Inf Supply: Idle Speculation




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Some percentage of the 50s are part of the 80%, and some are part of the 20%. It doesn't seem currently possible to know what that percentage is so it seems currently impossible to to know how large the 20% is and how much influence they have.
The statement by the devs was 500k accounts had achieved level 50. Inf generation below 50 from direct play is very small, and the destruction is offset by a very short length of play at 50.

The absolute worst pure inf earners can make 2 million+ inf per hour solo, so for the 40 million to be invalid they would have to play less than 20 hrs at 50.

Generating inf with a single alt below 50 and few market slots is something that can be done but not something you would really want to, so I wouldn't consider the below 50 high earning noobs as a very significant percentage of the total. To the extent they are there they would just make the estimated inf larger.

Edit: Am I reading this wrong ? and you are trying to say that out of the 500k accounts that hit 50 you can't know what 80% of them are or 20% of them are ?



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I'm starting to wonder if the Market isn't better at destroying inf than we have given it credit for.
Personally I believe not enough credit is allocated to influence destruction. My best estimate is that I've created, in actual play, about two billion influence in eight years. I've destroyed many times that amount through purchases, prestige conversion, and marketeering. So I'm personally a net influence negative to the entire game. My suspicion is a high percentage of alts lower than level 30 are either break even characters or if they are supplied with influence from other alts net influence losses. I wonder out of all the players that participate in the markets, how many of them are net positive and how many are net negative influence sources across all their characters.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The statement by the devs was 500k accounts had achieved level 50. Inf generation below 50 from direct play is very small, and the destruction is offset by a very short length of play at 50.

The absolute worst pure inf earners can make 2 million+ inf per hour solo, so for the 40 million to be invalid they would have to play less than 20 hrs at 50.

Generating inf with a single alt below 50 and few market slots is something that can be done but not something you would really want to, so I wouldn't consider the below 50 high earning noobs as a very significant percentage of the total. To the extent they are there they would just make the estimated inf larger.
Some percentage of the 50s are part of the 80%, and some are part of the 20%. It doesn't seem currently possible to know what that percentage is so it seems currently impossible to to know how large the 20% is and how much influence they have.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Some percentage of the 50s are part of the 80%, and some are part of the 20%. It doesn't seem currently possible to know what that percentage is so it seems currently impossible to to know how large the 20% is and how much influence they have.
The Pareto principle is about population distribution. The 80% is a straight 80% of the population, the 20% is a straight 20% of the population.

Edit: I thought about working it in the reverse but I have no idea how large the number of trillionaires is, the data is also shakier in that direction



Arcanaville: While sub-30 characters are definitely net consumers of inf, they aren't *large* net consumers of inf. 0 to 30 on DO/SOs is under 3 million inf, or roughly what a 50 makes in an hour when not even trying. Even if that under-30 creates salvage that sells for a couple million, or a recipe that sells for 15 or 20 million... they're not making a big dent in the inf supply.
The ability to convert purples made a much larger dent in total, I think: a sleep purple can now sell for 200 million as a recipe, 300 million crafted, get converted into an Apocalypse and sell for 400 million- plus the cost of the converters, the crafting cost, and the Wentfee on the salvage. You're potentially approaching 100M destroyed for a single IO. (I don't know if that happens often; I imagine some of those 300-million-inf mezzes I sold got converted, but I don't know if they got resold after that.)

100 million inf is 30 characters' 0-to-30 trip funded. Less if they do a lot of tooling up at Wents (L4: buy and craft plasmatic taser, kinetic damper, backup radio, medkit, and recovery serum. While you're there, might as well pick up a jetpack. And the envenomed dagger you'll need eventually. )

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I wonder out of all the players that participate in the markets, how many of them are net positive and how many are net negative influence sources across all their characters.
I know I toy really close to the 10% line with my marketeering, to the point even with people overbidding my profit margin is under the influence I destroy. Last year I made 1 billion per day when I used the market daily, and down to about 3-4 billions per week when I started checking it more sporadically. I would think that's the absolute minimum rate at which I was destroying influence, and it was likely more than that.

On the other hand, I was bringing maybe... I don't know, 5 millions inf per day into the system? Even that might be overestimating it, playing lowbie alts or doing generally low inf reward tasks (itrials etc.).



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The Pareto principle is about population distribution. The 80% is a straight 80% of the population, the 20% is a straight 20% of the population.

Edit: I thought about working it in the reverse but I have no idea how large the number of trillionaires is, the data is also shakier in that direction
Its also just a rule of thumb, but more importantly there are lots of ways for it to be obviously false, and one way is to compare across populations that really shouldn't be averaged across. "The set of all 50s" is definitely suspect, because it includes both level 50s that aren't played often after they hit the cap and level 50s that farm influence or are played enough to generate large amounts of influence. If the 80/20 rule genuinely applied everywhere, it would apply to the set of all characters ever created but its extremely likely that the bottom 80% have almost zero influence, at least relative to the scale being discussed.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Arcanaville: While sub-30 characters are definitely net consumers of inf, they aren't *large* net consumers of inf.
Relative to the amount of influence earned via leveling they are, which is the context for that statement. The amount of influence which enters the system through leveling *could* be very large if the vast majority of characters never hit 50, except for that fact. Because so many characters under 50 are either influence neutral or actually influence negative, to a first order approximation we can probably discount influence earned through leveling even if only one in a thousand characters makes it to 50.

You cannot just handwave the leveling influence component because one farmer outdoes a hundred levelers, when the ratio could be far higher than that. We just don't know. But when a single level 50 nets to a higher amount than a thousand average levelers, or even ten thousand levelers, because they are netting close to zero across level one through 49, we probably can handwave them completely away.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I "The set of all 50s" is definitely suspect, because it includes both level 50s that aren't played often after they hit the cap and level 50s that farm influence or are played enough to generate large amounts of influence.
of my handful of 50's most generate little to no inf via sporadic 'real' gameplay, one (the Goat) generates a fair amount through off-and-on gameplay with the silder bumped way up and one generates a massive amount relative to play time- my fire/axe farming tank.

as an example of the point.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
I wonder if the Devs know how much INF is in the game?

Technically? An infinite supply, as one can simply run missions to earn inf. AND there's now inf boosters, which will increase "earning" rates, not to mention all the other toys we now have to play with our play money.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
When people make billions and billions in this game... I have to wonder as to why? What could you possibly do with all that? I think I have maybe 3 billion across all of my characters, and it feels to me like I am unimaginably wealthy. That amount will last me for a very long time. I would likely start giving it away if I had an order of magnitude more than that.
It wasn't long ago that a single expensive build would set you back 20-30B. (25-30 purples, a few pvp uniques, maybe a Panacea set, several LotGs, etc)

That's considerably cheaper now, thanks to converters - probably more like ~8B for the whole bit, but that's still quite a lot.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Edit: I thought about working it in the reverse but I have no idea how large the number of trillionaires is, the data is also shakier in that direction
We could try to project it forward given a guestimate for the amount of liquid influence in possession by the players.

Lets assume the influence distribution in the game roughly follows a Pareto distribution of 80/20. Lets also assume that the accounts with at least one level 50 probably hold the vast majority of the influence in the game (not counting "storage" accounts which don't affect this calculation much). If we project Pareto for a base population of 500,000 accounts holding 100 trillion influence, we get a prediction very roughly of about 160 accounts with 200 billion or more influence and about 30 trillionaires. That's from a presumed 100 trillion influence pool. If we extend that to 400 trillion, the numbers scale upward accordingly: we would have about 800 accounts holding 200 billion or more each, and about 150 trillionaires.

I think 30 trillionaires is a stretch: I'd guess there less than a 10% chance that's true. 150 trillionaires is outside my credibility zone. So *if* Pareto holds at 80/20 across the entire player population, or at least specifically the set of all accounts with at least one level 50 character, and its true those accounts hold the bulk of the influence outside of storage accounts, that would seem to also suggest that the total influence in the game is at or under 100 trillion, and not likely to be significantly higher.

If Pareto holds at all, the numbers that seem most reasonable to me are 90/10 ratios for 100 to 200 trillion influence. Although that's entirely guesswork. I think Pareto breaks down somewhere north of 100 billion because in most economic situations the amount of money you can make is roughly proportional to the amount you have, which gives the people with more opportunities to grow that. In City of Heroes, that's not true. Farming influence and marketeering have ceilings on the maximum generation rate. There are lots of ways to double a billion inf, but not a lot of ways to directly double a hundred billion. Earning rates slow down proportionately once you get above tens of billions of inf. That has to dampen the curve at the top long before we get to the top influence holders.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Relative to the amount of influence earned via leveling they are, which is the context for that statement. The amount of influence which enters the system through leveling *could* be very large if the vast majority of characters never hit 50, except for that fact. Because so many characters under 50 are either influence neutral or actually influence negative, to a first order approximation we can probably discount influence earned through leveling even if only one in a thousand characters makes it to 50.

You cannot just handwave the leveling influence component because one farmer outdoes a hundred levelers, when the ratio could be far higher than that. We just don't know. But when a single level 50 nets to a higher amount than a thousand average levelers, or even ten thousand levelers, because they are netting close to zero across level one through 49, we probably can handwave them completely away.
Is there a recent estimate of "inf earned 1-49?" Because the only numbers I have are from before IO's, before all the XP speedups, and those are remarkably useless.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Is there a recent estimate of "inf earned 1-49?" Because the only numbers I have are from before IO's, before all the XP speedups, and those are remarkably useless.
Actually, those are quite useful because the net effect of all the changes since then would seem to be to reduce that number relative to earned XP on average, which makes it an upper bound estimate which is already low.

Inventions and the markets don't change things much for this specific calculation because all selling activity which earns lower alts influence is a net *destruction* of influence because of market friction. It transfers influence from other characters but it doesn't create any. If anything, inventions can increase the amount of influence destroyed above level 30 when influence that would ordinarily outpace SO prices can now be used to craft common IOs and other inventions.

I don't think the influence boosters have been around long enough to alter things significantly yet.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



A couple of notes on this subject:

I routinely gleemail my new alts 5.000.000 inf at their "birth." It used to be that prior to level 25 I used more than I earned.

However at level 25 this trend tends to reverse now and I start earning a bit more than I spend. A majority of the reason for this is that at about level 22 I start frankenslotting IOs for effect. Since I never need to replace these IOs I no longer spend inf upgrading them.

Every 2 levels to level 30 I have to create 3 new IOs but usually by this time I am earning Merits, A merits, and now converters. Slotting what I want as I get it and selling the things that I don't need or want. I usually get each character a minimum level miracle +, Numina +/+, and for the squishies a Zephyr -KB. When I hit 50 I am completely frankenslotted and have 25-50 million inf on hand and I have a large stash of unspent Merits, A Merits, and some converters.

The stash that is left and the pile of other rewards is usually enough for me to complete my build (sans purples) before I start working on incarnate content. So I only consume more than I produce from level 1-25.

One Caveat to that. I started a character and neglected to gleemail myself. I jumped in the sewer trials and sold the SOs I couldn't use that I got as drops, used the veteran IOs that I got as powers opened up that could take them, and when I hit level 12 I had enough influence to buy shiney DOs for every slot that didn't have a vet IO in it and still had some inf left over.

I struggled a bit from level 20-level 22 but I think that I could actually make a go of hitting 50 without using more than I produce if I used all the tricks I've learned over the years......

Won't happen 'cause I'm rich, but I think I could probably do it.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I have no idea how the supply of, e.g. "generic level 20 intangibility enhancements" that drop, and what they sell for at the vendor, compares to the amount of DO's and such that used to drop. Looks like a L20 IO recipe sells for 3-4K . If they haven't changed it, DO's sell for similar amounts and drop MUCH less often from L12-19 enemies. (I remember hunting for those occasional Family L20's that used to hang around by the Independence Port gate, because they dropped like 30% DOs instead of like 0.5% DO's . Ah, the bad old days.)

It feels like, if I soloed a level 16 character for X time in I22 vs I7, never touching an auction house, the I22 character would have more inf at the end of that time. However, the I22'er will also have made more progress towards needing their pricey SO's.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Technically? An infinite supply, as one can simply run missions to earn inf. AND there's now inf boosters, which will increase "earning" rates, not to mention all the other toys we now have to play with our play money.
That's earning potential, not actual inf in existence. And even then, it's not really correct to say that there is infinite supply. There is some rate at which inf can be created, and there's an upper limit on it based on the number of active accounts that can have characters in-game creating it.

So the current amount of inf is always finite, and the earning potential is only infinite if you assume an infinite number of players or infinite time spent playing.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I was thinking about another potential data point, but I haven't had the time to really collect it like I wanted to. Supposedly there are about 300,000 super groups in the game. The total prestige they contain could provide an estimate for a lower bound limit on the amount of influence that has been generated in the game. But that's a much trickier analysis for two reasons. First, you can't trivially list all the supergroups to find their prestige counts, and even if you could, tallying 300,000 would be crazy even for me. Second, there's two ways to generate prestige, one by *earning* influence at the same time, and the second by *destroying* influence converting it to prestige.

Having said that, I haven't fully thought out this analysis yet; I've just started collecting data points. But I thought I would share what I have so far for discussion purposes. I looked at the top 100 (heroside) SGs on Freedom, Virtue, and Triumph and calculated their total prestige. What I get is:

Freedom: 23.5 billion
Virtue: 15.5 billion
Triumph: 6 billion

Now there are two main ways to accumulate that influence, separate from the membership bonus (which is inconsequential for the top 100: the smallest of them have over 30 million prestige). You can earn it the same way you earn influence and simultaneously with it. My review of my logs suggest that the ratio of influence and prestige at level 50 is between 100:1 and 200:1 depending on the reward source (bosses have better ratios than minions, for example). The ratio differs at other levels but I'm assuming the ratio at level 50 will dominate for now. If we assume that the top 100 averages about 10 billion prestige across all the servers, then across 15 servers (I'm not counting Exalted for now as its probably too new, although that's my next data point) that's an estimated 150 billion prestige and 15 to 30 trillion influence *generated*. Alternatively, that prestige could be mostly influence conversions at 500:1. In that case, that's 75 trillion influence *destroyed*.

The truth is in the middle somewhere, although the lower bound is a bit lower than 100:1. The lower bound seems to be the case where all that prestige is first earned by activity which earns influence, and then that same influence is exchanged into prestige. If that's done at a 100:1 earning ratio and then converted at a 500:1 ratio that's a net 80:1 influence to prestige ratio, and a lower bound of about 12 trillion influence generated.

In any case, that's not bad given the margins of error we have with other methods: the prestige numbers imply something between 12 and 75 trillion influence created at some point (that's a lower bound obviously, because it only counts the top 100 SGs). However, these numbers don't give a good idea of how much of that influence is still around, because a lot of it could be influence that was generated and then destroyed. Without that, this could be a way to guestimate influence generation rates, but not influence holding rates.

Incidentally, the 80/20 rule does not hold for prestige for the top 100. On Triumph, the top 20 hold 38% of the prestige of the top 100, on Freedom its 54% and on Virtue is 58%. This is possibly because of the issue I mentioned earlier: while its possible the 80/20 rule might hold for the entire player population and the entire supergroup population, there has to be a point where scale invariance breaks down because influence and prestige earning is not themselves scale free. Whether there is any evidence a comparable rule holds below a certain threshold is something I haven't looked at yet.

Also, outside the top SGs there is some evidence that a large percentage of the 300,000 SGs have not earned much or any prestige beyond the membership bonuses awarded per SG member. That's based on a random search through the SG lists on all three servers.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Wow. Get out of circulation for a few days and all heck breaks loose

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
So I was thinking about this thread recently, and it occurred to me that I hadn't actually seen anyone attempt to analyze how much influence is likely sitting in the markets tied up in bids, which one would assume is a potentially large reservoir of influence (if someone has already done this, well another set of eyeballs can't hurt).
What an intriguing line of inquiry - wish I'd thought of that myself.

Since I was home yesterday (a bit under the weather unfortunately), I took a
quick look at the market as well. ATO's were roughly the same, and most of those
are only going for 5-20M (excluding procs), a pretty small effect, I think.

I came up with ~11,000 51-53's (recipe and crafted bids) and about 1,000 HO/Titans.
That's a bit higher than your 9,230, but easily close enough to know that we're
not hiding 100's of trillions in there.

The Purple/PvP demand is about double the 51-53's (you list ~22,200 across crafted,
and recipes).

If we call it ~30,000 "storage-capable" items on the market total, we're talking
anywhere from 3.0T to about 60T maximum that could be contained within those bids
(@ 100M-2B / bid).

That's a lower amount than I would have figured also. Hmmmm...

With Scrappers at 12T and ~13% of the toon base, I calculated earlier somewhere around
90T for all AT's (assuming equal earning rates).

So, that tends to put us somewhere in the 100T - 150T range for total inf in-game
(a *lot* lower than my 400T+). Let's call it 125T for discussion purposes.

What we know (from Devs):

* 500,000 accounts minimum (these have an L50 - have ALL accts got an L50?)

* 43,000,000 characters (An average of 86 toons/account)

* 12T on scrappers (at 13% that's 5.5M toons with an avg of 2.1M inf per)

What we (think) we know (from research):

* 2.6T on 166 Forum Accounts
-- this data is a *small* sample (a mere 0.03% of the 500K known base).
-- the distribution was log-normal
-- it does loosely follow Pareto (actual is 28/88 = pop/inf)
-- inf destruction was *already* accounted for in this group
-- it was also across ALL toons/levels (not just 50's, not just scrappers)

* Market is only holding ~30T (3-60) based on bids

The part that is the real headscratcher to me, is that if the 125T is closer to
accurate, then, .03% of the population controls a full 2% of ALL influence, unless
the respondents were lying their backsides off...

That is a crazy number, especially given that the response distribution was
log-normal across all the categories. That's to say, it *wasn't* just a bunch
of rich players responding.

The implication to me (including the category shifting exercises I did earlier)
is that the vast majority of toons in the game (well over 50%) *have* to be
paupers (125T/43M comes out to < 3M inf per character on average).

How is that even possible?

Even PL'ing a toon to L50 (via exploits) takes a few hours - time in which they're
earning inf even door-sitting - longer still if you use any other method.

If those L50's have SO's, we know they earned ~20M (vendor costs) along
the way.

Even if I get totally silly and say ONLY the L50's have inf and spread out the 125T
among those 500K we know about, it's still only 250M each on average (not *that*
big of a number).

On the other hand, if just those L50's were played, slotted with SO's and had
5M on hand (ie. 25M total earnings over their entire career), it would come
out to 12.5T in loose change right there...

Maybe it's the internet and I put way too much faith in that survey, but unless
folks were lying, or simply can't count, 166 accounts covered 22% of the influence
that ALL 5.5 million scrappers in the game apparently have.

Something, somewhere, seems pretty frickin weird in the various numbers we have.

I am completely unable to reconcile these numbers in any way that:

A> makes logical sense (in light of the ease of making inf in-game)
B> still presumes that all "reported" numbers we have are factually accurate.

Considering the market came out in I-9 (FIVE years ago - May 2007), I can only
presume that the vast majority of those 43M toons were created very early, and
largely left for dead in approximately the same timeframe. The number of actual
inf-earning toons would have to be a tiny fraction of the total for things to make
any sense at all to me.

It's a definite "wth" headscratcher to me for sure.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Considering the market came out in I-9 (FIVE years ago - May 2007), I can only
presume that the vast majority of those 43M toons were created very early, and
largely left for dead in approximately the same timeframe. The number of actual
inf-earning toons would have to be a tiny fraction of the total for things to make
any sense at all to me.
They may include lots of "placeholder" characters created by players and then never really played, characters created by people test driving Freedom, name-parking characters, and alts that were abandoned long before they reached 50.

That could explain how your calculations imply the vast majority of characters are paupers. Except when they are used for influence storage, its entirely possible most characters are paupers. As I mentioned above, I think most characters below 30 are break-even characters: they spend about the same amount of influence they earn through play, if not more. Those characters can only have lots of influence if they acquire it from other richer characters by direct influence transfers or by market activities. What percentage of alts never make it past 30? Its entirely possible that number is very high. If we're thinking its just a few million level 50s out of 43 million characters, a reasonable estimate might be that 75% or more of all characters don't make it past 30, and those characters are all mostly influence-poor. I can imagine the vast majority of those having less than one million inf.

Is it possible that only a very tiny fraction of all players hold a massive amount of influence? Actually, I think its not that unlikely. Another_Fan once observed that a very large fraction of all the bids on a particular item were bids he could account for as his own storage bids. If thousands of players were controlling hundreds of trillions of inf, you'd expect to never see that kind of situation, because the number of storage places is limited. And while I'm not one of the top influence accumulators (~90 billion or so liquid at the moment, I think) I also don't see strong evidence that I'm one among many thousands. I think I'm probably among hundreds. If I'm among a population of hundreds of players, that means I'm one out of a thousand or so, or in the top 0.1% of player accounts, but with only on the order of a hundred billion inf.

One more thing just occurred to me when talking about older accounts. I wonder how much influence was destroyed during the period between Issue 9 and Issue 14 (a period of about two years) when the markets would "expire" listings from accounts idle for more than 60 days by deleting them. It seems likely that this could be responsible for creating a lot of artificially "poor" accounts as a material fraction of the total.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I was thinking about another potential data point, but I haven't had the time to really collect it like I wanted to. Supposedly there are about 300,000 super groups in the game. The total prestige they contain could provide an estimate for a lower bound limit on the amount of influence that has been generated in the game. But that's a much trickier analysis for two reasons. First, you can't trivially list all the supergroups to find their prestige counts, and even if you could, tallying 300,000 would be crazy even for me. Second, there's two ways to generate prestige, one by *earning* influence at the same time, and the second by *destroying* influence converting it to prestige.
Prestige is going to provide a very poor proxy because of the way prestige is generated below 50. Going from 1->30 in supergroup mode generates roughly 120K prestige or 60 million inf equivalent and something on the order of 6 million inf.

You also have pressure to exit supergroup mode as you increase in level. The cost to the character to stay in SG mode is greater and the demands for inf to equip the character are greater as well.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Prestige is going to provide a very poor proxy because of the way prestige is generated below 50. Going from 1->30 in supergroup mode generates roughly 120K prestige or 60 million inf equivalent and something on the order of 6 million inf.

You also have pressure to exit supergroup mode as you increase in level. The cost to the character to stay in SG mode is greater and the demands for inf to equip the character are greater as well.
Because you can earn influence without earning prestige, its not a good proxy for earning influence directly. But it might be able to serve as a lower bound, since there's no way to earn prestige without either earning influence or destroying it in conversion. But as I said, the fact that you can both earn and destroy influence in acquiring prestige may be a fatal flaw in using the number at all, except for order of magnitude sanity checks. But I haven't put enough thought into it to say definitively, so I tossed it out there in case anyone else has a better idea.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I don't disagree with most of these points.

I've little doubt that the bulk of the 43M toons are inf deadweight.

I agree the upper category of wealth could easily be a few hundred ppl

I'm fine with L50's being a minority of toons. If I take the simple 500K known
L50's over the 43M character base it's 1.2% by itself (as a minimum).

Agreeing with all those points, and shifting population numbers accordingly in my
spreadsheet (throwing out the real survey, distribution and pareto principle -- all difficult
decisions to justify, mind you) with a 500K account population basis and the
following wealth categories (calculated using middle of range or 100B for A):

Inf   Liquid   Survey     W.A.G (Wild @ss Guess)    
Cat   Wealth   ~Pop %    Pop%      Accts    Amount (T)
A:     100B+      3       0.05       250     25.0  
B:    50B-100B    6.5     0.20     1,000     75.0
C:    10B-50B    19       0.50     2,500     75.0  
D/E:   1B-10B    38       1.00     5,000     27.5
F:   100M-999M   20       3.00    15,000      8.3
G:    10M-99M     6.5    10.00    50,000      2.8
H:     1M-9M      5      25.00   125,000      0.7
I:      0-999K    2      60.25   301,250      0.2
               100     100.00   500,000    214.5 T
I *still* come up with 200T+ in-game which is distinctly more than the 125T.

Worse than that though, is that the numbers are completely whack.

Clearly, the distribution is bizarre for a closed income system where every account
has an equal chance to make inf (certainly during the past 5 years at least).

Looking at Pareto, these numbers would say that 80% of the total-income is controlled
by LESS than 1% of the population! Simply put, that's insane by every mathematical
analysis of income systems - real or virtual that I've ever read or heard of.

85% of the population has Less than 10M on their entire account?

How is it that these people cannot earn 10M across ALL of their toons during
the "Market Era"?

If the dev reported number is correct, there can be only one logical explanation.

85% of ALL accounts are *never* played - at all. There's no other reasonable
way for them to be *that* poor.

Given that ALL of those accounts have at least one L50, it defies logic.

We can spin the numbers anyway we wish, but the problem I have with ignoring
"Rule of Thumb" things like Pareto and Income Distributions is that they have
a frequent habit of being right.

To ignore them begs the question - What characteristics of *this* population
precludes standard analysis from applying?

I said in the previous post that I cannot reconcile the numbers we have in any
rational way that allows those numbers to be accurately reported and also make
logical sense.

That's my opinion, and I'm stuck with it. The numbers we have are bizarre to the
point of incredulity and dis-belief.

If there are 43M toons in game, 35M+ of them are never being played. Go Figure.

<shrug> YMMV, but something is seriously goofy somewhere.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I have no problem with 4's "headscratcher" numbers for inf. They don't make me scratch anything.

I'm not sure, but I have maybe 100 alts scattered around the place. Most of them are, like, "that ff/archer on Guardian at level 12 I made to play with a friend's 50" or "those three Luck Charmers below level 20" or "the Paragon City Power and Light char at level 16". The LC's might have a million or two each, but by far most of my alts are below level 22, and have less than a million inf each. Most probably have less than 100K each. Even my beached 50's are sitting on only a few million each. (For me to bring them back to regular play, I'd have to start by respeccing into inherent fitness...)

I ran into someone the other day who probably had never seen 15 million inf in one place at one time. They had a new SG that was in the negatives for prestige (some people had quit the SG) and had no idea how to fix that. I made a donation. So there really are a lot of people who are just ... not like us.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Replying to 4's "I don't disagree" post above:

If we have 100K current players (I used to think 50K but my reasoning may no longer be valid in the brave new F2P world) and we have 8 million characters being played [43M-35M] each player is playing 80 characters ON AVERAGE.

I'd be surprised if we have more than a million characters being played in any given week.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.