Power Pools used regularly?
A lot of people are going to say Hasten. I personally don't take it unless I can get it within a few seconds of permanent. I hate the fluctuation in my recharge if it isn't up more or less constantly.
For me, Combat Jumping is almost a given. I only consider skipping it on flyers, and if they spend a lot of time on the ground (like flying melee characters), I'll probably take it anyways. The bit of extra defense (especially when trying to softcap), the extra mobility, the Immob protection, and the ability to take several good IOs make it too invaluable to pass up.
I often take the Fighting pool, but that's mostly because I play a lot of melee.
Other than that, the only consistent choices are to avoid Medicine and Presence. I don't find anything in Presence useful, and I don't really care for the Medicine powers being Interruptable.
I'll usually go with travel powers based on concept, whatever feels 'right' for that character.
Otherwise, I pretty much skip pools. aside from travel powers and key powers like hasten or weave/tough, they seem pretty underpowered or not worth using.
- Leaping if I'll mix it up in melee (and this does include a lot of squishies from my roster), Flight if I'll blast things from a safe hovering distance. I used to really like running around with Super Speed, but Stealth IOs and ranged-softcapped hoverers have been pulling me away from it. My WS still runs around with SS (but then again, his WS powers cover every other travel option as well)... And nowadays with the option to grab Afterburner if I happen to have a free powerpick (sadly it doesn't happen often) flight just became so much better! I think I have a couple characters who actually grabbed both CJ/SJ and Hover for strange but effective build reasons...
- Leadership or Fighting (and often both). I love Assault for those "What power can I get now that will help all the time and won't cost me any slots?" moments of indecision. Maneuvers is decent to help softcapping (often unnecessary, but I tend to prefer going for maneuvers than for more set bonuses sometimes, so I can focus a bit on other things with sets... Besides, Maneuvers does grant def to ALL even if it's small, defense sets are yummy and I can usually manage the end costs)... It even adds a bit to pets as a bonus... Oh, and to teammates! Tactics lets me see those invisible annoyances, or past the damned Smoke Grenades (and it can either carry some nice sets, or work decently enough with its single slot if I'm short of slots). Tough is the only way to get extra resists outside squishy ancillary pools (I really hope one of the new pools like Sorcery has some res... Sorcery does look like a nice opportunity for some exotic resists to complement tough), and weave is more def!
- Speed even if I don't run around with SS anymore, for the good ole Hasten. Unlike some people, I actually have quite a few characters without Hasten in their builds, but they're still a minority, I think.
- Concealment for Stealth now and then... There are some characters I just cannot envision without full Stealth (or taking SS), they have to have their undisturbed alpha.
I think I grabbed medicine 2 or 3 times, but in general I dislike it (mechanically - I got nothing personal against the tricorder).
I never picked Teleportation for anyone... I use it with my WS now and then and am always uninpressed - though I loved getting their version of Long Range Teleport! And I never felt like playing Stone Armor.
Never picked up (or plan to) Presence, either, even with my MMs (and yes, I know what I'm missing on). But I really dislike taunts... It's a struggle with myself even to grab Taunt for my Tankers. But I eventually do... except for my Ice Armor because, come on, Ice's got all the taunting it needs already! The addition of -range and the psi damage proc made the struggle a bit easier but I'd still much rather just hit whoever I want looking at me with a knee to the groin, fist to the mouth or a good ole fireball. So I feel like time spent taunting is not only wasted but also silly: "Stop showing off, just HIT'em already!" is what seeing my characters taunting makes me think. My MM pets will just have to deal with it!
Playing CoH with Gestures

i pretty much always go with speed pool for hasten, then usually leadership definitely for maneuvers on most toons (sometimes i get more to get veng too)
if i have room i get concealment for LOTG mules

All my characters (yes, every one of them) has the same layout:
Speed - permahasten vastly improves performance for nearly all characters, and can be achieved cheaply and easily
Fighting - I consider softcapped defense mandatory; tough/weave are key to survivable, versatile heroes
Leadership - Benefits yourself and teammates, stacks with your armors or ally buffs;
Travel power - usually rangers will get hover/fly, while melees will take leaping (for CJ's defense boost)
Others I don't use:
Medicine - Great for characters without heals, but not so good in the DoT-heavy endgame, can be replaced by Destiny
Presence - I've always wanted this for my squishies, but short duration, tohit check and lack of power pool slots always get in the way
I agree a ton with Laevateinn.
Speed pool for hasten goes onto every toon, as well as Fighting for tough and weave.
manuevers and tactics if needed to soft cap. (tactics takes rectified reticle for S/L defense) If they arent needed than stealth as I like to stack it with the celerity proc to ghost through missions if I'd like.
Last is for travel. I prefer the versatility of flight. Plus it helps hover and afterburner take LotG and knockback protection. A toon usually needs one or the other if not both.
Fighting pool has became mandatory for all MY characters since fitness became inherent.
I take leaping a lot because I only play melee lately.
I never play hasten, I cant stand the fugly FX, but I would take it if I could turn the FX off, its an awesome power.
Fighting pool has became mandatory for all characters since fitness became inherent.
Scrappers? I've got two, and only the fire scrapper has the fighting pool. Willpower went with Leadership.
Stalkers... I think all of my stalkers have the fighting pool now. For a very long time, Admiral Whiskers didn't, but when I got Beast Run, I dropped Super Jump and grabbed the fighting pool.
My Widow has the soft cap without weave, so she didn't even bother with tough.
I have yet to take the fighting pool on a non-melee based character. I suppose this is also because I don't build to hit the defense soft-cap on most characters.
Some sets can hit 45 def without fighting pool (e.g. powerboosted Time, SR, SD, Dark affinity, etc), while some can't softcap even with fighting pool, so I wouldn't call it mandatory. However, the majority of characters are better with it than without.
I vary depending on the AT and power set combos but I can definitely say i have no characters who are even tempted to take the presence pool. The medicine pool is also probably the next least used.
Speed is taken for Hasten on some builds where lots of recharge is needed to make some powers perma or that have vital long recharge powers (like instant healing). That said I actually went without hasten on my dom and got perma dom with pure global recharge (so I could set domination on auto and not have to worry about clicking anything to keep it going). I have never had a Super Speed character but plan to have one when staff fighting comes out.
For me, Fighting is always taken on melee characters. It is occasionally taken on non melees depending on their powers.
Concealment is quite common if for no other reason than for Stealth when its not included in the primary/secondary package.
Leadership is not exactly common since I mainly solo and the toggles can be expensive when running them all but it does make an appearance every now and then.
Leaping pops up occasionally for either super jump to travel and/or combat jumping for more defense/lotg mule. My stj/regen brute also has spring attack which I like a lot.
Teleportation and Flight are my two most favored travel powers so both of them see common use with my characters.
In order of frequency of use:
Presence (none)
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
Every toon is built for perma hasten and I like super speed so most toons have it.
Medicine is meh
Presence Is meh except on my WS to protect fluffies
Fighting is a must on most toons as I'm hitting softcaps more often than not. If its something that can softcap without then I'm going for an incarnate softcap
Leadership is manoeuvres on most builds. If I have the space it's gaussians in tactics if not +perception proc and LoTG in veng
I have 3 or 4 toons with hover/fly but I'm undecided yet
I don't use tp
CJ is a must on every toon not flying for the LoTG mule and the added control
Concealment isn't necessary as I usually have super speed and stealth proc in sprint
Otheriwise I take 3 and mule them for LoTG (see farmers)
I think that's all of them, if I've forgotten then I don't use it
[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.
[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child
"Regularly," I'd have to think about. Concealment, for Stealth, on Peacebringers (nothing makes a first impression on a void like Incandescent Strike, and being seen ruins the surprise.) Sometimes I'll use the stealth global in one of the vet sprints instead, though. Other than that... I don't think I have a "regular" set.
I edited my post.
I meant its almost mandatory for MY characters,sorry. |

While generally this is the case, it's not 100% for my characters...
Fighting and Leadership!
I wish I could fit Concealment on a few characters, but that's purely for concept reasons that I want them to Phase Shift, buuut, it's usually a wasted power pick imo as those characters tend to have a Stealth power in one of their power sets already.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I use the following on 95% of my characters:
Hasten/Super Speed
Combat Jumping
This is because I am usually building for defense and global recharge, and those powers all do that directly and/or have set / IO oportunities for defense and recharge.
For characters that need to hover, I will take hover instead of maneuvers. For force field characters who want to stack dispersion with maneuvers, but who also need to fly, then combat jumping is usually replaced with hover.
I never ever take aid self. Ever.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Prior to Inherent Fitness, all my characters had Fitness, without exception, barring being too low-level to access it. Now all have Inherent Fitness, with respecs where necessary to access it.
Speed: Hasten. I don't have a character that either doesn't have this, or doesn't have it planned. I may have Super Speed as well, depending on room in the build.
Flight or Leaping: All my melee characters have Super Jump. All my ranged characters have Flight, and most now also added Leaping for Combat Jumping. (It's near immunity to immobilization, a place to put things like LotGs and Kismet, and a small boost to +Def(All).) I never take more than two actual travel powers: (Fly + Super Speed) or (Super Jump + Super Speed), and not everyone has two. I always take a real travel power - Ninja Run, temp powers and the like do not cut it for me.
Fighting: After Inherent Fitness, all my melee characters now have this, usually Boxing, Tough and Weave.
Leadership: All my Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers have this. Tactics and Assault are the big reasons for my own characters' benefit, though since Inherent Fitness they also have Maneuvers (which gives pretty good +defense for these ATs) and almost always Vengeance. Edit: Some of my melees have this for at least Maneuvers, sometimes Tactics (esp. if they can six slot it for Gaussian's), and sometimes Vengeance if they have the other two.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Fighting is probably the most common on everything but MM's. MM's start with 80% damage reduction from Bodyguard Mode, so I generally don't bother with it.
Leadership is a big one for any character that will be doing a lot of grouping. Or MMs. Or someone trying to softcap defense.
Speed for Hasten is probably my next pick. Even without perma, its still a great power, you just have to learn two different attack routines for when it is and isn't running.
Leaping is probably my choice for a travel power, but it falls low in the list because I have the Rocketboard, so I generally don't take this pool anymore unless I find I need more immob and hold protection. I suspect I'll drop this one after I can get Clarion though.
Everything else is situational. I took Medicine on my Bots/FF MM to have a healing power (and subsequently deleted him because he was bo-ring), generally ignore flight because its powers are lackluster, and don't think I've ever even dipped into the Presence pool.
A grand total of one of my characters, ever, has lacked CJ and coincidentally it was the first character I made, which has survived deletion due primarily to nostalgia. Weave is a great power but not an automatic selection for me. I suppose I do virtually always take it on melees and about half the time on other characters but each time I analyse whether it's worth the tradeoffs. Surprise, it still is.
Leadership is far iffier for me. I like to have that on support characters but it can be difficult to justify the EPS of maneuvers, let alone assault or tactics, for a meleer. Assault can't even be a set mule, tactics is a decent mule but if you slot it with rectified reticle it's too crappy to use and if you use GSFC it's very slot-expensive, and vengeance is nice but far from essential. Hasten receives treatment similar to leadership: there are builds that don't work without it, but half the time I find that I can achieve the recharge I want by getting perma-hasten global recharge and then skipping hasten itself. Why not? At that point it's just a waste of endurance.
Fighting (boxing, Tough, and some times Weave)
Speed (Hasten)
Leaping (Combat Jumping)
Leadership (Maneuvers and/or Assault)
If concept Demands it I take Flight (Fly, and Hover in the place of CJ)
Always Body Mastery, I am paranoid about my blue bar.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I don't heavily pre-build my toons, I take what powers I like and that's that (unless I'm following someone else's build). Which is why I like the Medicine pool on squishy toons.
On my SR stalker, I find that after a fight and I'm down say a third or a half on my healthbar, I can heal myself back up to full by the time I reach the next group of foes. This speeds my playtime and helps me avoid "risking" the next group with less than full health.
Past that, Hasten is my usual extra, and from there it sort of depends on the toon; many don't take an actual travel power but might go for something such as Air Supe.
Every toon gets Hasten. Almost every toon gets SS. I even have a couple toons with Whirlwind because it matches a speedster concept.
Almost every toon gets Flight. *Most* toons get and use Air Superiority, at least while leveling. Controllers and MMs usually have it slotted heavily. On my MMs (who generally don't NEED hasten), I use it as their auto power.
Melee types get boxing, tough and weave. They usually get CJ as well. I'm not all that fond of Super Jump.
Support types get at least a couple leadership powers.
I have a few toons with Medicine pool powers, which I think fills a giant hole in some builds.
I hate TP mechanics in this game so I won't take that pool.
I've never made a toon that took any part of Presence or Stealth.
Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.
I actually actively avoid hasten on just about everything, mostly because I hate the flaming hands effect. The only character of mine that has it is my SoA.
I grab Combat Jumping on most of my characters these days, especially if they melee. Then I either go with Super Jumping or Fly, depending on the concept. Only a rare few get Hover and Afterburner instead, and they're usually the ones that are starved for slots and can't afford the fighting or leadership pools.
I mostly only take fighting on my meleers, I know it's useful when trying to softcap other characters, but I usually don't get that crazy, as it's hardly needed in order to have fun. unless I'm trying to solo on something that isn't a scrapper or brute.
But I do take Fighting on a lot of my melee, mostly for Weave since I prefer defense-based characters. I'm kinda tired of having to waste a pick on Boxing/Kick to get to it, especially after the changes to the travel pools.
Leadership is most common on my ranged characters, simply because it lets me bring something more to the team and I'm a bigger fan of corruptors than I am of defenders or blasters. No one's going to say no to Assault or maneuvers after all.
I think the only character of mine with presence of Medicine is my mastermind I never play.
I'm REALLY looking forward to the sorcery pool for a few characters though, given that it's got a hybrid of travel, attack and utility all in one, it'll be very interesting to add in to some characters.
I'm surprised that so many people dislike hasten. I would have figured it would be the new "fitness". Recharge makes builds better. period.
I also find it strange that so many people take CJ as I would never take it. it turns off ninja run.
I like my increased mobility. The only time sprint/ninja run is off is during battles like in BAF where there isnt much movement. Also, and im sure the numbers arent the same across AT's, but Maneuvers gives more defense than CJ. Yes, more End cost to it but I'm someone who gives every single toon Numina, Miracle, and P Shift procs. Which im sure isnt standard across the player base.
What power pools do you find you use regularly on different ATs?
Do you stick to these sets for just certain Archetypes or for all your toons?
I try to do something different with each toon but in the end they turn out very similar.