Dual Pistols buff rumors true?




I thought I read a few times on the forums that the devs are considering buffing the damage on dual pistols to make up for the animation times. Is that true? If not, it should be taken into consideration. Even IOing my 50+3 DP/Energy blaster, I feel he's not at full potential.




Honestly I think Dual Pistols would do better with a buff to it's Swap Ammo damage and secondary effects. Just base damage increase is nice, too, but I like swap ammo and wish it was more relevant.

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If I recall the quote (from a UStream a while back, I think?), Synapse specifically said that DP's damage would not be buffed, but the animation times could be adjusted. Which really addresses the same problem, just from the other angle.



DP could stand to have a few animation times adjusted.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Dual Pistols could definitely use a reduction in the animation time of Executioner's Shot...

I will say this as well-- Incendiary Rounds are too good compared to the other ammo types. I would add some DoT to Toxic and Cryo Rounds, at about half of the value granted to Incendiary.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
I will say this as well-- Incendiary Rounds are too good compared to the other ammo types. I would add some DoT to Toxic and Cryo Rounds, at about half of the value granted to Incendiary.
Definitely this.




Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Dual Pistols could definitely use a reduction in the animation time of Executioner's Shot...
It's quite possibly because I've played a lot of sonic, gravity and energy(blast/melee/manipulation) but I've never thought the animation on Executioner's Shot was too terribly slow.

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Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
I always found executioner's shot to be one of the speedier animations, actually. HoB and Bullet Rain could use a speedier animation.

Executioner's Shot is a 2.57 second animation, with damage coming 2.1 seconds after clicking. Only Shout from Sonic Attack has a slightly longer animation, at 2.67 seconds, but the damage is delivered nearly half a second earlier than Executioner's Shot and the set doesn't have to deal with redraw. Executioner's shot is the second slowest ranged attack in total animation time, and tied for the slowest in damage delivery with Bitter Freeze Ray. This of course ignores Snipes.

I don't think that Hail of Bullets will get changed, however Bullet Rain and Piercing Rounds are good candidates.



Yikes. It could definitely use some cleaning up then.

After thinking about it, I have to agree on HoB not being a lively candidate for a shorter animation time. While it's ridiculously long, it doesn't have a crash.




I really like the animations though. Piercing rounds is completely over the top but that it why it is so fun. I would hate to see them change it to something with less flair.

The way I see it, they are a good contrast to Beam Rifle, which has really plain animations. Sometimes I am in the mood for one and sometimes another. I am glad that both options are there though.

I hope they would leave the animations alone and just change some of the swap ammo effects.

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Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
I really like the animations though. Piercing rounds is completely over the top but that it why it is so fun. I would hate to see them change it to something with less flair.
I agree, and I gaurantee they won't have the resources nor the desire to fully revamp the animations. I am hoping that they leave the animations basically the same but speed up how fast the attacks return to the "combat ready" stance, or simply speed up certain parts of the animation that lag a little. You could probably lower the animation of Piercing Rounds to about 2.2 seconds without really taking any of the aesthetics away from the animation itself.



1. Reducing Executioner's activation time will help the set a lot. 2.57 act time is way too freaking long.

2. They don't need to increase DP's raw damage. They can just make Swamp Ammo do 80-90% exotic damage. What is the current ratio? 50-50?

3. I just found out something very disturbing. Looking at Mids, DP's Piercing Round is a lot worse than Beam's Piercing Beam?

Piercing Round has 20s recharge
2.50 act time
128.3 damage at lvl 50
16.85 endurance
Same 5' arc

Piercing Beam has 18s recharge - better
2.33 act time - better
153.1 damage at lvl 50 (excuse me??!) - way better
15.18 endurance - better
Same 5' arc

Why such big difference? Is Mids wrong or? Why should Piercing Rounds cost MORE endurance on an attack that does way less damage?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



My objection to Executioner's Shot is that it is needlessly (ie. wastes time on being) spinny on the pistol. First you spin the gun back, then you spin it forward, and then you leisurely take your shot. There's just too much "Gun Fu" spinspinspin to the animation for it.

I could see doing something where your character "stiff arm" holds the gun at their side and then brings the pistol up for a straight arm shot (so rotating the whole arm at the shoulder), thumb the hammer down to **** the weapon (as if it were a single action pistol, rather than double action), and then fire the shot while looking down the sights and let the recoil just bend the arm up at the elbow and recover from that. Out of a powerset were almost everything involves spinspinspin "Gun Fu" having an attack that animates as a very "clean" ... straightforward ... animation like that would actually make a very good contrast in a Less Is More sense because it would be different.

Only other thing I'd want out of Executioner's Shot is to have Left Hand/Right Hand versions of the same animation, so you're not always shooting out of just the one pistol all the time.

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I love the animation for Executioner's Shot, but the sound that goes with it is probably my favourite sfx in the entire game.

Also, shooting runners in the back of the head.

Considering Dual Pistols is fast becoming my new all-purpose set to go with Inv and MA, I would love any upgrades.

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Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
1. Reducing Executioner's activation time will help the set a lot. 2.57 act time is way too freaking long.

2. They don't need to increase DP's raw damage. They can just make Swamp Ammo do 80-90% exotic damage. What is the current ratio? 50-50?

3. I just found out something very disturbing. Looking at Mids, DP's Piercing Round is a lot worse than Beam's Piercing Beam?

Piercing Round has 20s recharge
2.50 act time
128.3 damage at lvl 50
16.85 endurance
Same 5' arc

Piercing Beam has 18s recharge - better
2.33 act time - better
153.1 damage at lvl 50 (excuse me??!) - way better
15.18 endurance - better
Same 5' arc

Why such big difference? Is Mids wrong or? Why should Piercing Rounds cost MORE endurance on an attack that does way less damage?

Add 30 points of damage with Incindiary Ammo, but then remove the -resistance debuff from Piercing Rounds (which sucks). This is indeed one of the problems with Dual Pistols-- Incendiary rounds are all but required to compete with other sets.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post

2. They don't need to increase DP's raw damage. They can just make Swamp Ammo do 80-90% exotic damage. What is the current ratio? 50-50?
It's 60 Lethal/40 Exotic I think...but I wouldn't be surprised if I misremembered and it's actually 70 Lethal/30 Exotic.

Personally, to even out the ammos a bit, I'd improve the chance of DoT on Incendiary (not really the amount of DoT) then change the damage split as such:

Incendiary: 50 lethal/50 fire
Cryo & Chem: 20 Lethal/ 80 cold&toxic
Or if doing that much toxic dmg is too much go 40 Lethal/60 Toxic

The main point being, Incendiary will give you more raw dmg but the other two will give you a greater return by damage type. That plus shortening the cast times of Empty Clips, Bullet Rain and Executioner's Shot (you might be able to shorten Piercing Shot but I really would rather that go untouched) would make this set a real contender. I like the set now, but not particularly for effectiveness.



I thought a good way to buff Dual Pistols would be a way to give some people exactly what they want, but would require some work on their part.

Dual Pistols v2.0!

Dual Pistols v2.0 would leave the original Dual Pistols in tact and buffed by figuring out the DPS of Dual Pistols v2.0.

Dual Pistols v2.0 would take a look at every power of the original Dual Pistols and give them faster animation times that fit along the lines of stand and shoot, that some people have been wanting.

Pistols, Dual Wield and Suppresive Fire can likely stay the same. I really don't recall people having complaints about the animations of these three powers.

Piercing Shot and Executioner Shot would have much faster animation times in DPv2.0 versus O(original)DP. These two powers can likely be trimmed down to not needing the extra spinning or the tossing of the pistols. Personally I love all those parts of the animations.

Empty Clips, Bullet Rain would also get faster/different animations. Empty Clips can get the MM version of Empty Clips animation (thusly saving some work) in DPv2.0.

So far, only Executioners Shot and Piercing Rounds would need trimming of their animations, Empty Clips would have an already made animation, and Bullet Rain would likely need a new animation.

This leaves Hail of Bullets. Now, I'm not to sure on other people's thoughts on this animation. Personally, I LOVE IT! For this power, I think I'd just have them remove the shadow effect, but keep the animation, for DPv2.0. Yes it maintains a bit of the gun fu which some complain about, but it's more of an attack based around being surrounded anyways and the animation works for the +Defense aspect of it.

Now, after DPv2.0 is finished, you take the DPS of it's attacks, and increase ODP's damage in those attacks to match the DPS of DPv2.0 (So Empty Clips, Bullet Rain, Executioner's Shot, and Piercing Round would be buffed in damage).

Now I believe this would give ODP a bit of a EPS advantage over DPv2.0, so it might require a bit of an end adjustment in those powers to keep the EPS equal.

Fixes to the Swap Ammo effects are something else entirely. I know I'd like to see them become more useful, and I know they don't want the effects to step on the toes of other sets, but to that, I think...so what? Dual Pistols loses out on the +DMG/+ToHit of having Aim, that the other sets have, and I would think (could be wrong) that the secondary effects could be increased without being superior to the other sets.

Giving a nice 50/50 split in Lethal + Damage Type would be nice as well.

The -Resistance aspect of Piercing Round would be nice to have on any damage type, and maybe what can be done for Lethal Round version of the power, is to let it have either a greater -Resistance Debuff or even better (which will be explained later) a stun effect!

I also wonder if increasing the -DMG of Toxic rounds would make it OP. I wouldn't think so myself (I really don't know).

Also maybe giving Cyro rounds a chance for mag 1 or 2 hold (enough to hold minions) to go along with it's slow debuff (if thishappens likely wouldnt need to increase the slow debuff).

Why the Stun effect for Lethal Rounds and the chance for a minor hold with Cyro rounds? To stack with Suppressive Fire!

Would this mean two sets that are pretty much the same except in animations? Yes. But it might encourage those who haven't purchased Dual Pistols to purchase it, especially if they think look at it as TWO powersets for the price of one! Yeah, it's the same powerset with a bit of a different feel to it depending on which one you use for the character, but it's also likely to give the feel of purchasing two powersets for the price of one to some people.

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If you're wanting to "normalize" the damage across all four ammo types, the best thing to do is to decide what the "total" damage to be delivered is going to be, and then just decide how you're going to chop that up for each of the types.

For example ...

If total damage to be delivered is "100 Points" then:

  • Standard Ammo: 85 Lethal immediately + 3 ticks of 5 Lethal over 3 seconds
  • Incendiary Ammo: 60 Lethal immediately + 5 ticks of 8 Fire over 5 seconds
  • Cryogenic Ammo: 60 Lethal immediately + 2 ticks of 20 Cold over 2 seconds
  • Toxic Ammo: 60 Lethal immediately + 4 ticks of 10 Toxic over 4 seconds
This makes the Instant + DoT damage all add up to "100" for each of the different ammo types ... but Incendiary "burns longest" giving you the greatest disruption of Foe powers that can be Interrupted. Toxic "burns almost as long" as Fire. Standard delivers the greatest "punch" up front/immediately, but carries a very minor DoT for a few seconds. Cryogenic has the shortest DoT, but that damage is delivered in "big chunks" fairly quickly.

Something akin to this sort of structure is perfectly possible to accomplish if "normalizing" the damage output/throughput of the various ammo types against each other so as to not give Incendiary an (excessive) advantage in damage output/throughput which the other ammo types cannot compete with. It's a pure spreadsheet tweak.

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Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Executioner's Shot is a 2.57 second animation, with damage coming 2.1 seconds after clicking. Only Shout from Sonic Attack has a slightly longer animation, at 2.67 seconds, but the damage is delivered nearly half a second earlier than Executioner's Shot and the set doesn't have to deal with redraw. Executioner's shot is the second slowest ranged attack in total animation time, and tied for the slowest in damage delivery with Bitter Freeze Ray. This of course ignores Snipes.

I don't think that Hail of Bullets will get changed, however Bullet Rain and Piercing Rounds are good candidates.
That actually makes me think Executioner's Shot is fine as-is.

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Oh I'm not asking for a complete revamp of the animations. Just speeding them up is fine. I'd still appreciate seeing a few damage improvements on the ammo types. Faster animation times is what I really want, though.




Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Dual Pistols could definitely use a reduction in the animation time of Executioner's Shot...

I will say this as well-- Incendiary Rounds are too good compared to the other ammo types. I would add some DoT to Toxic and Cryo Rounds, at about half of the value granted to Incendiary.
they shouldn't make the other rounds compete with incendiary for damage, that's just silly. Fire does more damage.

they should make the other secondary effects powerful enough to matter.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's 60 Lethal/40 Exotic I think...but I wouldn't be surprised if I misremembered and it's actually 70 Lethal/30 Exotic.

Personally, to even out the ammos a bit, I'd improve the chance of DoT on Incendiary (not really the amount of DoT) then change the damage split as such:

Incendiary: 50 lethal/50 fire
Cryo & Chem: 20 Lethal/ 80 cold&toxic
Or if doing that much toxic dmg is too much go 40 Lethal/60 Toxic

The main point being, Incendiary will give you more raw dmg but the other two will give you a greater return by damage type. That plus shortening the cast times of Empty Clips, Bullet Rain and Executioner's Shot (you might be able to shorten Piercing Shot but I really would rather that go untouched) would make this set a real contender. I like the set now, but not particularly for effectiveness.
It's actually 70 lethal / 30 exotic? Mmm, that's terrible ratio? If the strength of Swamp Ammo (which replaces Aim) is to be able to change damage type, then the exotic part needs to be more potent.

I like some of the ideas presented here.

1. Make Cryo and Chem bullets do more % of exotic damage than Incen. 20lethal/80exotic sounds good! And fire ammo can do 50/50.


2. Add some minor DoT to Cryo and Chem as well (just like what they did for the two Psionic and Toxic interface).

I only have one old dp/cold Corr. I haven't touched him in a long time. If they improve DP, I think I'll go with Blaster instead. The redraw animation is on the long side for me. Yes, I am extremely picky about weapon redraw.

I just know when I played my Corr, I tried to use Toxic ammo more because I feel if I am only using Fire (which is probably the most common usage), I might as well play Fire Blast. I like Cryo ammo too but again, I feel I can play Ice Blast instead. Chemical Ammo is the only blast type that has -damage debuff, although I have to say I can't really tell the effectiveness and toxic is soooooooooo resisted by robots? T_T

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



As far as i can see on test no they still sick bantha knuts