Discussion: EB's, AV's, and Challenge in Missions

Agent White



I feel "challenge" is a misnomer here. Either that, or it's too broad and undefined a term. Personally, I don't want my gameplay to be so much "challenging" as I want it to be "engaging," and there is a subtle but very real difference. I don't want to get mired into discussing challenge, so let me explain what I mean by "engaging."

To me, engaging content is content which requires my active participation at all times, and also often requires my reaction, all of this in order to succeed. This doesn't have to be anything too difficult, either numerically or logically, just so long as I'm expected to do something, where not doing it will not allow me to succeed. Additionally, I want it to require me to explicitly NOT do something, where doing it will also prevent me from succeeding. I actually have two examples, one bad and one good.

The bad example is the new Galaxy City Tutorial. This is easily the game's most unengaging part because the whole task essentially plays itself. I can't die, so I can't do anything wrong, I don't have to fight the Giant Shivan because Vanguard jets will kill it anyway, and all else I need to do is take down three enemies and click on a person. It presents me with a lot of flash and fanfare, but it requires me to actually DO almost nothing.

The good example is Marshal Jason Blitz in the hero-side SSA3. This is easily one of the game's most entertaining battles, even though it's not all that difficult, or wasn't for me, anyway. The reason it's engaging is because Blitz changes tactics several times and the things I need to do to defeat him, or at least get to the next boss stage, change accordingly. I first need to break machines while under fire, then defeat an elite boss, then choose to either fight a tough, flying elite boss or activate glowies while under fire, and then fight an elite boss again. If I don't react to the situation, if I don't act accordingly, I will not win. If I attack Blitz while he's invincible, I CANNOT win because he takes no damage. I need to stop mashing buttons for a moment and actually think on the spot.

This, to me, is the solution to making more engaging gameplay - simply put more for the players to actually do than mashing buttons and staring at their power trays. Have something in the environment that I need to react to, but give me a WIDE margin for error on it. Not an insta-death patch on the ground that kills me if I don't react immediately, but more a boss who goes invincible until I do something specific, like the Lord of Winter. Have non-numbers-related dangers that I need to be aware of. Perhaps a pool of lava that I shouldn't stand in, perhaps a machine I need to be close to for protection, or perhaps the radiation-resistance bubbles from Terra Volta. Have bosses change up tactics, but don't have then do it too often. By all means, have a Fake Nemesis throw up a PFF and summon reinforcements if you feel it will add to the experience.

The whole point is I don't need to be challenged. I need to be engaged. I need to feel like my full attention is required and like my higher brain functions actually matter in the game beyond crunching numbers and planning builds in Mids'.

People have badmouthed new Stalkers a lot, but to me, they're one of the most engaging ATs around since the latest changes. They require me to be aware of not just my Hidden status, but they also require me to be aware of Assassin's Focus and the availability of Assassin's Strike, which in turn requires me to be aware of which powers are how likely to score a Focus buff, this lending more importance on my choice of power to use than "What's next in my pre-planned attack chain." It is when the game becomes a routine, an endless repetition of the same fight over and over again with no need for taught or judgement that it starts to become boring.

Hard or easy, a routine game is boring. Hard or easy, an engaging game can still engage.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've always thought, since the game first came out, that one thing CoH really missed was having a stable of "generic" villains for hire like you see in the comics that go from faction to faction just for the money.

When the safeguard missions came, and you put the rogues gallery of villains in there, I thought that finally there would be a push in that direction and that maybe we'd have a chance of seeing them in other places. But this never happened.

To that end I'd recommend creating a rogue's gallery of super villains . You can make them scale in level as needed or just have different villains that appear at different levels. With this system you could beef up the encounter fights that you think need it, while also making the encounter more colorful and breaking the GIJOE/COBRA mentality that seems to be in every faction in the game. You could also do random spawns called "heists" with special rewards and give people a reason to patrol . You could add all the new villains to the safeguards as well. I'd give a badge for each individual super-villain in the rogue's gallery and make it fun trying to collect them all.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

The good example is Marshal Jason Blitz in the hero-side SSA3. This is easily one of the game's most entertaining battles, even though it's not all that difficult, or wasn't for me, anyway. The reason it's engaging is because Blitz changes tactics several times and the things I need to do to defeat him, or at least get to the next boss stage, change accordingly. I first need to break machines while under fire, then defeat an elite boss, then choose to either fight a tough, flying elite boss or activate glowies while under fire, and then fight an elite boss again. If I don't react to the situation, if I don't act accordingly, I will not win. If I attack Blitz while he's invincible, I CANNOT win because he takes no damage. I need to stop mashing buttons for a moment and actually think on the spot.

I just have to quote this because when I played it I had the same feeling. It's a great great boss fight and if all those EBs in DA where engaging fights like this I probably wouldn't even care that there is almost no AVs there.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I'm not ignoring Domination, I'm saying that it doesn't seem to help.
Ah. You had said...
I know that when I'm on a Dominator there is no real point in trying even with Domination up
I took that to mean you don't bother with it.

I can't remember being able to mez an EB ever, with or without domination, unless I have other doms/controllers on the team.
That's just really odd. I am playing a Mind/Rad Controller and I am definitely mezzing EBs. In fact, in playing through the 40s arcs that contain lots of AV/EBs who I have set to appear as EBs, I mez them every time their PToDs go down, and my single-target hold is slotted for damage, not duration.

EBs are harder to mez than bosses (or AVs with their PToDs down), but they are definitely mezzable. What can be an issue is if the EBs have any extra mez protection (above what they get for being EBs) or mez resistance, the added base mez can make them much harder than, say, a boss, to successfully stack enough magnitude on them to overcome the protections. An EB version of a Fortunata Mistress is extremely hard to mez, for example. However, a Dominator seems to me like one of the best equipped ATs to pull off mezzing such critters, because of the extra stacking that Domination offers.

I would like EBs to work more like AVs; give them a temporary mez protection like the purple triangles, but not as powerful as an AV's and being up only for 1/3rd of the time instead of 1/2 the time. Then reduce the EB inherent mez immunity down to normal Boss standards. That should suffice.
Just FYI in case it affects your suggestion, PToDs are actually up 2/3 of the time, not 1/2. They are up 50s out of every 75.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Can there be a new 'extremely easy' option? I... I have empaths and bad building skills.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



I feel like I missed something that was discussed elsewhere, because I don't really understand the question. I mean, currently, you can increase number of foes, increase level of foes, and scale down/include AVs/Bosses.

What kind of challenge do we want to make that isn't included in one of those options?



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Ok, make it 30 out of 60 seconds for EBs.
Or not use PToDs at all, because it is a lousy, kludgy mechanic.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



I'm very nervous about this discussion due to recent personal experience with an Elite Boss/Hero.

Everyone's pushing for More and Harder as the baseline. Personally I found even the current default frustrating enough. Thanks to class and skills, I was chewed up and spit out repeatedly. I had what I should have in terms of powers and slotting, but it was not enough thanks to sheer HP and damage from the target. The character could handle all else quietly.

That isn't a thing that should be. I would be very wary of difficulty changes when different classes can have so much of a different time vs a target thanks to choices they made right at the beginning in all innocence. The majority here are VIP, the guides and such are also built so. Effectively they are certainly the high-end with masses of Infamy and high-powered gear. The low-end should not be forgotten.

No matter what is done, a lot of testing is required. Multiple levels, multiple Origins, variable slottings, variable amounts of Inspirations used during it, solo AND team. Everyone who is forced into fighting Elites must have good odds.

That's all I care about. Difficulty can vary so wildly that such must be taken into account.



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
I'm very nervous about this discussion due to recent personal experience with an Elite Boss/Hero.

Everyone's pushing for More and Harder as the baseline.
Actually, many of us are aiming for the baseline to stay where it is, with optional ways to make things more interesting and challenging (which are not really the same thing as "more difficult", as Samuel pointed out). My earlier post, for example, called for the devs to avoid the "higher hit points" = "more challenge" trap that has periodically plagued the game.

Dr. Aeon seems to be on board with this, since he said
Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Absolutely, to re-iterate, the goal with this is to not force new difficulty on solo players who are playing on regular settings. A great example is the Civic Squad one; a solo player on normal settings still fights only 1 member of the Civic Squad, but a player on a higher difficulty will see more.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The bad example is the new Galaxy City Tutorial. This is easily the game's most unengaging part because the whole task essentially plays itself. I can't die, so I can't do anything wrong, I don't have to fight the Giant Shivan because Vanguard jets will kill it anyway, and all else I need to do is take down three enemies and click on a person. It presents me with a lot of flash and fanfare, but it requires me to actually DO almost nothing.

Agreed, I find the final battle against the Giant Shivan so anti-climatic it's not even funny.

The good example is Marshal Jason Blitz in the hero-side SSA3. This is easily one of the game's most entertaining battles, even though it's not all that difficult, or wasn't for me, anyway. The reason it's engaging is because Blitz changes tactics several times and the things I need to do to defeat him, or at least get to the next boss stage, change accordingly. I first need to break machines while under fire, then defeat an elite boss, then choose to either fight a tough, flying elite boss or activate glowies while under fire, and then fight an elite boss again. If I don't react to the situation, if I don't act accordingly, I will not win. If I attack Blitz while he's invincible, I CANNOT win because he takes no damage. I need to stop mashing buttons for a moment and actually think on the spot.

I would have to disagree a bit here. Now I haven't done this arc/mission in a good month or two but here's my thoughts about it.

Remembering that fight, it was boring to me. Click a glowie (two glowies?) to make him vulnerable? Meh, pop a few purples and no worries. To be honest I don't think I even did that...can't remember.

Fight the EB till he dies/goes away. The helicopter 'fight' is interesting but...clicking on 3 glowies to defeat the helicopter was easy and not really 'fun'...

If somehow we could click on the rocket launchers and then actually take control of the rockets/turrets (like in almost any FPS game out there) then that'd be fun! Somehow I don't think that will happen in this game.

I don't mind some fights where you have to stop fighting the main EB/AV to blow up/click on a glowy to make him "vulnerable" again but...again to me that's tedious and boring.

I will say that I think there should be an "even easier" setting than what we can do now. -1x0 and no bosses & AVs is nice but for those toons that can't handle a long drawn out fight with an EB....maybe have that -2 option or even a "no EB" option.

Less risk, less reward (for defeating a mob that's supposed to be an AV/EB) but...hey...if it helps people...why not?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Just was thinking now about the Giant Shivan fight in the tutorial.

"How can you make it less anti-climatic/make the toon feel powerful instead of the Longbow jets killing the shivan?"

Well, it wouldn't be too feasible for you to take it down yourself...that'd unrealistic...if a lvl 1-2 can take something that big down....why not just lvled to 50 and start incarnate stuff?

So if that's out...why not have the longbow jets/copters make the Shivan vulnerable to the toon's damage?

Okay not bad but...still "have to wait for something to happen to actually do damage to the enemy" thing going for it. A better option I guess...but...

Why not have multiple glowies in a big fight like that? Have the glowies do different things? 1 would activate some turrets, 1 would activate some kind of slime that would cause different debuffs, etc....


So maybe with other missions, have something like that? While fighting the EB/AV, you don't have to click on the glowies but maybe it'd make the fights go faster or, maybe you do have to click on the glowies but have ambushes continue to attack you...*shrugs*


Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



[QUOTE=Dr. Aeon;4155966]Hey everyone!

I wanted to start a discussion between me, one of your loving mission designers, and you all, the loving people of the forums. The point is to discuss challenge in mission content and how to make things challenging for solo players, small teams, and large teams, without just turning on and off the AV button. That's not to say that we can't still turn on and off the AV button for future content, however. There was an excellent example in a previous thread of how to make things more interesting with a fight, which was that instead of the EB scaling up to an AV, the EB has more EB allies to make things interesting for a full team. I thought this was a great idea, and I’d love to hear more. What we’re basically going for is...QUOTE]

The multiple EB thing is a great idea for teams. I didn't read the whole thread. So I'm sorry if someone else already suggested this. To expand on the idea...

1. Multiple EB's require them to be fought at the same time. Otherwise, dwindling health on 1 EB, could boost the health of another random EB. The health boost could switch to different EB's at any time and without notice.

2. Instead of health, you could do this with EB powers. The more the health dwindles, the EB gets access to more damaging powers. Sort of like the EB panicking because he is going to lose.

3. Maybe a random EB with attach itself to a random person on the team and has access to some of their powers.



The Tutorial is awful. The Giant Shivan battle is absolutely terrible. Embarrassingly bad IMO. I always park in front of it, /em chicken, and go make a cup of tea, and come back to find myself at the heli.

The Marshall Blitz fight in the SSA is fantastic. More of this kind of stuff please. The fight against the Chosen One (or whatever he's called) in the Abyss in the other SSA is awful, on the other hand. Just another toe-to-toe slogfest of who's got the most regen. One of the things i really love about the Marshall Blitz fight is it's entertaining and reminiscent of the 'gimmicky' trials, but it is soloable.

Which brings me to my personal hobby horse.

If you're going to look into making content approproately challenging for solo/small team/big teams, why not go the other way and make TFs challenging but doable for soloers too?

Or if that's got the anti-solo crowd spluttering in horror, at least remove the start minimums so that we can decide for ourselves wether or not we want to go for it.

It's about time those minimums disappeared. They don't really fit with the new 'player choice' ethos of the game.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Remembering that fight, it was boring to me. Click a glowie (two glowies?) to make him vulnerable? Meh, pop a few purples and no worries. To be honest I don't think I even did that...can't remember.
The Blitz fight goes like this:

Stage 1: He's invulnerable, with four machines making it so. He's completely active and WILL kill you if you let him. You need to destroy - not click, destroy - four machines that are making him invulnerable. A lot like the Ajax fight for Dean McArthur.

Stage 2: Standard EB fight. Blitz is vulnerable and will fight until his health drops to 0.

Stage 3: The Black Helicopter arrives, Blitz disappears. The black helicopter is quite difficult to take down, and it's also constantly flying which makes fighting it with something that doesn't have ranged attacks or flight (like what I fought it with) difficult. You can either beat it down conventionally, or click on launchers around the site which take a large chunk out of its health, provided you're not interrupted.

Stage 4: Another conventional EB fight, with Blitz starting at 50% health. He fights to 0 hit points and that ends the fight for good this time.


As I said before, Blitz not a difficult fight, not really. What he is, however, is an engaging fight, especially the first time I run it. It's not JUST a question of surviving enough damage to get enough time to deal enough damage to beat an enemy's regeneration. It requires me to actually analyse the situation, learn what I need to do and then do it. At the same time, it does not instantly penalise me if I fail. I don't have to instantly know where the invulnerability generators are and destroy them immediately, because the margin for error is quite generous and I have the opportunity to look for them. I don't have to instantly know I have to take down the Black Helicopter with the launcher, because I don't die right away if I don't do it.

Moreover, it's a custom, interesting, unusual boss fight. It's a lot like that Nemesis fight I've been suggesting for years, where you fight the boss down to 75%, he runs away behind a door that you have to break down with enemies pouring in, then he fights to 50% and becomes invincible and you have to break down four machines with enemies pouring in, then he fights to 25% where he powers up and then he finally goes down. The point was that it's not just a fight against an enemy who has very high stats. It's a fight that's actually custom-made, almost like an old MegaMan boss.

Contrast Blitz against something like Khan's Reichsman. The man has a million billion hit points and four AVs. Essentially, you have one giant pool of hit points, regeneration and damage to deal with, and it's easily the game's most boring fight by a very wide margin.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As I said before, Blitz not a difficult fight, not really. What he is, however, is an engaging fight, especially the first time I run it. It's not JUST a question of surviving enough damage to get enough time to deal enough damage to beat an enemy's regeneration. It requires me to actually analyse the situation, learn what I need to do and then do it.
I found it to be fairly difficult on a couple of my characters that had limited/no status protection or defense. It took a number of runs back from the hosp on my Warshade and my Ice/Time controller. The WS didn't have much around him to leach from, and when he was in dwarf to avoid being held he really wasn't capable of a whole lot of damage (just not built for it). My controller had to rely on purples and break frees, and didn't have enough to last all phases of the fight (maybe if she was completely packed with tier 3 insps, but that wasn't the case).

I did ultimately succeed, but it sure wasn't easy.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Essentially, you have one giant pool of hit points, regeneration and damage to deal with, and it's easily the game's most boring fight by a very wide margin.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I found it to be fairly difficult on a couple of my characters that had limited/no status protection or defense. It took a number of runs back from the hosp on my Warshade and my Ice/Time controller. The WS didn't have much around him to leach from, and when he was in dwarf to avoid being held he really wasn't capable of a whole lot of damage (just not built for it). My controller had to rely on purples and break frees, and didn't have enough to last all phases of the fight (maybe if she was completely packed with tier 3 insps, but that wasn't the case).

I did ultimately succeed, but it sure wasn't easy.
I was positive I'd qualified that as "for me," but it looks like I forgot I meant to say that he wasn't a very difficult fight for the character I tackled him with, who was a level 30-something Street Justice/Super Reflexes Scrapper. I can imagine he'd be harder for non-melee characters.

However, what I enjoyed about the fight wasn't the difficulty or lack thereof, but rather the intricacy of the combat script, which despite being quite complex, still did not require me to do know what to do ahead of time. I've often argued against "overly complex" gameplay, but that mostly has to do with the "homework" aspect of such, in that for things like Trials, I either need to know everything that's going to happen before I even start, or I need someone who knows directing me. With Blitz, I was able to get all the information I needed to end the fight from the fight itself. No homework, no preparation needed. It was - to me at least - the perfect combination of complexity that still let me improvise as I went along.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
However, what I enjoyed about the fight wasn't the difficulty or lack thereof, but rather the intricacy of the combat script, which despite being quite complex, still did not require me to do know what to do ahead of time. I've often argued against "overly complex" gameplay, but that mostly has to do with the "homework" aspect of such, in that for things like Trials, I either need to know everything that's going to happen before I even start, or I need someone who knows directing me. With Blitz, I was able to get all the information I needed to end the fight from the fight itself. No homework, no preparation needed. It was - to me at least - the perfect combination of complexity that still let me improvise as I went along.
Despite the difficulty, I *did* appreciate that. It was just a bear to actually do on those characters.

Another option may be to have a couple of possible tricks to choose from for a given fight, and you don't know which one you are going to get beforehand.

I am rerunning some of the DA arcs, and I could swear that one final EB fight did this, though I could just be getting a couple of arcs confused. But the first time through there was a mechanic similar to Blitz, where at X% health the EB became untouchable until you defeated some support mobs. The second time I did not encounter the support mobs, but was ambushed throughout the fight with the EB.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Long ago, I built a 'no debuff, just buff' challenge faction in AE, and presented it in my mission 209245. (Yes, they do have some debuffs too, but not much.)

It runs like this:

With small numbers of bad guys, the internal buffs they can generate are small, and they are fairly easy.

With large numbers of bad guys, the buffing mobs get all the enemies buffed, and they turn into beasts. BEASTS I TELL YOU.

An EB is fairly easy. And EB who has been buffed to have a 90 percent chance to hit and 90 percent resists to all...is not easy, even for a full team. Several of these get downright scary.

That being said: The rewards for defeating such enhanced foes should be commensurate with effort!


In Praetoria, you introduced the concept of 'neutral but attackable' foes with the yellow cons.

THIS IS A HUGE ADVANCE. Please utilize this moving forward. Have three-way encounters with 'uneasy allies'. They help you, until/unless you attack them, and then they attack you right back.

This gives a very badly needed downside to AOE damage, as well as staggering the aggro times.



I say still throw in the AVs. The AVs tend to be notable NPCs! I don't thinkw e face them enough!

EBs on the other hand can be some tough oppenents that don't have to be signature, but rather rough and tough nameless lackeys!

But more of them in! It'll encourage teaming or building to solo them! And if they can't solo the EBs but prefere to solo, plenty of missions already out there with no EBs!

Or make it a purely level 50 deal.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I'm wondering if it's possible to add a new rank for enemies.

Say, one level above EB, one below AV.

Call them 'Generals' and only have them spawn for those encounters you want a bit more challenge to, without the PtoD.
I Support This Suggestion.

There is a very very large gap between EB's and AV's. It would be darn handy to have a baddy class that clocks in at around 10,000 hp's and slots neatly between EB's and AV's on all their numbers.

Call them Villains, call them Captains, call them whatever you like, but it would greatly improve the 'tunability' of encounters. Your AV is too easy? Give him a pair of these guys as loyal bodyguards. (Think the old Bond villain Odd Job.)

Heck, just use standard bad guy models for them, and jazz them up with special colors or something.



Hi, Dr. Aeon.

There's a relatively simple mechanic found in Synapse's Task Force, where the team leader is given a one-shot temporary item that mezzes the Clockwork King for a while, the "Clockwork Immobilizer MkIV", making the fight much easier.

In theory, assuming the scaling number of EBs per team-member becomes feasible, a team of players would suddenly be forced to contend with multiple EBs instead of just one, with only one shot from their temp power to aid them. This would allow for interesting scenarios where the mission designer could significantly increase the difficulty of a fight without compromising its soloability (after all, the temp power works fine, as long as there's only one EB to defeat).

Barring that idea, network lag could be made to scale with each team-member, which would also raise the challenge of a fight



A gimmick based on the "activate simultaneously" mechanism: the enemy has high res to just about anything, but a weakness to a combination of two kinds of attacks that happens just about simultaneously, and if no other attacks happen at the same time. The two attacks are picked randomly from the team's available attack power pools and hinted in text as the players enter the mission.

If the two kinds of attacks, for instance some kind of Mind Control at the same time as some kind of Claws scrapper (picked randomly from the available powers of the team), and the fire tank has his aura turned off, then the weakness combo hits and the enemy's res drops dramatically for a short time.

For solo players, it could be a combo of one of the player's attacks and one of the villain's attacks - if those happen at the same time, the enemy's res drops dramatically.

Add a timer to it, or something else that happens at regular intervals, and you have a real incentive to discover the weakness mechanism.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"