If the Incarnate system were made available in the store...




...and I know it most likely never will be... how much do you think it should be made available for (and how), and how much would you be willing to pay for it?

This is not a serious marketing question or anything like that. I know full well this will never come to pass and I don't particularly want it to but I've heard a lot of people talking about it in groups in-game so I'm a little curious what people here think about it.

Keep in mind this isn't a "Should the Incarnate System be put in the Paragon Market" thread. This is assuming it is going to be, and your input on the cost for the system. Would it be parceled out, piece by piece? Would it be a monthly license? So on and so forth.

I'd think it should be parceled out piecemeal via a series of purchases. Say $5 monthly access which would just give you access to the system (incarnate drops like shards & threads from regular content). Another $10 to unlock the Dark Astoria missions. Another $5 per iTrial. The only monthly license would be the $5 Incarnate Access one, the others would be permanent unlocks. Would I be willing to make this sort of investment? Possibly. The downside to this is that it would likely make people gravitate to only a few iTrials and thus would be a very poor idea overall.

What's your take on it?



You'd have people paying $11.99 a month *just* to have the added pleasure of iCarnate experience.



I think making it similar to the inventions' license but perhaps at 2x the price of that but at that point a person might as well sub.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



as a VIP I don't touch the system
so I would pay nothing for it



I likely would pass at the incarnate system at any price, but if I had to offer it, it'd be:

1) Access to your incarnate powers, the alpha slot content and the TF rewards would be available for a low monthly fee akin to the Invention system. As long as you're paying the fee, your powers are available.

2) Access to the various trials and solo content would be bought individually, and would only be available while the aforementioned monthly fee was paid. These might have more strict time-limits on their rewards to further discourage just purchasing 1 trial and running it over and over and over. I'd suggest pricing them similar to the Signature Story Arcs.



Total access lump sum of 24,000 paragon points.



I also forgot to mention I'd make each power slot unlockable in the store (you'd still have to get the iXP) for 200 points, per character. That's $2.50, right?



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
I also forgot to mention I'd make each power slot unlockable in the store (you'd still have to get the iXP) for 200 points, per character. That's $2.50, right?
Leprechaun pets are 800pp, I would think that a iSlot unlock would be that much or more.



Isn't the Leprechaun pet also for all of your characters? The Alpha, Judgement, Destiny, Interface, Lore, and others would each cost $2.50 per character. This would mean a sizeable investment should you want to fully incarnate a single character or more.



The paragon point worth of the incarnate system wouldn't be less than the cost of a monthly sub.



Buying access to say, Alpha slot and one slot of your choice could be reasonable, as well as access to BAF and LAM. The Incarnate System may as well be the only reason some people are staying VIP since they're at such a high reward level. I still have ways to go .




It has been mentioned that purple SBE's will be a price point around 2000 per set. That might be a closer price point per islot unlock.

Disclaimer: All conjecture.



If they were to do this, I would like it if it looked like:

  • Make access to the system a Tier 9 reward (either sub for a long time or pay a lot either up front or over time)
  • The Tier 9 reward would give access to the Alpha slot and shard drops
  • After that permanent access to the rest of the system would be 2400 points ($30)

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
If they were to do this, I would like it if it looked like:
  • Make access to the system a Tier 9 reward (either sub for a long time or pay a lot either up front or over time)
  • The Tier 9 reward would give access to the Alpha slot and shard drops
  • After that permanent access to the rest of the system would be 2400 points ($30)
This makes sense. I'd divide the unlocking of non-alpha slots, though, where you'd have to purchase access to each slot individually, plus Dark Astoria and the individual purchase for access to each i-trial. Something like

- Tier 9 reward - Unlocks Alpha Slot (shard system only)
- Dark Astoria - Available on the store for 1200 points (also unlocks i-threads)
- Interface, Judgement, Destiny, Lore - Available on the store for 600 points each (total 2400 points)
- I-trials - Available on the store for 800 points each (total 5600 points)

Admittedly, it'd be very expensive to unlock even for Tier 9 VIPs (9200 points so far...), and a potential money pit if the devs keep adding new trials and i-slots, but it'd solve the problem of Premium players currently being locked out of most new content releases, since it's almost always incarnate-related.

Now, if you're only planning to play a few a year or so, VIP subscription would still be the best option, but some players are in it for the long haul, and I'm sure Paragon Studios wouldn't mind getting a massive bump in their income even if it would remove some incentive to subscribe in the future (they can always come up with more reasons to reward subscribers, like including new SSAs, powersets, power customization, costumes, pets, etc in the VIP package).



Somewhere around 1600 Paragon Points per month sounds about right to me.

No permanent license.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'd be against making it for T9 Premiums as that would somewhat defeat the point, but I do support the division of parts of the system as separate entities in the market.

I like how I said that as if it would ever happen, heh. I mean, what's the point of charging through the nose for it if you're just targeting a small portion of the consumer base? Make it available to purchase for everyone at the same price, make more money.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Somewhere around 1600 Paragon Points per month sounds about right to me.

No permanent license.
I was going to say this but TJ is fasterer.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



$25 permanent license, but you only get 2 level shifts.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Somewhere around 1600 Paragon Points per month sounds about right to me.

No permanent license.
That's more than the sub? Were you being serious?

Personally, I think all games which bill themselves as Free 2 Play need to have an ala carte option for everything. A temporary license could work, but a sub is a temporary license so it would have to be sensible.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



If it weren't included in my VIP sub I wouldn't use it. *shrug* I do since it is, but it's not really my thing.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Although I enjoy iContent and iPowers, the way I see it is that IOs and the Market do so much more to make my characters powerful than the incarnate powers and have a much wider range of usability.

Given this, I would not charge more than the total costs of the Invention License + Market License. Most likely I'll do a iPowers license and a separate iContent license. However I would not make them tier unlockable, so premiums will always have to pay for the system.



Nope. Either you are a VIP or you get no VIP access period end of discussion. That is the way it is right now and I like it, think it is working and therefore see no need to alter it in any way whatsoever.

Now if the "devs" were to come up with a system "they" wanted to implement to increase revenue in this area I would be all for "their" changes.

I tend not to have any faith or trust in player suggested solutions to a lot of things not meant to be personal towards OP.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.