SSA 2: Guess What It Will Be (SPOILERS)




Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Hoping it continues the Marshall Blitz story some more. I always liked the back story about him and Warburg (even if I don't much care for Warburg), and was ecstatic to see him used and given a model in this arc. I also really enjoyed them fleshing out his story and the new battle mechanic with him, and still hope to see a Warburg TF some day.
This, of course, assumes he's back in Warburg. All we know is that "a mysterious group" broke him out of custody and whisked him off to some unknown destination.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I say go for the redemption of Ghost Widow and Recluse, and the fall of Manticore who now believes all heroes to be the villains, when we see that Statesman is dead and way to many heroes cheering in the streets about it.
Was actually waiting to see if anyone would mention Manticore as I think it's entirely possible it will somewhat focus on his descent into darkness after recent events. Partially or somewhat responsible for the death of Statesman's daughter, then having his wife die and having to be the one pulling the trigger. Given his past I'd say he's a prime candidate to go on some wild killing spree of both heroes and villains, blaming them for everything and seeking his own revenge for Psyche's death.

Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
SSA2: The New Odd Couple

It's a clash of two cultures when Dominatrix moves in with Ms. Liberty, sharing a two-bedroom condo in newly-revitalized Atlas Park! Hijinks and hilarity ensue as the fun-loving, self-centered Dominatrix runs into the serious, always-focused Ms. Liberty's way of doing things!

ep1: Roomies!
ep2: Denial at the DMV
ep3: Groceries and Goons
ep4: He's MY Great-Uncle Too!
ep5: Does My Homeowner's Policy Cover THAT?
ep6: Lonely Nights
ep7: Best of Both Worlds
One of the episodes could revolve around your character acting as a mediator/therapist between the two, as they both discuss their feelings. The excitement reaches a fever pitch as you spend three glorious in-game hours listening to them talk about stuff. You get a badge and a couple hundred merits if you stay the whole time. Sorta like Terra Volta, but awesome



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is proof that you as ineffective at dealing with evil, Golden Girl. As a so-called 'hero' you cannot do what must be done to bring true justice to the scum like Darrin Wade

A vigilante like me would also send him to bed without his dessert.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I actually rather liked Recluse in the finale So much, in fact that, ultimately, my hero took him along because she felt it would be "good" for him.

Let's see:

Recluse refocuses, and rethinks, and starts wandering down the path of redemption...

But... not before

He hears of Penelope's induction into the phalanx, and in turn appoints someone of equal cunning and competence to oppose her.

Jenkins is honored, and admittedly baffled, over his new rank of Patron.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is proof that you as ineffective at dealing with evil, Golden Girl. As a so-called 'hero' you cannot do what must be done to bring true justice to the scum like Darrin Wade

A vigilante like me would also send him to bed without his dessert.
And the Spanking Machine!



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Edit: Unbelievable isn't the right term. Cause given the nosedive the first SSA took, it's completely believable that it will suck. Sorry, Im not interested in stories where someone else "HAS THE AWESOME POWERS TO KEEP YOU ALIVE WHILE YOU DO GAME MECHANIC STUFF"

huh...really you had yin keep you alive I remember it happening different for me

Wade : "Kaaameeeehhhaaammeeehhaaaa!"

Me : "that did less damage than a single dark regeneration tick gives back, go back to basic villain training and come back when you can damage me like Antimatter does"

Yin : "So..if you can ignore the damage from it why did I get dragged out here"

Me : "because we need to have a serious discussion of your costume, Why do you have face plates for no reason, also since your father is dead your grandfather asked me to tell you about the birds and the bees."



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Yin : "So..if you can ignore the damage from it why did I get dragged out here"

Me : "because we need to have a serious discussion of your costume, Why do you have face plates for no reason, also since your father is dead your grandfather asked me to tell you about the birds and the bees."
1- Mr Yin isn't dead.
2- Mr Yin isn't Penny's grandfather.
3- You're they guy from that D&D clip that was in the next room shouting "If there's any girls there, I wanna DO them!", weren't you?




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I say go for the redemption of Ghost Widow and Recluse
And then just shut down redside while we're at it, right?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




For the heroside SSA 2, having Manticore go full on Vigilante would fit the character. He's already leaning that way with Wyvern; he could start gathering more ruthlessly inclined heroes to his side of things and create a Vigilante-aligned faction with the power to be genuinely dangerous to Arachnos. They could even borrow the Morality Mission mechanic, and give you a Moral Choice at the end of each episode of whether or not to help him (Vigilante) or try to stop him (Hero).

Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I think the only way they can top Darrin-friggin-Wade as a main villain, is to use Willy Wheeler as the mastermind behind SSA 2.
Funny thing is, that kind of validates Wade's whole complaint about not being taken seriously because he's "just a guy".

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



SSA2: London 2012 Freaklympics
Introduces the new Marcus Cole Memorial Airport zone and the chance to explore other continents for Vanguard World Alert missions.

Every four years, the world unites in a celebration of peace, unity, and good sportsmanship. Pretty much everything the Freaks stand against. But behind their festival of mayhem, an even more sinister villain is going for gold. Lots of it. And their actions may unwittingly tip the world into a race for survival...

Included in this arc...
- play new adventures in the shadow of Big Ben, the Olympic Park, Wembley, the Electric Ballroom and other famous landmarks!

- Dig into Hero 1's backstory and meet his friends and family!

- Figure out what the HECK those mascots are actually supposed to be!

So book your tickets and take your marks as Bile and the boys bring a little Paragon-style anarchy to the UK.

1. Freaks On A Plane
2. Pedal To The Medal
3. Chunnel Vision
4. Olympic Flambeaux
5. Torched
6. Anarchy For The Universe
7. They Think It's All Over...

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



What I would like to see in SSA2:

Stay with the approach that SSAs change the world. So I23 is "world after SSA1", I24/25 is "world after SSA2" and so on. This way there is an ongoing storyline that everyone sees, as the world itself changes. But only VIPs/buyers get to play a part in how it happens.
It also lets writers run wild, for example, Manticore being in Phalanx in the aftermath of SSA1 does not prevent him from "falling into darkness" during SSA2.

Overall theme: "Who will rise?"
Plot threads:
- Statesmans death left a hole not only in the phalanx. He was the symbol, the face of Paragon Heroes. Even if devs let the player be that, many others still try to claim this mantle. Most of them unqualified, some hilariously so (Flambeaux! Dominatrix! Dreck!?).
- Penny Yin joins the Phalanx, tries to fit in and earn her place, with varying success. Players get to impart some Valuable Life Lessons instead of being her sidekicks.
- Redemption of Scirocco. Ice Mistral may go along or go rogue. One of the Mu guys replace him as patron. (Adding/Removing a patron is hard because it requires messing with the pools. Doing a text/model replace Scirocco->Mu'Mooo seems doable to me, especially if aiming for I25 timeframe. And having the First of Mu mystics give out Mu Mastery patron pool makes more sense than the current setup)
- Mynx joins Sands, Catgirl Mastery is added as 5th Patron Pool. Okay, not really.
- Recluse and Arachnos refocus on advancing their power, technology and influence instead of being obsessed with attacking Paragon. Join the fight against Praetoria/Battalion. But do not abandon their extreme darwinist ideology or ruthless approach.
- Ms. Liberty tries to reach out to Recluse. It fails, and causes a split between her and Longbow. A new, hardline leader rises to lead Longbow (Manticore?)

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



I think it'll be a full scale investigation in to how Wade got Rularuu to sprout a goatee the size of Mexico, followed by an invasion from the Goatee Universe, followed by Praetoria suing the Goatee Universe for copyright infringement, followed by Statesman dying while dead.

All of this will happen after Marketing sends out an email blast outlining the plot of the whole SSA, down to what Black Pebble had for breakfast before hitting 'Send'.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Seriously, I would actually kinda like to see the Clockwork King start to be redeemed considering his connection to Penny. In the LGTF, the King seemed to strike me as someone who could be redeemed if only he wasn't insane and/or misguided.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
1- Mr Yin isn't dead.
2- Mr Yin isn't Penny's grandfather.
3- You're they guy from that D&D clip that was in the next room shouting "If there's any girls there, I wanna DO them!", weren't you?
Really? if that is her dad darn he must have aged terribly, and No I was not that guy but someone has to explain to her the mechanics of how a relationship between a young lady and a Giant Psychic Brain in a jar is going to work.

That had to have been an interesting conversation between her and her father.



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Really? if that is her dad darn he must have aged terribly, and No I was not that guy but someone has to explain to her the mechanics of how a relationship between a young lady and a Giant Psychic Brain in a jar is going to work.

That had to have been an interesting conversation between her and her father.
As much as he might like to think so, CK isn't Penny's boyfriend.

He's her patsy. The guy she goes to for help and training. The guy she'll mind-call at 3 in the morning to cry about how that hot-- and newly single-- Manticore is being mean to her and not paying attention to her ...

And CK will badly wish he had a mouth so he could get drunk.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Overall theme: "Who will rise?"
Plot threads:
- Statesmans death left a hole not only in the phalanx. He was the symbol, the face of Paragon Heroes. Even if devs let the player be that, many others still try to claim this mantle. Most of them unqualified, some hilariously so (Flambeaux! Dominatrix! Dreck!?).
- Penny Yin joins the Phalanx, tries to fit in and earn her place, with varying success. Players get to impart some Valuable Life Lessons instead of being her sidekicks.
- Redemption of Scirocco. Ice Mistral may go along or go rogue. One of the Mu guys replace him as patron. (Adding/Removing a patron is hard because it requires messing with the pools. Doing a text/model replace Scirocco->Mu'Mooo seems doable to me, especially if aiming for I25 timeframe. And having the First of Mu mystics give out Mu Mastery patron pool makes more sense than the current setup)
- Mynx joins Sands, Catgirl Mastery is added as 5th Patron Pool. Okay, not really.
- Recluse and Arachnos refocus on advancing their power, technology and influence instead of being obsessed with attacking Paragon. Join the fight against Praetoria/Battalion. But do not abandon their extreme darwinist ideology or ruthless approach.
- Ms. Liberty tries to reach out to Recluse. It fails, and causes a split between her and Longbow. A new, hardline leader rises to lead Longbow (Manticore?)
I'm expecting something like this.

But the one thing that I can say with utter, absolute certainty about SSA2 is that at least 60% of the feedback will be complaints about how bad the writing is, mostly supported by quotations from, interspersed with occasional complaints about how "player characters don't matter." (By the way, I'm convinced this would be true even if it were written by a coalition of geekdom darlings Neil Gaiman, Joss Whedon, and Terry Prachett's ghost, and was fully customizable by the player playing it.)

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
interspersed with occasional complaints about how "player characters don't matter."
I don't see how anyone could say the player didn't matter in SSA 1. Without your incompetence how could Miss Liberty, Sister Psyche (took two tries), and the big cheese himself, Statesman, get killed off?

Looking at it broadly you are to blame for everything after Synapse since you let Wade get away in #2. Monty didn't want him in his club and it totally wasn't suspicious having a known Rularuu nut (and ex-Midnighter) show up during a Rulu-shin attack (and not getting attacked by the attackers).

The player made all the difference in the world.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
In the LGTF, the King seemed to strike me as someone who could be redeemed if only he wasn't insane and/or misguided.
(emphasis mine)

Pretty big obstacle to overcome, though, innit?



I actually have a couple of questions about SSA 2's time-line.

1) Assuming it takes place in the game-lore after SSA 1 ended, will it allow us to play at lvl 50 from arc #1, meaning, would it allow us to canonically play with the same character that beat Who Will Die?

2) If the former isn't true, and early missions force us to exemplar to a lower level, are these new missions meant to be played by a freshly created PC or will they come with an explanation as to why the character that saved the world in Who Will Die would suddenly find himself / herself depowered?



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
I actually have a couple of questions about SSA 2's time-line.

1) Assuming it takes place in the game-lore after SSA 1 ended, will it allow us to play at lvl 50 from arc #1, meaning, would it allow us to canonically play with the same character that beat Who Will Die?

2) If the former isn't true, and early missions force us to exemplar to a lower level, are these new missions meant to be played by a freshly created PC or will they come with an explanation as to why the character that saved the world in Who Will Die would suddenly find himself / herself depowered?
Going by beta leaks, SSA2 will have missions set below 50.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Going by beta leaks, SSA2 will have missions set below 50.



I find it interesting that there are a lot of people who haven't yet realized that the "Signature" part of the the term "Signature Story Arc" refers to the various Signature Characters from the game.

That said, SSA #1 is done. Statesman and Malaise are dead, Positron has taken over the Freedom Phalanx, and Wade is probably wishing he was dead. Supposedly, there's a void in the FP with the death of Statesman, but Penelope Yin seems to have fill that void as the newest member.

SSA #2 probably won't start next month, but in May, after the 8 Year Anniversary for CoH is over. I expect it to focus on the FP sans Statesman, and end with the contest to place a player created character into the FP.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Terry Prachett's ghost
Are you predicting Terry Pratchett's death?
