you quote this?



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Can you quote this?
If you really need us to. I am pretty sure you can find it on the beta boards though. I personally think they should just keep expanding the top of the tree, but I have 7 reserve tokens, and a full tree already. My view on the subject may be clouded.

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If someone claims something is confirmed as a developer decision, yes. I do demand they quote it if only because things like this lead to rather interesting reactions.

That and I'm lazy.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if after a while of being cycled out they were added to the store. I'd support such a thing as well, let Tier 9 VIPs get the first shot at it, then after a while let everyone buy it.
I think they should. The VIPs got it first and didn't have to spend Paragon Points on it. That seems like a fair perk, now let everyone else have a shot.



If putting it on the market instead of putting it in a cycle that would return it to the tier 9 rewards would mean that we'd get a new tier 9 costume instead, I am totally in favour of that.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
That and I'm lazy.
Me too, I have a good excuse though.

Here is what I know for sure. The original plan was to phase them out and vault them every 6mo iirc. But there ended up being a technical issue with removing and replacing them. So, the goal was always to remove them, but the goal was also for people to get all their tokens for long term subs up front also.

Honestly, they may, or may not remove the celestial set for the mecha set. I know the goal was to do so, but there is no guarantee that will happen.

So, you guys may get lucky, and they may extend the tree rather than remove what is already there. I think that is the better idea any way.

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Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
I think they should. The VIPs got it first and didn't have to spend Paragon Points on it. That seems like a fair perk, now let everyone else have a shot.
Gotta call bs on this one. We VIP players did spend money on the set, and I say this coming from the position of having it (celestial) on day 1 of freedom. Fact is I kept up my sub for that long.

I really don't care if they sell it in the store, but please don't imply that VIPs didn't pay for the set.

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Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
If someone claims something is confirmed as a developer decision, yes. I do demand they quote it if only because things like this lead to rather interesting reactions.

That and I'm lazy.
Not a quote, but unless they plan on completely reworking the six tokens in the Paragon Rewards list to accomidate 3 more, then the recent official information page on i23 that included the Mecha set should be clear enough of a warning.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I really don't care if they sell it in the store, but please don't imply that VIPs didn't pay for the set.
I said we didn't Paragon Points for it, which is an advantage if (like me) you don't use the consumables, because the Reward Tokens are just sitting around waiting for something halfway interesting to be spent on.



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Not a quote, but unless they plan on completely reworking the six tokens in the Paragon Rewards list to accomidate 3 more, then the recent official information page on i23 that included the Mecha set should be clear enough of a warning.
No. I want a quote saying that it is, confirmed, to be replacing Celestial. They've already shown expanding a tier is possible (AKA: Tier 9 and Tier VIP).

I want a quote confirming that it is being replaced, because somebody claimed it was fact.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
But there ended up being a technical issue with removing and replacing them.
The Technical Issue was the Paragon Rewards tokens for subs. They delayed removing Celestial because they wanted to give more people time to accumulate tokens since they don't (currently, hope it gets fixed) award up front for subs.

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Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
I said we didn't Paragon Points for it, which is an advantage if (like me) you don't use the consumables, because the Reward Tokens are just sitting around waiting for something halfway interesting to be spent on.
I had 33 or so reward tokens just sitting there....then they added super packs to the table.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
The Technical Issue was the Paragon Rewards tokens for subs. They delayed removing Celestial because they wanted to give more people time to accumulate tokens since they don't (currently, hope it gets fixed) award up front for subs.
Yeah, I didn't pay a huge amount of attention to it because I was t9 with all the celestial items when freedom launched. I knew it was something like that though.

I said it on the beta boards, and I will say it here too. I really don't care if they sell them in the store. More money for the game is a good thing IMO.

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