Most Attractive Male NPC




Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Wow ... I never even made that connection.

Question now is, what will Richard Corben say?

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I'd go with Foreshadow. I'm not sure why that his. He has a very "stylised" look, he is ever so slightly mysterious, he has a nice build and he was the guy who replaced the Statesman on the cover of City of Hero. That wins my vote, though I'm not sure how much a guy vote counts in terms of "attractive."
Half the votes in this thread are from guys, so why wouldn't another one count? (I doubt it's really half, but a sizable portion of them.)

Seriously though, I don't think one needs to find someone else personally (specifically sexually) appealing in order to appreciate their beauty. I'm not interested in women that way, but I can still recognize the features and characteristics that makes them attractive to many of those who may be interested.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Seriously though, I don't think one needs to find someone else personally (specifically sexually) appealing in order to appreciate their beauty. I'm not interested in women that way, but I can still recognize the features and characteristics that makes them attractive to many of those who may be interested.


Seriously, Foreshadow is a babe. XD

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Harvey "Just Ate a Scrapper" Maylor.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Isn't Foreshadow's entire contribution to the game so far just "be something nice to look at?"
You fight him in one of Scirocco's missions; I like his line if he beats you. "I thought you were called 'bad guys' because you were evil, not just because you weren't any good."

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
I like the 'bad boy' look of Lars Hansen.
Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
Harvey "Just Ate a Scrapper" Maylor.

So that's what Lars will look like in middle age.

And finally a vote for Maelstrom. But only if I can tie him up and slap his face repeatedly.



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
So that's what Lars will look like in middle age.

And finally a vote for Maelstrom. But only if I can tie him up and slap his face repeatedly.
Middle age? Heck, Lars is already pushing 3 digits!

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Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Lars is already pushing 3 digits!
Should we really be talking about what Lars is doing with his fingers?



Hmmm...this is a tough call! Do we base it purely off the NPC in game models or also official/unofficial artwork of them?

A lot of them are also lacking in developement.

Just seeing Foreshadow mentioned makes me think it's just in game model and personality is not an issue.

Inwhich case, yup...going to have to go with Maelstrom. He just has the look!

If we base it on personality though, I think I'd go with Synapse! He seems setup to have a Flash style personality (it's how I seem him anyways), with the rugged five oclock shadow going on to give him the appearance of having an edge to him.

He obviously needs a new outfit though.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Hmmm...this is a tough call! Do we base it purely off the NPC in game models or also official/unofficial artwork of them?

A lot of them are also lacking in developement.

Just seeing Foreshadow mentioned makes me think it's just in game model and personality is not an issue.

Inwhich case, yup...going to have to go with Maelstrom. He just has the look!

If we base it on personality though, I think I'd go with Synapse! He seems setup to have a Flash style personality (it's how I seem him anyways), with the rugged five oclock shadow going on to give him the appearance of having an edge to him.

He obviously needs a new outfit though.
Hmmm.... I hadn't considered the official artwork... if we're including that then I think Serpent Drummer was pretty hot in the comics. I could be misremembering though.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too





Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Just seeing Foreshadow mentioned makes me think it's just in game model and personality is not an issue.
On the contrary, I believe "personality" has a lot to do with why Foreshadow gets mentioned so much. Consider what's happened to pretty much all the Phalanx members who've shown up in the SSAs: They've been depicted as gigantic ******** or heedlessly incompetent, to the point where some people are actually afraid for the characters whenever any are involved in storyline.

It's true that Foreshadow hasn't had much of a chance to develop his character, but that also means that he hasn't had a chance to annoy us and disappoint us. Foreshadow is, in large part, a mystery. He's a possibility. I honestly don't know much about him, but from looking at his appearance and from what I've heard, he sounds like he could be a very cool character. I have no real information, so my brain fills in the blanks. Because his appearance predisposes me to like him, my brain is also predisposed to assume his personality and story are also likeable. That's pretty much the trick to the "mysterious stranger" that seems to be so popular at least among popular fiction polls.

Plus, he has that really cool promo video where he fights Circle of Thorns while the Statesman spends the entire time immobilised by glowing orange hentai tentacles. That counts for a LOT.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
On the contrary, I believe "personality" has a lot to do with why Foreshadow gets mentioned so much. Consider what's happened to pretty much all the Phalanx members who've shown up in the SSAs: They've been depicted as gigantic ******** or heedlessly incompetent, to the point where some people are actually afraid for the characters whenever any are involved in storyline.

It's true that Foreshadow hasn't had much of a chance to develop his character, but that also means that he hasn't had a chance to annoy us and disappoint us. Foreshadow is, in large part, a mystery. He's a possibility. I honestly don't know much about him, but from looking at his appearance and from what I've heard, he sounds like he could be a very cool character. I have no real information, so my brain fills in the blanks. Because his appearance predisposes me to like him, my brain is also predisposed to assume his personality and story are also likeable. That's pretty much the trick to the "mysterious stranger" that seems to be so popular at least among popular fiction polls.

Plus, he has that really cool promo video where he fights Circle of Thorns while the Statesman spends the entire time immobilised by glowing orange hentai tentacles. That counts for a LOT.
Yes. It accounts for more terrible writing on CoH's part to introduce Foreshadow. Or it shows Foreshadow is the sue people claim others of being as you have the strong Statesman taken down then the other stronger hero shows up with no explanation for how he got that way, we're just to assume he's all that.

Must be his look and that he hasn't opened his mouth yet. Mind you that goes a long way too. Sooo, you could be right.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Must be his look and that he hasn't opened his mouth yet. Mind you that goes a long way too. Sooo, you could be right.
It's a lot like Darth Vader. When we didn't know the specifics of his backstory or how he became essentially a cyborg, he was a great villain. With James Earl Jones' cool voice and his flattering writing, the man was threatening. Now that we actually know the specifics of his backstory and what he was like as a kid, it's a lot harder to take the man seriously even with the previously impressive presentation.

In the case of Foreshadow, you're exactly right - much of his fame comes from the fact that he hasn't opened his mouth yet, so he hasn't had a chance to mess up. In fact, in the one story where he shows up, he is... Less than impressive on all counts, and I personally like to pretend that didn't happen. It was so long ago I barely remember it anyway. But Foreshadow is an empty vessel with a pretty face, so he's easy to like while we fill him up with our secret wishes.

In a way, I kind of wish Foreshadow never does speak up. I have the sinking feeling that if he does, he'll be revealed to be an emo jerk who has power greater than that of the Statesman (which he does), yet still somehow manages to screw up because of his mental baggage. I just don't trust our writers to write a likeable hero to save their lives. Villains, maybe, but not heroes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




Foreshadow is hawt, no doubt, but I dig the oldschool look of the RWZ warrior known as Serpent Drummer. He and Silver Cyclone are now a celebrity couple, btw. His quiet yet strong demeanor is what won me over. That, and he's a Ginger. XD

388312_10100542742701310_23922140_50556717_1428724 45_n by babydavidj, on Flickr



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
That, and he's a Ginger. XD
His roots are brown!



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
His roots are brown!
some gingers have brown roots

maybe a little TMI, but my RL boyf has hair that is blonde, red, and brown in different places XD.



Malaise WAS the hottest male npc in-game so now it's pretty much just Jimmy Temblor and goatee universe BABs in my opinion. We need a lot more male eye-candy it seems since only 4-5 names keep showing up on this thread.

Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
maybe a little TMI, but my RL boyf has hair that is blonde, red, and brown in different places XD.
Why would that be TMI? Unless you start describing exactly where all the different hair colours are.



Originally Posted by jeanngray View Post
We need a lot more male eye-candy it seems since only 4-5 names keep showing up on this thread.

We need a few dudes as slutty as folks like Mother Mayhem to equal things out. Typically, I would not support such an idea... but since boob-toons like her aren't going away, the Devs might as well play fair. Also, I think we need at least one GLBT character in-game... I don't think the Lore makes anyone officially fall into that category.



Desdemona. Clearly.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Desdemona. Clearly.
Has Desdemona stated, in game, a preference to be referred to as male?

Because, if not, Desdemona is certainly presenting female, and might prefer to be considered female.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

We need a few dudes as slutty as folks like Mother Mayhem to equal things out. Typically, I would not support such an idea... but since boob-toons like her aren't going away, the Devs might as well play fair. Also, I think we need at least one GLBT character in-game... I don't think the Lore makes anyone officially fall into that category.
I vote Serpent Drummer, as He and Silver Cyclone [my main on Exalted] are quite the item :P

and he could stand to remove his top. maybe replace it with some cool snake tattoos [i.e. his signature power from the trading card game that never went very far].