Inf Supply: Idle Speculation




Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
A while back Cathulu asked:

I'm starting to think this is a significant effect; either that or the lower price of the rare PVPs is freeing up inf for the rest of the build.

("I would have had to put two billion into that 3% Glad; now I can save a billion and still buy everything else for BUY IT NAO prices!" )

What I mean is, I'm seeing prices on a lot of things go UP. The market is a lot looser (in the slot machine sense.) People don't seem to care as much if they spend an extra 40 million on something.

Interesting times, interesting times.
You also have to consider that converters are still slurping up a large percentage of the "cheap stuff", so prices are going to rise across the board.

It's also providing a really straightforward way for people to make some decent inf from "nothing", because they're getting dropped converters and using them on dropped recipes. So the unwashed masses that were always broke because they can't figure out arbitrage or even simple buy-and-craft flipping suddenly have hundreds of millions more than they're used to. And they've already demonstrated that they don't have the patience or the knowledge to use the market efficiently, so they're buying everything NAO.

I'm only burning merits for converters on a couple of toons now, but I'm still using up all my dropped converters on simple flips like Category: Defense and such. And I'm seeing all my played alts running around with a lot more loose cash than I'm used to.



As far as the unwashed masses:

I think a lot of people get discouraged early by the market: they press the lever and get a shock, so they don't press the lever again.

Now those same people pressed the lever and got a pellet of food, so they're gonna press the lever some more.

I think we're gonna see some new marketeers come out of all this.

If an obscure, low-margin trick can get me 200 million per AM (Midlevel Crisis: The Revenge) I think it's going to be a long time before we run out of massive and easy profits.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post

(There's also been a bloody battle on Exalted for #1-3 as well as Slax dumping 128 billion inf into prestige on Victory. Hey, every half-trillion counts. )
Joining this thread late, pretty sure that was me that dropped 128b on Victory, and now it's up to 228b ... if slax matched me, good on him

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
What I mean is, I'm seeing prices on a lot of things go UP. The market is a lot looser (in the slot machine sense.) People don't seem to care as much if they spend an extra 40 million on something.

Interesting times, interesting times.
I was doing this big time as I finalized a bunch of builds that were waiting for converted purples. And it was really hard to not "buy it nao" when I was an enhancement or two from being "done" and I had tens of billions in gleemail or placeholder bids.



Well, I was sitting on 70 billion, spread out in bids, with 16 e-mails of 500 mill each.

Then, I did a respec, and somehow, I still spent 7 billion. I could have bought recipes and crafted instead, but recipes seem to be costing more than the ios.

Wouldn't ya know it, tho - I already made a billion and a half back - and expect I'll be back up to that total in a couple of days.

wait - it was only 6 billion. I used 1 billion to place some lowball bids to recoup the cost of the build.

The best part was instead of grinding through AE and council missions to fund the build, task forces with the merits and SSAs now seem to do the trick - and I was doing those anyway.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Well, that gives us a plausible upper range of about 168 trillion, assuming scrappers are at least on the high end of the total wealth count. That's... a ways to go, huh.



That number makes me giggle. I'm not even sure why.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
When people make billions and billions in this game... I have to wonder as to why? What could you possibly do with all that? I think I have maybe 3 billion across all of my characters, and it feels to me like I am unimaginably wealthy. That amount will last me for a very long time. I would likely start giving it away if I had an order of magnitude more than that.
Never know when you're going to want to drop craptons of inf onto a crazy build, and that's when it's nice to have all the inf you need at the drop of a hat. Sometime between I12 and I13 I made an insane build for my triform Warshade and it cost me about 500 million (which at the time was a decent chunk of change). If I were to do the same build today with current market prices it would likely run more like 15-20 billion.

I'm a powergamer - I like to see how far I can push the system. Oftentimes that means investing as much as I can into a character to push their build to its limits, and having the inf to handle those builds is a must. That being said, I rarely play anymore so I haven't made a cent off enhancement converters (I don't think I've made a single market transaction in the last 6 months), but if I ever get back into things it's nice to know I have a large stockpile of inf waiting for me.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Totally off-topic. Good lord, mac, is that avatar for real?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Some new information appears:

12 trillion Influence held by Scrappers alone
Extrapolate from that as you will...
That number seems very low and at a guess would have to involve not fully accounting for all the places where inf can be squirreled away. Especially since scrappers are the most popular archetype and a popular farmer as well.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That number seems very low and at a guess would have to involve not fully accounting for all the places where inf can be squirreled away. Especially since scrappers are the most popular archetype and a popular farmer as well.
Not particularly low if you read that specifically as HELD by scrappers and not squirreled away anywhere at all. I take that to mean raw inf actually on the characters.

If that is the case our global inf estimates may be much lower than what is actually present in the game.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I think people might be spending more freely just because there are so many ways to get the enhancements you want/need now.

When the only way to get 'em was either the market or merits you had to be a little tight and bid well and long just to preserve your pile for the next purchase/build.

But now who cares if you spend a little extra inf?

I don't have to worry about whether 3 sets of Thunderstrike at level 30 are going to be available or affordable. I'll buy what I can with inf or maybe the SBE's or trade in some merits or do some AE tickets or even AM.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Totally off-topic. Good lord, mac, is that avatar for real?
Since it's set to rotate on every refresh, that is not specific enough >.>

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I call false advertising in that first video. In the list of powers, it mentions Light Control and Shape Shifting.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Totally off-topic. Good lord, mac, is that avatar for real?
Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Since it's set to rotate on every refresh, that is not specific enough >.>
Maybe he means the one I'm seeing now - the kitten painted to look like Pikachu.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Heh. I had gotten my answer from mac in-game, but it was the one with the guy pwning himself with a flash-bang grenade.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Some new information appears:

Extrapolate from that as you will...

Well, it certainly helps validate the actual research I conducted a few months
back, and makes me feel a *lot* cozier with my 400 Trillion+ estimate than I do with
the 100T previously mentioned in this thread - especially since they list 500K accounts
rather than the 100K I was using as a baseline.

Actually, after a bunch of fooling around with my spreadsheets, and considering
500,000 L50's (minimum) and 43,000,000 toons in total, even my earlier estimates
would be very low.

If we considered, for example, that each toon had a mere 1M on them, that
would be 43T right there.

When I revisit my spreadsheets with this new data, even shifting my survey FOUR
categories to the right (ie. Mean = I), *still* returns ~470T with a 500K account
baseline and a completely asymetrical distribution (which we did NOT see in the survey).

That shift implies that *half* (fully 50%) of all those accounts have *less*
than 1M inf on them - I can't imagine how that is even possible. Keep in mind,
that those accounts still have at least 1 L50 on them. In that sheet, a mere 12%
of those 500K accounts even have 100M or more total inf on them...

It still comes up with almost 1/2 Quadrillion inf in-game, even so.


OK - Actually, I rescind my earlier comment - it doesn't validate my survey numbers.

It makes me seriously wonder about the accuracy of these new numbers and I
can't help but wonder if we have another "mis-reporting" on our hands like the 56B
number they mentioned previously.

These new numbers strike me as *very bizarre* if they're correct.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Hmmmm... Ok, I did some more digging...

I went to look for Arcanaville's thread about AT Popularity that she originally
took from a BaBs post circa 2008-2009 and found her re-post here.

Basically, ~13.5% of active toons played when that came out were Scrappers.

Assuming the numbers hold, let's imagine that 13.5% of the 43M toons created
are scrappers (disregarding whether they're active or not at this point)

That would imply that appx 5.8M toons have appx 12T on them (no mention
is made whether that is their simple inf total, or if it includes stored bids, gleemail,
SG storage etc.). I'll assume that it's cash directly on hand straight-up.

On average then, each scrapper toon would have ~2M on them (2,067,183), which
seems like a pittance over all.

That said, if I extrapolate that over the 43M total toons, I come up with a total
of 88.9T in "cash" -- that ought to make Fulmens proud.

However, I don't begin to think that covers the story at all.

Zeroth: I've assumed that 13.5% is still an accurate portrayal these days
although I suspect it isn't. Still, we've not seen anything to state otherwise
in that time.

First it assumes that all AT's make inf at the same rate - a point we know is clearly
NOT true, just by looking at simple Farming Builds, nevermind any other factors.

Second, it presumes that the bulk of our wealth is on-hand cash - another point I
know to be untrue. Only about 10% of mine is "cash-on-hand", and amusingly
enough in my case, almost none of that on a scrapper (I've not made a scrapper
since I-2 days, and never gotten one above L15)

My 30B+ wouldn't even be counted at all in their figure.

Third, even among the AT's I *do* play, my wealth isn't spread evenly - For instance,
I have a Stalker and a Widow that have ~60% of my entire wealth on just those two
toons even though I also have billionaire Blasters, Controllers, and Brutes.

Fourth, we're using generic averages. With average cash on hand of 2M, clearly,
none of *those* toons would be marketeers

Unfortunately, the "12T on Scrappers", doesn't actually give us any meaningful
information about the amount of inf in-game. That 12T could easily be 120T,
if like me, they store a lot of inf in market bids. It could be the bulk of an account's
wealth, or it could be virtually none of it - depending on how "Scrapperific" their
owners tend to be.

One thing I think would be fairly self evident at this point is that 100T would
be an absolute, bare-bones, rock-bottom minimum for an in-game number.

For me, I find the 43M toons and the 500K accounts with at least one L50 toon
on them far more intriguing to the in-game influence question, and I think that
analysis points to a LOT more than 100T in-game. Once again, a number 10X
higher than that would not surprise me in the slightest.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



It's amazing how I get a number and I'm immediately not happy with it.

What percentage of the L50 accounts are "PLed to 50 thinking it would be the start of the 'real game', left disappointed?" What percentage are multiboxer accounts? What percentage left before the Invention system and never made more than 15 million inf total? What percentage are AE babies who, again, left disappointed? I don't know if those, and similar, categories add up to 50%, 90%, or anything in between.


Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



It's amazing how I get a number and I'm immediately not happy with it.

What percentage of the L50 accounts are "PLed to 50 thinking it would be the start of the 'real game', left disappointed?" What percentage are multiboxer accounts? What percentage left before the Invention system and never made more than 15 million inf total? What percentage are AE babies who, again, left disappointed? I don't know if those, and similar, categories add up to 50%, 90%, or anything in between.

Yep. All good questions.

In short, their numbers don't tell us much of anything that is helpful.

The other issue, is that I still have to consider the 2.6T in a mere 166 accounts,
that was actually reported in the forum survey.

Keeping in mind that the 500K accounts the devs list are *only* accounts that
"have reached max level" (ie. have at least 1 L50 toon), the 166 from the survey
constitute a miniscule 3/100ths of 1% of that population (assuming the 166 each
have at least 1 L50 - a reasonable, but unconfirmed, scenario).

While I'm sure there are some scrappers in those 166, I'm equally certain there
are a bunch of other ATs as well (unreported in the Dev's 12T number), and
together those 166 accounts cover 21.7% of the amount ALL scrappers have, all
by themselves.

In short, I've yet to see *any* information hinting at lower inf totals than what
I've previously estimated, and each additional tidbit seems to suggest even
higher numbers. 100T looks more like a drop in the proverbial bucket rather
than an in-game maximum to me.

In other news, and closer to the original topic (converter effects), I've not
seen *any* effects from converters finally becoming available via all vectors.

The price effects all occurred with the initial R-Merit case, and if anything, are
rising (slightly) since then.

I suspect a combination of the following:

A> The cooldown on A/V merits to Converters has prevented volume transacting.

B> Prices crashed with R-Merits, and the profit-level was no longer "worth-it" by the
time the other vectors went live.

Perhaps the only current "effect" is that they continue to help keep prices where they
went post R-Merit/Converters?

Any other thoughts on that?


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Yep. All good questions.

In short, their numbers don't tell us much of anything that is helpful.

The other issue, is that I still have to consider the 2.6T in a mere 166 accounts,
that was actually reported in the forum survey.

Keeping in mind that the 500K accounts the devs list are *only* accounts that
"have reached max level" (ie. have at least 1 L50 toon), the 166 from the survey
constitute a miniscule 3/100ths of 1% of that population (assuming the 166 each
have at least 1 L50 - a reasonable, but unconfirmed, scenario).

While I'm sure there are some scrappers in those 166, I'm equally certain there
are a bunch of other ATs as well (unreported in the Dev's 12T number), and
together those 166 accounts cover 21.7% of the amount ALL scrappers have, all
by themselves.

In short, I've yet to see *any* information hinting at lower inf totals than what
I've previously estimated, and each additional tidbit seems to suggest even
higher numbers. 100T looks more like a drop in the proverbial bucket rather
than an in-game maximum to me.

In other news, and closer to the original topic (converter effects), I've not
seen *any* effects from converters finally becoming available via all vectors.

The price effects all occurred with the initial R-Merit case, and if anything, are
rising (slightly) since then.

I suspect a combination of the following:

A> The cooldown on A/V merits to Converters has prevented volume transacting.

B> Prices crashed with R-Merits, and the profit-level was no longer "worth-it" by the
time the other vectors went live.

Perhaps the only current "effect" is that they continue to help keep prices where they
went post R-Merit/Converters?

Any other thoughts on that?

The only way I can see those estimates being valid is if it *only* counts liquid inf held as inf. No bids, emails, unclaimed sales, buckets full of purples, or any of the myriad other ways we've been forced to learn to squirrel away inf by the 2B cap. At last count I have something like 26-27B inf that I could spend, not even counting buckets of purples and hoarded merits. Of that less than 2B is liquid, because I like having it all in 1-2 places instead of spread over many alts. 95% of my characters have less than 20M liquid. The vast majority of it is in impossible market bids.

As far as the converter effects... There may be another effect as well. The converters thing made it so insanely easy to make cash that A) I rapidly acquired more than I'll reasonably spend in a year of playing, and B) it wasn't *fun* anymore. I wasn't digging for some small, interesting niche, I was just flipping purples like a short order cook flips burgers. Mindlessly, and as fast as possible. So I got bored and wandered off. I wonder if there were enough people that got bored and wandered off to seriously affect the market pressures.

I suspect all of the above, in one way or another. When the converters first hit there was a *huge* profit gap, and the supply of converters was artificially limited. Now the supply is bigger, but the gaps are smaller. So if the prices diverge, more people come in to the market with converters. But as they converge again, some of those people are just going to bail out, even if they have enough converters to keep pushing the prices together.



There was in fact a short downward spike when the rest of the converters went live- and one the weekend after. I bought a batch of 3% Defenses at slightly over 200M and sold them for 3-400M, and did the same with 3% Resists on the next spike.

One aspect might be that a "12 billion inf" build now only costs, say, 8 billion (or 6 if you are slow and careful in your buying.) So if you were saving up 12 billion and you get bargains on the big things, you don't care so much if you overspend on the little things.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



So I was thinking about this thread recently, and it occurred to me that I hadn't actually seen anyone attempt to analyze how much influence is likely sitting in the markets tied up in bids, which one would assume is a potentially large reservoir of influence (if someone has already done this, well another set of eyeballs can't hurt).

I didn't have time to do a complete analysis, but I did try to narrow the range of possible values. I specifically looked at the number of bids for a bunch of things I thought were likely to be capable of holding a lot of influence (and in some cases unlikely but easy to count). In round numbers (because the numbers certainly fluctuate over time anyway, and this is a rough estimate regardless):

ATIOs: 8,900
Crafted Purple Enhancements: 9,600
Crafted PvPIOs: 7,200
HOs: 4,700
Purple Recipes: 6,100
PvP Recipes: 6,500
Recipe: Maelstrom's Pistol: 153

All Salvage Combined: 144,000
Crafted Common IOs: 14,000

Its clear that salvage and things like common IOs don't account for much. Assuming the average bid on salvage is 3 million inf (which its not; even accounting for strange bids on base salvage) and the average bid on common IOs is 1 million inf, the combined total is only about 450 billion inf. Not much. Ditto Maelstrom's pistol: at best that's 150 billion. Toss that into salvage and common IOs and you have about 600 billion inf, less than one trillion inf.

If we assume the average bids for ATIOs is about 100M, Crafted Purples is 500M, Crafted PvPIOs is about 400M, HOs is 100M, Purple and PvP recipes is about 300M, and multiply out, we get about a total of about 13.5 trillion influence. If we assume that the total market is twice what I've listed above, and I think what I listed above is likely to be more than half the total market, then that means a reasonable estimate for the maximum credible amount of total influence stored on the markets is about 27 trillion.

If we think players have far more than 100 trillion, then actually the amount of influence tied up in the markets is an insignificant fraction of the influence out there at any moment in time, and the vast majority of influence out there is stored directly on individual characters or in global email. And that seems shaky.

Or is it possible that I've overlooked a massive place to store influence that is not in one of the above categories? For reference, what I did was select only items that had bids (using the radio button) and then tallied up all of the bid totals for every item that showed up. I double-checked to ensure the system actually showed all the items that had bids, and I tallied up regardless of level. In each category's case, I believe I've set a very high estimate for the maximum likely average bid size, whether people were bidding to buy or storing influence in bids without intention to buy, although I'm open to suggestions on where those numbers might somehow be low.

Unless there's a critical flaw in this estimate, there's actually far less influence sitting in the markets than I first thought. And by extension, that makes influence estimates of hundreds of trillions of inf in circulation much more shaky in my eyes. I'm also taking note of the fact that something between 15 and 25 trillion influence on the markets actually meshes reasonably well with the devs statement that 12 trillion was in the hands of scrappers, previously stated to be the richest archetype in general. Those proportions "feel" more correct to me intuitively.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

ATIOs: 8,900
Crafted Purple Enhancements: 9,600
Crafted PvPIOs: 7,200
HOs: 4,700
Purple Recipes: 6,100
PvP Recipes: 6,500
Recipe: Maelstrom's Pistol: 153

All Salvage Combined: 144,000
Crafted Common IOs: 14,000
Bids on items that can actually be filled are generally lowball bids. The real inf storage occurs with things that can be bid for but don't exist in the game