Discussion: EB's, AV's, and Challenge in Missions

Agent White



It seems to me the simplest solution is to give the EBs an invincibility/against all odds style defence, except more significant.

Give them an aura power with a large range that boosts their resistance by 10% for every player in range. Soloing, the EB only has 10% resistance, nothing too troubling, against a full team of 8, they have 80% resistance. A lot tougher, but nothing a full team can't handle.
An important point would be to give it a much larger radius than invincibility and the like, otherwise a team of blasters could just keep out of range.

Another advantage of this would be that if you lose a member of the team, the boss actually gets easier. Nothing worse than losing half the team and then wiping completely because the battle just got impossible.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



1. Like the staged fights idea - just dont have the main target regen too much b/w stages
2. I always liked what you did with Vanguard Sword in RWZ, Resistance Blue side in the new Tina Mac miss (?) Tweeking the secondary effects of typical enemies is a nice surprize
3. More effective use of Lieutenant classes also maybe give them more powers and options. Give them effective offensive powers like you did Malta Sappers, or Vahlz with bombs, stealth and assassin strikes, radiation or other "high powered" debuffs. Soft-cap one or two in a mob of enemies due to "elite training." Some with one or two pets.
4. Give incarnate powers to lieuts on up in appropriate settings

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I run incarnate trials daily so I get that and respect it for the limited use it has been used for so far. A few tip missions and incarnates have the script thing going on. I think its limited and not creative in ways that an optional customized system as outlined above is not.

As long as they make any of this stuff optional I will be fine with whatever they do, I just think painting themselves into the scripted encounter corner is not the best use of developer time. Once folks figure out the script that "challenge" is over vs a new customized challenge each encounter.

I understand what you're saying, but your idea of a challenge seems to be different than mine. Bosses/EBs/AVs don't always equal challenge. More often than not, they equal frustration. Certain encounters' high levels of HP/regen/debuff resist/damage all combine to make for a very frustrating experience that ultimately end in relief that it's over and not actual enjoyment. That's been my own personal experience though, and primarily with older EBs/AVs. I've tried AVs and certain EBs solo and the strategy there ultimately ends up being to pop 4 lucks and try to kill it before they time out.




Let's see,... environmental hazards would add other challenges and fun. Examples include substations with electrical equipment everywhere (zap!), natural gas plant (cold to close leaks, fire to set em off), burning building (fire damage and collapsing floors), outdoor missions with lightning storm and high winds, aquatic missions with natural predators around, space missions no oxygen (new uses for the bubbler), jungle with poison plants or other debuffs, operational manufacturing facilities with dangerous equipment - all these will also lead to more fun for players in using the environment to their benefit for example knockback into a gas leak and ignite! It would also allow for more uses of some of the lesser used positional powers.

Use the Environment! Some of the mission I enjoy the most are the lava ones where I can find creative ways to use the lava while trying not to get into it myself.



Have you considered adding "time limit" as a way to make it more interesting?

Some examples:

1. An elite boss appears and you only have 30s-60s to kill him off. If you can't, the mission fails. This kind of scenario probably favors burst damage, which gives people more reason to pick Blaster/Stalker.

2. If an elite boss survives more than 30s, another elite boss appears.

3. You cannot hurt the elite boss until all the surrounding minions/bosses are killed off. If all the minions are not killed off before 30s, another group of minions show up. The ambush will only stacks up to 3 times and you have to clear all groups of minions until Elite can be killed.

I do feel the difference between an Elite and a real AV is pretty big. Is there any way to make Elite a bit strong but not as strong as AV for soloing or very small team play?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Here's something everyone would hate:

An enemy that can turn off half your powers =) All at random, and it would switch which powers are "off" every minute or so. Would not apply to Temp powers.

Enemies that deal direct, unavoidable damage when killed.

Enemies that "Respawn" with high resistance against the attack type that killed it last.

An enemy that can rearrange your UI >=)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
Use the Environment! Some of the mission I enjoy the most are the lava ones where I can find creative ways to use the lava while trying not to get into it myself.
An idea I've had for a fight was the floor turning into lava, with players stuck on the platforms. So an element of jumping puzzle there.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Here's something everyone would hate:

An enemy that can turn off half your powers =) All at random, and it would switch which powers are "off" every minute or so. Would not apply to Temp powers.

Enemies that deal direct, unavoidable damage when killed.

Enemies that "Respawn" with high resistance against the attack type that killed it last.

An enemy that can rearrange your UI >=)

You sir, are an evil, diabolical man.




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Here's something everyone would hate:

An enemy that can turn off half your powers =) All at random, and it would switch which powers are "off" every minute or so. Would not apply to Temp powers.

Enemies that deal direct, unavoidable damage when killed.

Enemies that "Respawn" with high resistance against the attack type that killed it last.

An enemy that can rearrange your UI >=)
Sounds Eternal Darkness-y. Just missing an attack that if it hits you brings up a screen-overlay of the login screen. :P



Another thing I would like is the ability to set these up in AE if at all possible. Like... a pack of mix-and-match generic "gimmicks" or powers for AVs or Giant Monsters or let's call them End Bosses to make custom endboss enemies.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



The point is to discuss challenge in mission content and how to make things challenging for solo players, small teams, and large teams, without just turning on and off the AV button.
Add a "Farm" Challenge Setting.

Little to no impact on the art team or powers team. The goal here is to come up with ideas that are easily applicable to several scenarios.
Buffs and debuffs trivialize a good portion of the content in this game. The best solution to making content for solo players and teams more challenging is to make the AI smarter. The easiest solution is to allow the players to do what farmers have done and are currently doing in the Mission Architect.

Farm Setting = 0
No change from regular settings.

Farm Setting = 1
Random spawns trigger random number of ambushes.

Farm Setting = 2
Random spawns and final boss triggers random number of ambushes.

Farm Setting = 3
All spawns and final boss trigger random number of ambushes, add in a ridiculous number of patrols.

Again, adding a "Farm" setting isn't the best solution. But if you cannot make the AI smarter and you can't give the AI tools to deal with the massive buffs and debuffs it will face, then give it more numbers.

Some people don't like the word farm so you would need to use a different word. But people, in general, feel super when they can mow down huge amounts of enemies.

Can you pack in enough enemies so that IO'd out soloists and "Super Teams" feel challenged (without defeating them with lag)?

Yeah, I just suggested the devs help me pack more Behemoths into my demon farm.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I understand what you're saying, but your idea of a challenge seems to be different than mine. Bosses/EBs/AVs don't always equal challenge. More often than not, they equal frustration. Certain encounters' high levels of HP/regen/debuff resist/damage all combine to make for a very frustrating experience that ultimately end in relief that it's over and not actual enjoyment. That's been my own personal experience though, and primarily with older EBs/AVs. I've tried AVs and certain EBs solo and the strategy there ultimately ends up being to pop 4 lucks and try to kill it before they time out.
Well I think the customization option kind of covers all types of challenges as that is the entire point of customization options.

If they could give the option for the types of scripted encounters mentioned AND more options to customize the EB/AV's then they could satisfy a lot more people that just having the regeneration machine in the rogue morality mission everytime for instance.

My further point is it takes more time to make missions a certain script as I see suggested here and that challenge of that same script ends once people figure it out just like the incarnate trials. Even if they give options for 5-6 types of scripts to be run in a given mission that's just 5-6 scripts people would learn, it's not rocket science.

The development time could be utilized in a much better way IMHO making a customized balanced type system vs a purely scripted encounter system.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
For my money, everything is already there. The enemy groups are hard enough on their own. Just have the big bad spawn with a hard group of 3 bosses and some change.

Blue Steel was a joke. Spawn him with a group of Kheldian Division PPD and it would have been harrowing.
Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Best part is, it scales by itself based on team size and it's already in the game.

If you're on +0/1, you get like two or four minions; that's not going to ruin the game for lower-end players.
for whatever my $0.02 is worth i 100% agree with this. i'm only through 3 of the 6 DA arcs so far on my scrapper but it seems fine so far. am running at +2x8 with AVs turned on.

perfect example of Demon's suggestion is the Black Scorpion fight (even though he actually does spawn as an AV). standing toe to toe trading punches with BS was not the most interesting or difficult part of that fight, it was running around with him chasing me trying to clean out the multiple +2x8 Arachnos spawns surrounding him before the stacked up psi and debuffs got out of control. same thing with Diabolique to a lesser extent, she spawns with some bosses around her that make it a more interesting.

i agree that spawning Blue Steel with some Kheld PPDs would make the fight both more interesting and WAY harder than just upgrading him to an AV. and as Demon said those scale already with the team size/difficulty settings so there's no big changes needed.

the only thing that has bothered me so far was the Reichsman/Requiem fight ... i was expecting to fight both AVs at once, and they both spawned as EBs, which was confusing and disappointing since i had AVs turned on, and they are definitely AV level characters everywhere else in the game. so i don't know if that was just a glitch or what, but in any case, lvl 52 Reichsman would have sucked to solo anyway so maybe the game actually saved me there :-P

and i know this has all been said already in the other thread, but since there is no harder setting in the game than AV except lvl 57 AV and +levels to infinity and beyond, if we get an AV at the end of nearly every mission it makes it much less cool when you do spawn and defeat one. if everything is an AV, nothing is... for someone like Blue Steel, does he really need AV lvl difficulty? he used to be a regulator but he's just a normal person I think, so an incarnate smashing his face in makes sense to me. (though since Manti gets to be an AV/Hero elsewhere maybe this is a bad argument).

but the point is, however you feel about that aspect of it, i think Demon has come up with a very good and easy solution here.



My post from the previous thread:

Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
The goal of Dark Astoria was to provide challenging content for solo players and small teams; upgrading these EB’s to be AV’s that scale down, at this point in development, has the risk of causing a number issues that could hamper this experience, which is something we want to avoid.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Irrespective of whether it happens in other instances, scaling EBs up has issues. Scaling *upward* always has issues, because things designed to be a particular rank tend to be more intrinsically powerful, separate from the rank scaling... That's not a good idea on its face. Is it worth creating that one problem to solve the alternate problem of the content in DA not scaling to larger or more powerful teams? Not in my opinion...

It sounds a bit to me like they need some sort of EB+ that is designed to be scaled up.

Say, add extra HP, some small resists, and a small damage buff for each extra person on the team. The EB+ is tougher than a regular EB, but doesn't give AV level rewards. But don't go further than that.

Don't increase debuffs or secondary effects, and don't push the total resistance to anything over 85% or so. You want to increase difficulty, not completely shut a team down.

You *might* increase the mez protection a bit, but probably not more than say +2 total for a full team. Just enough to require a bit of mez stacking.

The difficulty settings could affect this. Higher level difficulty results in a higher level EB+. Extra spawn (x2 to x8) results in an EB+ with the HP and resists and damage for that number of people. "Allow AVs" gives +2 to level, up to a maximum of 4 counting other level increases. But still no AV rewards.

So basically design a way to make EBs slightly tougher, without going all the way to AV, and without hard coding AV rewards either. I think you can get by with just a bit of scaling on the powers and such, without scaling everything.

I'm avoiding other ideas here, like adding gimicks to a fight, mostly because I don't think every single fight should have to have a gimick. And because trying to come up with a lot of gimicks might be difficult, and therefore result in poor quality.

I'm also avoiding "summons" or extra EBs, because I don't think that's going to add enough challenge to a fight, and it could be hard on the designers (folks showing up for no good story reason).



I hate increased challenge, whether by creep over time or deliberate mechanisms, even if player power creep happens. Therefore, I am against any and all complexity / power / difficulty / ally increase / objective increase changes ("tedium"). However, I am ok with them as long as it is something that I can leave disabled while still receiving the awards to which I have become accustomed. Also, the devs would need to be fair about what is considered baseline unavoidable difficulty, without moving the goalposts.

I play to enjoy the game, not to master tedious complexity or difficulty changes. I respectfully request that any implemented changes are optional while allowing me to continue enjoying the game as I have been doing.



Random AT Generation!
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Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Hey everyone!

I wanted to start a discussion between me, one of your loving mission designers, and you all, the loving people of the forums. The point is to discuss challenge in mission content and how to make things challenging for solo players, small teams, and large teams, without just turning on and off the AV button. That's not to say that we can't still turn on and off the AV button for future content, however. There was an excellent example in a previous thread of how to make things more interesting with a fight, which was that instead of the EB scaling up to an AV, the EB has more EB allies to make things interesting for a full team. I thought this was a great idea, and I’d love to hear more.
Is there any practicality to applying the scaling attributes used in iTrial AVs to lesser entities in standard content? A lot of ideas here are around making tougher EBs, but one of the problems with many implementations is that the toughness is static - a solo player gets the same EB that a team of 8 does. It would be nice if at least truly significant entities in story arcs and TFs could scale a bit more with team size, so that even "just" and EB ended up with a touch more staying power against a full team. I know that the iTrial AVs do this already, and am wondering if it has value in standard content.

Edit: If this actually obeyed the "I'm equivalent to X heroes/villains", that could make for some extremely harrowing fights for "uber" characters, even just with EBs, and maybe even some bosses.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



On a more serious note, the idea of a mob of EBs instead of a single AVs is good - but it could cause story problems if the mob size scales, unless the EBs are more generic.
For example, if a fight against the 5th Column can involve between 1-3 EBs depending on the team size, then it might be better to have, say Requiem and up to 2 EB henchmen, rather than, say, Requiem, Vandal and Nosferatu, otherwise you'd have a story where Requiem was a definite feature, but Nosferatu and Vandal might or might not also feature in it, which would create a situation where the only way to expereince the full story would be to be on a team big enough to spawn all the EBs.
Actually... why not have an EB bring his friends to play? There's already mechanics to show that when someone gets to a certain level of health they call on help (Return of the Reichsman/Dr. Kahn TF).

Do the AVs (Ghost Widow, Scirocco, etc) have EB versions or are those just scaled down AVs?
Regarding "more EBs in larger teams". Internet, correct me if I'm wrong but CityOf already has that. The mission where Westin Phipps sends the player against Civic Squad. There are 2-3 bosses (possibly downscaled to LTs) for a solo player and up to 6 (I think) for a team.
These are both wonderful ideas and can work well in certain scenarios. Let’s take Requiem, for example He can normally spawn with just himself and some regular folks; however on higher teams, he can have unique entities called, “Empowered Nictus 5th Column Generals” or something like that that are EB’s without having to put down or minimize the impact of characters like Nosferatu etc. However, someone like Ghost Widow or Scirocco could have their “lackeys” (for lack of a better term) show up when enough people are present.
The way that this can be used is simple – it’s just a matter of us seeing that you guys would like to see it more often and then seeing how we can not only use it, but improve it beyond what you all want to see. I loved fighting some of the Civic Squad and was excited when I first heard MORE spawn with a larger team. It didn’t take away from the experience I had fighting them originally, but it made me want to go in there with a bigger team to see what I was not seeing.
Intervals where the EB's/AV's are immune to positional typed attacks, much like the parts of Hamidon are, so I'm assuming it's already coded in. So for example there are intervals where Melee attacks do nothing, intervals where Ranged attacks do nothing, and intervals where AoE's do nothing.
I believe that would involve powers work, and is something that could end up frustrating small team players. I think that works well in the scenario with the Hamidon because there are so many players that could have different attack types.
My humble suggestion was to just have the contact offer two identical missions. One with the baseline EB, and one with the powered up AV.

Differentiate them with something like:

Stop the evil Dr. Aeon
Stop the evil Dr. Aeon (Team Mission)

Futher on, you could have the Team Mission state in red text that that version of the mission would be spawned as an AV and would be a more difficult experience intended for team play.
Our mission system doesn’t play very nicely with having two identical "choice" missions. As well, it creates double the work on mission design if there’s a text bug (we never have those though) or other bugs in one mission, since then it needs to be fixed in both, and then our QA guys have to test that it works in both missions.
What TonyV said
This is an interesting idea, possibly something we wouldn’t do in a mission but one that we could look at for a task force.
Speaking of clones, I like what happens to get the Army of Me badge. Click the glowie, pick your difficulty. Would more of that work? I'll throw it out there for consideration.
This is good for challenge levels; I actually came in on a Saturday after coming up with that idea one night. I would love to revisit it and come up with a smoother way to do it; internally, it’s a little complicated and could be done smoother so that it can be used easier and in more scenarios.
All I'm going to say is please, please, PLEASE keep in mind... whatever you do... that not every character out there is a soft-capped UberToon who can solo AVs.
Of course! My main character, at level 50 with at all rares/very rare Incarnate slots, can’t solo AV’s either. The goal with this is to evolve what we’ve started in Dark Astoria; we’ve established a fairly good level of something that is good for solo and smaller teams. Now we’re looking at some more inventive/interesting ways to challenge larger teams/UberToons rather than just an AV with a large sack of hitpoints.

I’m seeing concern here regarding how much time is being put into scripting these boss fights, and I want to re-iterate a point. The design goal from this feedback thread is to come up with simple solutions to spice up fights that specifically do not take a lot of design time to do.

I know I haven’t quoted everyone here, but I’m still making my way through the thread. Please keep posting your ideas and discussing them!

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I just wanted to post one thing. Challenge in missions does NOT equal annoying. I repeat challeng in missions does NOT equal annoying. There are way too many factions I simply avoid, not due to challenge but just the annoyance factor. Attacking mobs and they have close to 50% lethal resistance is not fun, drawning in a sea of caltrops is not fun nor challenging just annoying since no one dies from caltrop damage. So devs when looking at making all future content do not do it where its annoying because that just makes some players just skip it entirely.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I say this, as long you come up with unique ways to battle boss and not always having boss that hit hit hit all the time, then it be better.

Like if the Boss has a special Attack that you need to dodge or use a temp power to shield yourself.

Even a Device on Mission map might be a key to stopping a really strong foe.

You can do something like they do in Kingdom Hearts and tap a button to counter attack the foe with a combo of hits.

You guys can do is type a command down into the chat box to fight the bad guy back.

Well the only thing else I can think of is trying to talk to the foe and answer couple of Questions to him or her and depending what you say will make the foe weaker or stronger.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Speed is the key. A solo player needs more time or to go at a slower pace so they can still win. They might have low dps, health, powers, etc. and just need an extra couple of hits in before they win.

Remove their regen for solo players
Most E-B fights tend to be about overpowering their regen as much as taking out their health bars. One of the most annoying things is whittling down EB health to almost defeat, dying and then coming back from the hospital only to find they've regenerated to 100% and you have to start all over again. In teams your allies can keep up the damage till you get back but solo it's frustrating especially in zones where the mission door is far enough away from the hospital to allow for the full regen.

If it's possibly for the defender inherent to know how many are on the team maybe we could try a regen supression. And if some wanted more challenge they could have one that increases it.

Allow for faster rate of occurances
Not sure how switchable it would be but there was one tip that was immense fun and challenging on the right ATs; the Malta ambush tip in the 40-50 range. Before it was 'fixed' it had ambush on top of ambush, almost all of them at once. Someone who is experienced enough with their ATs like how my widow could handle them all, widdling them down slowly.

A switch to change the speed of occurances or even two versions of the mission OR like above; the mechanics used in the Army of Me badge mission.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
It seems to me the simplest solution is to give the EBs an invincibility/against all odds style defence, except more significant.

Give them an aura power with a large range that boosts their resistance by 10% for every player in range. Soloing, the EB only has 10% resistance, nothing too troubling, against a full team of 8, they have 80% resistance. A lot tougher, but nothing a full team can't handle.
An important point would be to give it a much larger radius than invincibility and the like, otherwise a team of blasters could just keep out of range.

Another advantage of this would be that if you lose a member of the team, the boss actually gets easier. Nothing worse than losing half the team and then wiping completely because the battle just got impossible.
I was going to suggest this. Invincibility with a large radius would give NPCs additional defense that scaled with team size to make us miss more than 5% of the time AND would give them additional tohit to help hit even soft-capped characters more often.

But as Mazey notes, you could use that type of power with a number of different effects -- defense, tohit, damage, resistance, regen, mez resistance, -damage, -tohit, etc., or a combination of any or all!

On a larger note, I think that Paragon Studios should always try to give players options and always mix things up. Regarding options: I think that the one and only thing that was ever universally applauded was the difficulty slider (including refinements). If I recall, the only complaints were from a few people who wanted additional degrees of control. A few wanted the option to add harder and larger mobs and a few wanted a -2 level selection. But I believe that everyone liked the ability to change difficulty. Further refining of that tool, perhaps by adding the Ouro buff/debuff options, I think would be well received.

As to mixing things up: It seems that Paragon Studios goes through phases. One early phase was a little sadistic -- "if you don't suffer through this you aren't having fun" -- things like hard-coded AVs at the end of story arcs, PToD, the first Hamidon encounter are examples. There was the "ambushes are good! Let's do them all the time" phase of Praetoria. Lately you went on the "you have to do these gimmicks with large groups of people" phase as exemplified by the I-trials and minimum TF size of 8. And now this issue brings us to "we want you to feel powerful by beating weak EBs."

In the context of the game as a whole, these phases combine to give a diverse experience. But when you go through a phase and jam an issue full of that flavor of the month, don't be surprised if players find it repugnant.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



One thing that concerns me with the suggestion of multiple EBs in a fight to scale to the number of players is judgement powers. One reason for the significant drop in difficulty for large teams in DA isn't anything about the design of the zone, it's that when you can drop a judgement or two on every pack of enemies before engaging them, even the +4 levelled (and I should note, +4 doesn't count for much facing a team with +3 shifted characters) end up melting like they were facing a team of fire blasters. I absolutely love the idea of multi-EB fights (one of my personal favorite fights in the game is the climax of the first mission of the Apex task force where you fight incresingly large numbers of EB War Walkers with waves of clockwork between them) but in an incarnate content setting, I worry about what would happen if a team could just drop their eight judgements on them at once.

They'd probably melt.

I'm not sure how much this idea would constitute to an impact on the powers team because I honestly don't have a clue how easy this would be to code in, but my idea is, in pretty much any of these 'multi EB' scenarios, to give incarnate level EBs a 'judgement shield' which would make them invulnerable (or at least highly resistant) to the damage component of judgement powers.

This seems like a non-annoying way (to me) to solve that particular problem. I don't want to see content becoming too difficult for the 'casual' player to enjoy, because that's not really the sort of game CoH is, but at the same time there's something wrong when I feel like I have to hold off using my powers to make the epic fight as epic as it should be!



Originally Posted by Mephitis View Post
I worry about what would happen if a team could just drop their eight judgements on them at once.

They'd probably melt.

I think you bring up a good point, although I think a good counter-point is that eight Judgements probably should melt a spawn.

I think it should be clear to most folks here that we asking for things to be scaled up for additional players. Any buffs should NOT affect single missions content! Soloist should see the same content as they do now. I'm kind of concerned that ideas for adding "pink patches of doom" will increase the difficulty too much for soloist.

I also want to say that I think part of the "problem" overall in CoH is that you know on most missions you're going to get tank n' spank. If the end bosses (or even some mid bosses) where more variable, then I think there would be a little less tedium. So I think the devs should consider taking several ideas from this thread, and try to implement more than one.

Some boss mobs make sense as a buffed-up EB. Some make sense with a bunch of boss friends. Some make sense if they summon. And some might readily make sense with a gimmick. Mix it up and I think players will be happiest.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I think you bring up a good point, although I think a good counter-point is that eight Judgements probably should melt a spawn.

I think it should be clear to most folks here that we asking for things to be scaled up for additional players.

I agree, on both counts. What I disagree with is eight judgements melting an EB spawn scaled to face an 8-player team. Naturally if this made things significantly harder on soloists and small teams that would pose a problem, it has to work both ways. If 8 players with judgement can make an EB spawn scaled to their team size beatable with such ease, there's a problem with that, just as there would be a problem if a soloer could pop judgement on their EB and take it out of the fight easily. Perhaps the 'judgement shielded' version of the EB should only spawn when the team size is above a certain number of players?

Alternately, the damage from a single player to a single EB from judgement is quite low, while the damage of 8 judgements to a spawn of EBs would probably wipe them out. Giving them a judgement shield wouldn't impact the soloist significantly as all, would make it a little tougher on small teams and prevent large teams from melting what are supposed to be the epic, challenging fights in an instant.



In absolutely complete seriousness, I really think that someone who cannot overcome the regen of a standard, even-level EB, even if it has some resistances, should not be soloing. I have absolutely no concern about a team of any size having that issue.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA