Questions about Celestial Armor




Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
I'm more interested in the simple masks in the upper right corner and on the female character on the left and the hood that are in the pictures. So nice and simple.
This...A million times this, I'd actually pay for the set all over again just for those masks.

Also we love you Dink.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Are you saying that those lighter grey metal parts can't get any darker because of metallic reflective shading? Or was that an artist's decision to make the armor two-tone and impossible to get all-black?
Apparently, we need another color darker than black. The devs need to add fuligin to the color palette.

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i vote Dink to be the new hero in the Freedom Phalanx! XD yaaaay!

any chance you can find some spare time again to port some female only pieces over to males? [CoL sash, masks, crowns, barbarian crown, regular crowns, bottoms with skin, bracers, tribal spikes belt, long not-anime hair XD]



Originally Posted by 8_Ball View Post
This...A million times this, I'd actually pay for the set all over again just for those masks.

Also we love you Dink.
This for me too.

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I wish we had gotten that hammer as a celestial mace, not what we did get, which was the axe turned around backwards, which just looks wrong.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
I will have to look into that when I get some spare time, right now my hands are full with Retro Sci Fi ^_^
Dink, if you fixed that, I would make you my bride.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
For many reasons 3D art will never look as good as the 2D art. While we can do some really cool things art wise there are some limitations with our current technology.
You say that like it's some sort of... concept... something to guide the final product... that's just... whoa.

Also, your name... Makes me think of Dink Smallwood... o.o

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
I think now that we are using Normal Maps it changes the look ever so slightly, that may have something to do with it as we used to use plain old Bump maps.
I'm not sure normal maps alone can cause such a drastic change in colour as the Celestial Armour set is experiencing. I'm not questioning your expertise, Dink, but I just feel there's more going on. Specifically, I believe that a lot of Celestial Armour pieces are specifically designed to take tint colours to a smaller amount, possibly through transparent colour mask patterns. I know of other items in the game that do the same. the Defence top and bottom are a good example - those have parts that take base colour, parts that take secondary colour and parts that end up a mix of base+secondary colour, I assume because colour mask there is partially transparent.

Could you please check to see if there isn't something keeping the Celestial pieces from colouring intentionally? Since you restructured how your costumes are stored in your pigg files, it's been a lot harder to find them with the now-aging pigg viewers, so I can't check for myself

I actually have another example of what might be going on. When you have a spare moment, check out the base texture for the Steampunk boiler backpack. Even when given pure white as a colour, the pack comes off brown, because its basic texture is brown. This I've actually seen for a fact, and it's a large reason for why it doesn't colour properly. As I understand the colour-mixing system you used from when BABs explained it, it should be additive, meaning that choosing pure white as the colour should reveal the base texture unaltered, though perhaps bleached somewhat. But selecting pure white for the Steampunk boiler backpack reveals it to be brown. Could you give us some insight into that?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



If I can get Retro SciFi done in a timely manner I MAY be able to have some time to look into but I cannot promise anything and Clockwork01 owns my time.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
If I can get Retro SciFi done in a timely manner I MAY be able to have some time to look into but I cannot promise anything and Clockwork01 owns my time.
Let me know if we need to bribe Clockwork01... I can arrange a fresh batch of toffee chip chocolate cookies if required.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
If I can get Retro SciFi done in a timely manner I MAY be able to have some time to look into but I cannot promise anything and Clockwork01 owns my time.
Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Let me know if we need to bribe Clockwork01... I can arrange a fresh batch of toffee chip chocolate cookies if required.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. What are his weaknesses? Oreos? Bacon? Bacon Oreos?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. What are his weaknesses? Oreos? Bacon? Bacon Oreos?
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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Also, your name... Makes me think of Dink Smallwood... o.o
It makes me think of the movie Goldfinger.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Zyphoid: No bow and shield, there just was not enough time allocated for them.
I'd also note that the mace seen in that picture must have lost out, as we got a combo axe and mace model instead.

It's a shame, because all three of these models look awesome and would look great in game. It would be really really really really be great if the time could be found somewhere for those, as I have characters that would love all of those. It's a shame that they somehow fell by the wayside.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Apparently, we need another color darker than black. The devs need to add fuligin to the color palette.
Can we get octarine, too, while we're at it?

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Apparently, we need another color darker than black. The devs need to add fuligin to the color palette.
some other black options