Wait, beast masters roar?
That doesn't sound like a 'Beastmaster' though...that sounds like a very cruel person with no heart if he can't appreciate a kitty or a puppy.
I ask because the character I originally intended to use for Beast Mastery since the time I'd only just heard the name and didn't know anything about the set was just that - a scientist using scientific mind control to steal the minds of animals, using them as a tool to remove all humans from the planet. |
To me, a Beastmaster is a person who talks to animals. Naturally (the literal meaning of that word) you'd do that in their language.
That isn't to say I wouldn't support simple summoning animations like a special whistle or something.
The howls are color-customizable. My beastmaster is 'Predators Inc.', who is just a guy in a business suit (the beasts run the company, he just does anything that needs opposable thumbs.) I made the howl as hard-to-see as possible but I couldn't make it completely go away.
New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.
Sometimes they talk back, but they never make any sense.
To command something around like a MasterMind does implies that they can communicate with that which they are commanding. If Sam doesn't believe me, he can try giving an order to an inanimate object, and see how well that works. With robots it might be more akin to how computers communicate (which still counts), and I'm not sure what's going on with zombies. But then again that's necromancy and so that makes it a form of magic. So there you are!
But as far as animals are concerned... well, of course they communicate; lions and wolves in particular. If they couldn't communicate somehow with one another, then they would not be able to survive as a species. That's how and why humans first learned to communicate with each other BTW, just like every other primate. It's just that in the past hundreds of thousands of years, we've kind of dialed that up to eleven.