I give up... What about Inventions?




You have everybody else answering everything else so i'll just answer the one i find most important

2. Is it possible to build specifically at level 50, using only level 50 Inventions, or do I have to have a menagerie of different numbers on my Enhancements screen?
Personally i only ever use lvl 50 enhancements once im sorting out my final build.
Having them at the level 25 - 35 range simply means that for the majority of the content ingame you'll be keeping all your set bonuses. To me this doesnt bother me.
Why? Well simply because while i level up i dont have these bonuses anyway and did just fine, now i have increased numbers per power [because all level 50 enhancements] so my performance level would be greater than when i was at that level anyway.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I do have Mids', actually, and did manage to have a look at that build. It's... A lot prettier than most Set-driven builds I've seen. Some of those 40s in there bug me, and I mean A LOT, but you've manage to produce something that's still aesthetically very pleasing. The slot distribution is somewhat similar to mine, but with a few differences.
I saw earlier where ClawsAndEffect said that an overwhelming arrangement of set IOs would visually give you fits. Since the main goal was survival, and the other goal was staying in character for JUN, I went for a streamlined build that looks nice.

You've outright gutted Physical Perfection, though somehow you've been able to get more overall recovery out of the whole thing (not sure how yet), so that's something.
As I alluded to in one of my recent posts, I slipped up and put a Miracle Recovery in Health, out of habit. Take that out and compare with just a generic Health in Health instead. Still, 4 nights of tip missions will earn you a Miracle. Well, six nights, in that you have to "confirm" your alignment once. So you could always keep the Miracle. No rush though. You could do just fine without, IMO.

As PleaseRecycle pointed out, I did add a 3rd, probably unnecessary recharge IO in Practiced Brawler. You could juggle slots and work that slot up (shifting others down/around) and end up with 2 level 50 generic IOs on Physical perfection. That would let you add another IO for some more recovery.

Might not even need that power overall. You've also cribbed slots from stuff I had slotted for more, like Elude and Conserve power for more recharge, though I assume you have recharge in the build to compensate (haven't checked, not sure how).
Two level 50 generic IOs give 83% to (EDIT) recharge. The third only brings you up to 99% or more, thanks to Enhancement Diversification. That means I only need to have 16% global recharge to add on to the two (2) IOs, in order to equal what three (3) would do with no global recharge. It just so happens that this build gives 20% global recharge. I did this on purpose, but in a way it was habitual / reflexive. I have become accustomed to looking at overall results of a build, rather than only considering any one aspect or any one power.

These kinds of things used to freak me out too, but I gradually became accustomed to it. I went a year myself before I ever used inventions.

The level 40 stuff in there bugs me, though. I don't know how I feel about it. Might have to sleep on it. Yeah, overall, the numbers look better, but... I don't know.
They only exist at level 40 values. Think of it this way: ALL the sets are at MAX POWER. Whether that happens to be at level 40 or at level 50 is peculiar to the set. However, the overall numbers of the attacks with the level 40 sets ... well they are quite nice, especially considering focused accuracy and some global accuracy you incidentally picked up from some of the other sets. Plus, the sixth slot of TOUCH OF DEATH gives a chance at a damage proc, which makes your 3 faster attacks have many opportunities to deliver extra damage.

Isn't the Performance Shifter thing really expensive?
Moderately. But it is the TOUCH OF DEATH items that are most expensive (Miracle Recovery IO aside). At least last time I checked. But I think that this build would be "affordable" for you, especially if you were only concerned with trying to build out this one character to see how it goes.

The good thing about the slotting here is that you can slot it out like I've got it, stick SO enhancements in there, and then just gradually place bids on the market over a few months, waiting and crafting patiently and in small spurts while you simply play and otherwise do whatever else you normally do for fun. That way, you reduce your overall cost, and keep your burnout low to non-existent. If you pace it correctly.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Here's what I did to re-learn (as I've been away awhile) what I wanted to slot into what.

You hover over your powers and see what power can accept what sets. Say, your first tier power takes: End Mod, Ranged, or Sleep.

Then, you go to the Market and open up the crafted enhancements section. See what sets are available for each of those that can be slotted into your powers. Generally, there's a "winner" in each category for me.

I'll take into account: how much a full set costs, how it'll enhance my powers (Acc, Recharge, and Damage are generally my big onces....END Red comes along for the ride....at least on my blaster and stalker.)

It'll take awhile to learn, but you will come up with a theoretical build (on paper, that's how I do it.) My blaster and stalker doesn't worry about Defense....it's how you want to build your character.

Advanced steps once you learn more:

Find the basic rules of IO sets: stacking 5 (or is it 6?) of identical set bonuses is the max....so if you get +3% damage 8 times, the last few won't count.

Also, another rule: one of each specific IO can be slotted in a power once. So, Numina's: heal...it can't be slotted twice in that same power...but it can in a new power.

Another big help: some sets lack a stat you want. I've done something like this in the past: I slot 5 of a set in one power and it brings my stats to 65% damage, 94% acc, 94% recharge, 50% end reduction. The 6th IO in that set wouldn't bring up the stat I want, so I find an IO from another set that can be slotted in there.....and it enhances only damage for 40%.....boom, that's my 6th slot. I still get the 5th set bonus plus I didn't sacrifice my slotted stats.

I even have one power where I slotted 3 of one set for the enhancement bonus and then 2 of another for that bonus.

Build how you want...that's how I do it. My blaster is a beast and my stalker is getting wicked

Mr. True Shot.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



I just had a look at the market. You were right ... Performance Shifter is the pricey one. Touch of Death has become less expensive than it once was. EDIT: also, most of Gaussian is cheap, but the Rech/End one is 40 million or more itself. Still ... see below.

Anyway, Looking at the market, I am guessing 127 million (or 167 million, bear with me) for the cost to buy the SET RECIPES on the market, plus 25 million to craft them all, plus, assuming you have to pay 3 million per rare salvage and some incidental salvage costs, another 100 million in rare salvage. Though I padded that last value.

Worst case scenario: 292 million.

Now, if you have been saving your rare salvage, or if you make a list and start collecting it as you play casually (store it in your vault) then you can automatically knock the price down to 192 million. There is a 40 million cost (or so) for the Recharge/End component of the GAUSSIAN set. I know you hate grinding, but earning 2 hero merits AT YOUR LEISURE over a month or so will let you buy it FREE. The other five are reasonable otherwise.

So, by delaying and being all casual and just doing your fun stuff with only a tiny bit of saving rare salvage and doing the occasional Hero Alignment mission over the course of a month or so, you could knock the price down to 152 million.

Can you afford 152 million?

Anyway, here are the approximate costs I saw on the market. All assume some patience on bidding (say, wait for 1 day, maybe 2, for the bid to come through, at most):

Touch of Death FULL SET 10 million X 3 sets = 30 million.
Mako's Bite FULL set = 10 million.
Crushing Impact FIVE ITEMS = 500k (half a million).
Scirocco's Dervice FIVE ITEMS = 13 million.
Gaussian: 5 million total for the first 5 of the items, 40 million alone for the 6th item (rech/end).
Performance Shifter: FULL SET = 50 million.
Red Fortune = 3 million x 3 sets = 9 million.
Purchase of 25 pre-crafted ENHANCEMENTS of level 50 IOs = about 10 million (400k ea).
CRAFTING COSTS of the other RECIPES above = 25 million.
Rare salvage (25 items, at a guess) at 3 million a pop plus some uncommon/generics: 100 million.

But as I said, with a lot of care and patience, over the course of a month (playing and just finding rare salvage, placing long term bids, and maybe doing a total of 30 tip missions to "reinforce" my Hero status and then earn 2 merits), you could knock this down to 150 million, easy.

I bet if you were really careful, you could knock it down to 100 million if you were VERY patient.

Anyway, that shows you what you'd have to do to acquire it all with the build I proposed.

Now, if you would only allow Tough and Weave, we could knock that down to 30 million plus 6 nights of hero tips (5 missions a night). But I wont go there.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
As I alluded to in one of my recent posts, I slipped up and put a Miracle Recovery in Health, out of habit. Take that out and compare with just a generic Health in Health instead. Still, 4 nights of tip missions will earn you a Miracle. Well, six nights, in that you have to "confirm" your alignment once. So you could always keep the Miracle. No rush though. You could do just fine without, IMO.
I tried it without the Miracle in Health, and the build still had 0.01 recovery more than the build I had before, so again - that's something I'll see what I can do with the slots you haven't tied down in sets, those shouldn't mess with the build too much.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
As PleaseRecycle pointed out, I did add a 3rd, probably unnecessary recharge IO in Practiced Brawler. You could juggle slots and work that slot up (shifting others down/around) and end up with 2 level 50 generic IOs on Physical perfection. That would let you add another IO for some more recovery.
Experience tells me it's unnecessary, yes. Practiced Brawler with two decent enhancements can stack with itself with an overlap of about 5 or 6 seconds, but with Quickness, it stacks with itself well comfortably. As well, Quickness resists slows, so dropping out of syn with Practiced Brawler shouldn't happen. About the only time it's happened is when I sheepishly forget to turn it on

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Two level 50 generic IOs give 83% to (EDIT) recharge. The third only brings you up to 99% or more, thanks to Enhancement Diversification. That means I only need to have 16% global recharge to add on to the two (2) IOs, in order to equal what three (3) would do with no global recharge. It just so happens that this build gives 20% global recharge. I did this on purpose, but in a way it was habitual / reflexive. I have become accustomed to looking at overall results of a build, rather than only considering any one aspect or any one power.
Yeah, I figured as much. I'm generally very cautious about three-slotting the same type of enhancement, usually only ever doing it for damage and other VERY important aspects. Putting in a third recharge in a lot of places was done out of having more slots than I knew what to do with, but you seem to have found a place for them all, and then some

Also, and this is somewhat sideways of your post, but being able to look at each part of a build individually and assess on a case-by-case basis is one of the reasons I like the City of Heroes build system so much. In other MMOs, if I want to "enhance" a power, I pick Power II and get whatever buffs and debuffs to it developers of that game have decided for me. More damage, more cost, more recharge, overall worse power at level 2 than it was at base value. This is actually one big thing that bugs me about sets in particular and this kind of building in general - the granularity of the build is greatly diminished because I can never really decide a power's slotting based on that power's performance. There are always political repercussions for any decision I make which define the whole landscape of my build, so to speak.

I'm probably just a dumb guy for saying this, but it overwhelms my head to have to think about all this stuff at once. I really did grow very fond of picking a power and worrying about slotting just that power, not slotting my whole build at the same time, and with bags of bundled effects at that. The simple fact is I'd rather pick a small number of single large buffs than pick a large number of small buffs (or a small number of large buff packs, as it were), if that makes sense.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
They only exist at level 40 values. Think of it this way: ALL the sets are at MAX POWER. Whether that happens to be at level 40 or at level 50 is peculiar to the set.
Something occurs to me: Do you have enhancement numbers for these powers? Is there any way I can get that out of MIDs without literally sitting down and dividing enhanced value by base? I see final stat numbers, but I lack a good number to compare them with each other.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Moderately. But it is the TOUCH OF DEATH items that are most expensive (Miracle Recovery IO aside). At least last time I checked. But I think that this build would be "affordable" for you, especially if you were only concerned with trying to build out this one character to see how it goes.
We'll also have to hope my patience and perseverance pays off. Right now, the whole thing has fouled me up on the game so bad I don't really want to touch it with a 10 foot pole, and Lord knows what I'll pick up when I come back in a few days, but I'm trying to think in perspective. That might be a mistake, but one of the big thing I value about City of Heroes builds (or my builds up to this point) is repeatability. I can make a large number of characters and they'll all have a shot at reaching "the end" in a non-insane time.

That said, one of the reasons to only mess with Inventions at level 50 is I can treat that as part of the separate end game. I can get a character to 50 and only then start messing with Inventions.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
The good thing about the slotting here is that you can slot it out like I've got it, stick SO enhancements in there, and then just gradually place bids on the market over a few months, waiting and crafting patiently and in small spurts while you simply play and otherwise do whatever else you normally do for fun. That way, you reduce your overall cost, and keep your burnout low to non-existent. If you pace it correctly.
If I do, I'll be building up an alternate build as I make progress with my present one. I'm not sure how well that'll work, but we'll see what we can see. I highly dislike stepping DOWN from a complete build into a build in progress, so that's the only way I can deal with it, but it shouldn't be problematic. That's what alternate builds are for, after all. Right?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

1. What must one do to acquire the resources needed to make Inventions - recipes and salvage? Can this be done by just playing Story Arcs and regular missions like I always have, or do I need to run Architect missions or farm Alignment missions or such?
An easy way of doing it (my way) is to just build up liquidity over time via trading. Nearly all that you need can be bought at the market. Sell the recipes you don't need on the market, sell the salvage you aren't using on the market, ect. But, there are a couple of easy ways to build up the raw cash that you'll need to get the IO sets you want.

#1: Random Recipe Reward from merit vendors. This is very risky, since you aren't sure what you'll get, but if you can get lucky you can easily turn 100 reward merits into 300 mil. Generally the recipe range I go for is 25-29, since those offer things like Miracle and Luck of the Gambler.

#2: Targeted Recipe Sales. Can easily be done with either hero merits or reward merits. What you do is buy a high demand enhancement recipe (currently Miracle + Regen level 20 sells for 100-150 million, which is the one I'm going for now) with your merits, and then you can craft and sell that for enough profit to afford several lower demand sets. Unless you are going for the most expensive sets, 100 mil is generally sufficient to give IOs to all of the powers that it is worth to put them in.

#3: The grind. This is a bit longer, but let me explain. Most rare IO enhancements (or at least the ones I buy) sell only for a few mil. After a long time of playing and selling stuff, you have probably gotten enough cash on at least one of your toons to buy what you need EXCEPT for those high-demand pieces. These are the pieces that you need to grind for, and this can be done in three ways. Hero/Villain Merits, Astral Merits, and Reward Merits. IMO, the best way to do that is in the order that I listed them, but if you do nothing but play the game all day then Astrals are probably much quicker than alignment merits. Also, by doing the SSA on a Hero or Villain aligned player, you can get alignment merits VERY quickly.

#4: Get lucky. If you play at 50 enough, you'll probably get a purple IO recipe, and those can sell anywhere from 50 mil to 600 mil. One Ragnarok and suddenly you can IO out four toons.

In general, check the prices of certain IO enhancements you think will sell for a lot before you go out to get that one. For the salvage, all of it can be bought at the market.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
2. Is it possible to build specifically at level 50, using only level 50 Inventions, or do I have to have a menagerie of different numbers on my Enhancements screen?
It is very possible, but it is a little hard to do if you are building for a specific goal in mind. Usually the direct to power benefits of an IO is enough to deal with their lower levels.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
3. What defines "cheap" vs. "expensive" sets? Market price? Ticket cost? Merit cost? Is there any way to tell which is which before I commit to it?
Market price. Sets that are "rare" but have little to no demand sell for very cheap in the markets, even if it takes 240 merits to purchase them from a vendor.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
4. Does everyone have to build for Defence? Seemingly, whether your sets provide defence or not, and even whether you're melee or not, everyone suggests building for defence. What else should I build for as a general thing? Recharge? Endurance? What?
There are couples of ways to do this. What I started with was what I call aimless IO enhancing (must have a different IO set in each power, because I am weird like that), and when you do this you get a mixed increase accuracy, damage, regen, recovery, recharge, and some defense. This is still better than SO builds, since you get more things enhanced overall in each power by having sets there alone, let alone from the global benefits. Some IO sets kind of leave "holes" like only boosting accuracy once, so it is best interests to not always go full IO sets in every power

Then there are focused builds. Now, in general the two things people build for are defense and recharge. Defense has the subcategories of Smash/Lethal and then positional defenses. Smash/Lethal defense building is the easiest and the cheapest of the bunch, and provides decent bang for the buck, since a lot of enemy attacks have at least one of those components attached to them. Positional defenses are harder and more expensive, since you generally have to get full sets of six, as well as purples. Recharge is also quite expensive to build for, because the best recharge bonuses come from LotG +Recharge and purple sets.

Another thing that some build for is Max Health, but other than that there isn't much to aim for other than that. The other bonuses usually show up along the way when you are slotting for the others.

Now, a lot of people like to go with focused builds, but it really isn't that necessary for a lot of ATs. For example, I could probably soft-cap the Smashing/Lethal defenses on my defender, but there is little point to do so since she just hangs back and buffs/debuffs most of the time.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
5. Is it possible to develop a basic template that's at least generally applicable to a whole AT with whatever amount of tweaking, or does every character essentially require starting a build design from scratch?
There are some guides to help out there, but generally it is hard to do since IOs are power based and not AT based. Even then, there are other things to consider, such as what powers you took. I.E. there's no reason to build for defense on a SR scrapper, since you'll just soft-cap without them anyway.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
6. How much work is it to put together a decent, "cheap" build at the level cap as opposed to, say, buying a full set of Common Inventions, assuming I have the build worked out beforehand?
Got to be honest here, I'm not sure what you're asking. Working out the build is the hardest part of getting a good build. If you are talking about getting the money, then that can be easy or hard depending on how lucky you are. If you are talking about actually making the enhancements and slotting them, that is fairly easy to do. Almost all recipes are for sale at the market, and their enhancements themselves are also sold at the market. So it is either buy and slot, or buy, craft, then slot.

If money is tight, it isn't necessary to build for something specifically. I ran with random IO sets for a year, and I still outperformed SO builds quite well. You only need to go for specific builds for one of two reasons:

#1: You are trying to harden a weak spot in your build.

#2: You are trying to achieve a certain goal. Solo an AV, run on +4/X8, Perma-Dom, stuff like that.

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Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
Sam I got to thank you for making this thread. I am in the same boat. In fact I just wrote an email to a good friend in order to get them to try to help me with a build for my main. I have a full on HO build for him that I just cannot bring myself to delete so I started a second build to work on IO's.

The numbers just get meshed together for me and I just couldn't get my head around it whatsoever. I have 2 billion influence, a ton of rares saved up, about 17 purples waiting, 1500 reward merits and have no clue what to do.

So thanks to everyone posting in this thread and to Sam for making it. It helps to read the answers to the questions. My thing was that I just didn't want to go through and make a build and end up 'gimping' the build meaning I now have less damage, less recharge, less end reduction then I did before.

Basically I don't understand it so I never touch it, I just use the crafted enhancements that end up being better than lvl 53 SO's and up until now have left the IO sets alone. It has always bugged the **** out of me though...
I'm in your boat. I have one incarnate char with a tier 1 Alpha and all common crafted IO's but no sets. And this is my most developed char, a DB/WP scrapper. I don't have your resources, but she does have about 375 million inf, so I'm probably ready to start designing her build while I work on making her some more inf. I'll be all ears to this thread as well, because I am sure I'll learn a lot more about IO sets along with Sam.



I don't bother with set bonuses or frankenslotting with most characters.

I use level 25 regular IO's as they are the best bang for the buck and once slotted will not need to be replaced like SO's.

But the world of set bonuses and frankeslotting can be overwhelming but also fun depending on your point of view.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
I use level 25 regular IO's as they are the best bang for the buck and once slotted will not need to be replaced like SO's.
I could believe that if you were pushing diminishing returns for one aspect of a power, i.e. slotting three LVL 25 IOs for damage, defense, etc, but for just slotting one or two IOs of the same category, IOs start to become better than SOs at about LVL 30. See this chart.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



What I'll say is that you just have to dive in and make mistakes and learn from them.

I think I really started with IOs when I read a thread about how easy it was to softcap typed defense (smashing/lethal specifically) on an Invulnerable tank, and how tough it made them. That sounded really cool, so I took what I could from the thread and immediately applied it to my katana/regen scrapper. This, unfortunately, was a less than ideal approach, not the least because Divine Avalanache (the katana parry) really grants melee defense (actually melee & lethal per paragonwiki). All I know is that every application is about 15% melee defense, and I can manage to stack it 3 times as long as I keep firing it... but these are things I didn't understand back then.

So my friend tried to help me with a positional defense build instead. I used that for a while, tried to improve on it, but it's nearly impossible to softcap all defenses on a regen and it's playing against the set's strengths -- regen has essentially 4 heals, and really benefits from lots of recharge. Some defense doesn't hurt, of course. ^_^ But I haven't really gone back recently and tried to work defense into my katana/regen scrapper's build... instead I just went all-out for massive recharge, which was, at least, the popular way to build regen scrappers at the time.

Along the way I had to figure out how to make more money than I had. I'd been making money on the market up to that point by crafting generic IOs and selling them, and this gave me over 100 million on a few characters, which seemed pretty good at the time. But when I got into IOs, I had to ramp up my knowledge of how to market and make money at it. These days, there are a lot of other options, and I buy a lot of things with alignment merits for example. But mostly I market for my cash, although I have farm-capable toons, and I do run a lot of tip missions and SSAs and Ouro arcs just for merit rewards.

Even after I'd been at it for a couple of years, I discovered new tricks and things I hadn't previously been aware of, and when I look at my older builds I still wonder why I did things that way. There's a lot to know, you don't absorb it all overnight.

Without MIDS I would be totally lost. Learning how to use that was a big part of learning how to properly IO my characters.

Also, I think it's entirely possible to just run story arcs that you like and eventually be able to afford a build that way, but only if you play the same character a lot. Being an altoholic kind of goes against being able to pile up merits through regular game play.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I've avoided IO's for the most part up til now. Just frankenslotting here and there.

Like Sam though, I've recently started to feel 'behind the times' with SO only builds.

I'm slowly teaching myself how to IO a character. I get bored easily, ploding through the lists though, so I'm attempting to do this without crunching any numbers or even using Mids. I know a few basics but for the most part I'm 'winging it'

The way I do it, I look to fully set a specific power each level. Focusing on only one power makes it easier for me. Starting at level 35.

Once I decide which power is getting a set I look at the recipes for that type and pick the one with the best bonuses. Mainly I look for anything with Recharge or Acc global bonuses as they usually end up having impressive AoE defense for all 6.

I then spend a ton more than I have to, buying already crafted enhancments, to fill all slots. Occasionally I'll leave a bid up overnight but most always I overbid to 'buy it nao' and get r done. I can't stand the metagame of collecting salvage and running to a crafting table etc. So I'm willing to spend millions more than I have to for the convenience factor. Besides, not IOing all these years while using the market to sell has me sitting on quite a bit so Inf isn't an issue.

Thankfully, because if it was, and I had to go through the extra steps of gathering salvage etc, I just wouldn't bother.

So my advice to Sam would be; Don't worry about any 'Right' way to do it.
Once you start slotting sets and seeing the increased performance, you'll get better at it by default. Same way you got better at knowing how to use SO's so long ago.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Along the way I had to figure out how to make more money than I had. I'd been making money on the market up to that point by crafting generic IOs and selling them, and this gave me over 100 million on a few characters, which seemed pretty good at the time. But when I got into IOs, I had to ramp up my knowledge of how to market and make money at it. These days, there are a lot of other options, and I buy a lot of things with alignment merits for example. But mostly I market for my cash, although I have farm-capable toons, and I do run a lot of tip missions and SSAs and Ouro arcs just for merit rewards.
I'd like to go on a small tangent, if I may. Every time I hear people telling me about how they learned to market better and make more money, I get a cold chill down my spine. The City of Heroes market is the most egregious, soul-sucking example of pointless busywork in the entire game by far, as far as I'm concerned, and easily the bit I like the least. Since I9, I've survived by finding ways to limit my exposure to it as much as possible, because just half an hour messing with that thing is enough to make me start running through my collection of other games, wondering what else I could play.

I can stomach digging through City of Data or Mids', I can deal with making spreadsheets and crunching numbers, I can handle making builds and planning ahead, because ultimately, that's still part of the game. It's a part of the game I don't exactly enjoy, but it's intimately related to the part of the game I DO enjoy, which is kicking *** and taking names. Figuring out how to build my character is directly proportionate to how well I do at kicking ***.

The Market, by contrast, is entirely tangential to anything and everything else in the game. It's massive set of gates between me and what I want. Granted, without it, it would be even harder to obtain that stuff, but you know what? It would be a lot simpler, too. "Marketeering" is something I will plain and simple NEVER do. I don't get paid enough to profane my playtime with something that I never wanted to see in the game in the first place.

The Market is only ever convenient if I don't have to "mess" with it, in the sense that I like it when I can open the Interface, pile on the stuff I have to sell and have it all go away. Alternately, it's convenient when I can open the interface, point to what I want to buy and have that delivered to me. But the meta-game or Market PvP not only does not interest me, it's one of the few things that's capable of outright making me rage-quit out of game, and I don't have a lot of rage-quits left in me any more.

The ONLY way I'm ever going to be able to mess with Set Inventions is if I'm able to do this WITHOUT having to "play the Market." The less I have to do with that thing, the better.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Also, I think it's entirely possible to just run story arcs that you like and eventually be able to afford a build that way, but only if you play the same character a lot. Being an altoholic kind of goes against being able to pile up merits through regular game play.
The reason I keep harping on about story arcs is there are a LOOOT of them in the game. People often complain that City of Heroes is repetitive, but if you just run story arcs, there's enough content out there to run three characters from 1 to 50 and never run across the same piece of content twice. "Farming" Alignment Merits, on the other hand, requires one to endlessly repeat a collection of about 10 missions over and over again through days, weeks, months and more. I'm honestly not sure why the development team chose to invent a brand new currency and make it obtainable from such a small number of venues, this making all the rest of the game a "worse" choice.

Also - and this is something I don't think anyone's brought up before - what if I'm playing a Vigilante or a Rogue? Aren't those barred from Alignment Merits altogether?

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
The way I do it, I look to fully set a specific power each level. Focusing on only one power makes it easier for me. Starting at level 35.
Hmm... That's not a bad idea, actually. If I can even work on it like that, that may be a pretty good way to handle things.

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I then spend a ton more than I have to, buying already crafted enhancments, to fill all slots. Occasionally I'll leave a bid up overnight but most always I overbid to 'buy it nao' and get r done. I can't stand the metagame of collecting salvage and running to a crafting table etc. So I'm willing to spend millions more than I have to for the convenience factor. Besides, not IOing all these years while using the market to sell has me sitting on quite a bit so Inf isn't an issue.
That's more or less how I buy Commons now - overpay on what I need to get it immediately. I get the impression, though, that that's not going to be possible with Set Inventions. I get the impression that it's going to be an arm and a leg just to get that stuff the "correct" way, let alone trying get the stuff at my convenience.

That's really what eats me about the whole system, really, and why I've stayed out of it for this long - it seems hideously inconvenient to work with. I'm sure the results are great, but getting that stuff is just a pain in the ***. Yes, there are ways to make it a significantly smaller pain in the ***, but at the end of the day, I'm still going to have trouble sitting down. SOs, even Commons - they're very convenient. I pick the ones I want, then I pay for them and off I go. Sure, at the worst of the economy, I had to pay maybe 50 million for a complete Commons build at 50, but in terms of opportunity cost, that still only cost me half an hour to an hour from scratch to full, and I made that money doing nothing out of the ordinary.

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
So my advice to Sam would be; Don't worry about any 'Right' way to do it. Once you start slotting sets and seeing the increased performance, you'll get better at it by default. Same way you got better at knowing how to use SO's so long ago.
I really didn't get all that much better at it. I had the same basic slotting ideas since about I1 through I5, and I had to redesign those ideas post I6 with ED, but it has never been that complex of a decision. It always came down to figuring out what I wanted out of a power, which was always A LOT more damage, enough accuracy to hit (which can be worked out) and whatever I have left over for endurance reduction so I don't run dry.

The thing, though, is I never had to consider how I would slot one power to figure out how to slot another. If it's an attack, it gets at least five slots with 1ACC/1END/3DAM. If I can't find the slots, I either don't take the attack or don't take another power from which I can save slots for the attack. That sort of thing.


What concerns me most, though, isn't so much enhancing powers via the various multi-aspect enhancements. That's fairly easy to work out mathematically. I haven't run the numbers on it, no, but it's trivial to do so. What concerns me, instead, is that I'm finding myself in a position of NEEDING power stats from outside of my powersets. What I mean by this is Super Reflexes, irrespective of how you enhance its powers, isn't going to see much more than 32-33% defence to everything. I can crank that up a little bit with pool powers, but not a lot, especially not against Dark Astoria enemies. The ONLY way I can bring that up to a number that's reliably survivable is to bring defences from outside of the game's powersets.

You'd think Incarnate powers could do that, but I haven't found one that really could, or at least could with any sort of consistency. Both the Agility and Nerve Alphas have a defence buff enhancement component, but since my SR powers are already slotted past their ED caps, that doesn't amount to much, at least up to T3, which is as high as I expect to be able to go before I hit a wall, if I go even that high. I remember running the numbers and ending up a raw increase of 2% defence to all positions above that 32-33% mark with the T3, half-ED-ignoring defence buffs.

I looked at Barrier, as well, which is an awesome buff for all of five seconds, then a great buff for the next 10, then not that much of a buff for the rest of its duration. It's good as a kind of "Defence Build Up" for tougher foes, but being unslottable and recharging in such a long time, it's not good for keeping me alive from battle to battle. There just doesn't seem to be anything IN THE GAME to make SR decently survivable in Dark Astoria EXCEPT set bonuses.


See, when I say it like that, it sounds like it's JUST SR that's the problem... And it kind of is. But there's no point in doing all the work to mess with Set Inventions and NOT doing this with all my characters. Yes, all 50-something of them. See, I don't have a "main." I don't even have favourites. All of my characters are equal in my eyes, all of them deserve the same care and attention, so if I'm going to include Set Inventions in the build of one and they DO make that one better, I have to do it for all of them. It's all or nothing. I love these characters, and it KILLS me to make just one significantly better. Not least of all because, not counting the ones I'm going to make, I have something like five SR characters spread around the alignments and ATs, and all of them deserve Incarnate status.

Also, if it sounds like I'm talking in principle and not getting down to the nitty-gritty in-game, that's because the whole thing has put me off the game so bad I don't even want to look at it right now. I don't know how long that's going to last, but I won't be touching City of Heroes for at least a few days just because it gives me fits whenever I try to.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Also, if it sounds like I'm talking in principle and not getting down to the nitty-gritty in-game, that's because the whole thing has put me off the game so bad I don't even want to look at it right now. I don't know how long that's going to last, but I won't be touching City of Heroes for at least a few days just because it gives me fits whenever I try to.
Sam, why do you start these threads when they just make you sad, and in the end you don't use any of the advice that people give you because it's all fundamentally not how you are willing to play the game? It's nice that the info is put out there for other people to use, but it seems like you're just putting yourself through the wringer again and again for nothing.

When I22 hits, why not just fill up your e-mail with insps, set your difficulty to -1x1, and see how far you can get in the new DA content on an SO build? If your SO characters really can't cope, then worry about what comes next.

(And if it turns out that you still want to try out an IO build then, find one you like, send it to me, and I'll mail you the IOs you need at whatever level you prefer. Just go easy on the purples and PVP IOs, please ;-)

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Sam, why do you start these threads when they just make you sad, and in the end you don't use any of the advice that people give you because it's all fundamentally not how you are willing to play the game?
Oh, I'm going to use this, believe me. Just not immediately. I need a break from the game, but not a long one. A few days, or however long it takes me to get through Assassin's Creed: Still More Faffing About. I might even be back to Jun to try out that build that was suggested, or just look at prices and such. At least I have a bit more of a general idea of what I'm looking for.

The whole point is try and find a way to mess with Inventions without actually having to alter the way I play in a fundamental manner. Again, if I can just keep on playing arcs and maybe occasionally playing some Alignment missions, that's tenable. If I have to play the Marker, on the other hand, or farm for Architect tickets, that's not. It's the same reason I don't do raiding - if the "getting there" isn't fun, then I will never know what "being there" is like.

Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
(And if it turns out that you still want to try out an IO build then, find one you like, send it to me, and I'll mail you the IOs you need at whatever level you prefer. Just go easy on the purples and PVP IOs, please ;-)
And if you really are serious about this, then I might just do that I expressly DO NOT WANT Purple and PvP Inventions just as a matter of principle, but if you want to help out, then that'd be great. I do like that build UnicyclePeon suggested... It's a bit off with the 40s in there, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

The thing, though, is I know it will be better. There was never any question that Set Inventions builds will be better than SO or Common builds. I'm more worried of what it would take to create that, myself, since I will need to be able to replicate the result. Even at 42, I can clean out Jun's alternate crappy level 36 build and start putting Inventions stuff in it. That might give me a bit more dosh to work with, as well.


One more thing to add: When I ask how I can tell what's cheap and what's expensive, I meant is there some way to tell the rarity of recipes and their costs to obtain with Merits of some sort? Like, Salvage is divided into very neat, tidy categories - common, uncommon, rare. Common's 250 to sell, uncommon's 1000, rare is 5000. I know Common Inventions are... Well, common, but what about Set Recipes? How do those break down?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's easy. Already there. As in, I'm already using this exact slotting.

Two? Is the third slot not really worth it at level 50? I checked Mids' and it suggests it's worth... 0.66% or there about. Yeah, probably not. OK, so I can spare one slot from all three toggles to go into something else. That could work.

I have mine slotted for jumping for... Some reason. Easy enough to change, and Combat Jumping sucks for jumping anyway.

That's not very easy to achieve. Currently, I have it two-slotted for just recharge since that's what I tend to slot Build Up style powers for.

Yeah, I skipped a few steps, but I follow your logic so far, I think.

See, Tough, Weave and let's say Boxing is three powers. I can only spare two. I have all of Street Justice, all of Super Reflexes, Combat Jumping, Super Jump, Conserve Power and Physical Perfection. These are not things I can give up on, and they leave only two power picks left.

That's OK, I was in the other room watching the Matrix

I'm not sure if I even need to hit the soft-cap, really. Even at 32.?% Defence, my Scrapper does fairly well, except against Devouring Earth Quartz eminators and Rularuu Watchers. Honestly, if that were all that's it, I wouldn't even bother trying to work for more defence, aside from maybe two-slotting Combat Jumping for it. But the thing is, I want to have a shot at Incarnate stuff with her, and with everything in Dark Astoria having a higher to-hit base... Yeah, I'll need to shoot for more.

See, I've never been a greedy guy. My concern is to build for "enough" to have the character feel comfortable in battle. I don't need to step on Bill Z Bubba's toes and going to solo AVs or Pylons or anything

Claws has a point here. I did consider Frankenslotting at one point, but the sheer clutter of unmanaged set bonuses just bugs me to no end. Not only am I getting bonuses I don't account for, but there's no way to track performance between characters without accounting for them.

Honestly, if there existed a class of enhancements that enhanced two two aspects of a power, offered no bonuses whatsoever and were not limited by how many of which kind you can slot in a power that accepts them, I would be SO all over those! I'm not sure if they'd earn me a lot of extra defence, obviously, but I'd try them anyway.
There is. They're called Hami-O's.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I don't mean to sound dismissive here, but if I am physically incapable of working with something when I don't comprehend what I'm doing on at least a fairly decent level. Whenever I see a build, for instance, my instincts are to point to an enhancement and ask "Why is this here?" Not as a challenge to whoever made the build, either, but just because I can't operate unless I know the "why" of the matter.
Most of the build suppliers should be able to tell you exactly why a certain IO is where it is, if it isn't already fairly self-evident.

My attempt here is to get just a basic, bottom line understanding of what the hell I'm doing here and why I'm doing it, set some baseline goals and see what it takes to achieve them.


See, this is also something I hope to try and avoid. One of the things I like most about City of Heroes is that I can sit down and play it without worrying about whether I'm playing it the "right" way. I like to run story arc missions as much as I can, and it's what I find entertaining. If it transpires that I HAVE to farm for INF or Merits and that I can't play the story arc I want right now since it doesn't drop the right kind of currency and I have to go grind Architect missions, instead, that would be... Depressing. And would serve to make the game a lot less fun.
The thing is, min-maxing builds for specific purposes is a mini-game all by itself. And, like the costume creator, is highly variable and nuanced. There isn't any "One True Way". But lots of ways to accomplish similar things for varying purposes.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'd like to go on a small tangent, if I may. Every time I hear people telling me about how they learned to market better and make more money, I get a cold chill down my spine. The City of Heroes market is the most egregious, soul-sucking example of pointless busywork in the entire game by far, as far as I'm concerned, and easily the bit I like the least. Since I9, I've survived by finding ways to limit my exposure to it as much as possible, because just half an hour messing with that thing is enough to make me start running through my collection of other games, wondering what else I could play.

I can stomach digging through City of Data or Mids', I can deal with making spreadsheets and crunching numbers, I can handle making builds and planning ahead, because ultimately, that's still part of the game. It's a part of the game I don't exactly enjoy, but it's intimately related to the part of the game I DO enjoy, which is kicking *** and taking names. Figuring out how to build my character is directly proportionate to how well I do at kicking ***.

The Market, by contrast, is entirely tangential to anything and everything else in the game. It's massive set of gates between me and what I want. Granted, without it, it would be even harder to obtain that stuff, but you know what? It would be a lot simpler, too. "Marketeering" is something I will plain and simple NEVER do. I don't get paid enough to profane my playtime with something that I never wanted to see in the game in the first place.

The Market is only ever convenient if I don't have to "mess" with it, in the sense that I like it when I can open the Interface, pile on the stuff I have to sell and have it all go away. Alternately, it's convenient when I can open the interface, point to what I want to buy and have that delivered to me. But the meta-game or Market PvP not only does not interest me, it's one of the few things that's capable of outright making me rage-quit out of game, and I don't have a lot of rage-quits left in me any more.

The ONLY way I'm ever going to be able to mess with Set Inventions is if I'm able to do this WITHOUT having to "play the Market." The less I have to do with that thing, the better.
You can absolutely get into the IO game and slot a character with sets without playing the market or engaging in market PVP or whatever you want to call it. Playing the market would be faster, but if you don't enjoy it, don't do it, you'll still get there. Run story arcs, do task forces, do alignment missions, whatever makes you happy. Take your drops and sell them on the market if you can't use them. Use that money to buy the stuff you need. Use merits for random rolls, or save them up to buy valuable things, sell those, and use the money to buy stuff you need. Alignment merits are good for that too, especially since you can buy the REALLY valuable stuff with them like purples and PVP IOs.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The reason I keep harping on about story arcs is there are a LOOOT of them in the game. People often complain that City of Heroes is repetitive, but if you just run story arcs, there's enough content out there to run three characters from 1 to 50 and never run across the same piece of content twice. "Farming" Alignment Merits, on the other hand, requires one to endlessly repeat a collection of about 10 missions over and over again through days, weeks, months and more. I'm honestly not sure why the development team chose to invent a brand new currency and make it obtainable from such a small number of venues, this making all the rest of the game a "worse" choice.
You can do what you want solely from story arcs, though they aren't the best choice. Task Forces will get you merits faster, and farming alignment merits will get you stuff faster still. But you can definitely get there just running story arcs, since they give out merits too.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Also - and this is something I don't think anyone's brought up before - what if I'm playing a Vigilante or a Rogue? Aren't those barred from Alignment Merits altogether?
They don't give out alignment merits, but if I remember correctly they give out something like 50 merits when you finish them to confirm your alignment.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's more or less how I buy Commons now - overpay on what I need to get it immediately. I get the impression, though, that that's not going to be possible with Set Inventions. I get the impression that it's going to be an arm and a leg just to get that stuff the "correct" way, let alone trying get the stuff at my convenience.
You can overpay to get it quickly if you want to, but in the long run it's going to slow you down because you have to spend more time earning money to buy the next part of your build. I've found the best thing to do is when I start a new character, once they're at level 10 or so, I transfer them money from an alt, and have them start placing lowball bids on things they're going to need later. That way, you have 40 levels to get together the things you need for when they're 50, and you don't have to rush into it.



QR: You've had a lot of response and I've not been able to read (m)any of them so apologies if I repeat -

You can get what you need from Merits, A Merits, to a lesser extent Tickets (generally better for salvage IMO) and drops when just playing the game. Playing at higher difficulty tends to improve the quality of drops in my experience but that's not a guarantee.

Also the Auction House - that's probably where you'll get most of what you want - use the previous methods to get the stuff you really need.

If I can give two pieces of advice they would be: Don't stress about it, and don't be afraid to make a mess of things. As you've already admitted Inventions are not absolutes and if you want to partly build a character or frankenslot, then those are perfectly ok options. I also have a number of characters that make liberal use of Hami-Os, SOs, and Sets. Whatever works for you is the important thing - and unless you plan on sharing your build for public critique, who cares what you do?

Some general rules I apply when using IO sets - these are guides I break them whenever I feel the need, but may be of use to you

  • Slot for whatever you think will work for your character. Don't worry about caps, soft caps, dutch caps, cricket caps or any other form of head gear unless it's important to you. If you want a high defence uber build, fine but they are not necessary for most of the game unless you're trying to solo the real tough stuff.
  • I generally slot lvl 40 IO sets, because I often exemplar down and IOs stop working three levels below their stated level and so if you slot 50s, you may find some content you like where the bonuses don't work. Level 40 IOs are just about the same as 50SOs to you'll notice no significant difference in performance at 50 and still have some extra bonuses.
  • Slot to patch your weak areas rather than to build on your strengths. You've gotten to 50 (I've never made a full IO build before 50, I'm guessing you'll be doing the same) and know what you're good at. Fix your build rather than make yourself Godlike. If Endurance use if a problem you can cover that very simply with a few good end mod sets for example.
  • The popular sets can cost a fortune, but if you choose the unpopular sets, you'll still get a usable bonus and spend a lot less than many who are only marginally better.
  • Try getting to grips with Mids. It may take you a while but it is almost certainly one of the best player developed tools out there and it will help you design your builds. It took me a long time to get into it, but my own experience it's now rather fun to make variant builds and fine tune.
  • You don't need to take your character "off line" when you do this. It's fine to do it piecemeal - much of it will depend on your own patience. If only partially slotted you can still play is the point. The converse of that is to focus on one primary character - but be aware of what your others may need - if you get a good drop that your toon cannot use, make sure you don't sell it before checking out if others can
  • Base Storage is really useful
  • Have fun and go at your own pace.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, I'm going to use this, believe me. Just not immediately. I need a break from the game, but not a long one. A few days, or however long it takes me to get through Assassin's Creed: Still More Faffing About. I might even be back to Jun to try out that build that was suggested, or just look at prices and such. At least I have a bit more of a general idea of what I'm looking for.
I realize that you cant stomach it right now, but if you could, the best approach to taking a short break would be to place bids now.

See, you don't have to play the market, or buy low and sell high, or watch for trends, or any of that soul-crushing nonsense. I hate it too. All you really have to do is get PAST the people you don't want to buy from (the ones who charge a lot) and get TO the ones who sell things for less. And the only way to get past those people is TIME.

If you went in right now to the auction house, opened Recipes, opened Melee Damage, opened Touch of Death, and selected Acc/Dam on the left pane, you'd see them show up on the right pane. Click the level 40 recipe on the right pane. At this very moment, the last 5 sales, which all happened today, are 3,000; 3,000; 3,000; 55,555; and 900,000 (not in that order). So you could put out a bid for three of them at 100,000 each. This time tomorrow, you'd probably have them.

For the Acc/Dam/End level 40 touch of death, the last 5 sold today with prices ranging from 2,255,555 to 3,000,000. So you could put out a bid for three of them at 2,333,333 million each.

For the level 50 Touch of Death chance for NE damage, the last 5 sold today. Most were selling from 4 to 5 million, but one went for only 500k. So, you could put out 3 bids for 2 million each and hope to get a bit lucky. Especially since you are planning to wait 3-5 days while playing Assassin's creed. Because these things move. Someone will sell one low, probably, at some point.

Touch of Death Damage/End had 2 of them sell in the 3 million range, and the other 3 sold for just over 100k. I dont know if the cheap 3 are a guy snagging them up or whether the 3 million person is impatient. Put out 3 bids for a million each.

Touch of Death dam/end/rech sold at least 5 times today, each for about 500k. All 5 are the same price, so maybe someone was snatching them up. Still, put out three bids for 750k each and see what happens over time.

Touch of Death damage/rech sold 5 today. One for 1000 (nice score for someone), and a few for 100k and one for 500k. Put out 3 bids at 333k each.

Now, this process should have taken about 10 minutes, and you are out about 19.5 million influence. Well, if the bids don't come through, you arent out anything. But come back again in 5 days. I will bet most of them will have been acquired by then.

As for the rare salvage (and the alchemical gold, which is uncommon but pricey), you will need, FOR EACH SET: 1 alchemical gold, 1 deific weapon, 1 holographic memory, 2 soul-trapped gems, 1 conspiratorial evidence, and 1 military cybernetic. Competitive prices show that it will cost 10.5 million. Since you want 3 sets, that would be another 31.5 million.

HOWEVER, you could just low ball it, place bids at 75% of the typical price, and over 5 days you could get lucky and only spend 25 million or so.

OR if you are like me, you've saved every rare salvage you get on every character (other than the sub level 20 rare salvage, which is cheap). I almost never have to buy rare salvage once one of my characters hits level 50. Even if I have to go digging around in my base and in my vaults and my character inventories (including their individual auction house slots used as storage) I usually find what I need. So for me the cost would be near to zero on salvage.

So yeah. Commit the 45-50 million (or 20 million if you already have most of the salvage) even if it is a bit stressful, and then go have 5 days of Assassin's Creed fun. Come back, and see what you've got. You will probably have all or most of it.

And again, this isnt PLAYING the market. This is just patiently waiting on the guys you ACTUALLY want to trade with to become available to you. And the gateway to that is merely time.

I have a friend that when he hits level 30 or so, he looks at his level 50 build, places VERY lowball bids out at around half what everything goes for. He places the bids for his whole character. Only recipes, not usually salvage. It might take him 1-2 hours. He usually makes the bids from a different character than the one he is playing. Then he doesnt even look at the bids until he gets to level 47. Meanwhile, he plays the character blissfully, saving all rare salvage. When he hits level 47 and checks his bids, which could be 1-4 months later, he will find that the majority of it is his. The cost was low in price, singular in effort (2 hours), and LONG in time, but the time was the cost. But that was mitigated by the fact that he wasnt thinking about it. He was out playing his character.

Anyway, something to think about. Or not think about. Whatever you need.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



The best way to start with IOs is to just use a set to slot a power that you want to improve, and forget everything else.

For example, if you have a set of five level 50 Crushing Impact IOs, you'll have 69% accuracy, 98% damage, 48% endurance discount and 48% recharge. If you six-slot a power with even-con SOs to similar effect, you'll have 33% accuracy, 95% damage, 33% recharge and 33% endurance reduction.

Yes, for one slot less you can get more than twice the bonus on some aspects of a power by using IOs.

Many people don't want to skimp on accuracy and can't afford to six-slot all their powers, so when using SOs they sacrifice either endurance reduction, recharge or both. So most SO-based powers will compare even less favorably to ones using IOs.

On top of that, the Crushing Impact set increases your hit points, accuracy and overall recharge rate. But you can just ignore that for now.

There's nothing complex or mysterious about this. IO sets are just plain better than SOs. If you don't want to worry about the complexities of soft capping your build or maxing out recharge for perma-dom, don't worry about it. Just use IOs to make each power better.

As far as getting recipes like Crushing Impact, if you really hate the market you can just buy them outright from merit vendors for 50 merits apiece. If you've been doing arcs solo you'll probably have a ton of reward merits and nothing to spend them on.

If you spend an afternoon running missions you'll generally get all the common salvage you need, and if you don't have the uncommons you need, you can buy them outright at AE for 80 tickets apiece.

Once you go through this simple process a few times, the mystery of IOs will go away. Using the market isn't that onerous, if you have patience. And a lot of the good sets, like Crushing Impact, are pretty cheap now because the most ardent players have moved on to more abstruse builds.

People go through all sorts of contortions to stretch that last bit of defense out of a build, taking powers they never use and slotting them with sets that really don't make sense just to get the bonuses. I'm not sure the devs had that in mind when they designed IO sets; they basically wanted to undo some of the damage that ED had done, and to add more subtleties to the system to make it more interesting and provide the crafting option that other games have.



I started playing with Mids and came up with a build very similar to Unicycle Peon, but I think his is slightly better. And his explanations were all spot on. So other than to endorse his posts, I have nothing to add, except this: I am also willing to contribute IOs/Recipes/Cash to the project.

I'll need Sam's global name to mail them.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
  • I generally slot lvl 40 IO sets, because I often exemplar down and IOs stop working three levels below their stated level and so if you slot 50s, you'll find stuff like ITF, Kahn, LGTF, STF etc the bonuses don't work.
I not sure what you mean there, but the ITF, Kahn, LGTF and STF are all level 50 max, so level 50 enhancements will still work on all of those.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



One dumb question. Why go with Scirocco's Dervish instead of Eradications?
Sure, Erad gives lower overall enhancement than Dervish, but the set bonuses are nearly double for both AoE and Ranged.

Additionally, for Focused Accuracy, while 2 EndReds are nice, wouldn't two Cytoskeleton Hami-Os be almost as good for EndRedux while providing more +ToHit?

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
I not sure what you mean there, but the ITF, Kahn, LGTF and STF are all level 50 max, so level 50 enhancements will still work on all of those.

You're absolutely right. My brain farted!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Sam, I see your comments about wanting to avoid "playing the market" to, but you can still use it and not play the "market game." Just figure out what you want to purchase, put in a reasonable (to you) bid, and pick it up whenever it fills. You don't have to be on the market creeping up your bids, you don't have to research price vs level, or any of that.

I craft recipes that I can't use when they drop on me and sell them, no matter how much or little profit they might make. I don't try to mess with the bids, I don't flip, I don't do anything but sell what I don't want, and buy what I can slot right then. I make decent Inf, but I'm not a billionaire on every character.

The market is a useful tool. Treat it like a tool, and not a game, and it should appeal to your sensibilities just fine.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.