Reports from a returner.

A Musing Mage



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
I started off as a free player with no prior CoH experience in October, a Premium player in November and then a VIP player starting in December, and my experience has been positive, precisely in the "VIP can make you rock more" sense. People coming to the game for the first time wouldn't feel like anything's missing. They won't be worried about IO's, Incarnate powers, AE rewards or anything like that: they don't know what those things are, and they're not relevant to a new player. Since AT's like masterminds and controllers were off the table from the beginning, they won't know to miss them. They'll just be mildly curious about what those special archetypes might be, while keeping busy with all the other character options.

In that sense, by having the basic game free and restricting only the more advanced features, I think the model works perfectly; it sold me on going VIP, at least, without ever feeling like I was being cheated out of the game as a free player. The people affected most negatively by it are the ones who were already familiar with the game, had already become accustomed to all the more advanced features, and then found them suddenly locked up as VIP content. But something had to stay locked up to keep the company in business, and the developers seemed to work hard, harder than any other MMO I've seen, to make the path to level 50 wide open for everyone.

You know, Sparkly, I have this feeling I'm going to like you.

.... I apologize ahead of time.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
You know, Sparkly, I have this feeling I'm going to like you.

.... I apologize ahead of time.
Run, Sparkly, run!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



If you're playing a Defender, you're playing the game in 'too-hard-to-solo' mode.

There are going to be a few people who object to that statement. They're not casual players and they look for a challenge.

I have a defender I like. In fact I liked her so much I re-made her with a different primary because empathy sucks (for what I wanted out of the character) and I'm much happier with Dark Miasma. I still have the older one around collecting dust. And the cool thing is, she gets badges for doing that! /easilyamused

But I'll be the first to tell you, don't play a defender as your only character.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
If you're playing a Defender, you're playing the game in 'too-hard-to-solo' mode.

There are going to be a few people who object to that statement. They're not casual players and they look for a challenge.

I have a defender I like. In fact I liked her so much I re-made her with a different primary because empathy sucks (for what I wanted out of the character) and I'm much happier with Dark Miasma. I still have the older one around collecting dust. And the cool thing is, she gets badges for doing that! /easilyamused

But I'll be the first to tell you, don't play a defender as your only character.
I can understand that sentiment, somewhat, if you take the "wrong" combo.

For instance, soloing a FF/Psi defender is going to be pretty durn painful. I remember my first toon post-ED when I came back was an AR/Dev blaster....... my butt still hurts from that beating.

Now, roll up a, oh, let's just saaaaaay.... rad/dark defender and watch yourself herding 4-man spawns by level 12ish. When it comes to new players/returners, a bad combo can reallllllly turn them off (believe he said cold/rad, might have been rad/cold and those don't have any inherent AWESOMESAUCE synergy until much later).



Oh absolutely. a well-built character is good independently of class.
But there's a lot more potential for building a dud when your character archetype was built for teaming, not soloing.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
Defender Build 2(Offence, after taking some licks):
Cold Domination: Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, Snow Storm.
Radiation Blast:Irradiate, X-Ray Beam, Neutrino Bolt, Electron Haze.
Leadership: Assault, Tactics
If your secondary build is primarily a solo one then I'd suggest dropping the shields in favor of picking Infrigidate back up (it's a nice debuff against against tougher targets) and Arctic Fog (its stealth should help you pick your battles and it provides some resistance and defense).

If you take Super Speed back up as your travel power then it combined with Arctic Fog will combine to make you (almost) completely invisible to enemies.

Unfortunately there are several defender primary sets that are far more about improving group members than themselves and Cold Domination is one of them (though not the worst of the set).

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
Not at Level 8(Widow), not at Level 15(Defender). I agree more powers mean more options. I have all my options as slotted as I can. I don't have the Infamy/Influence to slot more. Hitting everything as it comes up. Not taking on more than one or two guys a time. Simple, basic, sensible. Hitting everything at the right times. I do not understand WHY I am dying, but I am. It's part of why I'm asking 'What am I doing wrong'?

Power picks:

Defender Build 1(Initial):

Cold Domination: Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, Infrigidate, Snow Storm
Radiation Blast: Irradiate, Neutrino Bolt, X-Ray Beam.
Speed: Flurry, Super Speed

Defender Build 2(Offence, after taking some licks):
Cold Domination: Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, Snow Storm.
Radiation Blast:Irradiate, X-Ray Beam, Neutrino Bolt, Electron Haze.
Leadership: Assault, Tactics

Most random packs here in Steel Canyon are twos and threes, sometimes four for Minions, one or two Lieutenants or Bosses. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong other than attacking in the first place. No difficulty mods. In the missions is hard too.

Maybe I'm missing something.
You're forgetting that you're level 8 and 15.

that's not a lot of powers, that's not a lot of slots, and that for sure isnt a lot of enhancements in powers.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You're forgetting that you're level 8 and 15.

that's not a lot of powers, that's not a lot of slots, and that for sure isnt a lot of enhancements in powers.
Bloodly, I say this without snark, because I was not a brute fan when they first came out ("less hp and crap armors than Tankers.... but rely on getting HIT!!!!!!1!!111 for dealing damage?! Dooooooom!):

Make SS/Fire brute (or SS/WP). Run around Mercy, smacking things.

Win game!



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
You know, Sparkly, I have this feeling I'm going to like you.

.... I apologize ahead of time.
Sparky - there is a pre-filled Restraining Order form, and support group, at for this.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
This will likely be derided, ignored or deleted simply because of what I am: a Premium returning after a long absence, 'whining about nothing'.
I think you've spend too long on other forums. You should hang out here more!

That said, I think you bring up some valid points and definitely good feedback to the devs on how it feels to return from a long absence. Some of the issues you are experiencing are definitely due to the premium setting, some may be because you've been away for a while, so if there's anything we can help with, be sure to ask. I'm sure some of us might even be willing do give you a quick run through Mercy to familiarize you with the new zone layout.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




...I have knockback, and I'm not afraid to use it!

Also, Steel Canyon can be a tough place to solo the first time since it's the first zone you run into that's split between train stations and level ranges. It's easy in those zones to wander in the wrong direction and, though you started off with enemies your level, find yourself overwhelmed. I had a hard time in Steel Canyon too until I started looking at the map and going "wait, how'd I end up this far north?"

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
...I have knockback, and I'm not afraid to use it!

Also, Steel Canyon can be a tough place to solo the first time since it's the first zone you run into that's split between train stations and level ranges. It's easy in those zones to wander in the wrong direction and, though you started off with enemies your level, find yourself overwhelmed. I had a hard time in Steel Canyon too until I started looking at the map and going "wait, how'd I end up this far north?"
You should have been here before the green and yellow lines were unified.



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
Looked at topics-very much a case of 'dirty freeloaders deserve nothing but contempt for daring to do or ask anything.' Not just from the posters(whenever a Premium has piped up-which is rare in itself-they're shouted down), but where one is allowed to post.
So let me guess, you´ve read one of Floating Fat Man´s posts?
Well don´t do that if you don´t want to feel your blood pressure rise... that is, if the topic is anywhere around F2P.
Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
You should have been here before the green and yellow lines were unified.
Don't. Remind. Me.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
This will likely be derided, ignored or deleted simply because of what I am: a Premium returning after a long absence, 'whining about nothing'.
While your post is mostly constructive and quite welcome, starting it off with THAT increases your chances of getting yelled at ten-fold. This is known in Internet circles as a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you come to a forum and predict that the stupid, mean, evil people there will insult you... They probably will, but not because your prediction was accurate so much as because you threw a passive-aggressive insult in their faces and induced in them the desire to insult you.

Take my advise - whenever you're posting in an environment where you're worried people might be rude to you, your best bet is to be nice and courteous. Usually, you'll find that even otherwise rude people respond to this approach positively and those that don't will usually themselves be shouted down by their peers. At the very least, this gives you the moral high ground of having done the right thing.

Let me ask you this, though: What did you hope to achieve by opening your post with a backhanded insult tossed in the community's general direction? I'm not trying to attack you here, I'm honestly interested to know in what way you believed this was helping you not get attacked.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hi Bloodly,

If you are on Union I suggest you try getting on the Sals Badgehunters chat channel. They run lots of task force teams and are generally really helpful answering questions.

If you are looking for a character that will have an easier time levelling up I suggest giving either an Any primary/Will Power Scrapper or Brute or Any primary/Dark Miasma corrupter.

Any of those should do really well solo or in teams.

You can make the villain archetypes on hero side now so if you want to team up more often I recommend starting on Blue side.

PS: Maybe avoid pairing Energy Blast with Dark Miasma if you try the corrupter option. The knockback of Energy blast will most likely be counter productive.

Good luck

PPS: The reason I picked Will Power is because it doesn't require IOs to be very survivable and it works well with any primary (it can also be set to no graphics option so no costume obscuring). I picked Dark Miasma because it gets awesome survivability early on and just keeps getting more awesome as you go. Its solo friendly as none of the powers require team mates though many of its powers benefit a whole team, it also gets a pet that heals you and makes it harder for enemies to hit. There are fantastic guides based on SOs available for both powersets on the appropriate AT forum sections.



Add me to global @elizabeth bathory and I get you into the red side community on Union. It really is there you know. Even though its not as big as freedom.

Union is far from dead.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!




Welcome back to the game.
I remain a VIP so I cannot really comment on your issues - but if you're struggling to team, might be worth checking out your channels on Union (Defiant certainly has some very active channels for getting teams)

Red side is bare but not completely ghost-town - but your channels might be a good way to get teams.

Hope you have a better experience from posting this

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
You know what I really wish? That dragging Inspirations to minions was't hit-and-miss. You can't tell what you've dragged it on as they don't highlight.
I'll answer this in case noone else has yet. You can drop insps on the names of your pets in your active pets list.



Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
Not at Level 8(Widow), not at Level 15(Defender). I agree more powers mean more options. I have all my options as slotted as I can. I don't have the Infamy/Influence to slot more. Hitting everything as it comes up. Not taking on more than one or two guys a time. Simple, basic, sensible. Hitting everything at the right times. I do not understand WHY I am dying, but I am. It's part of why I'm asking 'What am I doing wrong'?

Power picks:

Defender Build 1(Initial):

Cold Domination: Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, Infrigidate, Snow Storm
Radiation Blast: Irradiate, Neutrino Bolt, X-Ray Beam.
Speed: Flurry, Super Speed

Defender Build 2(Offence, after taking some licks):
Cold Domination: Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, Snow Storm.
Radiation Blast:Irradiate, X-Ray Beam, Neutrino Bolt, Electron Haze.
Leadership: Assault, Tactics

Most random packs here in Steel Canyon are twos and threes, sometimes four for Minions, one or two Lieutenants or Bosses. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong other than attacking in the first place. No difficulty mods. In the missions is hard too.

Maybe I'm missing something.

Have you tried lowering your mission difficulty? One of the alts I'm currently soloing is a level 15 Emp Controller (hard to get any squishier than that) and +1/+1 seems to work best for him. And that's focusing on offensive powers. I've used the second build for the team support power choices.



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
You can make the villain archetypes on hero side now so if you want to team up more often I recommend starting on Blue side.
When did they start allowing VEATs to be made blue side? I thought they were still faction restricted until level 20.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I'm ignoring this thread just because the OP said to do so.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
When did they start allowing VEATs to be made blue side? I thought they were still faction restricted until level 20.
Villain archetypes, as in Brute, Stalker, Dominator, Corruptor, and Mastermind. Not epic archetypes.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Villain archetypes, as in Brute, Stalker, Dominator, Corruptor, and Mastermind. Not epic archetypes.
Wait, what? I thought you could start as anything in Freedom (unless you start in Praetoria) and you make the choice of side in the tutorial. This should include Epics as well, no?

The lvl 20 restriction is a relic of the pre-Freedom days.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Wait, what? I thought you could start as anything in Freedom (unless you start in Praetoria) and you make the choice of side in the tutorial. This should include Epics as well, no?

The lvl 20 restriction is a relic of the pre-Freedom days.
Epic ATs are still linked to storylines and dont even enter the tutorial. They go straight to AP or Mercy.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection