Mexican government releases New Mayan Alien Artifacts for Documentary
Ya know...I really do want SOMETHING to happen on Dec. 21st*. If only to shock the world out of the self-destructive, malaisic path we are on. If said something happens to include green-skinned space babes with a penchant for geeks, then rock on.
Rock on indeed.
*I don't think anything is going to happen, but it would be neat if it did.
Originally Posted by workers for INAH [the National Institute of Anthropology and History
have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before.
"And we're letting this documentary film there, to see what has been discovered inside the pyramid." |
Yeah, looks like just a bunch of hyping for some monster quest style documentary nonsense.
Gotta love how this 'information' is so crucial to the planet, yet they plan on waiting until the last minute, when the hype over 2012 reaches its apex, to release it.
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State secrets = forgotten archives in museum basements covered in dust
Permission finally for outsiders... = Stop protecting domestic archeologists who don't have the resources to do their own work in time to coordinate with Tourism Board activities
Theatrical release before 12/12 = department of tourism knows an expiration date when it sees one
which some believe ... 3 million websites = feral idiots
statement recalled ... more archeological ... ordered not to talk mystical = we want tourists, not end-of-the-world crazy suiciding cultists, visiting
project similar to novel = Hollywood cash-in on exploiting the feral idiots
Mexican government is preparing to tell the world = spend your tourist dollars here!
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"as Mexico prepares to launch the far-reaching (and tourism-inducing) 2012 Mayan World Program."
That's all it's about.
Sounds more like the Mexican government is looking to cash in on the 2012 hype and nothing more.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

You know what they say: there's no such thing as bad press. I don't particularly hate mexico for any reason, so if they can take advantage of the situation I won't stop them.
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Sounds totally rational.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Sounds more like the Mexican government is looking to cash in on the 2012 hype and nothing more.
You know what they say: there's no such thing as bad press. I don't particularly hate mexico for any reason, so if they can take advantage of the situation I won't stop them.

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--{=====> Virtue ♀
Oh we all know there will be people who'll be dumb enough to travel to Mexico this December just to be in the "best place" to witness the End of the World. Sure it'll be an extra bunch of crazy/silly people for them to deal with, but if Mexico can make a few pasos off of them then I wish them all the luck with that.
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As for the artifacts, there's no denying a lot of those artifacts depict either the Mayans were visited by Aliens, or they were into Science Fiction stories.
I don't think its that dumb. Wheter it happens or not or you take it seriously or not, the possibility of the end of the world is the best excuse to throw a party. If it happens then you go out at least having a good time, if it doesn't then you celebrate the continued survival of the Earths inhabitants.

Hopefully enough people won't take this all -too- seriously. There was a popular belief in Europe that the world was going to end when the calendar clicked over to the year 1,000 AD. Apparently so many peasants were convinced that the world was ending that they didn't even bother to plant crops in the months leading up to it thinking it would be pointless. Of course when the world didn't end there were massive food shortages that next year.

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--{=====> Virtue ♀
I really wish the Mexican government would stop sharing my family's possessions all willy nilly for documentaries.
I am getting so many lulz from this, keep em coming
Oh we all know there will be people who'll be dumb enough to travel to Mexico this December just to be in the "best place" to witness the End of the World. Sure it'll be an extra bunch of crazy/silly people for them to deal with, but if Mexico can make a few pasos off of them then I wish them all the luck with that.
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Fight my brute
LOL who the hell does that? lets all go on a vacation .. lets hope we die! that sounds FUN!

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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--{=====> Virtue ♀
I take it you don't remember how many stupid things people did back when everyone was worried about "Y2K" ending the world. Trust me when I say there will be people dumb enough to travel to Mexico for this, even if it only becomes a big hippy party event like Innovator said.
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(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I don't doubt people will do this, and I would imagine there are already tourist agencies offering "End of the World" travel packages to the Yucatan or wherever. What's funny to me is that it's not like going to the Olympics, or taking a trip to see an eclipse or something. If the world really would end, you wouldn't have anyone to brag to that you were there when it happened. On the other hand, when the world doesn't end, all your friends will make fun of you by blowing a bunch of money on a trip to Mexico because you believed in the so-called prophecy, or whatever.

I suspect that the video is a well timed hoax mostly because of the documentary being released later this year, the video reportedly has nothing to to with the documentary in question.

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From the first Men in Black:
"Humans for the most part don't have a clue, they don't want one or need one. They think they have a good bead on things. Why the big secret, people are smart they can handle it. A person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals and you know it. 1500 years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago everybody knew the Earth was flat. 15 minutes ago you knew that people were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
Some people are likely going to get all worked up into a state of panic that will be reminiscent of the panic over Y2K. Everybody remember that little panic fest? People hoarding supplies, portable generators, etc. etc., all believing that some catastrophe was going to sweep over the planet. Guess what? No catastrophe, what a shocker....NOT.
There have been prophecies of doom and destruction spouted off by people over the centuries and guess what? The human race is still here. Then what makes me laugh is some of these crackpots that spout prophecies of doom attempt some lame "reexamining" of their data or visions or whatever (ill interpret it as going back into a medicinal/drug induced haze) and then come back with a "revised" vision of doom, and people still form up on people like this, donate money, time, whatever is needed to help "warn the masses" or "build a shelter" to ride out the doomsday scenario.
Now granted I'm not too keen on how the human race has treated planet Earth over the years, much less how the human race treats itself, but I honestly don't believe anything that says December 21, 2012 is the day humanity pays for its evil or any other such nonsense.
Once December 21, 2012 passes and we move into December 22, 2012 there will be someone, somewhere, that will state the Mayans miscalculatd by a day or a month or whatever, or they will come up with some tripe about an ancient Egyptian or Sumerian prophecy of doom that will be even worse then what the Mayans thought would come.
As far as this "documentary" that is being filmed......anyone else here remember Geraldo Rivera's "riveting special" about the locating and opening of "Al Capone's Vault"?
Remember the old saying "Nothing like the FACTS to get in the way of a good panic"?
I'm cool with whatever either way.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Some people are likely going to get all worked up into a state of panic that will be reminiscent of the panic over Y2K. Everybody remember that little panic fest? People hoarding supplies, portable generators, etc. etc., all believing that some catastrophe was going to sweep over the planet. Guess what? No catastrophe, what a shocker....NOT. |
Having a decent supply of canned, non-perishable foodstuffs? Great for waiting out blizzards or a drought putting pressure/price increase on food.
Home electricity generator? Again, blizzards or ice storms. We were without power for a week one winter due to a massive ice storm. Wouldn't want to go through that again.
Granted, there are people who go way overboard, like that Doomsday Preppers show, but a little preparation at the least can be useful for other situations. Besides, better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have a chance at getting it.

"They" can make all the claims about doomsday they want.
It's still not going to make staff fighting come out any sooner.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
For those that don't want to read here is an interesting video of it. Complete with pics, artifacts, etc.. The video explains it all really well.
Some of this is creepy - I know this is a really odd topic to post here, but it was interesting to watch so figured what the hell,.. note* in the Youtube vid click on "show more" under the description to see other links that are proof of what they say.
I'm a nay sayer to a point but it was still interesting to see that stuff..
The information -- protected for 80 years -- is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as "shocking," producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap.
The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world.
The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations.
"The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another," tourism minister for the Mexican state of Campeche Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado told TheWrap. "In the site at Calakmul (pictured below right), workers for INAH [the National Institute of Anthropology and History] have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before.
"And we're letting this documentary film there, to see what has been discovered inside the pyramid."
Julia-Levy (above) said he'd been made aware of the secret Mayan information by former Mexican president Vicente Fox -- a friend of his family -- and that it took four years of phone calls to finally get the OK from current president Felipe Calderon.
"This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico," said Julia-Levy. "This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it's important for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us."
The English-language documentary will be directed by Juan Carlos Ruflo (whose other films include the 2006 Sundance winner "In the Pit"), and will begin shooting later this year. Elbert said the filmmakers are talking to investors and waiting for the government to give them their first look at the material and the site.
One big condition from the Mexican government was that the film get an initial theatrical release, which is planned for next fall, said Ed Elbert who is co-producing along with Julia-Levy and Sheila M. McCarthy and executive producer Eduardo Vertiz.
"It has to be released before the end of the Mayan calendar, which is Dec. 21, 2012," said Julia-Levy.
Thats the date that the Mayan calendar -- which some believe predicts a worldwide cataclysm -- comes to the end of a 5,126-year cycle, and resets for another cycle.
Julia-Levy has been specifically ordered not to talk about any of the more mystical possibilities that might strain credulity as Mexico prepares to launch the far-reaching (and tourism-inducing) 2012 Mayan World Program.
At one point, Rosado was quoted in a press release talking about contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials. That statement has been recalled, and Rosado now paints this as a simpler, more archaeological-oriented documentary.
"At the moment, talk of the Mayans is a big thing," Rosado said. "We've counted over 3 million websites talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, and we have been contacted by a lot of producers who want to come and film on our sites."
The project is similar in some ways to a novel Julia-Levy was writing, variously entitled "Chronicles of the Mayan Tunnel" and "Secrets of the Mayan Time Machine." He and co-producer Elbert were also going to make a 3D movie from that novel starring him and Wesley Snipes, he said in the summer of 2010.
Several reports from that time said the novel was being written with the help of "secret information" never before released by the Mexican government. But in their conversations with TheWrap, Julia-Levy and Elbert dismissed that project as a "Harry Potter"-style piece of fiction with no connection to the current documentary.
That film has been set aside, they said, because Snipes is serving a prison sentence for tax evasion. "We put that film on hold," said Elbert. "Dollar-wise, this documentary might be smaller, but it is based on the release of new and important knowledge from the Mayans."
Asked if the movie will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, Julia-Levy declined to elaborate.
"I'm not allowed to speak about that," he said. "Everything is going to come out in time, but I can't comment on aliens or on 2012.
"I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we've been handling the planet."
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