Wait, beast masters roar?
I don't know if this will work, but the power Tough from the fighting pool has a really really lame howl when you turn it on. That howl can be cancelled out if you jump when you activate Tough, maybe the same thing will work with the Beast Mastery powers you don't like.
I don't know if this will work, but the power Tough from the fighting pool has a really really lame howl when you turn it on. That howl can be cancelled out if you jump when you activate Tough, maybe the same thing will work with the Beast Mastery powers you don't like.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
if there isn't one...I wouldn't mind a no fx option...
you don't have to be feral, you are just speaking in their language
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
To be honest, what concerns me the most is the thick, yellow breath that the character lets out on summoning, um... The lions? Can those colours even be customized? Like, the animal fur colours? Or at least their breath, like the Dark colours of Necromancy can?
The summoned pets are not color customizable. The wolves are always grey. The lionesses are always tan. And the Dire Wolf is always white.
The attack pets (bees, hawk, and raven swarm) are color customizable. So, for example, the bee swarm can be fushia, the hawk neon pink, and the ravens aqua blue.
In order to command the beasts, you must be able to speak to the beasts.
I just teamed with a friend of mine's Beast Master, and something strange struck me about the set. When his heroine, costumed the theme of a semi-feral person, summoned her minions, she would do so by growling or howling and ejecting a thick, coloured breath that was very similar to what the wolves and lionesses themselves ejected when they roared or howled. I'm not sure if it should have, but this surprised me, because it suggests to me that the art team's vision of a "beast master" is a character who is a beast himself and this... Really isn't the first thing that popped up in my head when I saw screenshots of the set. Even the elk horns lady on the splash screen advertising the set looked more to me like a barbarian than a feral human.
well, themes are what you make of them really. the elk lady struck me as a shamen, so she would be communicating with the animals by calling on their spirits/ some old pact with their ancestors in their language. there would also be the tarzan yell for both wild men/women and for big game hunter "craven" types that learned their tricks. finally, for the science types types, you could put them in some sort of psi amplifying helmet where the roars are simply their words being translated into something the animals understand, mixed with some sort of dominant body posture marking that the caller is the boss. heck, the cloud could even be soem sort of pheremone dispersal from the helmet to convince them that the wearer is the dominant pack leader.
Uhmm.. ignore it??
I mean it only happens for 2 seconds when you summon your pets...
Alter your concept slightly?
Is this an RP thing?? I am not trying to seem obtuse... I just don't get why it matters. I read people's bios etc, but am not into RP. I read a very interesting bio from a Demon Summoning MM that they release the demons from within themselves...and never did it cross my mind to think something like "haha your demons are coming from the ground not your body..."
Like I said not trying to be mean or cynical...I just fail to see why it truly matters...or why your original concept doesn't apply - to me a concept is something that tells me about the character and not about how the animations work.
I just teamed with a friend of mine's Beast Master, and something strange struck me about the set. When his heroine, costumed the theme of a semi-feral person, summoned her minions, she would do so by growling or howling and ejecting a thick, coloured breath that was very similar to what the wolves and lionesses themselves ejected when they roared or howled. I'm not sure if it should have, but this surprised me, because it suggests to me that the art team's vision of a "beast master" is a character who is a beast himself and this... Really isn't the first thing that popped up in my head when I saw screenshots of the set. Even the elk horns lady on the splash screen advertising the set looked more to me like a barbarian than a feral human.
I didn't manage to get a very good look at the set, and considering I'm going to have to pay very real money to get this, I want to ask this ahead of time: Is Beast Mastery really designed around the concept of the beast master being a feral or animal character? Can this be played any other way, such as a wizard commanding animals with mind control or a scientist controlling animals "MIT SCIENCE!" or so? I ask because the character I originally intended to use for Beast Mastery since the time I'd only just heard the name and didn't know anything about the set was just that - a scientist using scientific mind control to steal the minds of animals, using them as a tool to remove all humans from the planet. Granted, the scientist himself is a genetically engineered, super-smart animal in power armour, so I guess the growls and howls will still work coming out of a lion-head character's mouth, but I was hoping to use the set for something else besides just that. So how far can I stray from The Beastmaster without having to pretend what's happening on the screen isn't actually happening? |
Yes, the breath-call/summoning animation is color customizable. You can minimize the colors to near-invisible or make it so bright no one can miss it.
It's a concept thing. I'm willing to stretch what's on the screen to great extents so long as I can still have some sort of claim over it. For instance, I can pretend something that looks like fire, spreads like fire and deals fire damage is nevertheless "a tangible energy of destruction" just because it mostly behaves like fire anyway. However, I can't take a character who's shooting bullets out of a rifle and claim he's actually an archer because there's simply no way I can spin this. It looks like a rifle, it sounds like a rifle, it shoots hitscan bullets. It's a rifle. Maybe it's an alien rifle, maybe it's a steampunk rifle, but it's still a rifle.
What I can and can't spin defines what characters I can and can't create. In the case of Beast Mastery, I find the feral beast master to be a very uninspiring concept just because essentially everyone has one. I don't have a problem with people using it, of course, but I want something that's different, and a scientist controlling animals ala Dr. Animo is at least slightly different. This, it turns out, is something I can't do because my scientist would have to growl, which in turn diminishes the arrogance and finesse inherent in making the character a scientist to begin with.
What I CAN do - and I'm lucky in this regard - is create a power-armour-wearing scientist who is also an animal, for whom it would be natural to growl, though perhaps not howl. The character in question, whose design I've not yet worked on, will be essentially a lion-head person, so that's one possible implementation. That, however, is practically the only one I can think of at the moment that is still in keeping with the way the set is presented, or at least with the way I've seen it when used.
Tangentially, this is related to the problem with Demon Summoning and depicting the demons as clearly mystical, to be summoned via mystical rituals and mystical sigils. BABs explained this by insisting that regardless of what our characters' means of control over the demons might be, the demons are still magical in terms of their own origin. I can't quite explain why I have less of a problem with a scientist using magic sigils to summon demons, but I suppose it's easier to say said scientist learned the ritual as it is to say he learned to growl, just because magic is a form of knowledge where as growling is a type of skill.
That's a tad like saying a scientist learned martial arts and the art of guerilla warfare. Sure, it's not at all impossible, but it diminishes the concept of a scientist who's generally defined as being physically less capable, which he makes up for with science. And even then, Demons being so obviously mystical does get in the way of presenting them as robots or genetically-engineered monsters, thus getting in the way of said Demons Mastermind being anything other than of the Magic origin. Yes, I'm aware many people have just these concepts (which is why I quoted them) but we each have a different level of tolerance for disregarding things shown on the screen. I could never use Dark Armour for sand, for instance, but many have.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
if you command thugs do you think you tell them orders in their language?
You are also making a fairly large leap of logic that "controlling" animals requires speaking with them, especially for things like Dire Wolves which aren't real animals. It's about as unsafe an assertion as asserting that to control Robotics minions, I need to speak to them because they're voice-activated. Circus trainers and animal wranglers do a very good job of "controlling" animals through the use of whips, sticks and body language without needing to meow at the cats and and trumpet at the elephants.
I can see summoning demons through a ritual just because that's so deeply ingrained popular culture as the way demons come into our world. Is roaring at lions as deeply ingrained a means of communicating with animals? I don't remember Ma-Ti's power of heart requiring him to do any of this. He generally just spoke to his ring in fake-accent English and the animals understood. Aren't we missing the opportunity to finally make Heart a worthwhile power?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I still don't see how that's relevant. Ninja Masterminds don't speak with their henchmen. Hell, almost nothing in the entire game uses voice at all.
Furthermore, are we really equating speaking with animals to speaking with humans? Especially considering most of these animals communicate via scent and body language as much as they do by sound, if not more so?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I don't know if this will work, but the power Tough from the fighting pool has a really really lame howl when you turn it on. That howl can be cancelled out if you jump when you activate Tough, maybe the same thing will work with the Beast Mastery powers you don't like.
{}... .-
Not necessarily. My character's mouth doesn't move and it does not exhaust a foul, dense breath. This could simply be voice coming OUT of the radio.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."
That's good to hear. Are the corresponding breath colours on the actual pets colour-customizable, too? Going back to Necromancy, if I swap my summons colours to a sickly toxic green like I did for Iprit, then not only do I summon my henchmen with effects of this colour, but they also shoot their own Dark Blasts in that same colour. Is that how it works for Beast Mastery?
Here are links to screenshots (I used primary color G6 and secondary color N6 for you on these examples):
Call Swarm
Summon Wolves (pets have no inherent breath aura)
Call Hawk
Train Beasts
Call Ravens
Summon Lions (pets have no inherent breath aura)
Fortify Pack
Summon Dire Wolf
Tame Beasts
Summon Wolves w/ Train Beasts and Summon Lions w/ Train Beasts
Summon Wolves and Summon Lions w/ Fortify Pack
If you want more than that just PM me to arrange to meet in-game on Freedom and I'll play with whatever color/buff options you'd like to see/hear.
I just teamed with a friend of mine's Beast Master, and something strange struck me about the set. When his heroine, costumed the theme of a semi-feral person, summoned her minions, she would do so by growling or howling and ejecting a thick, coloured breath that was very similar to what the wolves and lionesses themselves ejected when they roared or howled. I'm not sure if it should have, but this surprised me, because it suggests to me that the art team's vision of a "beast master" is a character who is a beast himself and this... Really isn't the first thing that popped up in my head when I saw screenshots of the set. Even the elk horns lady on the splash screen advertising the set looked more to me like a barbarian than a feral human.
I didn't manage to get a very good look at the set, and considering I'm going to have to pay very real money to get this, I want to ask this ahead of time: Is Beast Mastery really designed around the concept of the beast master being a feral or animal character? Can this be played any other way, such as a wizard commanding animals with mind control or a scientist controlling animals "MIT SCIENCE!" or so?
I ask because the character I originally intended to use for Beast Mastery since the time I'd only just heard the name and didn't know anything about the set was just that - a scientist using scientific mind control to steal the minds of animals, using them as a tool to remove all humans from the planet. Granted, the scientist himself is a genetically engineered, super-smart animal in power armour, so I guess the growls and howls will still work coming out of a lion-head character's mouth, but I was hoping to use the set for something else besides just that. So how far can I stray from The Beastmaster without having to pretend what's happening on the screen isn't actually happening?