I give up... What about Inventions?




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So long as you realize what you're doing and make a note of this option.

That is to say, if you find yourself (despite how tough you are now and tougher you will be with all your new sets) not tough enough, it was because of compromises you decided upon with the build.

And I'm not pointing this out to be a ****, I'm pointing this out because it'd be a tool you can use for another character who you *do* want to be tougher. Rather than run to the boards to ask what you should do, you'd be savvy enough to say "well, I could replace these Crushing Impacts with [X] and these Cleaving Blows with [Y] to give me Q extra defense and blahblahblah".
I still might come over and ask, but I know what you mean. And, yes, I realise that if I come up short, it'll be my own fault. It is my profound hope that any solo content should be at least somewhat balanced with at least somewhat mediocre builds in mind, so I hope to never be in that situation, but if I do end up in it... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's a good point. I've been trying to figure out what to do about just this problem, and it seems like waiting until I have a full set is the better option. I'm not sure where I'll store the things until I'm done, since even the characters of mine that have SGs don't have bases, but I'll figure something out. Worse come to worst, I can always sink $20 into buying a second enhancement tray, right?
No, just leave them as recipes and store them in your character's recipe inventory until you're ready to craft the set for a power.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Not sure if it helps, but a while back I wrote a draft of a guide for Controllers ("The Texas Handbook to Slotting Your Controller") that I never finished. The unfinished draft is here:


Note that it was written before Time Manipulation was released so the advice about S/L defense with S/L resistance not being a Texas troller is outdated. Other changes to the game would probably have me edit some sections, particularly regarding how to think about defense, soft caps, and target numbers. I wasn't thinking much about Doms either at the time or I might have added something about Hoarfrost being basically +Resistance of a kind.

EDIT: PS, I did say this was a draft right? So when it says "Slash defense" instead of "Smash" take it with a grain of salt. If I ever have time to revise the guide that sort of thing will be fixed.



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
No, just leave them as recipes and store them in your character's recipe inventory until you're ready to craft the set for a power.
That's possible too, but it has problems of its own. Assuming I don't accidentally sell the recipes on careless missclick, I'm still almost assuredly going to sell the salvage I need to make them before I get the full set ready to craft. I'll sell it because I can't... Don't want to have to keep track of what I need across a long period of time. One of the revelations which helped me get a handle on the Market was the notion that I don't have to keep things, I can just sell them and later re-buy them when I discover I needed them all along. This is done at a steep loss, obviously, but I like to think I'm paying for the convenience of not having to remember what I need until I can actually use it.

You're right, though - there are options. With the /auctionhouse portable command, I can conceivably do my trading from within Vault Reserve and so keep track of what I need by saving it in the vault. That's not a bad idea. It's a lot better than keeping notes. I'll have to mess with it to see.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



FWIW don't worry too much about rare auction house salvage. Run a few AE arcs to get some tickets. You can buy almost any piece of salvage you need no matter how rare. The less rare stuff is usually fairly affordable.

(Technically, you're doing it at a loss, because buying salvage means NOT spending on random rolls. But if you are like me and really dont like playing the market its very easy to do).

Mids will create a shopping list for you. If you see any piece you need like 8 of you just load up on 8 and ignore the AH entirely on that, because you have 10 Essence of the Incarnates or whatever. And if you end up with too many its easily sold.



There's a lot of good advise in this thread on building in general, so rather than rehash it I'll try to address your idea of "clean building." I think you're jumping the gun thinking that SR is the hardest to build around with inventions. I think it can be, but it can also be the most straight forward. Lets try this: I'm going to put on my Sam-hat, and try to think like you, and see how I might build an SJ/SR scrapper with inventions.

First, I fire up Mids and start an SJ/SR. Now, I want it to be powerful, but also a straight forward and simple build. I don't know that much about the invention system, so lets start by just picking all my SR defenses and 3-slotting them with level 50 common IOs. Because really, the only optional power in there is Elude, and if you aren't going to be an SR min/maxer, I'd recommend keeping Elude anyway. So that part is easy.

I end up with 30.9% defense. Hmm. I can add power pools to help, and two make obvious sense. I can take combat Jumping which costs almost no endurance and adds some defense, and I can take the big gun power pool-wise and get fighting, which gets me both tough and weave.

Boxing, Tough, and Weave, abd CJ put me at 39.8% defense. If I can swing a Steadfast in Tough, I can get to 42.8% defense. Still with no real set bonuses, just one proc.

If I don't want to have scattered strange set bonuses all over the place, I need something simple. And the other big source of positional defense out there is Gaussian. And its a level 50 set, and I just have to slot the full set in something. So I take Combat Readiness and slot a full Gaussian. Now I'm up to 45.3% defense, which is the non-incarnate soft cap, and I still haven't really forced very many set bonuses at all. And if I now fill in the Street Justice attacks, I find I can have all of them except Confront by level 41. I may not want to do it in exactly that order, but clearly I can have a build with all the SJ attacks, all the SR defenses, CJ, and fighting, all by 41. I then have three discretionary powers left at the end of the build I can use to take anything.

And this build uses just one set bonus from a full set of Gaussian, and one Steadfast proc. The entire build could be level 50 enhancements. It could even be just common IOs if you want. You have 46 slots to go, which means you could still fully slot all your attacks if you want. This build is soft capped, has reasonable endurance, and barely scratches the surface of the invention system. If I just fill the slots with common IOs and take Body Mastery for Physical Perfection, I have a very simple build:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
It don't get simpler than that. Of course, there's lots of ways to improve this build. The order of the powers is a bit odd and of course I'm barely scratching the surface of invention possibilities, but sometimes I actually build kind of like this: with a simple starter that lets me see the options before I start messing with things and shuffling things around.

With SR, you're basically down to three options to improve survivability. First and most important, get a lot of defense: at least the soft cap, and if you want to go nuts and go for the incarnate soft cap, then that next. After that, your nets option besides running tough is to get as much regeneration as you can. You also have to decide if you want to run Aid self or not. Personally, I don't mind Aid self, but some people don't. If you don't, I think your best bet is to focus on regeneration, and of course having enough offense that you don't have to eat as much damage.

The problem, looking at this build, is that you're running out of slots. I'd like to slot up Health, but the slots have to come from somewhere. Playing around, I see I can steal a slot from CJ and it only costs me 0.1% defense. It would be better spent elsewhere since that 0.1% won't matter much. I can shift that to Health. Also, if I can afford it, I can slot a Numina proc. If I slot the proc and a Numina Health, I end up increasing regen from +194% to +226%. If i do the same thing to the two health slots in PP, although I slot a little lower the set bonus makes up for it, and I end up with +235% regen.

My attacks are slotted 2acc/3dmg/1end for a total of 83.32% acc, 99.08% damage, and 42.4% end reduce. A full set of Crushing Impacts does better overall, getting to 68.9% acc/end/rech and 101.47% damage. It also gives me more health, more accuracy, more recharge, and more psionic resistance as set bonuses. How much more? Who cares: its better slotting anyway, and its a full set of 50s, so lets reslot:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Still 45.2% defense, now 235% regen, and some recharge. Hmm, I put a bunch of recharge in the build. I wonder if I still need two recharge IOs in Practiced Brawler: might be nice if I only need one. Yep: I only need one. Great, another slot. I could put that in health, get more regen and also another Numina bonus, the next one is more MaxHealth, which is always nice on an SR. And actually, the all-crushing actually looks nicer than the assortment of commons anyway. But we still have those AoEs. If we're rich, we could go Obliterations in those. But I'm Sam, not TopDoc, so lets see what's on sale. If I put a set of Scirocco in there, everything but the proc, I still do pretty good relative to the common IOs: 73.78% acc, 95.11% dmg, 47.7% end, 52% rech. And I free another slot. Lets do that to sweeping cross.

Intruigingly, my AoE defense is now 48.3% due to the Scirocco's set bonus. If I'm shooting for at or near 59% defense, that helps. If I'm really just going for soft-cap or a bit above, I now have the luxury of maybe yanking a slot from lucky, my AoE passive. So actually, Scirocco's freed two slots, not one. I'll just shove them into tough for now. With common IOs in there, I now have 17.6% resistance to smash/lethal. And I have pretty good recovery. And I have conserve power. This build is not an optimal build by any means, but its not bad, and its also not a hodge-podge build, and its a pretty straight forward build in terms of how it was put together:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
There's lots more you can do, and this approach even taken to the logical conclusion won't necessarily make an optimal build, but I think you can do nice things with inventions in SR with relatively straight forward thinking and not too much reliance on patchwork slotting. And a faster, more advanced version of this is basically how I tend to start builds from scratch actually: its how I try to break it down to simple parts for me, so its not like this is just kindergarden stuff. Its more or less how I eventually get to this:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Which I think is a pretty good MA/SR build.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's possible too, but it has problems of its own. Assuming I don't accidentally sell the recipes on careless missclick, I'm still almost assuredly going to sell the salvage I need to make them before I get the full set ready to craft. I'll sell it because I can't... Don't want to have to keep track of what I need across a long period of time. One of the revelations which helped me get a handle on the Market was the notion that I don't have to keep things, I can just sell them and later re-buy them when I discover I needed them all along. This is done at a steep loss, obviously, but I like to think I'm paying for the convenience of not having to remember what I need until I can actually use it.

You're right, though - there are options. With the /auctionhouse portable command, I can conceivably do my trading from within Vault Reserve and so keep track of what I need by saving it in the vault. That's not a bad idea. It's a lot better than keeping notes. I'll have to mess with it to see.
This is what I do at LVL 50:

All rare and uncommon salvage gets put into my Vault until the Vault is full. At that point, if I get uncommons that I don't have a bunch of or any rare, I make room for them by removing the uncommons I have plenty of and hock them.

Any stack of common salvage I have that amounts 5 or greater in my Salvage Inventory gets stored in my Market Inventory. I add to those stacks in my Market Inventory as my Salvage Inventory starts getting full. When a stack hits the maximum amount, 10 salvage, I hock it. I repeat.

This allows me to not have to bother with keeping track of what salvage I've got, but at the same time I usually have what I need stored somewhere for that character...if I haven't done a lot of crafting. If it turns out I'm missing something I need, I get it on the market, but that typically only happens for uncommon and rare salvage.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



I don't have anything substantive to add, but I wanted to take the time to say what I have been thinking while reading this. This thread is awesome.

And no, in case it's unclear via text: that's not sarcasm.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't have anything substantive to add, but I wanted to take the time to say what I have been thinking while reading this. This thread is awesome.

And no, in case it's unclear via text: that's not sarcasm.
Dang it UG! Your smarmy BS ain't doing nothin but taking up space!!1

Go make your own thread to fill with your unproductive snark



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
There's a lot of good advise in this thread on building in general, so rather than rehash it I'll try to address your idea of "clean building." I think you're jumping the gun thinking that SR is the hardest to build around with inventions. I think it can be, but it can also be the most straight forward. Lets try this: I'm going to put on my Sam-hat, and try to think like you, and see how I might build an SJ/SR scrapper with inventions.
Thank you, Arcana. I really appreciate the explanation, and I like your iterative process of building. I'll have to try that some time. However, I'm still determined to start with "frankenslotting," and the reason I say it's simpler isn't because of the complexity of the build so much as because I'm only looking at part of the data. It might seem like using less of the available information would make decisions harder, but you yourself have said that sometimes, a little information is worse than no information at all.

It's just easier on my head to look at power, go "I want improve this power thusly:" and not really worry my pretty little head about how that affects anything else in the build. I'm sure it's a worse proposition, but it's actually easier to comprehend, and it's comprehension that's tripping me up. I will follow your advice, just... In time

Incidentally, would you like to pitch in on the subject of how defence affects mitigation as the numbers increase that I brought up earlier in the thread, or do you feel bad about making me look stupid by correcting my explanation?


Here's some very good news. Someone mentioned that Mids' Hero and Villain Designer can give me a list of all ingredients that I need for an entire build. That's great, because I can keep that on one hand, keep the Vault Reserve inventory on the other hand have a quick, direct way to tell which pieces of salvage I need to keep. Isn't it great?!? I will definitely do that. I'm interested to know if it's possible to include or exclude recipes I've already made from that list, but even if it's not, I can just mess with the slots to make that happen. You know, swap an enhancement with a SO in MIDs after I've made it?

Here's the thing, though - since I'm only ever going to start even thinking about this AFTER I hit 50, then collecting salvage for a Set Inventions build BEFORE I hit 50 isn't going to happen. Yes, it's inefficient, but I need those sold rares to fund the Commons which will eventually GET me there.

I should be done with AssCreed within the day or some time tomorrow, and I'll get right on that. Who knows? Maybe I22 will roll out today?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has been said already, but one thing you can do is to make a second build, and start slotting it out while you're using your SO build to actually play. This allows you to store the necessary IOs. When the build is complete enough, switch over, if you ever go F2P, you have an SO build to use.

Frankenslotting will make you a build that is better than SOs, but not as good as an IO build. It basically allows you to save some slots, as you can do in 4-5 IOs what takes 6 SOs. I have one frankenslotted character which I use pretty much exclusively for exemping (so no set bonuses to lose) and works very well.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
See, that's a problem, and one that's not as easy to overcome as just doing my homework and putting in the time. I say I don't want to farm, but I can be convinced to at least try it out. But when it comes to a messy build, that's a deal-breaker. See, I like neatness and order. It calms me down and makes me focused. A build that looks pristine, orderly, almost factory-made is something I can be proud of. A build that looks like I duct-taped various builds together into a hodgepodge of whatever I ran across is the primary reason I don't play any other MMOs... Or really, any other RPGs. I can put up with it, but it wears on me and kills the game for me in the end.
Then you are looking at it the wrong way. If someone posts you a build and says put it in MIDs, do so. Then study what they did. Look at each set they used. Then go research them on Paragonwiki. By researching and studying builds like this you can teach yourself how to slot your character that fits your playing style. The best way for this is to learn from what others have done. You may find someone's build that is a close representation of your own playing style or vision of what you are looking to do with your character. This is the beauty of MIDs; it literally helps you design a character's ability and enhancing them so you can maximize their potential.

You do not have to use what they give you. Most of the time when someone posts a build for another it is an example of what he or she recommended. The truth of the matter is what works for one may not work for another person. Therefore, study what others have done to reach their goals. Then adapt it to your mindset and make it your own.

I am sure if your learning something in a classroom setting or on the job training you would not respond in the manner as you did above. The most foolish thing anyone can do is not look at the results of someone else's work, study it, and then take from it what they can to make better. However, after studying something, you do not feel that is for you, then you move on.

If you truly want to do what you stated originally in this post, then you will be more open and receptive to these types of ideas. However, you are still a bit defensive about this inasmuch you don't want to do what others are doing. That is what I read from your replies so far.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You're right, though - there are options. With the /auctionhouse portable command, I can conceivably do my trading from within Vault Reserve and so keep track of what I need by saving it in the vault.
If you have /auctionhouse, then you probably also have (or can get with the next token) /vault, too? If so, then you can stand in a university by a crafting bench, and buy, craft and slot right where you are.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



If you have your own SG, it's not too much of an effort to build a small base with just a workbench and storage for salvage and crafted enhancements, racks store 30 salvage each and the enhancement storage bench will store 100 crafted enhancies for you.
To my mind it's well worth the effort.
Apologies if anyone has already suggested this.




One way to use Mids to track salvage that you need, while factoring in which recipes you have already made, it to have two save files in Mids for a character.

For example, get a build done in Mids, save it as CRASH-MAIN. Then do a "save as" and save it as CRASH-RECIPES.

As you get and craft recipes, load the the CRASH-RECIPES file, then empty the enhancement you crafted from the power it goes in, and save the file. That way, when you generate the shopping list, the recipes you have crafted are not in the file, so the shopping list wont reflect the salvage that you no longer need.

As you get closer and closer to completion, the CRASH-RECIPES file becomes more and more empty, giving a sense of completion, until finally you are done.

Meanwhile, the original file always preserves your end goal for perusal.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Any stack of common salvage I have that amounts 5 or greater in my Salvage Inventory gets stored in my Market Inventory. I add to those stacks in my Market Inventory as my Salvage Inventory starts getting full. When a stack hits the maximum amount, 10 salvage, I hock it. I repeat.
I just want to add that I don't sell the stacks of salvage in my Market Inventory until I get enough in my Salvage Inventory again.

It's kinda important, so I won't really run out of what I might need.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Incidentally, would you like to pitch in on the subject of how defence affects mitigation as the numbers increase that I brought up earlier in the thread, or do you feel bad about making me look stupid by correcting my explanation?
One thing about defense that didn't stick coming from me was the notion of admittance. Admittance is the damage that hits you; its the converse of mitigation. So 90% mitigation is 10% admittance.

Non-regenerative survival is 1/admittance, which is effectively the same thing as your survival duration calculation. So 90% mitigation is 10% admittance is 10x survival duration, disregarding regeneration.

Although the term hasn't passed into common terminology, the basic calculation 1/(1-mitigation) is commonly used to (colloquially) say "90% mitigation is ten times survival." Different people call it different things, but "survival duration" is a common reference point for people to compare survivability.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Thank you, Arcana. I really appreciate the explanation, and I like your iterative process of building. I'll have to try that some time. However, I'm still determined to start with "frankenslotting," and the reason I say it's simpler isn't because of the complexity of the build so much as because I'm only looking at part of the data. It might seem like using less of the available information would make decisions harder, but you yourself have said that sometimes, a little information is worse than no information at all.

It's just easier on my head to look at power, go "I want improve this power thusly:" and not really worry my pretty little head about how that affects anything else in the build. I'm sure it's a worse proposition, but it's actually easier to comprehend, and it's comprehension that's tripping me up. I will follow your advice, just... In time
Hopefully, the process is an extension of the "slot one power at a time" methodology. 90% of it above focuses on just improving the slotting of one specific power at a time, and the set bonuses are just gravy. The Crushing Impacts, for example, are mostly looking for a nice melee set that provides good slotting. The fact that their set bonuses look good on the surface is a plus, but no thought was put into their actual numbers: the list itself just looks good. Also, your defense comes almost entirely from defense powers, and your attacks are free to be slotted any way you want. The process doesn't try to use attack set bonuses to build defense. That isn't always optimal, but it is simpler: defense for defense, offense for offense, extra bonuses when you can get them, and the only real exception is Gaussian, because its just such a good option everyone eventually learns its out there.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I've not read any of the other replies, so if I repeat anyone else's replies,

Edit: Actually, after reading the entire thread, I don't think I have anything
meaningful to add that hasn't already been said, or would take a LOT of
explanation. Sorry to intrude, GL with your project.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Arcanaville, you are amazing!

Now I want a Sam hat.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post

One way to use Mids to track salvage that you need, while factoring in which recipes you have already made, it to have two save files in Mids for a character.

For example, get a build done in Mids, save it as CRASH-MAIN. Then do a "save as" and save it as CRASH-RECIPES.

As you get and craft recipes, load the the CRASH-RECIPES file, then empty the enhancement you crafted from the power it goes in, and save the file. That way, when you generate the shopping list, the recipes you have crafted are not in the file, so the shopping list wont reflect the salvage that you no longer need.

As you get closer and closer to completion, the CRASH-RECIPES file becomes more and more empty, giving a sense of completion, until finally you are done.

Meanwhile, the original file always preserves your end goal for perusal.

Nice tip! I hadn't known about the shopping list feature either. That & your tip will make my IO'ing efforts much easier!

As others have said, this is an awesome thread. Thanks for starting it Sam!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I know I've made these threads occasionally and never followed up on them, but it's starting to become very, very clear that I may simply no longer have a choice in the matter if I intend to play any part of the game newer than 2009 or so. So, because people seem to love accusing me of not listening, this is me throwing in the towel and asking to listen.

I actually do have a few specific questions in mind, and none of them are character- or AT-specific. Just general ones.

1. What must one do to acquire the resources needed to make Inventions - recipes and salvage? Can this be done by just playing Story Arcs and regular missions like I always have, or do I need to run Architect missions or farm Alignment missions or such?

2. Is it possible to build specifically at level 50, using only level 50 Inventions, or do I have to have a menagerie of different numbers on my Enhancements screen?

3. What defines "cheap" vs. "expensive" sets? Market price? Ticket cost? Merit cost? Is there any way to tell which is which before I commit to it?

4. Does everyone have to build for Defence? Seemingly, whether your sets provide defence or not, and even whether you're melee or not, everyone suggests building for defence. What else should I build for as a general thing? Recharge? Endurance? What?

5. Is it possible to develop a basic template that's at least generally applicable to a whole AT with whatever amount of tweaking, or does every character essentially require starting a build design from scratch?

6. How much work is it to put together a decent, "cheap" build at the level cap as opposed to, say, buying a full set of Common Inventions, assuming I have the build worked out beforehand?

I'm not trolling, I'm not joking, I'm not even just talking empty. I simply don't have the strength to fight people tooth and nail about not using Inventions any more when newer content clearly assumes I am. I'm starting to feel like I have to either "get with the programme" or quit the game entirely. And I don't want to quit the game quite yet, if at all possible. So this is me giving up and just trying to wrap my head around the thing.
I mostly do 2 things to aquire what I want.

1. Farm Signature story arcs for alignment merits (sadly, this makes my rogues and vigils reliant on other characters)

2. Farm AE for tickets

What IOs do I get?

1. Slot as many Luck of the Gamblers +7.5% recharges I can on the character, slot a miracle +recovery, Numina +recovery + regeneration, steadfast -KB (or Karma) (for those who need it) and steadfast +3% defense. If like stealth, pick up a cererity +stealth.

2. Then I pull up mids and make a build. Going for defense capping and/or recharge is good. Sometimes I go for def or recharge.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has been said already, but one thing you can do is to make a second build, and start slotting it out while you're using your SO build to actually play. This allows you to store the necessary IOs. When the build is complete enough, switch over, if you ever go F2P, you have an SO build to use.
Yeah, that's one way I wanted to go about this. I actually wanted to work on completing a second build that I switch to only when I have stuff to add to it, then switch back to my working build, and do this until the in-progress build is complete. The 15-minute timer kind of puts a damper to that, but it's not something I can't work around.

Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
If you have /auctionhouse, then you probably also have (or can get with the next token) /vault, too? If so, then you can stand in a university by a crafting bench, and buy, craft and slot right where you are.
I... Did not know this existed. Yes, that's an EXCELLENT idea, and I will definitely use it. Use Mids' to track salvage, use /auctionhouse to get salvage, use /vault to store and retrieve salvage and use the university workbench to make things. Genius! Thank you!

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
One way to use Mids to track salvage that you need, while factoring in which recipes you have already made, it to have two save files in Mids for a character.

For example, get a build done in Mids, save it as CRASH-MAIN. Then do a "save as" and save it as CRASH-RECIPES.

As you get and craft recipes, load the the CRASH-RECIPES file, then empty the enhancement you crafted from the power it goes in, and save the file. That way, when you generate the shopping list, the recipes you have crafted are not in the file, so the shopping list wont reflect the salvage that you no longer need.

As you get closer and closer to completion, the CRASH-RECIPES file becomes more and more empty, giving a sense of completion, until finally you are done.

Meanwhile, the original file always preserves your end goal for perusal.

That's kind of like what I was suggesting before, but... How do I actually EMPTY a slot without removing it? I ask this, because I can't remove the base slot in any power. Is there some way to just pick "nothing?" Because I really would like that.

And you're absolutely right. That sort of "emptying out" of the working build is exactly the kind of visual progress I adore. That's a great idea! This is also probably the point where I go from begrudgingly using Inventions to actually being excited about them. See, I knew there was a way to do them in a way that inspires me!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Although the term hasn't passed into common terminology, the basic calculation 1/(1-mitigation) is commonly used to (colloquially) say "90% mitigation is ten times survival." Different people call it different things, but "survival duration" is a common reference point for people to compare survivability.
The reason I like survival duration is because it's the easiest to put in concrete terms. I've always had a rough relationship with mathematics in the sense that even though I understand the math and know its implication on practical problems, I have a hard time "believing" it on an instinctive level unless I can actually see the results. Mitigation is a very useful tool, but it's still just a number. You can't eat it, so to speak. Turning that into seconds and going "Wow, that's a lot of extra seconds of survival!" is just a more visceral way portraying it.

Of course, it still always comes down to your formula for mitigation, I've just added more stuff to it for appearance and terminology, really.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Hopefully, the process is an extension of the "slot one power at a time" methodology. 90% of it above focuses on just improving the slotting of one specific power at a time, and the set bonuses are just gravy. The Crushing Impacts, for example, are mostly looking for a nice melee set that provides good slotting. The fact that their set bonuses look good on the surface is a plus, but no thought was put into their actual numbers: the list itself just looks good. Also, your defense comes almost entirely from defense powers, and your attacks are free to be slotted any way you want. The process doesn't try to use attack set bonuses to build defense. That isn't always optimal, but it is simpler: defense for defense, offense for offense, extra bonuses when you can get them, and the only real exception is Gaussian, because its just such a good option everyone eventually learns its out there.
See, THIS I really like. I love that approach. "Defence for defence, offence for offence." If I can work with that, I'd be set.

Wow... Today is a good day for Inventions, it seems

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's kind of like what I was suggesting before, but... How do I actually EMPTY a slot without removing it? I ask this, because I can't remove the base slot in any power. Is there some way to just pick "nothing?" Because I really would like that.
Right-click the slot to bring up the enhancement pop-up, then select the left-hand circle in the top row, which gives you an empty slot.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.