Memo to all Syndicate members:




On April 11, 2012, a Syndicate operations center was breached at 1:42am eastern. The extent of the breach is still classified, however an internal audit uncovered key problems at this location which may be symptomatic of a more widespread problem regarding the proper implementation of enterprise security policy at all Syndicate locations. This memorandum is intended to highlight key areas of the security policy which may require refresher training programs to be established.

This image was taken by internal surveillance cameras approximately three minutes prior to the security breach:

It is important to note the following:

1. Food and beverages are not allowed in secure areas. They must be consumed off the premises or in designated break areas.

2. Our security staff is expected to execute and promote the highest levels of professional behavior. Reading the newspaper while on duty is considered a serious distraction and can also be a fire hazard (see below).

3. Per directive S-2010-11-5 security personnel are required to stand or patrol at all times. Section 3C explicitly declares "meditation to locate the enemy on the astral plane" as an invalid exception to the rule.

Security footage from other security events also shows Syndicate members making unauthorized cell phone calls, texting, eating snacks, tossing their weapons in the air and in one case there is evidence that a Syndicate member was disabled while logged into Facebook. These are all not conducive to the primary objective of protecting the integrity and security of the facility and new network AUPs and code of conduct policies will be forthcoming to address these issues specifically.

Until the employee handbook is updated, management would like to stress that a heightened awareness of the threats confronting the organization will do much to mitigate our risk posture. In particular, it should be stressed that the following individuals require special permission to enter any Syndicate facility and must be escorted at all times:

* Naked or half-naked females
* Individuals who appear to be on fire
* Anyone carrying a sword or swords
* The undead
* Persons dressed in more than twelve colors
* Anyone accompanied by two or more robots

As a special reminder, anyone seen killing or disabling Syndicate members on Syndicate controlled sites should be considered a high priority threat. They are not, repeat not from human resources.

Thank you for your attention.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




We've gone over the policies with our staff, and have a few questions. Given the recent issues, we'd prefer not to make assumptions.

n particular, it should be stressed that the following individuals require special permission to enter any Syndicate facility and must be escorted at all times:

* Naked or half-naked females
* Individuals who appear to be on fire
* Anyone carrying a sword or swords
* The undead
* Persons dressed in more than twelve colors
* Anyone accompanied by two or more robots
Recently, we've seen a few people encased in ice. Should these be added to the list, or are they part of the fire prevention team undergoing training?
Also, one individual was seen with what appeared to be a rainbow circling them. We'd assumed at the time they were part of one of the manager's retirement parties. Should this assumption not be made?
What about pets? Is one OK? We have seen people coming in with five or more - and given the size of one of the dogs seen at the time, it seemed better to let them through.
Followup to that last one - who do we contact for bee removal?



This thread is incredible. Both the OP and the reply have me laughing.



Bill brings up some excellent, and prudent, points.

Further, people clothed in similar garb to the Syndicate have been seen unescorted in the facility as well, yet their weaponry was clearly not used by other Syndicate members. I was under the impression that archery weapons were forbidden by Praetor Sinclair, and energy weapons were forbidden given their association with the Resistance. Is this no longer the case, or should these individuals be stopped and escorted from the premises?

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Does the Syndicate still offer Justin Bieber haircuts on Wednesdays?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
We've gone over the policies with our staff, and have a few questions. Given the recent issues, we'd prefer not to make assumptions.

Recently, we've seen a few people encased in ice. Should these be added to the list, or are they part of the fire prevention team undergoing training?
Also, one individual was seen with what appeared to be a rainbow circling them. We'd assumed at the time they were part of one of the manager's retirement parties. Should this assumption not be made?
What about pets? Is one OK? We have seen people coming in with five or more - and given the size of one of the dogs seen at the time, it seemed better to let them through.
Followup to that last one - who do we contact for bee removal?
The policy committee is not prepared to answer those questions at this time, although we have taken them into consideration. At the present time we feel that it would be better to provide a more holistic answer to the questions related to threat mitigation. To that end the Syndicate is pleased to announce that a special department to handle enterprise policy and risk management is being formed. We've decided to locate it in the heart of Nova Praetoria and transfer all paper and computer records involving Syndicate operations to that location to allow for better data mining and analysis of all Syndicate operations. By consolidating all our operational improvement efforts into this new department, we feel greater efficiencies will result in an overall better managed operations.

For the purposes of all future Syndicate communications regarding this department, it has been code-named "The Basket" and all Enterprise General Guideline and Security documents should be forwarded to that location.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I would have thought the Praetorian version of Facebook would have been something like "Libervultus".

By the way, has there actually been a problem getting guards to escort naked or half-naked females who appear on premises?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
By the way, has there actually been a problem getting guards to escort naked or half-naked females who appear on premises?
Well, there was that incident with Bobcat. Seems she really doesn't like being called Boobcat.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Erm guys, just need to ask...are a swarm of Bees under the pet policy?

There's a guy in the entrance lobby with Bees, a Hawk and a Dog, I mean the Dog is fine, looks a bit savage but whatever and the hawk looks totally badass, are they company issue? The Bees are my major conscern.

I'm new and on my first day of training, if management could get back to me on this quickly it'll be much appreciated.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




Submitting per form 386b-070-f, suggestions for process improvements and streamlining.

In the interest of monitoring potential threats with localized excessive temperature gradients (commonly referred to as "on fire" or "shooting fire") as well as mitigating the sharply increasing number of bee incidents, an opportunity seems to show itself.

If we cannot recruit some of these agents, the circulation of information about the bee-infested locations should commence through our usual underground channels. All essential paperwork and personnel should, of course, be evacuated. (Those which have not already left due to allergies.) Direct those on fire to the bee-infested facilities, and let them take care of the problem.

This may also lend itself to performance- and morale-improvement initiatives. Those not meeting performance guidelines will be informed they may be reassigned to one of these facilities. I'm sure we'll see a marked jump in productivity.

cc: Basket
cc: Facilities
Bcc: Human Resources



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Bill brings up some excellent, and prudent, points.

Further, people clothed in similar garb to the Syndicate have been seen unescorted in the facility as well, yet their weaponry was clearly not used by other Syndicate members. I was under the impression that archery weapons were forbidden by Praetor Sinclair, and energy weapons were forbidden given their association with the Resistance. Is this no longer the case, or should these individuals be stopped and escorted from the premises?
Praetor Sinclair is not currently a member of the executive steering committee for the Syndicate and does not set equipment policy for the Syndicate. You may be incorrectly interpreting S-2011-3-92 which states that archery weapons should not be displayed at functions involving Praetor Sinclair after the incident at Site 47 required major changes to our workers compensation insurance policy.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



In an effort to meet compliance with these new rules, most of my executive security detail has volunteered to serve as escorts to any naked or half-naked females that may be encountered.

Strangely, significantly fewer have come forward volunteering to escort any "on fire" visitors.

Perhaps more clarification of this rule is in order.




The guy just turned into some kind of small Dog (smaller than the Dog he had with him) and scampered down the hall, thankfully the Dog, Bees and Hawk accompanying him left as well, I think he was heading for the lunch room, I'd suggest sending a notice to the guys there with allergies to fur and Bees.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
By the way, has there actually been a problem getting guards to escort naked or half-naked females who appear on premises?
Section 5A limits the number of escorts to six.

Addendum 2 banned naked and half naked males when it was discovered there was a lack of personnel at most Syndicate sites who claimed to be qualified for that particular escort duty.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post

The guy just turned into some kind of small Dog (smaller than the Dog he had with him) and scampered down the hall, thankfully the Dog, Bees and Hawk accompanying him left as well, I think he was heading for the lunch room, I'd suggest sending a notice to the guys there with allergies to fur and Bees.
See: Acceptable Workplace Conditions Document section 4 regarding pets in the workplace. Also note that both furry animals and furry people are excluded from static-free laboratory areas.

We have had sporadic reports of Syndicate locations being threatened by menageries, however risk management considers these reports to be unconfirmed at the present time.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Well, there was that incident with Bobcat. Seems she really doesn't like being called Boobcat.
Dammit. It was a typo! How long is that incident going to be held against me?

Nobody faults the manufacturer of the spellchecker... which, incidentally, I use on all my communications use. Nobody blames the IT department for not responding to my ticket requesting a new keybooard when things started sticking WEEKS before the incident. Heck, what about the boys at the print shop that handled the request for that "Happy Birthday" banner! Shouldn't they have doublechecked the proof?



Site 13b is reporting unusual activity. Given new guidelines, they're wondering if translucent beings of indeterminate gender fall under the "male," "female" or "on fire" guidelines, and where tentacles fit into the guidelines.



Security reports having briefly seen someone near the back-up servers. When attempting to bring this up to the supervisor, she was found napping. What is management policy on 35 hour maps and working four consecutive shifts to take them? Does that qualify for overtime?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Site 13b is reporting unusual activity. Given new guidelines, they're wondering if translucent beings of indeterminate gender fall under the "male," "female" or "on fire" guidelines, and where tentacles fit into the guidelines.
Is Site 13b in Japan?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Is Site 13b in Japan?
13b is the "Mildly explosive childproofing supply and paperclip storage" adjunct just inside Neutropolis. You may be thinking of 16d, opened in Hokkaido two months ago for research into the effects of radiation on native lizard and amphibian life. (The executives were really talking it up. It seems like a fairly safe research subject with great potential. Besides, what can go wrong in Japan? It's pure profit. Even if the medical research doesn't pan out, they'll buy *anything* in a vending machine.)



FAO: Policy Makers
Subject: Unfortunate side-effects of new policy.

Sword Master Levin's birthday party is now in ruins thanks to the guard team at Facility 18's detention and poor treatment of the caterers and wanton destruction of four dog piñatas that were intended to be the centre piece of his celebration. The hand-crafted piñatas were being wheeled in, and the guards, upon subduing the catering team, destroyed them in their efforts to check for contraband.

What is worse, is that the contents of the piñatas have subsequently gone missing from the storage rooms where the piñatas were found. I do not have to stress the difficulty in obtaining some of the Sword Master's favourite confectionery, even having to have sent agents into Primal Earth to obtain some that he professed having a craving for.

Please see attached the expenses form filled in, having had to pay the caters out of pocket for damages and silence on the matter, and rapid acquisition of replacement candy. I expect to be reimbursed.

Yours faithfully, if most irked,
Boss Hideo Name, Facility 18 Co-Ordinator



(And I thought my day had already been made...

This is too funny.)



Re: Reminder to Keep All Areas Clean
To: Syndicate All
From: Human Resources
CC: Facilities Maintenance


It has come to our attention through numerous anonymous complaints, filed by the third floor janitorial staff, that there has been a rapid increase in random debris found throughout the campus. This has proved problematic, as facilities and maintenance is not equipped to dispose of a 1985 Crown Victoria, let alone 3 of them, several rusted out dumpsters, lamps of varying makes and models and what appears to be a replica of something called the "Maltese Falcon". Also, we are not sure where the wireframed, 20 ft. globe came from, however we please ask that you return it to it's point of origin immediately.

Please kindly remember that you share this workspace with everyone around you. Your assistance in keeping our facilities beautiful (and sterile) is much appreciated.


Human Resources

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Re: Reminder to Keep All Areas Clean
To: Syndicate All
From: Human Resources
CC: Facilities Maintenance


It has come to our attention through numerous anonymous complaints, filed by the third floor janitorial staff, that there has been a rapid increase in random debris found throughout the campus. This has proved problematic, as facilities and maintenance is not equipped to dispose of a 1985 Crown Victoria, let alone 3 of them, several rusted out dumpsters, lamps of varying makes and models and what appears to be a replica of something called the "Maltese Falcon". Also, we are not sure where the wireframed, 20 ft. globe came from, however we please ask that you return it to it's point of origin immediately.

Please kindly remember that you share this workspace with everyone around you. Your assistance in keeping our facilities beautiful (and sterile) is much appreciated.


Human Resources
Dear Human resources
CC: Facilities
Re: Keeping facilities beautiful

It seems in the prior memo, there's some implication that we are being negligent or don't care about the look of the buildings we worked so hard to steal.

If I may point your attention to the scorch marks on the third floor East hallway. Those were Bob, Janet, and Ash. (Yes, we've heard the joke.) Janet, in fact, was attempting to pick up a water cooler that arrived at high velocity during break at the time - you may notice the dent in the wall at about six feet, three inches. At least she's short.

Speaking of dents, we need to order more plaster, or drywall, or... something by meeting room C. While we encourage our sales staff to make a great impression on our customers, the resulting impressions OF our customers (and sales staff) in the wall as of last Friday's incident is less beneficial to the bottom line.

Plus it jammed the door to the bathroom shut. I think I've heard knocking since the weekend.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.