I give up... What about Inventions?




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
She's also by far my richest character, her Inf just barely topping a billion.
If you were able to make over a billion, I don't see what the problem is. It only takes 600mil, maybe 800mil for a decent (at the 'buy it now' rate) IO build.

You can actually make builds comprised of some rare recipes for only 200mil if you're not picky with the levels. But I've never had a character with over 600mil in their pocket. Popping over to non-actives to buy alignment merits ultimately eats into getting such figures.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You can actually make builds comprised of some rare recipes for only 200mil if you're not picky with the levels. But I've never had a character with over 600mil in their pocket. Popping over to non-actives to buy alignment merits ultimately eats into getting such figures.
Thing is, I didn't do anything much to earn that. I got three Purples over the span of two days. One sold for 350 million, one sold for 450 million, one sold for something like 200 million and Crash had around 100 million on her at the time. The recipes didn't even spend any time waiting. I listed all three for 5000 and they got immediately bought up for those prices. I've actually considered making money in a much simpler fashion - play level 50 characters, kill stuff, hope for a purple, sell everything else. 50s make a lot of INF and level 50 Commons sell for a LOT at vendors.

Like I said, though - she's by FAR my richest. All other characters are below 100 million, most sporting between 40 and 60.

Also... "Buy it now" prices? Does that work if there aren't enough recipes of the kind I need? If that's even possible, I'd like to do that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Also... "Buy it now" prices? Does that work if there aren't enough recipes of the kind I need? If that's even possible, I'd like to do that.
Which recipes? If you're talking about level 50s, just because there aren't any listed doesn't mean there is no supply.

Like was mentioned several posts before me, it's not that they're aren't any, they're just being bought fast. The easiest (in most cases) enhancement recipes to get are max level ones.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Which recipes? If you're talking about level 50s, just because there aren't any listed doesn't mean there is no supply.

Like was mentioned several posts before me, it's not that they're aren't any, they're just being bought fast. The easiest (in most cases) enhancement recipes to get are max level ones.
This is truth.

The easiest way to tell if there really IS no supply is to look at the dates of the last 5 sold. If all of the dates are the same day you are looking at it, it simply means that every one that has been listed has sold instantly. If you place a bid slightly higher than the apparent going rate, you will most likely end up with the very next one listed, which can take anywhere from a couple minutes to a few hours. (That's why I suggested placing your bids when you first log in and checking them the next day when you log in)

On the other hand, if the dates are all 2 or more days prior to when you are looking, then maybe there really IS a shortage of them.

Foot Stomp does use a different set than KO Blow. It is a PBAoE, while KO Blow is a melee attack. Obliteration is a good one for that, but it may be more than you want to spend (haven't looked lately). If Obliteration is more than you want to spend, Scirocco's Dervish and Multistrike are both cheaper options for it.

Also, something you will want to be cognizant of when you start slotting Set IOs. Since you don't have a lot of recharge slotted in your attacks currently, you may find that your endurance recovery is no longer up to the task of keeping your blue bar filled.

Adding more recharge has the obvious effect of speeding up how fast your attacks cycle. That means you will burn more endurance than you were before. It might not be an issue if the endurance reduction you gained in your attacks evens it out, but it's something to be aware of. You can slot a few other things to help with that too. Any set that gives a recovery bonus will help, as will a Numina's Convalescence +Regen/+Recovery.

Crushing Impact and Obliteration both have a 5% recharge bonus for slotting 5 of them, and there is a limit of 5 of any one set bonus. So just make sure you keep your total number of those two sets at 5 or less to make sure you aren't wasting set bonuses. (You may not care, but it annoys me when I realize I've slotted something I'm getting no benefit from) So, if you do go with Obliteration in Foot Stomp, make sure you slot 4 or fewer Crushing Impact sets.

Aegis would be a good set for your resistance powers, it gives you 3.13% to your Fire/Cold defense for 3 slots, so you should be able to gain quite a bit there. (Pretty cheap too, last I looked)

(All of the additional sets I listed are available at level 50)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I could have all the money in the world, but that won't make a difference if the thing I want to buy isn't for sale. And I've looked at some of those Set Inventions - many of them have 0 recipes listed almost perpetually. I could bid a million or a billion, but I'm still not going to buy what isn't there to begin with.
As I said before, just because it APPEARS that no one is selling that recipe does not mean that no one has sold that recipe. You absolutely must look at:

1) When the last several of those recipes sold.
2) How many bidders are trying to get those recipes.

If the recipe has sold recently and frequently, and people are bidding on it, you can be sure that the recipe is being supplied at a steady rate, but people are also snapping it up as soon as the seller puts it on the Market. Make your own bid and wait and you might be one of them if you've bid high enough.

If the recipe has sold recently and frequently, but no one is bidding on it, that should be your cue to bid.

If the recipe has sold recently but not frequently, there may be a supply issue or sellers are jacking up the price higher than the bidders are willing to pay, and the bidders are waiting for someone to try and be sneaky and set their sale at a lower price. In this case, you may want to find an alternative way to get the recipe.

What this means is I suspect I'll be making wide use of Merits one way or the other, just to get the recipes I need if they aren't for sale. Since I'll want to be using mostly non-famous ones, I don't expect there to be too much supply.
'Non-famous?' Don't conflate expense and usefulness. 'Expensive' is a correlation that the player base has created for 'useful' items, but useful stuff like Red Fortune isn't always that expensive.

So I've decided to do the complete opposite and start from a semi-frankenslotting basis. First of all, I want to swap characters. Let's put Jun on a bus for the moment and bring in Crash, my level 50 SS/Inv/Energy/Spiritual Brute who has a build that I've tested in Dark Astoria and know that it works. Crash is solid, and I want to see if we can make her better. That's a much more comfortable prospect than taking a character I feel is weak and trying to bail out a sinking ship.
Sinking, huh. I know a person who has a Katana/Super Reflexes main and we were talking about this the other day.

Originally Posted by A Certain Laser Savior
Personally I say if he's going to have hasten ditch the focused accuracy
That's a [pancake] end hog
And when are you really going to need more to-hit
I only have targetting drone on Phantom Protector for lulz involving the chance for buildup IO
At the upper ends of defense, you get diminishing returns on getting more defense
The difference between 20% def and 30% def is way bigger than the difference between 30% and 40% due to how enemy accuracy works
So if he wants a significant boost to survivability he's going to HAVE to branch into some resistance or healing
Only real good way to branch into healing is aid self
Resistance, he'll really have to take tough and slot specifically with resistance in mind
I've got a 50 Spines/Super Reflexes, so I can vouch for what he says. Incarnate stuff is tough until you've got those level shifts, but I knew from him what I was getting into when I rolled a Super Reflexes eight years ago. All that said, UnicyclePeon's build is good too, so don't knock Super Reflexes before you've got a proper build made.

My "research" appears to suggest that the highest percentage for damage I can get is the level 50 Crushing Impact. Everything else is out of reach. Mako's Bite is rare
Mako's Bite is not out of reach. I'm not even sure if it's as expensive as Touch of Death.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Mako's Bite is not out of reach. I'm not even sure if it's as expensive as Touch of Death.
I have Mako's Bite on my tanker and it was not hard to get. I don't remember exactly how much I spent, but I do know that the recipes were cheaper than the rare salvage, which came in at about 1,000,000 inf each.

Believe me, I am a terrible marketeer -- if I can afford it, anyone can!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
As Arilou mentions, it's important to realize that "supply" is best thought of as a rate, not a fixed number. So many of a given recipe come in per day, for example. When people demand something as fast as (or faster) than it it comes in to the market for sale, then there will often be zero for sale at any given time. That doesn't mean none are coming in, but rather that they're being bought quickly.
The thing, though, is I often see recipes with 0 bidding and 0 listing, meaning nothings going on with the recipe at all. Granted, that's usually with sets no-one seems to want, like slows, immobilize duration sets, fear and so forth. I haven't had the chance to look at the stuff I actually want to buy because... I'm not sure what I want to buy yet.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I still think the SR set is easier to work with fir a first build because it mainly does one thing (defense). Survivable incarnate invulnerability-based characters will require much more complex builds, because they still should try to softcap, but also rely on resists and assume use of powers that your quirks may prevent.
Why I say it's easier is Crash isn't a character I need to "fix," so there's no overarching goal in terms of what I want to achieve, therefore the build doesn't need to be complex. Anything that's better than what I have now with her Common build will be a straight-up improvement and thus something I can justify, whether it softcaps defence or just gives her something I don't want, like lots of range or status effect boosts.

Again, the difficulty with Jun isn't that SR is harder to build for than Inv (I'm sure it's not) so much that Jun has a lot more that needs to be done about her, and in a much more coordinated effort, whereas with Crash, there's literally no way I can go wrong. Making a GOOD build for SS/Inv is difficult, I'm sure, but I think it's simpler if I first shoot for a good ENOUGH build and go from there. I need to learn to walk before I can run, to quote Zwill for the umpteenth time.

Crash is also a good basis for me to learn what I'm doing in pieces, as with her, I don't need to worry about looking for specific bonuses and stacking specific aspects. I can literally go power by power and ask "If I had X many slots in this power, what set should I put in it that will give me AT LEAST Y amount of enhcnement in Z aspects?" and the build should just keep getting better. It's easier for me to understand things if we start from something that's much more self-contained than to dive right into the deep end with a complete build.

Remember how I said I didn't want to just ask for a build, have it given to me and replicate it with no knowledge or understanding? I applaud your effort in explaining the build you showed me, and I did comprehend most of it, but it was still a whole build given to me as-is. I realise that's kind of how you plan for sets, but that just means I'd like to start with something that DOESN'T require me to plan for sets.

Crash may be more difficult to build right, but she'll be a lot easier to build "better," is what I'm saying.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
What server(s) do you typically play on? I saw a reference to pinnbadges earlier. I play exclusively on pinnacle (with exalted for transfer overflow) so I was just wondering if I had ever seen you on pinnacle without realizing it.
Victory and Pinnacle, in that order. Victory is where I started after reading a SomethingAwful article about City of Heroes, and where most of my flagship characters are. Pinnacle is where I expanded to when my 12 slots on Victory ran out, and ICF_Zombra suggested Pinnacle as an East Coast server with people I knew on it. More specifically, Jun is on Pinnacle, which is why the ordeal started there, but Crash is on Victory, and is probably my second most important character after Samuel Tow himself, who holds that position for the sole reason that he was "the first" and I still use his name to this day. I owe it to the guy, but aside from him, Crash is head and shoulders above the rest.

Honestly, it makes sense to start with her. She's one of my characters with the most "overpowered" concept, she's close to my heart and she has a damn solid build. AND she has all my money!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The thing, though, is I often see recipes with 0 bidding and 0 listing, meaning nothings going on with the recipe at all. Granted, that's usually with sets no-one seems to want, like slows, immobilize duration sets, fear and so forth. I haven't had the chance to look at the stuff I actually want to buy because... I'm not sure what I want to buy yet.
Well, the good news here is that this means you probably don't want it either.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'd like to throw in the real money option.

I tend to build for recharge (I have a "I WANT IT UP NOW" kind of approach to most of my builds.) With the addition of Positron's Blast and Decimation to the store, I've found that I can buy attuned versions of all the sets I used to craft for my melee and ranged characters.

There are exceptions, but on my latest brute, I just slotted attuned enhancements as he leveled up and gained the slots. It is a refreshing difference and may be, IMO, a way to get Inventions pleasures without crafting pain.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I haven't had the chance to look at the stuff I actually want to buy because... I'm not sure what I want to buy yet.
That actually sounds like you have had the chance but haven't taken it yet. Just go look at the sets that have been discussed.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Dear Sam,

If you haven't realized by now, you are much loved around here. That's why everyone wants to send you stuff - I don't know you from teaming or anything, and wanted to send you stuff I have laying around, too - I didn't, cause I didn't know if that would offend you or not (but offer is good, global is @eeek).

I have a few thoughts, please ignore anything that does not suit what you want to do, because that would really be my number 1 rule of playing: NEVER do anything you hate (reason: you'll grow to resent the game and quit playing it).

I (and probably a whole lot of us who started playing before the inventions system) used to hate the whole set IO thing, and avoided it. But when I did start to dabble a bit, the thing that really got me WANTING to do it, was that I could tailor the character exactly the way *I* envisioned it. Without IO's, I had the same cookie-cutter build everyone else did, differing only in whether I used 2) accs, or chanced using just 1) acc and 1) recharge.

With IO's, you can really customize your character via sets, just like you are so good at doing with costumes. That adds such an important element to my characters - they do what they SHOULD have done all along, but I couldn't do until the sets came out.

I would never follow someone else's build. EVER. That is for powergamers, and God bless 'em, that's great for that style of play. I look at other builds for ideas, sure! But using someone else's build is distasteful - it's like wearing someone else's underwear. YUK! I don't CARE how many times it's been laundered, it's still... someone else's underwear! That said, I invariably find that my slotting is almost identical to other people's in the key powers. But I come by it honestly, doggone it!

I also find it a lot more fun to play characters from just the game side of it. It's just less stressful to play when your tough characters are soft capped. Or your blasters are soft-capped for range, and have a whole mess of recharge to boot.

Suggestions for marketing simplicity:
*if you can bear it (and maybe you can't) find an alt to do the marketing for you. Yes, I know you don't like that. But the reason I suggest this is because all this marketing garbage is sort of "in your face" all the time when it's being done on the character you play all the time. Like it's hanging over your head, nagging relentlessly. If you can do the marketing on someone else, you can very cleanly do as Unicycle Peon suggested, which is put out lowball bids and leave them awhile. Almost all will fill reasonably quickly, which will save you a ton. Do this on an alt, and you can completely forget about it for a week, play as usual, then come back in a week and see what you've got. Thus reducing the nagging, the stress, and frustration and general "not fun" that goes with the market.

*you do not have to bid on recipes. The huge time sink of set IO's is bidding and juggling all the tons of crap you need to make the darned stuff. Some of the IO sets U.P. had suggested for you have a number of IO's which regularly sell for less CRAFTED than the recipes sell for. Crafting from recipes is going to be overall cheapest. But it IS the easiest and SOMETIMES cheapest to bid on the crafted item. Especially if you are doing the lowball bids and "completely forget any of this stuff exists for a week" thing.

*realize that marketers routinely put their selling price as MUCH less than the usual going rate for level 50 IO's. Thus, the mentioned performance shifters that usually sell for 20 mill. are actually being placed on the market for 15.xx million. ALL THE TIME. We are not talking lowball bids, we are talking the regular set asking price. Why? Everyone does what you do - find the going price, add a bit to make sure you get the thing and don't have to muck about. Something for 5 mil going price is place on the market for 4.xx. Something for 10 mill is listed at 8.xx. Marketers are competing with a zillion other marketers, and they are all trying to undercut each other, and they can do this, because almost everyone bids like you've said you do. Do what you want, of course!, but realizing that basic dynamic is always at work can be quite helpful.

*Stone Daemon has a very nice Mids guide, which has sadly fallen to 3rd page. In this, right near the top, there is an AMAZING link to "Mids Video Tutorial" by Hyperstrike. It's really a great thing, and he explains things that even a complete computer idiot such as myself can understand it. Plus, it's u-tube, so he's actually showing it to you as well.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-Cnpbgfd70 is what I cut and pasted from the address, as am such an idiot I don't know how to type in a link). Since you're very good at this stuff, it will fill in any non-intuitive uses for mids.

I wish you good luck with all of this. I truly hope you find a way to make it as bearable as possible to do, and that you come out with the wonderful, unique character, tailored just to you, at the end of it all.



Fascinating thread. I'm really enjoying reading it through and I hope it's helping the OP get started.

A few points that I'm not sure were addressed elsewhere:

Yes, you can see the enhancements that a set provides in Mids, via the "Enhance" tab. The dip in going from a 50 to a 40 set is a lot smaller than you'd expect. It's worth keeping an eye on this tab. Some of the sets with great bonuses are a little slanted in their enhancements, giving more damage than you really need or not much endurance reduction.

Your "no supply" problem is a lot more common at levels below 50. Once you hit 50, the supply goes way up because a lot more people are playing at level 50 at a given time than at 36 or 41 or whatever. Anyone taking reward rolls at 50 will be getting max level recipes too, helping to keep supply strong at 50. When trying to determine supply, watch how frequently an item is sold, not just how many are available. If they're selling fast, then even if there are none at the moment, it's a good bet that one will come along pretty soon.

Color alone isn't enough to determine rarity, particularly for "rares". Stupefy is rare, but it is also dirt cheap. Not that it's a bad set, but not that many people need disorients compared to melee damage, so supply outpaces demand. You'll spend a lot more on the crafting costs than you will the actual recipes. Mako's Bite is also rare, but the prices for the recipes are generally pretty reasonable these days. Numina's Convalescence is also rare, and it has some hideously expensive recipes in it. It's a little hard to know what's going to cost what going in. You'll get a feel for it over time.

Getting recipes:

I get most of mine either through the Market, however, I also use drops and Merits to supplement this. For instance, Miracle +Recovery is very useful, but it's also VERY expensive. If I have a couple of Alignment Merits or a bunch of Reward Merits laying around, I pick one up that way instead of trying to scrape together 110 million Inf.

However, I also try to maximize my merits. If there's a recipe I want that is just kinda expensive (say 10 million or so), but would cost that same 2 Alignment Merits from Botler, I might buy a Miracle instead, sell it, then buy what I needed from the market and use the difference for salvage or other recipes.

Best of luck to you!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Also, something you will want to be cognizant of when you start slotting Set IOs. Since you don't have a lot of recharge slotted in your attacks currently, you may find that your endurance recovery is no longer up to the task of keeping your blue bar filled.
There's something of a "curios" phenomenon with high recharge values, and that's that rather than increasing cost, that often ends up reducing endurance cost over time. even with no recharge slotting, Super Strength is close to 100% uptime just between its own attacks. What that means increasing global recharge just causes me to drop attacks from my attack chain or, more realistically, simply use some attacks less often. This has the benefit of allowing me to manage my own efficiency. Why waste Knockout Blow or Foot Stomp on a single enemy near death of Jab or Punch are available to finish that guy off?

With Crash, I'm not worried about endurance. With Stamina, Physical Perfection, Superior Conditioning and decent endurance slotting, I have no run out... Within living memory. If I spend five minutes attacking non-stop, yeah, I'll start dropping low, but instances where this happens are rare and I do carry blues just in case. I suspect that if I were fighting in Incarnate Trials, that might be a different story, but I have no plans to do so.

Also, Crash already has recharge slotted in Knockout Blow and Foot Stomp and is sporting 33% recharge to everything from the Spiritual Alpha. That's already putting me far past the 100% uptime metric.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Crushing Impact and Obliteration both have a 5% recharge bonus for slotting 5 of them, and there is a limit of 5 of any one set bonus. So just make sure you keep your total number of those two sets at 5 or less to make sure you aren't wasting set bonuses. (You may not care, but it annoys me when I realize I've slotted something I'm getting no benefit from) So, if you do go with Obliteration in Foot Stomp, make sure you slot 4 or fewer Crushing Impact sets.
I'll have to think about that. If I had more options with similar slotting percentages, there'd be nothing to think about, but since there's really only Crushing Impact and maybe Mako's Bite (we'll see), that limits my options. That's six single-target melee attacks I need to slot up, after all. As I said - I'll worry about bonuses at a later point. Right now, I want to get comfortable looking at the enhancements.

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
If the recipe has sold recently and frequently, and people are bidding on it, you can be sure that the recipe is being supplied at a steady rate, but people are also snapping it up as soon as the seller puts it on the Market. Make your own bid and wait and you might be one of them if you've bid high enough.

If the recipe has sold recently and frequently, but no one is bidding on it, that should be your cue to bid.

If the recipe has sold recently but not frequently, there may be a supply issue or sellers are jacking up the price higher than the bidders are willing to pay, and the bidders are waiting for someone to try and be sneaky and set their sale at a lower price. In this case, you may want to find an alternative way to get the recipe.
That's VERY good advise, and VERY well summarised. Thank you, I'll keep it in mind.

At the upper ends of defense, you get diminishing returns on getting more defense
The difference between 20% def and 30% def is way bigger than the difference between 30% and 40% due to how enemy accuracy works
I want to get a bit technical here, because that's not how I understand it based on Arcana's guides and previous instances when Arcana has explained it. On the contrary, as I understand it, defence has a cumulative effect such that small increases matter more the closer they come to the cap. Let me explain.

Arcana likes to use a "mitigation" formula, which is essentially a division of before against after. As such, the mitigation of 5% defence over nothing, as counted in "chance to get hit" is 50/45 ~ 1.11 increase in survivability. The same 5%, when going off a base of 40%, on the other hand, brings you from 10% chance to get hit to 5% chance to get hit, or has a mitigation increase of 10/5 = 2. *edit* 1.11 is effectively 110%, (or 111.11%, actually) or an increase of 11.11% over the base 100%, and 2 is 200%, or an increase of 100%

Personally, I find this a bit too abstract to use as an example, so I like to complicate it up to my "survivability duration" hypothesis. Say you have 1000 hit points and something is attacking you every second with an attack that deals 100 hit points. Assuming an "average" distribution of hits and misses, your baseline survivability would be 20 seconds, or 1000/(100*0.5) = 1000/50 = 20.

Now, adding 5% on top of that brings you up to 1000/(100*(1-0.5-0.05)) ~ 22.22, or an increase of 2.22 seconds raw, or ~11.11% relative.

So let's go from 40% defence to 45% defence. At 40, your survivability time is 1000/(100*(1-0.5-0.4) = 1000/10 = 100 seconds. Add up another 5% on top of that and your survivability duration jumps to 1000/(100*(1-0.5-0.45) = 1000/5 = 200. That's a raw increase of 100 seconds and a relative increase of exactly 100% extra time alive.

None of the above factors regeneration, enemy rank and level accuracy enhancement equivalent, regeneration and suchforth, but it demonstrates that the a defence boot's contribution to survival is relative to the defence it's boosting from, with a higher initial defence producing a longer life. That's part of why "soft-capping" is so important to people, I get that much, and also why those precious few percent points right at the end are so coveted.

I used to have a formula that accounted for health, resistance, defence and regeneration rigged up in Wolfram's Mathematica, but I lost it a long time ago. If anyone's interested, I can probably recreate one in Excel, but I'm sure Arcana can be persuaded to provide something that's a bit more scientific. I could try to do some basic calculus analysis on the formula and try to find rate of climb and such, but I doubt this would be of much interest to anyone. Suffice it to say that that's a fractional function with a decreasing variable so it'll tend towards positive infinity at a defence value of 0.5, or 50% - the point where defence says you should NEVER be hit.

That whole diatribe isn't entirely relevant to the discussion, but it IS one of the reasons I felt Super Reflexes is inadequate and needs out-of-SR boosts to help shore up defences.

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Mako's Bite is not out of reach. I'm not even sure if it's as expensive as Touch of Death.
That's very good news. I'll have to watch the Market for prices, then, since I don't think all of the Mako's Bite pieces are purchasable with Merits. Again, I haven't checked.

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
That actually sounds like you have had the chance but haven't taken it yet. Just go look at the sets that have been discussed.
When I say I haven't had the chance, what I mean is I haven't had the time. The opportunity is always there, but there's a lot of info here in this thread that takes time to go through, and I haven't logged into the game since Saturday. I'll go through it all some time this week and check all of those out. Your advise is not going to the wind. I'm learning, and pretty soon I'll be doing, too


Apologise for the constant walls of text. I really AM finding this incredibly helpful.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



One last thing before I go:

Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
*if you can bear it (and maybe you can't) find an alt to do the marketing for you. Yes, I know you don't like that. But the reason I suggest this is because all this marketing garbage is sort of "in your face" all the time when it's being done on the character you play all the time. Like it's hanging over your head, nagging relentlessly. If you can do the marketing on someone else, you can very cleanly do as Unicycle Peon suggested, which is put out lowball bids and leave them awhile. Almost all will fill reasonably quickly, which will save you a ton. Do this on an alt, and you can completely forget about it for a week, play as usual, then come back in a week and see what you've got. Thus reducing the nagging, the stress, and frustration and general "not fun" that goes with the market.
See, my ultimate goal is to keep the game being a game, and what this means is to find a way to integrate all that stuff into my routine and actually make it part of the entertaining side of the game, rather than the godless busywork side of it. Having to log into a character and "work" is a lot like having to do actual real-life work: All of a sudden, stuff like Bejewelled, Solitaire and The Ceiling look amazingly entertaining and I get the urge to go and do that. I want to develop a routine for playing WITH Inventions that doesn't make me feel like I want to shun the game like it's work.

Honestly, if that means buying only recipes nobody wants (and still produces a decent build), I will. If that means buying with Merits, I will. Whatever that means, I want a way to work with Inventions to where they don't feel like something I have to stop having fun to do, but rather something I can accomplish WHILE I'm having fun. I suspect sidestepping the more expensive ones is the first step. It may be shooting myself in the foot right out the gate, but I'll worry about that some other time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I suspect sidestepping the more expensive ones is the first step. It may be shooting myself in the foot right out the gate, but I'll worry about that some other time.
No, not at all!

In fact, that is a far more sane and reasonable approach than going after everything all at once to get it over with (a hellish thing to do, even for those experienced with the market). Which is what I assumed you were doing, hence the advice about the alt.

A note: cheaper is NOT the same as "not as good". It means that those recipes drop like rain, nothing more. (My corruptor filled ALL her single target attacks with Thunderstrikes when she hit 50, and these are about the cheapest possible thing you can buy in the game. They also give bucketloads of ranged defense. I can afford whatever I want. And what I WANT is not to get killed or mezzed every 30 seconds, darn it!)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Honestly, if that means buying only recipes nobody wants (and still produces a decent build), I will. If that means buying with Merits, I will. Whatever that means, I want a way to work with Inventions to where they don't feel like something I have to stop having fun to do, but rather something I can accomplish WHILE I'm having fun. I suspect sidestepping the more expensive ones is the first step. It may be shooting myself in the foot right out the gate, but I'll worry about that some other time.
I don't quite play the way you do, but I do like most of my characters to be self-sufficient monetarily. I don't really like shipping 100 million inf over to a character in order to build them out. If they're worth playing, they'll earn it themselves. What I'll often do when the build I want calls for pricey recipes is grab the next best thing to start with, say Doctored Wounds instead of Numina's C., and keep in mind a long term goal of upgrading, eventually. When the RNG gods favor me, or I have the money or merits saved up, I'll make the switch. I don't go out of my way to grind for them, but as the rewards of normal play accumulate, I upgrade.

It helps if you have an SG base to store things, but it's not absolutely essential either.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to get a bit technical here, because that's not how I understand it based on Arcana's guides and previous instances when Arcana has explained it.
That's fine, I don't actually know how it works. I just wanted to give you LJ's thoughts on the matter.

I suspect sidestepping the more expensive ones is the first step. It may be shooting myself in the foot right out the gate, but I'll worry about that some other time.
I generally don't slot powers out with set IOs until I've got all the recipes I need for that power, since just partially slotting the power out may alter its qualities to the point where it's functionally worse than before. I just keep the recipes as recipes as well, since otherwise I'd clutter up my enhancement tray with stuff I'm not ready to use.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Sam: You will find in your in game e-mail a set of 4 level 50 Mako's and 3 level 40 Touch of Deaths. I had spares laying around in storage. While they will slot just as well in a super-strength brute as a street justice and you can still use them in either character, I would advise against it.

For invulnerable, I would shoot to soft-cap smash/lethal defense to augment what you already get from invincibility and tough hide, which should give you about 13% defense to smash/lethal with one enemy in range assuming you slotted 3 defense in each.

The best way to get smash/lethal is through Kinetic Combat in attacks and Reactive Armor in resistance powers. Four Kinetic Combats give 3.75 defense to s/l, so 5 sets will get you an extra 18.75. Fill the fifth slot with another set piece or an IO. A lot of folks opt for an acc/dam or acc/dam/xx from Crushing Impact as they are relatively cheap. Kinetic Combats are not cheap.

Four slotting Reactive Armor grants an additional 1.25 s/l defense, so 5 of those nets an additional 6.25. Most people skip the endurance and endurance/recharge IOs.

With those ten sets and two powers you should have about 38 defense to smash/lethal. Add combat jumping and you are at 40%. Add the Steadfast Protection 3% defense to all in your first resistance power pick and you are at 43% defense to smash/lethal on top of your other resistances and big heal in dull pain. And you also picked up a bonus 112 hit points! While not as expensive as Kinetic Combats, Reactive Armors aren't cheap either.

As an aside, let me tell you how I worked my way up from having SO and HO builds to having spare sets lying around. When IOs first came out, I, like you, was overwhelmed by the volume of choices. I just started replacing SOs with the generic IOs, which you have already done for some of your characters.

Just by playing normally I was getting all sorts of drops so I started crafting and storing in my base whatever recipes I had the salvage for, figuring that I may have a friend or another character that might use them later. I then realized that slows, sleeps, fears, and certain other IOs were junk. No one ever used them. So I vendored those and just crafted the 'good' stuff.

Then I started using Mids, looking at other peoples builds, and started to plan builds in advance. I noticed that a lot of builds had similar needs either for defense or recharge so I made a point of crafting and saving those things. Then, if I needed say a set of Touch of Death, I would transfer funds to a character that was off active rotation, put in a bid for 10 recipes of each and all the salvage and let it sit for a week or two. If the item was too expensive to bid for ten, I would bid for 5, or as many as I could afford. When I came back, I would be able to craft several IOs. I would craft what I could, store a couple for a future project and sell the rest. If I wasn't getting at least a few recipes in those two weeks, I would cancel the existing bid and increase it by a little.

Before long, I had at least 100 million on all my alts. I consolidated most of the currency into one character again. Once you have that much spare cash, you can bid in lots of 10 for the really good stuff -- uniques, procs, Obliteration quads -- stuff that you can buy for a few million each in recipe form and then resell for tens of millions, even a hundred million in crafted form.

The other thing I did is I did random rolls with my merits. While I don't always get lucky, I do enough story arcs and TFs that I have gotten dozens of Luck of the Gambler, Numina, Miracle, and other global uniques over the years. I use or save what I want and craft and sell the rest.

I don't consider myself a slave to the market. I like punching and blasting much more than pretending to be Sam Walton. But it only takes a few minutes per character every few weeks to be a multi-billionaire in this game.

That's how I went from SOs to having billions in the bank and an SG full of good IOs in storage.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Off the cuffs question before I go to bed: Set bonuses aside, how expensive are level 50 Crushing Impact sets and how much are they worth using?
Not very expensive, you can probably get the recipes and needed salvage in WW for about a million per complete set. One key to keeping your costs down is patience. Put in bids on an alt that you don't play often and check back every week or so and see what hit. General rule of thumb is that you can get things (relatively) cheap at WW, get them now, or get popular recipes like Crushing Impacts, but very very rarely can you get all three, so you have to pick which two of those three you want to shoot for.

For builds, once you have an idea of what you want in terms of sets and enhances (be it Crushing Impacts, or whatever), it's generally a good idea to put low but competative bids in and just let them ride until the price dips and you buy one.

As for the use, Crushing Impacts are one of the top...call it four non purple melee damage sets (the others are Mako's, Kinetic Combat, and Touch of Death). The advantage to CIs is that they give recharge, accuracy, and health and as all-uncommons are generally cheap and plentiful. The disadvantage is unlike the other three they don't have a +defense set bonus. Putting them in won't change your defense numbers a whit, *but* will boost your offense noticeably. It's a good starter set, and I use them extensively in my +recharge builds.

Sister Jeanne 50 Katana/SR Scrapper
Ami Mizuno 44 Emp/Psi Defender
Rei 04 41 Grav/Kinetics controller
Coronal Flare 28 Peacebringer juvenile delinquent



Yeah, Crushing Impact is also a good set if all you want is some decent slotting with consistent pictures in all the slots. Its set bonuses are nice if not amazing, and it gives very good enhancement with 5 pieces. (There's not a ton of value in six slotting CIs, IMO - just pick the five that give you the best mix of Acc/End/Rech you would like and damage will pretty much be ED capped no matter what you pick.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I might have missed it but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the simplest way to get any non-purple, non-PvP recipe: Hero merits (or villain if you're cool). Four days equals two merits and 2 merits equals any normal set IO recipe. You can do it in less than two days with multiple characters assisting and using the SSAs for a couple of extras per week.

Any of the characters I've setted out, only 3 fully and a 4th that still needs all her purples cost a billion or so. Then again I use a mix of normal sets, purples and a couple of PvP IOs as well as a few HOs for power in low numbers. A single Numina's proc can go for 100 mil (yay AMerits).

What you're trying to do is gear up for end-game raids. It's a grind. Period. *shrug* If you want to do it, just go in with eyes wide open.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
my ultimate goal is to keep the game being a game, and what this means is to find a way to integrate all that stuff into my routine and actually make it part of the entertaining side of the game, rather than the godless busywork side of it.
The easiest way I can think of to do this (and is the way I tend to do it these days) is when you decide to make a new character plan out the build so you have a road map of what you want/need. Then as you level and pick up reward merits/alignment merits buy what you need as you go. It becomes part of the leveling process and not something you're going too much out of your way to do!

Now obviously if you're sticking to only level 50 IOs you wont spend your currencies till about 47 but ultimately it shouldnt be too much out of the way effort to set yourself up. But ideally? you'll want to grab the game changer IO's at much lower levels. For example... at 17 I always give the character a lvl 20 miracle proc in health... at 18 the performance shifter proc in stam... at 27 they get a lvl 30 numina proc. Depending on the character I may give them a lvl 10 +stealth IO for sprint and lvl 10 -KB IO for their travel power at lvl 7.

Stuff like that can really alter the feel of the character through the entirety of the leveling process.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
That's fine, I don't actually know how it works. I just wanted to give you LJ's thoughts on the matter.
I want to point out I didn't mean to argue against you, and I apologise if that's how it came off. This is just something that took me a LONG time to wrap my head around and something I've put a lot of effort into gaining an analytical understanding into, so I wanted to bring it up. If your friend disagrees, then I'd be happy to discuss it. And if I'm proven wrong, then I'll simply know better in the future.

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
I generally don't slot powers out with set IOs until I've got all the recipes I need for that power, since just partially slotting the power out may alter its qualities to the point where it's functionally worse than before. I just keep the recipes as recipes as well, since otherwise I'd clutter up my enhancement tray with stuff I'm not ready to use.
That's a good point. I've been trying to figure out what to do about just this problem, and it seems like waiting until I have a full set is the better option. I'm not sure where I'll store the things until I'm done, since even the characters of mine that have SGs don't have bases, but I'll figure something out. Worse come to worst, I can always sink $20 into buying a second enhancement tray, right?

Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
For invulnerable, I would shoot to soft-cap smash/lethal defense to augment what you already get from invincibility and tough hide, which should give you about 13% defense to smash/lethal with one enemy in range assuming you slotted 3 defense in each.
This is probably going to make me sound like a complete *******, but I'm actually finally starting to get comfortable with the system, and one aspect of this comfort is my ability to say "That's OK, I don't need that." Maybe that's just me being weird, but in this day and age of information overload, being able to ignore much of a system's complexity and just focus on aspects I have control over is a great motivating factor.

That's actually exactly what I've been shooting at, this feeling of comfort. You say these sets would be better, and I agree with you, but at the same time, I'm comfortable enough with just going with Crushing Impact that I don't mind the loss of performance. Setting boundaries and ignoring complexity is how my brain works at peak performance, and it's nice to be able to set some internal boundaries within the larger field of "Inventions."

Moreover, the reason I can ignore an optimised build for now is Crash works just fine. I could run her through some pretty brutal content even just on SOs and she'd work just fine. This gives me the high ground to not really sweat performance all that much. That helps tremendously.

Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
As an aside, let me tell you how I worked my way up from having SO and HO builds to having spare sets lying around. When IOs first came out, I, like you, was overwhelmed by the volume of choices. I just started replacing SOs with the generic IOs, which you have already done for some of your characters.

Just by playing normally I was getting all sorts of drops so I started crafting and storing in my base whatever recipes I had the salvage for, figuring that I may have a friend or another character that might use them later. I then realized that slows, sleeps, fears, and certain other IOs were junk. No one ever used them. So I vendored those and just crafted the 'good' stuff.

Then I started using Mids, looking at other peoples builds, and started to plan builds in advance. I noticed that a lot of builds had similar needs either for defense or recharge so I made a point of crafting and saving those things. Then, if I needed say a set of Touch of Death, I would transfer funds to a character that was off active rotation, put in a bid for 10 recipes of each and all the salvage and let it sit for a week or two. If the item was too expensive to bid for ten, I would bid for 5, or as many as I could afford. When I came back, I would be able to craft several IOs. I would craft what I could, store a couple for a future project and sell the rest. If I wasn't getting at least a few recipes in those two weeks, I would cancel the existing bid and increase it by a little.

Before long, I had at least 100 million on all my alts. I consolidated most of the currency into one character again. Once you have that much spare cash, you can bid in lots of 10 for the really good stuff -- uniques, procs, Obliteration quads -- stuff that you can buy for a few million each in recipe form and then resell for tens of millions, even a hundred million in crafted form.
I'm including this explanation in its entirety because it really is a lot of good advice. Unfortunately, this kind of pooling of resources between characters isn't something I'm prepared to do and, frankly, I hope is something I'm not going to have to do. I'm not saying you're wrong - far from it, you have the right idea. But you I'd just like to keep my characters as separate as I can.

The simple truth is the longest I'm ever going to realistically leave a bid on for is overnight, or a day if I'm unable to play. Much more than that, though, just isn't going to happen because if I'm playing a character, I'm playing THAT character, and if I'm not playing that character, I'm not going to come back to him. Simple as it may sound to do, "checking back" on a "marketing alt" just isn't something I'm going to do.

I realise this approach saves time, money and effort, but it makes things much more complicated, and the more complex you make the process, the more likely I am to be turned off by it. Keep track, buy with this one, sell with that one, store here, stockpile, plan ahead... It's smart, but it's also a lot of mental labour that I find alienating. Ideally, I want to do without it. If it means I get less and spend more, I'm fine with it, so long as things are even possible, and everyone assures me they are.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Yeah, Crushing Impact is also a good set if all you want is some decent slotting with consistent pictures in all the slots.
You know me too well But, yes, that's what I want at this point in time, in a nutshell. I'll start from there, see how that treats me and what it takes to get there, then work back from that. I have a good gut feeling about it, though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
Now obviously if you're sticking to only level 50 IOs you wont spend your currencies till about 47 but ultimately it shouldnt be too much out of the way effort to set yourself up. But ideally? you'll want to grab the game changer IO's at much lower levels. For example... at 17 I always give the character a lvl 20 miracle proc in health... at 18 the performance shifter proc in stam... at 27 they get a lvl 30 numina proc. Depending on the character I may give them a lvl 10 +stealth IO for sprint and lvl 10 -KB IO for their travel power at lvl 7.
It's just easier for me to put it all off to level 50. As was mentioned before, a lot of that stuff isn't actually better than SO or Common slotting until you get most of a set into the power, so trying to slot a power incrementally can make it worse by comparison. Obviously, that's not always the case, but it's simpler to just not think about it than it is to try to figure out which is which on a case by case basis.

Effectively, leaving Set Inventions for level 50 means two things:

1. I can get to 50 without ever concerning myself with Sets, which is a load off my mind.
2. Once I hit 50, my build is set. It's not going to change, I'm not going to get more power picks or more slots, so it's a static situation, which I like.

Overall, I'm trying to find a way to deal with this that doesn't load my mind much. That probably makes me come off lazy, but that's just what it takes to get me motivated.


Also, if it seems like I'm not making much sense, it's half past 3 AM and I'm only half awake

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is probably going to make me sound like a complete *******, but I'm actually finally starting to get comfortable with the system, and one aspect of this comfort is my ability to say "That's OK, I don't need that." Maybe that's just me being weird, but in this day and age of information overload, being able to ignore much of a system's complexity and just focus on aspects I have control over is a great motivating factor.

That's actually exactly what I've been shooting at, this feeling of comfort. You say these sets would be better, and I agree with you, but at the same time, I'm comfortable enough with just going with Crushing Impact that I don't mind the loss of performance. Setting boundaries and ignoring complexity is how my brain works at peak performance, and it's nice to be able to set some internal boundaries within the larger field of "Inventions."

Moreover, the reason I can ignore an optimised build for now is Crash works just fine. I could run her through some pretty brutal content even just on SOs and she'd work just fine. This gives me the high ground to not really sweat performance all that much. That helps tremendously.
So long as you realize what you're doing and make a note of this option.

That is to say, if you find yourself (despite how tough you are now and tougher you will be with all your new sets) not tough enough, it was because of compromises you decided upon with the build.

And I'm not pointing this out to be a ****, I'm pointing this out because it'd be a tool you can use for another character who you *do* want to be tougher. Rather than run to the boards to ask what you should do, you'd be savvy enough to say "well, I could replace these Crushing Impacts with [X] and these Cleaving Blows with [Y] to give me Q extra defense and blahblahblah".