Character Names For Sale




I'm looking to clean house with all my characters.
If anyone is interested in purchasing these names with in game money (influence)
Just send me an email at @Clue
Bids start at 300 million

Names For Sale

Advocator (Not Available)
Sharp Mind
Sharp Tip
Wild Dog
Dog Pack

Names I'm thinking about selling if the price is right.

Time Sinker

We will work it out to make sure you get the name you paid for.



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
I'm looking to clean house with all my characters.
If anyone is interested in purchasing these names with in game money (influence)
Just send me an email at @Clue
Bids start at 300 million
Why don't you just delete the toons if you are cleaning house anyways?

Bidding starts at 300mill, for a list of bleh names?
Seems like you need to put two letters and a space in front of your name.
But hey, that's just MY opinion.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



Oh man, here comes the haters

Why can't I try to make some in game money off this?
What's so wrong with that? Nothing!!

Your opinion is useless!!

Take your hate some place else!! People like you are the reason a lot of people don't come to forums. Cause all you do is spread negativity.

As a shop owner I have the right to refuse service.
So, Get out of my shop!!
Take yourself back to the Guardian server LOL



This is Freedom we don't give 2 pancakes about names if we want something well we aint afraid to put a - between two words or replace a o(letter) for 0(number) lol. GL



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Oh man, here comes the haters

Why can't I try to make some in game money off this?
What's so wrong with that? Nothing!!

Your opinion is useless!!

Take your hate some place else!! People like you are the reason a lot of people don't come to forums. Cause all you do is spread negativity.

As a shop owner I have the right to refuse service.
So, Get out of my shop!!
Take yourself back to the Guardian server LOL
And this is the reason the Freedom server is bad

People are just greedy and arent interested in helping others out

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
And this is the reason the Freedom server is bad

People are just greedy and arent interested in helping others out
Not sure who you run with but none of the people I hang with are greedy. In fact, we are quite willing to even dive a bit into our personal stash to help each other. And, we definitely do not lack for willingness to help someone PL if they are up for it.
This is what happens when people take the time to develop some good friends... and don't stand around Atlas whining about wanting free farms.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



I believe the point is, none of the names are especially unique. Good luck with the 'sale' and I would be interested to know who if anyone takes you up on the offer. If you are hurting for money in game, just do some farming, and pick up a purple. I just got 450mil for one I got on a drop, INF is super easy to make, and you can get about 100mil per day on the low end.



I wouldn't use any of those names for free. GL though.



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
I'm looking to clean house with all my characters.
If anyone is interested in purchasing these names with in game money (influence)
Just send me an email at @Clue
Bids start at 300 million

Names For Sale

Sharp Mind
Sharp Tip
Wild Dog
Dog Pack

Names I'm thinking about selling if the price is right.

Time Sinker

We will work it out to make sure you get the name you paid for.
I'll give you these names for free.

Delusional Face
Weak Name Man
Creative Black Hole
Lotta Nerve




I guess I may be the only person who doesn't see an issue with selling/trading items for names.

I really don't understand why this is such a big deal and is always responded to with such venom.

We've all seen people offer 'services' for inf like base building, crafting, xp obtainment, builds and the like. I really don't see the difference between offering those things and offering a name.

I know that people have stated that names shouldn't be 'sat' on ... or was is squatted... I forget... but is there any difference between keeping a name and not 'using' it as me keeping a IO in a bin.

I imagine that people will say that it is the uniqueness of the name that is of issue here. That if the OP is squatting on these names then they aren't available to anyone else who would "actually" use them. If this is true, then isn't there a demand for these names? However, from most of the posts in this thread and others like it people mock the names for sale saying they are unoriginal and they wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. If so, than the names have no value and who cares if he is squatting on them.

Can someone please explain to me why it is so offensive to offer to sell/trade a name?



Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
I'll give you these names for free.

Delusional Face
Weak Name Man
Creative Black Hole
Lotta Nerve

Doesn't Go2Virtue come with the obligatory


Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Can someone please explain to me why it is so offensive to offer to sell/trade a name?
It's the greedy motivation of name camping that turns people off.

Say you get an idea one night, you want to make a blaster and do nothing but faceplant. You want to have fun with your idea and want to name it "the face plant" just to find out someone not only has that name but all other variations of that name with a price tag attached, ok so you dip into your funds that you could be using to buy enh, and guess what? out of your price range.

someone is standing inbetween you and your idea for no other reason than petty selfishness and greed<unless you are an rmt trying to turn profit>

I really shouldn't have to spell this out as it is obvious to anyone that draws breath.

Greed= not fun.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
I guess I may be the only person who doesn't see an issue with selling/trading items for names.

I really don't understand why this is such a big deal and is always responded to with such venom.

We've all seen people offer 'services' for inf like base building, crafting, xp obtainment, builds and the like. I really don't see the difference between offering those things and offering a name.

I know that people have stated that names shouldn't be 'sat' on ... or was is squatted... I forget... but is there any difference between keeping a name and not 'using' it as me keeping a IO in a bin.

I imagine that people will say that it is the uniqueness of the name that is of issue here. That if the OP is squatting on these names then they aren't available to anyone else who would "actually" use them. If this is true, then isn't there a demand for these names? However, from most of the posts in this thread and others like it people mock the names for sale saying they are unoriginal and they wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. If so, than the names have no value and who cares if he is squatting on them.

Can someone please explain to me why it is so offensive to offer to sell/trade a name?
I don't have an issue with other people trading/selling names. However 300 mil (or whatever silly amount people ask for) is a bit on the greedy side (imo) and the names are typically not that great tbh (again, imo)



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Oh man, here comes the haters
Action causes a Reaction.
You knew this was going to happen looking at previous posts regarding selling names.

Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Why can't I try to make some in game money off this?
What's so wrong with that? Nothing!!
How would you feel when you create a toon, and the system tells you you would need to pay inf to obtain that name?

Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Your opinion is useless!!
No sir, MY opinion is mine. It is either wrong nor right, and VERY useful to me. That you do not agree, or like my opinion is your problem, not mine.

Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Take your hate some place else!! People like you are the reason a lot of people don't come to forums. Cause all you do is spread negativity.
I am not the one asking for 300mill per name, that is spreading negativity.
I doubt that the people 'like me' who do not stand for greedy selfish players are keeping the very people we stand up for away from these forums.

Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
As a shop owner I have the right to refuse service.
So, Get out of my shop!!
Take yourself back to the Guardian server LOL
This isn't a shop, this is the forum, and open to all.
And if that is a stab towards my home server, well, at least i'm not the one putting my home server in a bad light.

Regarding the Freedom server:
There are MANY great players on that server, and they outnumber the bad players by a great amount. The reason why a lot of people hate that server is because the bad apples are hogging the spotlight.

Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
We've all seen people offer 'services' for inf like base building, crafting, xp obtainment, builds and the like. I really don't see the difference between offering those things and offering a name.
People who build bases, who help other gain xp, who craft items for others should get rewarded for their time and effort. Depending on the work and worth of their deeds they should get a normal compensation. Wanting to sell names of toon you stated wanna delete anyways for 300mill is not a fair compensation.

Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
I know that people have stated that names shouldn't be 'sat' on ... or was is squatted... I forget... but is there any difference between keeping a name and not 'using' it as me keeping a IO in a bin.
I/O's are plenty in the game. They cost to craft, they are not free to create. Even if you have memorized the recipe, and all the salvage you need to create it is dropped in mission, it'll still cost you inf to create. The costs of these I/O's on the market are about the same as the cost to create it, plus a minimal amount for the creator's time and effort.

A name, is chosen at creation, it is never paid for.

The fact that he wants to delete the toons anyways, but trying to make inf of them, and a ridiculous amount (300mill per name) at that, just rubbed me the wrong way.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



i couldn't sell a comic con costume code for 100M. A name for 300M is a waste of time and enrgy. But OP, it's your time and energy. Good luck

PS: I gave the codes aways to players that I know help other players. Infl is always less then karma.

Check out this!!!!



Edit: Wrong thread

Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.



Oh wow...really? I have better names that I still havent used yet.....I have a HUGE list of names (and yes I do check them from time to time) to use before having to worry about someone selling me one...

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Thinking by the reaction to this that it probably isn't that great of an idea. The whole idea of trying to make 300 mil on something like this just doesn't feel right.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
I guess I may be the only person who doesn't see an issue with selling/trading items for names.

I really don't understand why this is such a big deal and is always responded to with such venom.

We've all seen people offer 'services' for inf like base building, crafting, xp obtainment, builds and the like. I really don't see the difference between offering those things and offering a name.

I know that people have stated that names shouldn't be 'sat' on ... or was is squatted... I forget... but is there any difference between keeping a name and not 'using' it as me keeping a IO in a bin.

I imagine that people will say that it is the uniqueness of the name that is of issue here. That if the OP is squatting on these names then they aren't available to anyone else who would "actually" use them. If this is true, then isn't there a demand for these names? However, from most of the posts in this thread and others like it people mock the names for sale saying they are unoriginal and they wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. If so, than the names have no value and who cares if he is squatting on them.

Can someone please explain to me why it is so offensive to offer to sell/trade a name?

Thank you for noticing the positive side to this. You are one person that always gives good useful replies. I applaud you.

To the haters and you know who you are hahahaha and you haters will reply to this.. why? because you are negative and have nothing better to do then to spread hate

Also, I would like to address I am not camping on names. I have had these names for years and re-rolled toons with these names. I am freeing up names for a price... deal with it!! Your assumptions & negative thoughts are well..., just ignorant!!



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
Also, I would like to address I am not camping on names. I have had these names for years and re-rolled toons with these names.
First, let me understand your position.

1) You have toons with these names, but are not currently playing them.
2) Rather than deleting the toons you are not playing, you are offering to sell their names for (IMO a large amount of) Inf

If this is correct, then:

Yes, you are camping on these names. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, but it is what you are doing. The first step is admitting it...

If someone is willing to pay you Inf for these names, good for you. Personally, I wouldn't give a small orange inspiration for ANY name. I'd either choose a different name or go to a different server where the name is available.

I'll echo those that have wished you good luck with your sale... you're going to need it.



Originally Posted by _CLUE_ View Post
., just ignorant!!

haters gotta hate



Thanks to all the haters.... You guys are giving me free advertisement. So, please keep the replies coming. Take care!!



My problem isn't with the concept of selling names. My problem is that the names the OP wants to sell aren't worth what he's asking for them. They're not good names, and they're certainly not worth 300 mil apiece.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
My problem isn't with the concept of selling names. My problem is that the names the OP wants to sell aren't worth what he's asking for them. They're not good names, and they're certainly not worth 300 mil apiece.
Dang. 300 mil? Man, I've been missing out. I could have sold Aoidh (Gaelic for "fire") or Forever Rose...


Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



For Simulator, I will give you an artificial piece of lint.

Be sure to drink your