Discussion: EB's, AV's, and Challenge in Missions

Agent White



Don't know if this was mentioned but another idea to improve challenges in missions:

Get rid of or increase the aggro cap...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



I like some of the ideas here. I'm all for using the existing powersets on critters in new and interesting ways, and against scripted gimmicks such as are found in incarnate trials, specifically patches of doom, untargetable things, etc. I prefer for there to be a hard way and one or more easier ways than to feel railroaded. A good general example is the end of the ITF, where you can separate the healing nictus from the AV or just try to overpower the healing effects with more damage.

What I'd like to see is smarter mobs in a few ways:

  1. Individual mob AI
    Specifically, support mobs. Tsoo sorcerers are one of my favorite mobs, because they really do make the whole group harder to deal with, but their targeting seems a bit random. Often I'll see them frantically trying to heal a doomed minion. Maybe they could prefer bosses and lieutenants.
  2. Group composition
    For critters that work well as a team, have the presence of one increase the chance of spawning the other. Also, more variance from spawn to spawn. For instance, Malta are a harder group, but generally there will be one, maybe two sappers. Add a mob group type, then have each villain group have a few single-purpose options.
    Malta could have a sapping squad, CoT could have a squad of Earth Thorns with their slow powers mixed with heavy ranged damage, etc. A spawn group could then have one big squad, a mix of smaller ones, just one smaller one, none at all and just random critters. This way, groups aren't all the same difficulty, and fights are more interesting because you have to look at what you're facing.
  3. Group AI
    Right now, mostly groups stand around until they detect enemies, then fight the enemies. They're pretty much unaware of any other groups, and there's just the one option: charge in and fight the players. Instead, they could flee towards another group, possibly a patrol, so that players will have to fight two groups. Or, sort of like an ambush, they could call for backup, and a patrol group, if there is one, or all patrol groups, start heading for the location the original group was in when the distress call went out. Or, they could head for a bit of useful terrain, like a bunch of pop-up turrets or the blue and green crystals in CoT maps. If there was a chance for each of these things, there'd be a lot more to think about while beating down groups of mobs. They'd also seem more intelligent, which I think would add a lot to the atmosphere of the game.
  4. Maps
    I'd like to see a new kind of map that more closely matches real world buildings, and also is, in the case of headquarters, designed to be defensible. It's hard to have the groups act more intelligently when the maps are really convoluted and seemingly random, but a counterexample would be the Council map with the room of death in it, where it's hard not to engage the entire room at once, and you get shot at from all over. That would be a good place for fleeing groups to retreat to, for instance. Or, the high level hero tip mission where you rescue people from Arachnos has a map with a really long corridor and some things you need to fight in the corridor. There's always a spawn at the back, but that would be a great place to put some Nemesis-style long-range snipers that will start shooting when you're engaging other spawns. Add some short-range protectors for them that *don't* charge the players unless they get close, and then players have to take the snipers out at extreme range, ninja in and disable them unnoticed, or just take the extra fire until they can get there as a team. I think that would be doable with what we have now, and would be a way to add challenge with multiple roads to success.

Rereading, I'm pretty much just agreeing with what Arcanaville said, especially regarding constellations of mobs, encounters being a bit less predictable with (more or less) the same mechanics we already have in place, and I really like the pacing idea. That gives people who don't want as much challenge the option to take it slow and let the groups peel off one by one, and for greater challenge, the team needs to hurry through the regular mobs and then survive the bigger encounter at the end. Probably rough on people who routinely stealth through to the end of a mission, though. Not sure if that's a problem.

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There is no "fix-all" solution until the narratives of team vs. solo play are addressed. Just adjusting the level-slider to make bosses harder, or dropping more of them into missions is basically what we have. We play, "Wade through the minions and dog-pile on the end-boss, rinse-and-repeat". The problem now is that Incarnates are making that scenario less challenging, so now unless you are planning on dropping giant monsters into missions, Boss-EB-AV fights need to be smarter.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Can you give us a heads up on what it is that the power and art teams do when it comes to designing missions and encounters?
Good question! The power and art team always help us with these things; we’ll come up with an idea of how a boss fight should go, and the powers team and art team will support us with the proper mechanics. Case in point, the Protean fight, Black Scorpion and I worked together to come up with the mechanic. Black Scorpion did the foot work and math of making the power work, shipped it off to Tunnel Rat to do the FX, who then tossed it to our sound guy for sound, who then sent it to Black Scorpion for review before he attached the power to Protean and shipped him over to me.

The next question would be then, why is one of the goals to have little to no impact on the art team or powers team? The example above shows the work that goes into doing one unique power, which, as you can see, has to go through several people to make it work. The goal here is that if we receive feedback when we hit beta of, “this isn’t challenging enough”, we may not have the time available to us for art or powers to do something about it. This means we can’t make a new power, a new power tell, etc. That’s where mission design comes in with some other ideas to spruce up the fight; this is the point of the thread. That way, instead of having to go through several people and risk the feedback not being acted upon due to time constraints, we have options that can be implemented by one person without causing issues. In the end, we’re looking at as many opportunities as possible to give you guys unique experiences that are fun and challenging, while also making it feasible for us to do so without risk of delaying when we release an issue.

Now, if the extra difficulty is 100% optional, and it can be left disabled, such that I can play the missions as I have been doing, with the same rewards we get now, then fine. Carry on. More power to ya.
Absolutely, to re-iterate, the goal with this is to not force new difficulty on solo players who are playing on regular settings. A great example is the Civic Squad one; a solo player on normal settings still fights only 1 member of the Civic Squad, but a player on a higher difficulty will see more.

I suppose if people want "challenge" then its time to pull out mobs who swing the "mighty" cheat codes.

Mobs who have mag 100 mez attacks (Remember the old Longbow Nullifier?)

Mobs who have auto hit unresistable damage

Mobs who are immune to mez

Mobs who can drain 100% of your endurance with auto hit attack.

None of which sounds really "fun" IMHO but that is where I think "challenge" is going to go.
No, this isn’t where challenge is going to go.

I skimmed through and didn't see this exact idea come up, though some were similar. Kheldians get a bonus based on the archetypes of their teammates. What if the EB got a bonus based on the AT of the players he is fighting against? When faced with more tankers, the EB does more damage. When faced with more controllers, the EB gets some status protection, etc.
This is an interesting idea, but would be one that we would save for things like task forces in order to not make things too difficult for solo players. Also, I would prefer that the buff they get doesn’t negate the AT’s usefulness, but makes their role more important in the fight. If the EB has more resistance to controls because of a controller, it just makes it more frustrating to be a controller; however if the EB did more damage because a controller was around, it makes the task of that controller to keep them held that much more important. Finally, it would have to be used carefully in order to avoid a, “don’t bring this AT because of this buff they get.” It would have to be fine tuned to make sure it’s not frustrating, but it is definitely an interesting idea.

What about the opposite of the Max arc? You get the option to do (for example) three prior missions to take out major allies (EB/AV) of the enemy prior to your assault, or you can cut to the chase and have them all show up in the major enemy's base at once. A soloist can choose to take them down in sequence, while a tricked out full team can take them on all at once.
This is a cool idea. I had a lot of fun planning and designing Max’s arc to be something new and different, and I’m happy that it worked out the way it did. Something like this works well for the solo player to pick and choose how difficult they want the arc to be, while a larger team who wants a challenge also has that option there.

This is a great talk so far guys, let’s keep it up, and I’m sorry that I’m not able to quote and reply to each and every one of your posts, but I am reading them all and taking notes of your ideas!

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i think a way to add challenge would be allow us to increase the difficulty further by giving the baddies level shifts

our current diff settings only allow up to +4 baddies, but why couldnt we also say do +4 levels to our own and then +0-3 level shifts (+4 baddies with +3 lvl shifts whould be equivalent to our current +4 setting)

i personally really enjoyed the fight with tub ci in dream doctors arc cause he gains lvl shifts over the fight, he starts off at 54+0 (if at +4 diff), but at 75% hp he gains a lvl shift thus becoming 54+1, then 50% hp he gains another lvl shift being 54+2 and then 25% hp he gains another shift going to 54+3 (the last lvl shift is usually the most difficult for the team if they are not prepared for it)



One of my favorite missions was the old version of the Malta Actionfigure. where you would get tons of spawns of malta one after the other. It was mad, it was chaotic, and it was brilliantly fun
Same way the old version of hero respec trial was mad fun. Fighting millions of skyraiders/freaks/rikti at once was chaotic and fun. Waiting ages between waves... not so much, and not very hard either.

I'd love to see more chaos and mayhem in missions. Instead of fighting one group, then another group. It would be nice to have more groups come rushing in to help. AoEs are limited in number of targets, so they wouldn't hit everyone.

I think one part of making it challenging is to keep the pressure on the players. Relentless attacks to wither away at the players endurance and attention.

I'd also like to see bigger spawns, x8 is max atm... why not x25 or x50. Granted lag might be horrible but it would be so chaotic it'd be brilliant if it could be done.

I'd also like to see more fights with multiple AVs and EBs, like the last battle in Faultline with 3 AVs at once, very fun.

I'd also like to see diffrent villains groups together. Like one group of malta, one group of council, one group of knives of artemis. Would also add challenge. Not one fighting 3 groups at once, but 3 diffrent groups with diffrent abilities to account for.



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Hey everyone!

I wanted to start a discussion between me, one of your loving mission designers, and you all, the loving people of the forums. The point is to discuss challenge in mission content and how to make things challenging for solo players, small teams, and large teams, without just turning on and off the AV button. That's not to say that we can't still turn on and off the AV button for future content, however. There was an excellent example in a previous thread of how to make things more interesting with a fight, which was that instead of the EB scaling up to an AV, the EB has more EB allies to make things interesting for a full team. I thought this was a great idea, and I’d love to hear more. What we’re basically going for is...

So! Here are the guidelines to that we need to set up for this:

1) No flaming/putting people down; give each other useful feedback on ideas. Let’s keep this polite. Any insulting feedback to your fellows will be handled by Arachnos Laser Drones.
2) Little to no impact on the art team or powers team. The goal here is to come up with ideas that are easily applicable to several scenarios.
3) Stay on the subject!

I’ll be doing my best to reply to this thread, but keep in mind I also have work to do on occasion (when I’m not in the lab striving to make great science).
Well, probably the *biggest* problem right off the bat that is players are automatically at a disadvantage based on their AT, even if they are kitted in fairly decent builds (without taking heavy IO Defense builds into account.)

Basically it boils down to that not only do EB/AVs automatically hit harder and more accurately, they are essentially immune to minor mezzing while (if they have the right powersets) can nearly perma-mezz people without any mezz protection.

It doesn't matter if you have the damage, healing and semi-survivability to take a few hits if the first thing your foe does is tap you with a stun, drop all offensive toggles (which might have been trying to mitigating damage) and suppress all defensive toggles.

So take the Honoree as an example. He's Energy Melee, Invulnerability. That does sound bad? Except that with the amount of stuns in his punches he can pretty much tear a defender or corruptor to shreds if they don't have a full mezz protection.

There are *sometimes* situations where your melee character has a problem with a particular AV/EBs, but for 'squishies' that don't have mezz protection, its closer to most AV/EBs are something you have to go get a full tray (at 50th level) to have enough lucks to fight one 'hard' foe.

Really, ever since they change PvP to have no mezz protection for anyone (which was really the exactly *wrong* direction to take, IMO) I can't understand why *all* toons aren't given at least +1 mezz at like 15th and 30th level.

That would simply make players more heroic and feel that they are finally the equal to lieutenants and bosses.

Heck, I bet more players of squishies would actually leave bosses as bosses instead of downgrading them to Lts.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
I think a good example of a difficult, non EB fight would be the mass of Dopplegangers at the end of the first half of Posi. It's unique, and it's challenging. Has less to do about mounds of HP to overcome and more about tactics and strategy.

I think the doppelgangers is unique but...if the devs start to use it more often...than it's not unique and now I know, "I'll be battling myself, so better bring 4-8 purples so that I can kill myself."

I'm not so sure the doppelgangers really requires tactics...I mean...I guess it does but to me it's like the LRSF or "pvp tactics"...take out the healer first, then the buffer then debuffer, then whoever else.

And I know Posi part 2 (doppelganger mission) depending on the toons it really can be hard but...if you have everyone bring and pop 6 or so purples and at least take out 1 of the doppelgangers then you win by attrition.

Not exactly fun to me....*shrugs*

Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
The most fun challenges for me are ones that demand playing with strategy a little bit. Battle Maiden's an example. Reichsman in Barracuda would be another, if it weren't reliant on specific ATs to carry things out. A few things that I've liked as examples, with maybe a little bit of what could be changed or added:


Every once in a while during a boss fight, the boss will retreat, and there will be a phase of other attackers, or traps that go off, requiring a change of strategy. Like I said, we've seen this a little in the team content that's recently been added to the endgame. Malaise in MoM and Battle Maiden in Apex both do this (and Reichsman sort of, though he doesn't leave).

However, rather than just changing enemies, there's also the possibility for "traps", maybe? Take Battle Maiden's blue-death patches, for example. For a challenging bit of content for even solo players, have the boss teleport out, then a 15-second or so phase of dodging a large number of patches that move quickly.
I really would be against this.

I say this because I don't like "waiting" to kill the boss...it's not hard; it's just annoying/tedious during the Apex final mission and the Barracuda SF (Barracuda SF is a bit more fun because lots of ambushes; unless you're going for MoBarracuda ).

I haven't read all the posts in here but if you could make the mission(s) more "fun" to GET to the boss, that would be great too I think.

Again, not sure how to do this at the moment; I wouldn't be against some sort of, "click to use x machine" or "click x to get a temp" that stops a Boss/EB from doing x or y...

I know some of the "best" fun I've had is when I'm on a team and everything is going fine for the most part but then we aggro too much or we split up or something happens and we're all pretty close to dying (team wipe) but somehow we survive. Whether that was through great teammates using heals, buffs, etc...or what have you.

So I guess for me, playing with people I know "how to play" (the way I like to play ) is awesome. I could get on a different team and do the same content and if I have teammates that don't buff, or heal or do whatever then we all die and...ugh...makes the mission last so much longer.

That's part of the reason why I really enjoyed the Keyes trial. It's a "chaotic mess" (during final AM fight; this is when everyone was trying for the Mobadges and when everything was "harder") yet everyone "did their part" and it was great.

Did we fail (not get a badge or two)? Yes! Did we eventually succeed and own the trial?! YES!

I loved playing a Tumerok healer in AC2 (which is no longer alive so...it's okay to mention it right? )...getting to know who to heal, when to heal, etc and getting it right...good times!

Standing there just for Fortitude, AB or CM buffs?!? BOOOORRING!

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Really, ever since they change PvP to have no mezz protection for anyone (which was really the exactly *wrong* direction to take, IMO) I can't understand why *all* toons aren't given at least +1 mezz at like 15th and 30th level.

That would simply make players more heroic and feel that they are finally the equal to lieutenants and bosses.

Heck, I bet more players of squishies would actually leave bosses as bosses instead of downgrading them to Lts.
I'd love that! Have all toons have at least enough mag. protection (by lvl 40/50) to not be mezzed by 1 stun, sleep, hold, etc...

Less "demand" for Clarion that way (except for the UG itrial ). But unfortunately I don't see it happening.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
This sounds a bit like how the guard the exit mission is in Croatoa, where you have to stop them from getting 30 into the gate. All the mobs come from the map in that mission, don't they?
Its been a while since I've done that particular mission, so I don't remember if they just spawn in random locations and then run to the exit or if they are there all along and are yanked to the exit, although I think its the former rather than the latter.

But in general, that's the concept. Except we use stacking to our advantage: we can face things all at once or dispersed, but dispersed is always easier because there's less concentrated threat, but also less potential for stacking reinforcement between the critters.

There's a reason my challenge mission uses bots/sonic for the "background" minions. Those are not that difficult to beat one at a time: the bots get quickly vaporized and the actual MM is no threat. But scale that to x4, or x8, and the denser they get the stronger the overlapping resistance buffs become, the more resistance debuffs you experience, the longer the bots can last, the more offensive threat they become.

Usually, its us doing that to them. There are ways for them to do it to us that actually involve no scaling at all except for numbers.

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Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
This is a cool idea. I had a lot of fun planning and designing Max’s arc to be something new and different, and I’m happy that it worked out the way it did. Something like this works well for the solo player to pick and choose how difficult they want the arc to be, while a larger team who wants a challenge also has that option there....

I like Max's arc but also I don't like it.

I like it in the way that I don't have to do 3 other side missions and I can skip straight to the point.

I don't like it because there are no rewards for completing the arc (component wise)

So as long as we get to keep the same rewards for just doing the 'real goal' of the arc then I'm good

Maybe throw in a better reward(s) if you do all of the missions in the arc....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think a way to add challenge would be allow us to increase the difficulty further by giving the baddies level shifts

our current diff settings only allow up to +4 baddies, but why couldnt we also say do +4 levels to our own and then +0-3 level shifts (+4 baddies with +3 lvl shifts whould be equivalent to our current +4 setting)

i personally really enjoyed the fight with tub ci in dream doctors arc cause he gains lvl shifts over the fight, he starts off at 54+0 (if at +4 diff), but at 75% hp he gains a lvl shift thus becoming 54+1, then 50% hp he gains another lvl shift being 54+2 and then 25% hp he gains another shift going to 54+3 (the last lvl shift is usually the most difficult for the team if they are not prepared for it)

I like that fight as well. Although to be honest, when solo'ing it, the lvl shifts that he receives doesn't really do much for him...I still beat him down easily (on my lvl 50 grav/thermal controller) *shrugs*

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its been a while since I've done that particular mission, so I don't remember if they just spawn in random locations and then run to the exit or if they are there all along and are yanked to the exit, although I think its the former rather than the latter.
I didn't see your original post about this but yeah, if I remember correctly that "defend 30 fir bolg from entering the portal" mission is a PAIN in the butt (to me at least).

They do spawn at somewhat random spots on the map and then run towards the portal. I think there are two...maybe three ? spots that they can spawn in and then run to the portal.

The problem I have is the (almost) same one I have with the hero respecs.


Please devs, if you have us doing defend missions like the hero respec trial does (or this croatoa mission) please add a button like the Desktop Tower Defense games do: "Send the Next Wave."

That way we don't have to wait 1-2 mins per wave (well even longer than that in the hero respec it seems). If the team leader could just hit "send next wave" I would be up for more hero respec trials that's for sure!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Energizing_Ion</span> View Post
I'd love that! Have all toons have at least enough mag. protection (by lvl 40/50) to not be mezzed by 1 stun, sleep, hold, etc...

Less "demand" for Clarion that way (except for the UG itrial ). But unfortunately I don't see it happening.
Yeah, I never figured why they haven't tried this out. It seems like it would be stupidly easy to build a power of +1 Mag at 15th level and +2 Mag at 30th level and just slap it on squishie, underperforming characters and see if they play more fun and actually perform better.

+2 mag isn't going to really make a bit of difference to a melee character, but it makes a difference in not being stopped constantly by random-grunt-gun-butt to face.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Please devs, if you have us doing defend missions like the hero respec trial does (or this croatoa mission) please add a button like the Desktop Tower Defense games do: "Send the Next Wave."

That way we don't have to wait 1-2 mins per wave (well even longer than that in the hero respec it seems). If the team leader could just hit "send next wave" I would be up for more hero respec trials that's for sure!
If they did that they'd have to nerf the merit reward values, because it would go a LOT quicker.

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
If they did that they'd have to nerf the merit reward values, because it would go a LOT quicker.
Fine by me...have it be the same amount of reward merits as the villain respec...not like I really use reward merits now anyways


Of course you could have the trial give the same amount of reward merits as it does now if the leader does NOT hit the "send next wave" button.....for those that like taking an hour to do something that usually takes 15-20 mins

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Something I've advocated in the past is giving the boss an equivalent to an inspiration tray--a set of powers that work just like inspirations, on an extremely long recharge, that are triggered by events in the fight. Low health is an obvious trigger for popping a green, for example, but the boss might trigger a red or purple on aggro, a Break Free when immobilized, or even an Awaken when killed. You can tweak the contents of the "tray" for different bosses if you like, but a standard load-out should be sufficient for most cases. Then, if you want to adjust the challenge, you adjust the scripted triggers for the pseudo-inspirations. Ideally, you could make the triggers dependent on team size, so a solo player wouldn't see any triggers, a small team might face a boss who starts with a couple of buffs, and a large team gets a boss who empties the tray. Even if that's not an option, you could at least use it to tweak the challenge in response to beta feedback.

If that takes too much work on powers (or the scripting tool), there's an alternate approach: caches. The boss has caches of resources in the map--essentially inspiration bins. The caches are stationary critters that look like objects, and each has one or more very short-range buff/heal powers, again on a very long recharge. They will activate those powers on any friendly target within range whenever they're charged. Then you give the boss a run-away script with a path that leads to the cache spawn points. When he gets within melee range of a cache, it triggers a heal or buff on him, then becomes inactive for the rest of the fight (due to the long recharge). The number of caches that spawn would rely on the regular spawning rules, so the boss would get more of them when facing a larger team.

There could be other types of object-critters, too--fortifications to hole up behind that have an aura that buffs the boss's defense, for example, or even things that are already in-game, like CoT healing crystals, Vahz barrels, or DE emanators. (How about a DE boss that flees into a room full of cairns and trees when it gets low on health?)

Just in case this needs to be reinforced: the giant sack of hit points/massive regen approach needs to be not merely off the table, but sealed in lead and stuffed under a mountain somewhere. We've been there, it stinks.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



I think it would be cool if a pool of "gimmicks" could be created, and the named Boss of generic missions like radio/papers would be assigned one when the mission begins, so you would never know quite what to expect.

Small teams/solo would just get the regular Boss, obviously. And it could be argued that some Bosses like Master Illusionists already have enough gimmicks.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I really would be against this.

I say this because I don't like "waiting" to kill the boss...it's not hard; it's just annoying/tedious during the Apex final mission and the Barracuda SF (Barracuda SF is a bit more fun because lots of ambushes; unless you're going for MoBarracuda ).
I can see that. In fact, I tend to agree. I really hate bosses with Unstoppable, for example, because generally, if you get them down to 20% health or whatever where they start using it, all it's really doing is making the fight take longer.

I do think a "time out" boss can still be pulled off if the challenges that happen during the time outs call for a significant enough activity or change of strategy, though.

As an example, a certain other game that I won't name has a boss I fought recently that uses this. When the boss disappears, a group of fire balls that do high damage move randomly around the room. It remains fun because it's not just mashing the same button, and since the movements vary based on how they aggro and what not, it's not even like you can go "fireballs out, assume pattern C", or the like.

When it's used to change the nature of the fight, rather than simply prolong it, I think it can be fun.

Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I know some of the "best" fun I've had is when I'm on a team and everything is going fine for the most part but then we aggro too much or we split up or something happens and we're all pretty close to dying (team wipe) but somehow we survive. Whether that was through great teammates using heals, buffs, etc...or what have you.

So I guess for me, playing with people I know "how to play" (the way I like to play ) is awesome. I could get on a different team and do the same content and if I have teammates that don't buff, or heal or do whatever then we all die and...ugh...makes the mission last so much longer.

That's part of the reason why I really enjoyed the Keyes trial. It's a "chaotic mess" (during final AM fight; this is when everyone was trying for the Mobadges and when everything was "harder") yet everyone "did their part" and it was great.
This is also, actually, something I'd like to see more of in the raid in particular. Multiple goals that encourage splitting up and justify bring the large number of players. Getting 24 together for a simple tank'n'spank (or even a somewhat gimmicky one) isn't really any more fun conceptually than getting 8, or just doing it solo. I'd definitely like to see more like Lambda where the teams split up completely (like TPN was supposed to be as well, though no one does it that way that I've seen...I haven't done DD to know if it's like that or not).

It's not the sort of thing that works as well for any team size, though.

Another idea I've had is to give certain bosses an equivalent of Brute's Fury, or something similar, so that they would get harder as their health got lower and more attacks came in, rather than a defensive power that, as mentioned, just makes the fight longer. A team could try to blitz the enemy and take him/her out before enough "Fury" built, or play more strategically, moving in and backing off (perhaps accomplishing other goals) and winning over the long term. In the latter case, it'd be important to ensure that Fury abated faster than the boss could regen, though.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Please devs, if you have us doing defend missions like the hero respec trial does (or this croatoa mission) please add a button like the Desktop Tower Defense games do: "Send the Next Wave."

That way we don't have to wait 1-2 mins per wave (well even longer than that in the hero respec it seems). If the team leader could just hit "send next wave" I would be up for more hero respec trials that's for sure!
I would make it so that the next wave either happens at a designated time, or ten seconds after the last critter in the previous wave is killed, whichever comes first.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
I think it would be cool if a pool of "gimmicks" could be created, and the named Boss of generic missions like radio/papers would be assigned one when the mission begins, so you would never know quite what to expect.

Small teams/solo would just get the regular Boss, obviously. And it could be argued that some Bosses like Master Illusionists already have enough gimmicks.
I had this idea for a random boss generator that would among other things do exactly that. Would be nice to build it someday.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I would make it so that the next wave either happens at a designated time, or ten seconds after the last critter in the previous wave is killed, whichever comes first.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I think a better option than trying to retrofit old content with "more options" is to just try to strive for something different in a new arc that you haven't tried before in previous content. Much like New Dark Astoria content is geared toward a certain type of gameplay, whatever comes down the road next should be different from DA, as well as from other content in some meaningful way. I would rather see the time and effort spent on trying to make the game challenging spent on brand new content, rather than trying to rehash old stuff and shoehorn some kind of gimmick into missions that weren't designed for them.

Finding things that suit difficulty needs would be A) easier on those that have to produce said content, and B) more interesting, if content were compartmentalized. Instead of everything having all the options, what's wrong with some content being geared for solo play, some other content being geared toward teams, and other stuff being geared toward Incarnate/uber build play? I appreciate that folks want to be able to experience as much of the game as possible while confining themselves to their own style of play, but perhaps there are challenges already within the game ready to be had if more people stepped out and did some things they don't normally do more often.

I think the Devs are on the right track already, and should focus their energies to produce new content in the same vein as I22. Make each Issue focus on a particular game style over the others in some way, and go all out to make that content great, then focus in another area for the next one. Trying to spread love out to everything every time waters down the product for everyone, since time and resources only go so far.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



What about environmental challenges something like an enemy surrounded by high damage arias or deep pits with walkways and ledges around it and a knock back power. And a travel power blocker. The bigger the team the harder it would be to properly coordinate the team. Leaving those that are stupid falling down and having to run back up. For smaller teams some of the pits could be covered.

You could also use saws, pounding pistons, and death lasers on tracks in the ceiling crossing the room. For big teams everything's active and it's a nightmare mission. And for smaller teams most of the traps could be off.

You could also set some kind of general all against all pvp aria. Making large teams especially dangerous. And have a doppelganger as the opponent that will randomly transform into a team member and tp next to the person it's mimicking.

As a matter of fact I'd like to see a doppelganger as a relatively common mission. The story being that some of the cloning teck wasn't lost. You could also have warped, deformed, simplified or imperfect clones of you're well known hero's and villains. Giving hero's a chance to fight hero's and villeins a chance to fight villains.
Also include one's with random costume peaces and colors. Shouldn't be that hard to attach numbers to the costume peaces and use a random number generator to make there individual appearance.
Having a divers clone faction not real alined with or against anyone but fighting against all for various resins from rights to simple instinct/genetic memory of there old self.
You could even have conglomerate's of various hero's and villeins.
Lordman and State's recluse. Posi-hammy. Rd. Mayham or Mother Aeon



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I am a bit perplexed that you would ignore your Domination.
I'm not ignoring Domination, I'm saying that it doesn't seem to help.

Domination actually helps you mez them exactly because it adds mez stacking. They're harder to mez than a boss, but they are mezzable, and Domination makes that a lot easier. (This is in regards to when the PToDs are down, or for EBs that don't have them.)
I can't remember being able to mez an EB ever, with or without domination, unless I have other doms/controllers on the team.

I would like EBs to work more like AVs; give them a temporary mez protection like the purple triangles, but not as powerful as an AV's and being up only for 1/3rd of the time instead of 1/2 the time. Then reduce the EB inherent mez immunity down to normal Boss standards. That should suffice.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522