Questions about Celestial Armor





I wasnt sure where to post this exactly, but i figure folks on here could halp meh

now that i finally unlocked all the celestial armor, and got a peek for myself to compare with the almost spot on concept art:

[img] [/img]

i found that the art has a bow in it, a shield in it, and the belt w/kilt has a center flap that makes it look SO MUCH LESS AWKWARD compared to the live version.

how come these were removed from the final costume and pack? these three pieces would have made it my favorite costume set in game evar. might the bow/shield have been made then held off to be sold later as a special bonus market only item? [which i doubt cuz it will be rotated out and at a later point in time back into the T9 rewards.]

also, can we get a kilt option with the center flap? it looks so much better... O_O

also note, the lady sample has shoulder piece on one shoulder.

[yes i know concept art and final in game execution are two different things... but why no bow or shield?!?!!? :'(]



We actually do have the kilt with the center flap, though it's actually multiple thongs hanging from the belt.

If you read the comments, DN himself mentions that the problem was partly a matter of time and because translating 2D art into 3d models is difficult.

also the 3D art department apparently hates bows.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'm more interested in the simple masks in the upper right corner and on the female character on the left and the hood that are in the pictures. So nice and simple.



Asymetrical shoulders. Want. Want now.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Ooh, also look at those boots. Not nearly as clunky looking.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Ooh, also look at those boots. Not nearly as clunky looking.
Yeah, the boots are easily the worst part of the set, and the ones on the concept art page are many times better. For instance, the "talon" at the end doesn't look so awkward like it's glued onto the toe of the boot, so much as it's just another plate of the armour. Also, the "calf" area isn't nearly as bloated and round and doesn't stand out as much. Mind you, I still don't particularly LIKE the boots, but they're a hell of a lot better than the final 3D.

The gloves are just as awkward, though. You have a boiler attached to the forearm, then a skinny, skinny wrist, then a large metal plate attached to the back of the hand. That area of skinny wrist is what really sinks the gloves to me.

Honestly, though, I wish we'd gotten the Red-X masks from up in the right corner. They look pretty cool, and they're a lot more expressive than the Celestial face we got, which looks like a blindfold to me.

And what about that hammer? Clearly there was one in development, but instead we got the "cut your own shoulder off" reverse axe? I get that there were time concerns related to this and the hammer probably didn't get made, but the thing really is just two hammer heads on one shaft, as opposed to a hammer head and an axe blade.

And the shield looks like it eventually turned into the Barbarian one, or so it looks like.

Overall, though, this concept art explains why the Celestial set looks so weird in anything but white - because it was conceptualised as white armour. I guess this is where its pretinting started.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Honestly, though, I wish we'd gotten the Red-X masks from up in the right corner. They look pretty cool, and they're a lot more expressive than the Celestial face we got, which looks like a blindfold to me.
I hope they reuse those concepts for masks like the ones in the Carnival Pack, or new mask patterns.



Looking at the round back detail in the top right corner, there's arrows indicating that the two rings were concepted to counter-rotate.

That would have been awesome!

I always wondered why the two round back details weren't full rings, instead of the semi-circles we got.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



the belt with kilt [celestial belt 2] is the one im talking about. it has 4 flaps and a hole in the middle, while the rear has five flaps [two attatched to each leg's movement and a center attatched to the tailbone equivalent in the model.]

the front though, is missing it's center thingy and it just always looked so awkward to me. but the concept art looks so much better.

in game: [image belongs to Kierthos]

see the difference? XD

but i get that time was an issue. still... that center flap would have made all the difference.

also... i dont like hip pads that are so huge [and they keep giving us hip paads ARGH!!!]. i'd rather protect my... jewels... than my outer thighs. that seems to limit movement, actually... lol

:edit: i just noticed the wings in the concept art. it sure would be nice to get head wings with the feathers actually separated instead of yet another incarnation of the same plate shape. :/ also, some that were a little smaller would be nice. lol but this isnt a request thread huh. mainly i was just confuesd as to why the armor we got differed from the conept art in such a seemingly small yet vital way [center strap!!!!!!!!!!!] and thought time makes sense... it also doesnt since everything else to it is spot on.




My goodness!!!! I wish I hadn't seem this! It just lets me see how much cooler this set actually was supposed to be. Dink, please take the time to do the finishing touches...expecially the boots (look like cycloptic ducks)

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



For many reasons 3D art will never look as good as the 2D art. While we can do some really cool things art wise there are some limitations with our current technology.

The reason there is no middle flap is because of our skinning. We can only skin one vertices to 2 Bones max and in this instance since the flap would have been in the middle it would have needed to be skinned to 3 bones (Hips, left leg and right leg). I hope this makes sense . We do try our best to make the finished 3D look as good as we can with the resources we have.

Going back and polishing is not always (in fact seldomly) an option as I am almost always working on future costumes (I do spend time doing bug fixes). Sadly, as much as I would love to go back and polish everything however, my time is finite.

Thanks for your input and hopefully my answer helped



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
We can only skin one vertices to 2 Bones max

That is a brutal limitation.
Is that why hips are so messed up in the default run cycle?
And why you get some damn strange deformation between the legs some times?




Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The reason there is no middle flap is because of our skinning. We can only skin one vertices to 2 Bones max and in this instance since the flap would have been in the middle it would have needed to be skinned to 3 bones (Hips, left leg and right leg). I hope this makes sense . We do try our best to make the finished 3D look as good as we can with the resources we have.
*huh* That was pretty much my exact guess as to why the middle plate wasn't an option.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

That is a brutal limitation.
Is that why hips are so messed up in the default run cycle?
And why you get some damn strange deformation between the legs some times?

Most likely.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
For many reasons 3D art will never look as good as the 2D art. While we can do some really cool things art wise there are some limitations with our current technology.

The reason there is no middle flap is because of our skinning. We can only skin one vertices to 2 Bones max and in this instance since the flap would have been in the middle it would have needed to be skinned to 3 bones (Hips, left leg and right leg). I hope this makes sense . We do try our best to make the finished 3D look as good as we can with the resources we have.
Couldn't it have been done as a skirt/kilt option instead of a belt? Is there some reason it wouldn't have worked that way?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Couldn't it have been done as a skirt/kilt option instead of a belt? Is there some reason it wouldn't have worked that way?

The same problem would still apply unless it was actually a skirt and not plates.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*huh* That was pretty much my exact guess as to why the middle plate wasn't an option.
I thought it was to facilitate easier peeing.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The same problem would still apply unless it was actually a skirt and not plates.
So there is no way to fake it by having portions of the "skirt" appear translucent? thus leaving the striped look?

I thought the above would be a nasty but ok way to so a loincloth style, invisible skirt geo mapped around the legs with a visible front and back.

- Raith



Oh wow, I wish they wouldn't have abandoned the Celestial bow, that thing looks awesome.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



i really really appreciate your replies Dink!!!! yay!

still im uber sad it's not an actual skirt with transparent parts then so sad. i dont like to see my character from the front because of that awkward gap lol.

:shrug: and here i was thinking that: because the back had a center flap, the front could too somehow. :'(

i hope the chain mail skirt to satisfy my needs comes out soon! [*yearns for the zombie grave night pet's chain skirt.*]



Originally Posted by Raith View Post
So there is no way to fake it by having portions of the "skirt" appear translucent? thus leaving the striped look?

I thought the above would be a nasty but ok way to so a loincloth style, invisible skirt geo mapped around the legs with a visible front and back.

- Raith
also, great idea for a loincloth finally! make it happen diiinnkkk!!! <3



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The same problem would still apply unless it was actually a skirt and not plates.
This brings up a question: Couldn't you just have made the flaps into the single surface of a skirt and have them act accordingly?

Also, another question: There are five flaps on the back. How is that different?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The reason there is no middle flap is because of our skinning. We can only skin one vertices to 2 Bones max and in this instance since the flap would have been in the middle it would have needed to be skinned to 3 bones (Hips, left leg and right leg). I hope this makes sense . We do try our best to make the finished 3D look as good as we can with the resources we have.
Good lord. No wonder things are so hokey. I commend the entire 3D team for making awesome things despite that limitation. Damn, man.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Wish I had not seen that art.

1. Both pairs of those boots are so beautiful. The ones we have now, I honestly consider the ugliest footwear in the game - those boots are far beneath bad. And not in a good way.

2. Oh lovely weapons.... where are you?!!

3. Where is the plain face-mask?!! WANT

4. The male belt actually looks like he's NOT wearing a bustle on each hip, in the artwork.

5. While eventually working on these fixes, how about adding the original Victorian Steampunk female face option to the CC? leave the one thats there now and add the made-up option back again. It'd be simple to do, and so much appreciated