Inf Supply: Idle Speculation




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Indeed, I don't believe the amount of salvage listed for 1 inf is particularly indicative of anyone being taken advantage of. I list my high-level common and uncommon salvage for that (basically), because that stuff is massively oversupplied. The only reason I list the stuff at all is because it gives me badges that increase my market slot count, and if I list it for much more, it won't sell.
Awhile back Top Doc made the claim of earning billions on human blood samples, in a relatively short period of time. There were a couple of other claims made for high level salvage of a similar nature.

I suppose selective memory is a facet of human nature.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you are talking about influence in circulation as opposed to simply existing, then I think the influence whales aren't really influence sinks when they quit in a net sense. And the reason is exactly what you mention: that most players accumulating influence at a relatively high rate is likely to be accumulating influence faster than they are creating it, which means they are a net influence sink while they are playing in the first place. Quitting takes that influence "out of circulation" but its debatable as to whether it was genuinely in circulation in the first place. The people who reduce the pool of circulating influence are the spenders, not the hoarders, when they leave the game. More specifically, its the people who create influence through gameplay and then spend it that contribute the most to increasing the total amount of circulating influence in the game.

You should call the banking system and tell them they are doing it wrong. That M1,M2,M3,P* have always been wrong.

The people who hoard inf are the ones that can and do pay the large prices for items. The people who were paying a billion for an individual apocalypse piece or 4 billion off market for PVP IOS aren't people who were scraping by. When they disappear a portion of those go with them.

You also neglect the fact that any given time the hoarders are going to have significant amount of uncollected sales which remain uncollected if they exit the game without bothering to clean up. This also holds true



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You should call the banking system and tell them they are doing it wrong. That M1,M2,M3,P* have always been wrong.

The people who hoard inf are the ones that can and do pay the large prices for items. The people who were paying a billion for an individual apocalypse piece or 4 billion off market for PVP IOS aren't people who were scraping by. When they disappear a portion of those go with them.

You also neglect the fact that any given time the hoarders are going to have significant amount of uncollected sales which remain uncollected if they exit the game without bothering to clean up. This also holds true
The people who were accumulating a billion inf and then spending it on apocalypses were not hoarding. The ones whose net liquid influence continued rising faster than they were generating influence through gameplay were net influence sinks: leaving the game would remove a sink.

If you're going to troll, try to at least read the entire post you're going to troll first.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The people who were accumulating a billion inf and then spending it on apocalypses were not hoarding. The ones whose net liquid influence continued rising faster than they were generating influence through gameplay were net influence sinks: leaving the game would remove a sink.

If you're going to troll, try to at least read the entire post you're going to troll first.
I'd chide you about not reading what was written but so far it hasn't worked.

The people who hoard inf are the ones that can and do pay the large prices for items. The people who were paying a billion for an individual apocalypse piece or 4 billion off market for PVP IOS aren't people who were scraping by. When they disappear a portion of those go with them.
A gladiators armor or a single purple does not make a build. The overwhelming majority of people that were buying them were people with large stores of inf who could afford to and still buy everything else they needed for their builds.



Why ? Because if you don't have lots of inf you can't.

Bonus points on this one, you managed to violate your own premise that when players get above a certain amount of inf they stop accumulating.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Try significantly harder than that.
I could never try as hard as you have been in this thread. If you make little more effort you can do as poorly as you did in your endurance as leveling throttle thread.

But now that I think about it you are well on your way.

Let me see so far
  1. You have operated on the assumption you got everything on the market despite evidence to the contrary.
  2. You have held that a generally applicable rule doesn't hold because it makes your assumptions look silly.
  3. You have held that people who accumulate far more inf than they need magically stop because the inf that was of little additional utility to them to begin with was of all of a sudden now of little additional utility to them
  4. You now have the same people in number 3 who were stopping at some point not stopping so they can always be net inf sinks
  5. You have tried to use SG prestige as a proxy for inf despite the fact if anything it is at best inversely correlated with inf generation.
  6. Set uncollected sales by sellars as 0 when at any given time there is going to logically be a significant amount of them

Not bad for just off the top of my head.



Why is there always animosity towards A_F ? Basically as I see it, and I'm quite versed in the market and its many joys, he usually makes correct points.

I definitely respect Arcan's # crunching.

I see on these forums the "cliche formation" of everyone who wants to "feel / think" the same way about the market, when in fact, what they want to believe is not necessarily true.

I'm prob the richest roller in game, and I freely admit that the only way I got there was working the market so hard. And you better believe LOTS of other players were paying amounts I "made" them pay. I made the market do things it would NOT have done otherwise. As I KNOW many of you have. Its generally a straight forward process to do it.

So why is it always when someone like A_F pops up and points out the obvious most of you have a conniption and come up with all kinds of rationalizing about why he's wrong. When in fact the basic premise of the statements is correct ?

The only two solid conclusions Ive come up with are that 1) Marketeers want to ease / dispel the thinking they manipulate a lot of niches to keep a nerf from swinging our way somehow ? .. and 2) They really dont realize the extent to which market manipulation can be tremendously effective when done right ?

Is there a reason why I should be pretending I'm not really able to manipulate the market too ? Should I be saying "my profits are all an illusion...these are not the IO's you are looking for..." ?

Over the hills and through the woods.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I agree. Ignore him so that the actual discussion can continue.
I suspect anything I type smells like trail mix and candy bars, but Pareto aside it seems like Fourspeed's analysis and mine converge around the 100 trillion influence mark, plus or minus a factor of two (Fourspeed guestimates 150 trillion inf), which was Fourspeed's original lower estimate of merit in the first place. If that is true then that is roughly consistent with the devs report of 12 trillion inf for Scrappers and there's no obvious contradiction there. The current anomaly is that while I think there are reasonable explanations for this, that estimate presumes a far lower net influence earning rate than earnings-based estimates suggest, and it suggests weath concentration far higher than traditional estimates would ordinarily project.

I think at this point barring new data, some of us are casually wondering what can cause these anomalies, while some - I think Fourspeed in particular - is wondering what fundamentally causes the CoH economy to at least appear at odds with the behavior of normal economies. At this point I'm currently wondering what other possible avenues for data collection exist that might not have been explored yet. I've been fighting a cold recently so I haven't finished looking at prestige yet, and I'm not sure if that data will show anything specific in any case.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Oh just an addendum to my post. Im not saying I want to see the same things A_F wants to see. In fact I like my toys and my ability to control certain toys, and generate delicious amounts of influence via marketing.

All I'm saying is he makes correct points generally, yet I see the massive backlash of disbelief / denial to almost everything he states.

As for the thread I realize I went a bit off topic getting caught up in the last couple pages of "debate", lol. Ooops.

Over the hills and through the woods.



Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
So why is it always when someone like A_F pops up and points out the obvious most of you have a conniption and come up with all kinds of rationalizing about why he's wrong. When in fact the basic premise of the statements is correct ?
You must be reading a different set of posts than I am. What obvious fact has A_F asserted that everyone is disagreeing with? If its this one:

Anyone who actively markets has to be aware of the fact they are taking advantage of people that don't want to deal with the market.
Or the ideas surrounding it, I suspect people are disagreeing with the specific portrayal rather than the underlying mechanics. It also suggests there's nothing in between the completely disinterested and the hard core marketeers. I suspect there are a lot of people who efficiently *use* the markets without specifically manipulating them. For most of the existence of the markets, that accurately described my relationship to them. For those people, they can have full awareness of the markets mechanics without explicitly acting to "take advantage" of other players.

On the other hand, if you're referring to more or less any of A_Fs replies to my posts, you'll have to be more specific because all of those are complete rubbish.

But my suspicion is that the problem Another_Fan has is that he's compelled to disagree so strongly that he's easily maneuvered into saying blatantly false things just to disagree, which tends to rub people the wrong way because its so transparently combative to do so.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
Why is there always animosity towards A_F ? Basically as I see it, and I'm quite versed in the market and its many joys, he usually makes correct points.

I definitely respect Arcan's # crunching.

I see on these forums the "cliche formation" of everyone who wants to "feel / think" the same way about the market, when in fact, what they want to believe is not necessarily true.

I'm prob the richest roller in game, and I freely admit that the only way I got there was working the market so hard. And you better believe LOTS of other players were paying amounts I "made" them pay. I made the market do things it would NOT have done otherwise. As I KNOW many of you have. Its generally a straight forward process to do it.

So why is it always when someone like A_F pops up and points out the obvious most of you have a conniption and come up with all kinds of rationalizing about why he's wrong. When in fact the basic premise of the statements is correct ?

The only two solid conclusions Ive come up with are that 1) Marketeers want to ease / dispel the thinking they manipulate a lot of niches to keep a nerf from swinging our way somehow ? .. and 2) They really dont realize the extent to which market manipulation can be tremendously effective when done right ?

Is there a reason why I should be pretending I'm not really able to manipulate the market too ? Should I be saying "my profits are all an illusion...these are not the IO's you are looking for..." ?
I usually attribute it to insecurity and lack of confidence on their part. I don't worry about the market or the wealth system being improved because I know I will come out on top. I have done it through more real world market crises, political crapstorms, and general business disruptions than I can count. The people that react badly feel entitled to their easy market mini game and any change that helps out others in their view will hurt them.

There are other things as well. I am highly critical of the developers and most of the people that take issue with me are vapor locked to the developer's rear ends. Que sera sera



MeanNVicious: I've made two hundred billion provable inf* using nothing more than people's desire for convenience and/or unwillingness to plan a few days ahead and/or buy five pieces of salvage and find a crafting station. Have your grandiose mind-control schemes really gotten you that much more?

I mean, really, when you list something for 30 million, it doesn't instasell, and it sells for 45 million overnight... people are pretty much working to give you their inf. It's hard to take too much credit for evil genius in a situation like that.

Speaking of which: Thanks to the person who slipped a zero and bought a 30 million inf item for 120 million!

* I have the prestige scores to prove it.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I usually attribute it to insecurity and lack of confidence on their part. I don't worry about the market or the wealth system being improved because I know I will come out on top. I have done it through more real world market crises, political crapstorms, and general business disruptions than I can count. The people that react badly feel entitled to their easy market mini game and any change that helps out others in their view will hurt them.
Or.... could it be because you have a tendancy to come into threads that contain interesting discussions and derail them into pointless arguments over the same couple tired topics, as you did here? Nah....... can't be. I don't even play the market these days and I still find it annoying.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
I'm prob the richest roller in game, and I freely admit that the only way I got there was working the market so hard. And you better believe LOTS of other players were paying amounts I "made" them pay. I made the market do things it would NOT have done otherwise. As I KNOW many of you have. Its generally a straight forward process to do it.
Because if too many people do what you do, that market would stop working. If the average player found that they could only SELL IT NAO common salvage for 100 Inf in the Market but it always cost them 100K or more to BUY IT NAO, they would stop using the Market. Lower volume means its easier to charge even higher prices due to scarcity, which drives more people away. The way to beat it is with patience, but that's about as rare as common sense. The average player wants a store, not a money mini-game.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
MeanNVicious: I've made two hundred billion provable inf* using nothing more than people's desire for convenience and/or unwillingness to plan a few days ahead and/or buy five pieces of salvage and find a crafting station. Have your grandiose mind-control schemes really gotten you that much more?

I mean, really, when you list something for 30 million, it doesn't instasell, and it sells for 45 million overnight... people are pretty much working to give you their inf. It's hard to take too much credit for evil genius in a situation like that.

Speaking of which: Thanks to the person who slipped a zero and bought a 30 million inf item for 120 million!

* I have the prestige scores to prove it.
This.... Also of note. I am approaching 4 billion in profit for sales of level 30-40 COMMON IOs since I9. That's just having one of my crafters buy salvage, create common IOs I have memorized with my portable crafting table, and listing them at salvage cost + my crafting cost + market fees + 10% for my own profit. A matter of a couple of minutes of my time a couple times a day. This is still less than what it would have cost someone who doesn't have any common recipes memorized to have gone to a University with the proper salvage and created it for themselves.

They rarely sell for my asking price, I usually get quite a bit more.


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day but it is demonstrably wrong all the rest of the time.

A_F may have the occasional fact correct but he leaves out intermediate information, speculates without any basis for those speculations, leaves out data that does not support his position, infers that known outliers are actually common place and can be taken as the norm, and states his own personal theories as fact which coincidentally runs counter to information that many of us here in the market forum have tested empirically and/or scientifically.

A large majority of his spurious claims are counter to repeatedly observed market behavior and his thoughts on market place psychology also run quite counter to observable market trends.

As such his creditability here is quite low and he is no longer taken seriously by many of the regular posters in the market forums. Several regular posters have him on ignore simply to resist the temptation of responding to him. Others of us still read his postings for amusement value on the same level as watching Darwin Award videos on youtube.

I myself find him to be rather like these people:

The Flat Earth Society

Using satellite communication and the world wide web, which relies on the planet being spherical to function properly, to spread their misinformation

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Milady's you are missing a fabulous career in comedy, its just a shame you don't understand how hilarious you can be.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This.... Also of note. I am approaching 4 billion in profit for sales of level 30-40 COMMON IOs since I9. That's just having one of my crafters buy salvage, create common IOs I have memorized with my portable crafting table, and listing them at salvage cost + my crafting cost + market fees + 10% for my own profit. A matter of a couple of minutes of my time a couple times a day. This is still less than what it would have cost someone who doesn't have any common recipes memorized to have gone to a University with the proper salvage and created it for themselves.
OMG I am really impressed you made 4 billion, crafting at least 4 THOUSAND IOS AND LIKELY MORE THAN 12 THOUSAND. Do you have terminal OCD ? If I am going to craft that many IOs I expect to make at least 80 to 120 billion. What really gets me isn't just that you are doing it wrong, you are bragging about it and advising other people to do the same. That is a complete mindblower, I nearly spluttered my coffee onto the screen when I read it. I mean really 4 billion over what 4 years ?? I make that in a good day.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day but it is demonstrably wrong all the rest of the time.

A_F may have the occasional fact correct but he leaves out intermediate information, speculates without any basis for those speculations, leaves out data that does not support his position, infers that known outliers are actually common place and can be taken as the norm, and states his own personal theories as fact which coincidentally runs counter to information that many of us here in the market forum have tested empirically and/or scientifically.
Well that is usually because I am laughing a little too hard to take these things seriously.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
As has been pointed out to you multiple times before, you don't need "loot" at all to play this game. All the freebie accounts are doing without just fine and judging from the Justice server where I spend most of my time there are a plethora of new freebies playing. Loot is entirely transparent to them and judging from the enjoyment I am seeing from them, not missed in the least, quite a bit like it was for me back in I8.

I mean if you are going to complain about people leaving out steps in their reasoning you really should start at home. Or do you consider yourself of such preeminence that because you say so is a valid argument. By the way I believe Arcanavile has the exclusive rights to "Because I say so" for city of heroes, be sure you got clearance to use it first.

Seriously if you want to compare accuracy of predictions of market behavior we can go down my list vs yours. Do you actually have any ?

We come to our next king of comedy in this thread here.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
This message is hidden because Another_Fan is on your ignore list.
So relaxing.

Really I thought Sargeant Schultz was long gone. I know children play this game but usually they are smart enough not to brag about a lack of self control.

I can go on, we have in this thread the man who claims to have invented monopoly pricing. The man who invented the worst way to use the market I have ever heard of and goes around recommending it. People that can't begin to process how the market works but are for one reason or another are attracted to your cause. I'd go on more but I mean it might spoil your performance art.



I just want to say Ive read this whole thread and have absolutely no idea what any one side is arguing about....this quickly went from a theoretical discussion about approximating the amount of influence to a very personal series of attacks on both sides.

The lesson, as always; This is the internet, its serious business




Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
I just want to say Ive read this whole thread and have absolutely no idea what any one side is arguing about....this quickly went from a theoretical discussion about approximating the amount of influence to a very personal series of attacks on both sides.

The lesson, as always; This is the internet, its serious business

Yup. Started round the bottom of page 6.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
MeanNVicious: I've made two hundred billion provable inf* using nothing more than people's desire for convenience and/or unwillingness to plan a few days ahead and/or buy five pieces of salvage and find a crafting station. Have your grandiose mind-control schemes really gotten you that much more? .
Wow, lol, how quickly you forget. And here I thought our small race to inf to prestige in SG's had been at least remembered. For someone who makes so many attempts to get folks to destroy inf, you "might" have remembered me burning off 750 billion'ish in a certain #2 SG on freedom. I think we all agreed at the time that was "provable" , lol.

Still an awful lot of liquid around too, so yes I have really gotten that much more.

Over the hills and through the woods.



I agree that A_F often has a good point hidden somewhere in his posts, but they're easy to miss for two reasons. First, the nasty personal attacks tend to rapidly derail every thread into ugliness. NetherGoat takes some jabs at people, but with more wit and less vindictiveness. A_F seems to delight in the personal attacks both given and received, which is pretty much textbook troll.

Second, even when his mechanics are right, he often ascribes motives and attitudes to other people which are not accurate, especially not in the extreme black and white terms that he uses. Or at the very least not provable.

Personally, I think the market has a lot of gray areas, a lot of randomness, a lot of excess inf sloshing around and falling into people's pockets, but not very much evilness and not quite as much cleverness as a lot of other people suppose.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I usually attribute it to insecurity and lack of confidence on their part.
Entertain the notion that you sometimes say stupid things.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Milady's you are missing a fabulous career in comedy, its just a shame you don't understand how hilarious you can be.
OMG I am really impressed you made 4 billion,
What really gets me isn't just that you are doing it wrong, you are bragging about it and advising other people to do the same.
Well that is usually because I am laughing a little too hard to take these things seriously.
We come to our next king of comedy in this thread here.
Really I thought Sargeant Schultz was long gone. I know children play this game but usually they are smart enough not to brag about a lack of self control.
Seriously. Do we need to be insecure in some way to regard the bulk of posts like this as absolute drivel and stupidity? If you want to contribute to a discussion, great. If you want to be the next Don Rickles.... <shrug> whatever.....

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
I agree that A_F often has a good point hidden somewhere in his posts, but they're easy to miss for two reasons. First, the nasty personal attacks tend to rapidly derail every thread into ugliness. NetherGoat takes some jabs at people, but with more wit and less vindictiveness. A_F seems to delight in the personal attacks both given and received, which is pretty much textbook troll.
Please, if by personal attacks you mean pointing out all the times your "friends" have been wrong a personal attack so be it.

Second, even when his mechanics are right, he often ascribes motives and attitudes to other people which are not accurate, especially not in the extreme black and white terms that he uses. Or at the very least not provable.
Here is a freebie for you, its something I would expect any adult to understand somehow the market forum as a group has missed it or just memory holed it.

AF: There are people doing X, here are examples

Market Forum: No you are wrong I and people I know are not doing X so it is not happening.

The lesson here: If you want to prove something is happening you just need examples. If you want to prove something isn't happening you need to rule it out completely.

The market forumites believe themselves to be the ultimate experts on all thing related to the market in this game. The truth of the matter is they are merely very loud and largely ignorant and selectively forgetful.

This is how you get incredibly funny situations like Arcanavile boasting of starting the trillionaire trend when its been around for a very long time.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Entertain the notion that you sometimes say stupid things.
Really ? I thought I never made mistakes. The shame

Edit: Oh heck I am in an incredibly generous mood so I'll actually explain the context of the statements you quoted.

Way back before the Devs started making alterations to our economy that let people bypass the market, people would come here and complain about the way things worked. Never mind the fact that this isn't the place to do it. Never Mind they were complaining to people profiting from their troubles, and who wanted things to change about as much as oil companies love electric vehicles.

Anyway the market forum came up with stock answers to try and shut up anyone that was complaining. The most common of these were schemes to make inf, that were horrible in their profitability/time both calendar time and player game time. You had things like Milady's you can make lots of money crafting common IOs (4 billion in 4 years) or you had the vendoring salvage scheme where people who complained were told to place 1 inf bids for salvage and then vendor it. These popped up at times when builds were costing 10 - 20 billion. From a practical standpoint if you started using the advice when it was given, you might get a build done a few years from now.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
This is how you get incredibly funny situations like Arcanavile boasting of starting the trillionaire trend when its been around for a very long time.
lm nf09 podm f sp fwjmlm,'sd mlolocvm;l poamkSD POkd mksd vmpm powvipowj gfjkamsdkfm dm vlopo fjofkmpaosdmkfpok mdv

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)