Paragon Studios is working on a new MMO




How could CoH2 possibly be in their interest to develop? Right now they've got the most robust super hero game that has ever been made by anyone in terms of breadth and variety of content and systems. Why would they decide to not only start from scratch but essentially start competing with themselves in a rather narrow market segment? Better graphics? Ultra mode and the zone updates have shown that they can do that without making a new game. Ultra mode and the zone updates have also shown that there's a significant portion of the user base that's running the game on TI-86s and wouldn't be able to play a new game with newly high system requirements.

I have no idea if it was as successful as they projected, but Freedom has already significantly increased this game's revenue. In response to that they've been developing content for this game at a rate unlike any previous point in its existence. To repeat: why, then, would they dump a large amount of money into developing the same thing but with less content that fewer people could play in a now-more saturated market?



Originally Posted by Umbra View Post
I know I am being overly negative, but it makes me sad that they are not doing COH2.

I especially can't get excited without knowing what the 'NewIP' is.

*sigh* DC game is meh....

Marvel game is not going to let you create a character....blech

I really want COH2.

A 10 year old fantasy MMO just updated its head (cranium) polygon count from 200 to 2,000. So, given the will and the money and the time... anything can be upgraded.

But upgrade is the only thing to expect with the CoH franchise. History has shown that almost all version 2 of MMOs did not generate more income. The v.2 simply cannibalized the playerbase of v.1 of the MMO.

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Originally Posted by Umbra View Post
I would guess that the reason they are not doing COH 2 is that whoever is paying for it thinks they have to use a particular genre to make more money. Fantasy or SciFI I would think.

Of course, they might just be excited over whatever this new Ip is, but I want COH2.

I have paid a monthly fee on two accounts for many years to support first cryptic, and now paragon. Even when I had no time to play I gladly paid monthly to give them more money to work with.

But I fear that if this 'new ip' is not my cup of tea I will have to move on, and it makes me sad.
What difference would it make if NCSoft picked up all the Paragon people working on the second project, put them into a different office, and started calling them something different? What's the difference between NCSoft making another game, and NCSoft making another game using Paragon Studios to do it. Its not like the devs are allowed to split their time between the games. If that were the case, neither Second Measure nor Television would have been *transferred* to that title. They'd just work on it in their spare time, or work on this game in their spare time.

Paragon Studios is a building, not a person. Thinking Paragon Studios should only work on one property is like thinking everyone in Mountain View should only work on one game at a time, and if you found out someone in the same zip code was working on something else, you'd worry about the future of City of Heroes.

If you want to know why they are not doing a Coh2, ask the reverse question. Why would NCSoft want to make a sequel to City of Heroes? Very few MMOs get sequels: why would City of Heroes be one of the very few?

I don't know why people feel compelled to manufacture reasons why either the devs or NCSoft *don't* do something, when the most likely answer is often "because they don't want to." Why does it have to be about need, or being forced, or any of that. Why can't it simply be that they came up with an idea, decided it was a good idea, and went with that instead?

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
How could CoH2 possibly be in their interest to develop? Right now they've got the most robust super hero game that has ever been made by anyone in terms of breadth and variety of content and systems. Why would they decide to not only start from scratch but essentially start competing with themselves in a rather narrow market segment? Better graphics? Ultra mode and the zone updates have shown that they can do that without making a new game. Ultra mode and the zone updates have also shown that there's a significant portion of the user base that's running the game on TI-86s and wouldn't be able to play a new game with newly high system requirements.

I have no idea if it was as successful as they projected, but Freedom has already significantly increased this game's revenue. In response to that they've been developing content for this game at a rate unlike any previous point in its existence. To repeat: why, then, would they dump a large amount of money into developing the same thing but with less content that fewer people could play in a now-more saturated market?
A fair question. I would agree that enough content is a huge danger in a new game.

But are you seriously suggesting once a game is made you are all done forever? no need to make new games again?

I guess pong was all we ever needed!

But, joking aside, reasons for COH2, in my opinion:

Graphics. I happen to like COH's graphics, but they are becoming dated.

Engine limitations. They can't really do destructable environments, and that is something a super hero game should have.

Freshness. Despite how much I love COH, the same thing over a long time loses its shine.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
A 10 year old fantasy MMO just updated its head (cranium) polygon count from 200 to 2,000. So, given the will and the money and the time... anything can be upgraded.
Said MMO doesn't have nearly the level of character customization options as CoH does. Not by two orders of magnitude, at least.

It also has less people rabidly attached to the look of their character who will be crying bloody murder if it looks even the slightest bit different.

Not saying it's impossible, but...



I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.

If that makes sense.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.

If that makes sense.
It does. And it is what I fervently hope to see.

But 'new IP' makes me doubtful.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Umbra View Post
But, joking aside, reasons for COH2, in my opinion:

Graphics. I happen to like COH's graphics, but they are becoming dated.

Engine limitations. They can't really do destructable environments, and that is something a super hero game should have.

Freshness. Despite how much I love COH, the same thing over a long time loses its shine.

I agree with all of these. Sadly, they're not gonna happen.

But have some more vanity pets, desperate horrible looking normal mapped faces clashing with decade old costume parts and endless variations on melee weapons and martial arts; this is the future of CoH.




Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.

If that makes sense.

Given that they are in the financial situation that they have two shut down support for two languages soon, no I don't think they are secretly working on a CoH upgrade.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't know why people feel compelled to manufacture reasons why either the devs or NCSoft *don't* do something, when the most likely answer is often "because they don't want to." Why does it have to be about need, or being forced, or any of that. Why can't it simply be that they came up with an idea, decided it was a good idea, and went with that instead?
Same reason the moon landing was faked, space aliens built the pyramids & the Illuminati were behind the JFK assassination....conspiracy theories are more fun than reality!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.

If that makes sense.
No one would get shifted "off" this game to work on an upgrade to this game. The most logical people to work on an upgrade to this game are people involved with supporting this game. Even if the work responsibilities changed, there would be no benefit to isolating those developers from the current developers supporting CoH.

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Originally Posted by Umbra View Post
A fair question. I would agree that enough content is a huge danger in a new game.

But are you seriously suggesting once a game is made you are all done forever? no need to make new games again?

I guess pong was all we ever needed!

But, joking aside, reasons for COH2, in my opinion:

Graphics. I happen to like COH's graphics, but they are becoming dated.

Engine limitations. They can't really do destructable environments, and that is something a super hero game should have.

Freshness. Despite how much I love COH, the same thing over a long time loses its shine.
That's answering the question of why a player might want this game improved. The question is why would NCSoft spend money to make a game just like this one only with some differences.

They can just as easily make a fresh new game with better graphics and a better server engine and have it have nothing to do with CoH. There's nothing in it for them to make that new game about CoH: it presumes that out of all the possible ideas NCSoft can come up with to make an MMO, none are as good as much less better than reusing CoH.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Given that they are in the financial situation that they have two shut down support for two languages soon, no I don't think they are secretly working on a CoH upgrade.
Note it may not be "they are in the financial situation where they have to," but "The work (time/money) taken to do so is no longer worth the cost given the market."

A healthy company can still shut down products/services/variations that are an economic drain that won't be paying back that cost. It's done all the time.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.
Not sure how long those career postings have been there but it is curious it says "next gen" on them.

Usually when i see game-related news mention next gen it refers to consoles. And some of those job postings list experience in multi-platform or online game platforms like xbox live and PSN being desired.

Hmm, guess that just adds more fuel to the speculation bonfire heh.



It's possible the new IP could be another superhero game, just one that isn't set in the CoH universe. I'd be good with that. In fact, I'd prefer it to CoH 2.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.
That's been discussed a few times. No one does that. Seriously, virtually no designer wants to do that. After years of seeing the limits of what they created, seeing how they could have done it better, they are not going to extend the same game. They're going to take the "license to build" they get from a publisher and recreate something better, informed by what they learned making the first one. At a bare minimum they will make a sequel, and they will very, very likely make that sequel mechanically incompatible with the original, even if it has some similar mechanics.

On top of that, virtually no publisher wants to spend the cost and risk of that level of development on something that's not at least sequel-level new. I'm not saying that's good or right, it's just not the way the business level is going to work.

"CoH 1.5 "is even less likely than "CoH: The sequel".

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Given that they are in the financial situation that they have two shut down support for two languages soon, no I don't think they are secretly working on a CoH upgrade.
This was covered on page one of the thread. There's no indication that stopping dealing with those languages was some effort to staunch bleeding of finances from a dying patient. They simply decided they didn't have the in-house resources to do it well without taking time from other things, and it wasn't enough players to justify outlay to staff up (or contract out) for it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Given that they are in the financial situation that they have two shut down support for two languages soon, no I don't think they are secretly working on a CoH upgrade.
I don't believe it was a financial burden per se to stop supporting those languages - but let's say (making up numbers here) - the total playerbase was 1000. Out of that 1000 only 11 spoke French and 9 spoke German. Would it make sense to continue to support those languages since it delays the release date?

Delays the release date? How so? All the finalized content is written in English. Then all the content has to be translated as correctly as possible to either languages. That includes all mission text, powers, navigation, UI, powers, etc. etc. etc.

Make sense now?



It really sucks since the French community is as dedicated as anyone, but yeah. Not hard to understand the discontinuation of support. Even easier to understand the furor on the part of those affected. I feel for Zwillinger.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would still like to believe that this "next gen MMO" is not itself a new game or a COH 2.0, but an upgrade to the original COH. Like, building a new game engine to break free of Cryptic Studios greatly haggard 1999 engine, but can still maintain the current game we have.

If that makes sense.
That is what I would like to have.
With new tech and upgrades, like new mechanic, attack while moving, new updated body models, ultra mode 2.0...



Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Z your pic broke. When i try to open the pic in new tab/window to see what is not here it takes me to Funny Junk.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hey, I think we found the one thing that was good about that game!
Nah, she was only banned from *their* forums. Doesn't benefit us at all.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Z your pic broke. When i try to open the pic in new tab/window to see what is not here it takes me to Funny Junk.
Picked another equally appropriate image then.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
CoH 3: The Search for CoH 2

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
That is what I would like to have.
With new tech and upgrades, like new mechanic, attack while moving, new updated body models, ultra mode 2.0...
Voice acting, more shield charge, more scrapper buffs, MAIM KILL DESTROY, er disregard that, scrapper locked on the thread, um, ponies? no, wait, new zone types that's all ultra mode from the get go. Goin' back and re-working every zone is good and all but eventually folks would prefer the devs to just work on new zones. Like the Dinosaur Space Zone, they didn't go extinct, they went orbital.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain