Best badge for your character?




My main is a fire/time corruptor and his badge is:

perfect imo

I will probably keep that as my badge even after I get the Fire Chief badge.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



"Cliche" on Ice Ice Baby (it works for obvious reasons).

"Drowned Rat" on Amy the Rat (just a rat thing).



Elec/TW tank with 200% recharge after Hasten. I autoclick Whirling Smash, so....

Spin Doctor. :3

A teammate told me they were getting dizzy.



I have Speed Demon on my speedster character, Velocitude.



All of the AE badges were very, very cool sounding. Here is a list AE Badges

At least "Poor Impulse Control" remained after the great AE badge yank of 2009.

Too bad they deemed them 'encouraging farming', as if farmers cared about badges. I really want to petition to get them back, but alas, I'm pretty sure it won't happen and it's not worth the fight.

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Strong and Pretty for all my toons.



For Turbo-Ski,
-Heatseeker (since her power is heat absorption)
-Cold Warrior
-Cold as Ice

For Sarix I just use Demonic or Soul Taker



Originally Posted by Radiac View Post
My main, Radiac, is a rad/rad def and is still not really wearing a badge that I feel fits his backstory in any really significant way and I'm still looking. Is there a "Radioactive" badge? I don't even know, I'll have to look.
No "Radioactive" but you could use "Irradiated." You get it for spending 5 hours in Bloody Bay.

My favorite badge/character comboes include:
"Chum" for Just For The Halibut (a human-fish hybrid)
"Assassin" for Yellow Chaos (an assassin)
"Predator (and eventually "Weapon of Mass Destruction") for Break Stuff
"Eyes of Nemesis" for Not a Nemesis Plot
"Kill Skuls" for Total pwnage (former Hellion). If I ever decide to take him Heroside he'll pick up "Pwned" or "Pwnz"
Shadowninja has been "Man in Black" "Demon Slayer" and "Soul Taker"

And though I haven't done it, I always wanted to make a character named Villain of Villainy. Give him the "Villainous" title is 15. Then the "Redundant" badge title.



I loved the idea of having my valkyrie character with Destined for Valhalla badge as I leveled, then I switched to the Warrior at the Gate badge as a achievement for getting to level 50.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
All of the AE badges were very, very cool sounding. Here is a list AE Badges

At least "Poor Impulse Control" remained after the great AE badge yank of 2009.

Too bad they deemed them 'encouraging farming', as if farmers cared about badges. I really want to petition to get them back, but alas, I'm pretty sure it won't happen and it's not worth the fight.
Wait, what? That's ridiculous. Looking at the ParagonWiki page for AE badges underscores how tragic and unfair a loss this is - think of all the steampunk characters who have lost Adventurer, the sonic-users who have lost Bard, the Cabalists who have lost Maven, the robots who have lost Galvanized, the gamblers who have lost Jackpot, the super-speeders who have lost Hotshot, the golden-agers who have lost To The Rescue, the Bane Spiders who have lost Executioner, to name a few... if we can't get them back as AE badges, we should at least make some noise to get them attached to other things. The ones for hostage rescues could be tied to police missions with hostage rescues, for instance, and the Heroic/Villainous badge chains could be tied to tips.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
AAt least "Poor Impulse Control" remained after the great AE badge yank of 2009.
I'm happy that one survived. I use it on my fire blaster, especially when I'm showing up for Mo badge runs.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



I miss "Show Off"... That one would have been great for Rose, my little fifteen year-old Dual Pistol blaster.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Most of mine find a badge title that suits their in-game personality.

My PvP Stalker has "Stone Cold", for instance.

My Hopi Legend toon (Fire/Nrg Blaster) has "Judge and Jury".

One of my Ghost Buster tribute toons has "Ectoplasmic"

I don't have any favorites myself - it's purely a matter of what suits the toon.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



My main, Arachnos Commander, tends to favor the Arachnos themed badges. I usually wear the "Arachnos Official" badge. Though, most of the time I have "Bug Hunter" selected... just because :P

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander: