I give up... What about Inventions?




Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
I wanted you to not have to respec anything, which is what I did with my SS/EA when IOs first hit. All I did was slot Kinetic Combats and soft capped myself to SL Def, and still kept my SOs.
Oh, I'm not criticising you, of course. You merely reminded me of one of my primary concerns, which is making my build and my stats "messy." I know this is par for the course for more gear-based RPGs - you have a bunch of miscellaneous buffs from this sword, a bunch of miscellaneous buffs from the shield and so forth - but I kind of liked City of Heroes exactly because it DIDN'T have that. I'm trying to find some way to use Set Inventions without introducing chaos into my orderly world.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This brings up another question: You say that you "frequently" gain enhancement percentage, but am I right to suspect that there's a not insignificant number of situations when you do?
The worst I've seen is a loss of 10% damage to a power, traded off against a load of improved accuracy and recharge, but there's set bonuses that give plus damage, so get 3 3% damage bonuses into your sets and you've offset any loss to damage your powers might take.

It brings up another question, too: I like uniformity, but can I slot with Set Inventions and still have at least my roughly equivalent attacks be slotted the same?
Definitely, most of the time you'll want to do it that way. If you're going after positional defence, then you'll be mainly 6 slotting sets that give that. So you'll want to 6 slot those two powers with the same set that gives that defence bonus. You've slotted the powers the same way and gotten the bonus twice.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Obviously, the first thing you want to do is get your defense soft-capped to normal content. It's not difficult to do that with an SR when you add Invention Sets to the mix.

Next, you'd want to gain some more max HP. You'll probably add to your Max HP by accident when you're chasing other bonuses, so I wouldn't sweat about that too much just yet.

Getting more regen will help too, especially if your concept doesn't allow for Aid Self. Shoot for at least 200%. You might not get all the way to 200%, but it gives you something to aim for. Again, don't sweat it too much if you don't get it to 200%, anything above base value will help.

After that, add some recharge and you should be in good shape.

As far as IO Set building characters, SR is one of the most straight-forward sets to work with. I'm not going to get TOO specific on it, because once I start getting specific I come off as telling people how to build their character, and I'm trying to avoid that.
Well, if all of that's possible with just level 50 Inventions, that's very good news indeed. And, yeah, it is a question that sort of requires a build to answer, but I was mostly looking for how problematic the constraints I'm putting on the build are and if it's even reasonable to expect that to work. It just might, it seems.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
At the risk of telling you what to do, transfer any cash you don't have any immediate use for to the character you're trying to build. Saves hassle down the line when all the resources you're going to commit are already consolidated on one character.
Ah, another good point - I really dislike having multiple characters working for just one, since I have the tendency to leave a character on a whim and not touch it for a year or two. I have not played the eponymous Samuel Tow seriously since I10. He still does not have a build to account for Inherent Stamina. I might borrow money from other characters, but I can't commit all my resources to just one because the build for that one might not actually ever get finished before I move on.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This brings up another question: You say that you "frequently" gain enhancement percentage, but am I right to suspect that there's a not insignificant number of situations when you do?
I'm guessing from context that you meant to say "don't" instead of "do"?

If so, you would be correct, but it works like this: You will ALWAYS gain in total enhancement when slotting a full set of something over SOs of the same level.

But, you will occasionally lose out in a specific aspect of enhancement. Example: Obliteration gives you 66.25% Accuracy, 96.30% Damage, and a whopping 89.93% recharge enhancement, but the cost of the damage and recharge enhancement being slightly higher is that the set only provides 18.55% end reduction. Still an overall advantage in total enhancement, but you lose some end reduction to gain more recharge.

(I'm pulling my percentages straight from Mids', so they should be accurate)

It brings up another question, too: I like uniformity, but can I slot with Set Inventions and still have at least my roughly equivalent attacks be slotted the same? This isn't as vitally important as keeping everything at level 50, but I really would like to have, say, Rib Cracker and Shin Breaker slotted the same, since I use them almost interchangeably in combat. I know they have their different debuffs and I do try to make use of that sometimes, but in general, they're two straight-up attacks that mostly do damage.
With Street Justice, if you want you can slot Initial Strike, Heavy Blow, Rib Cracker, and Shin Breaker all exactly identically. The problem is, if you do that, you are going to miss out defense from one position or another. Would slotting them identically in pairs be acceptable to you? Like say, slot Initial Strike and Heavy Blow the same, then slotting Rib Cracker and Shin Breaker the same, but use different sets for each pair. Would that work?

This reminds me of something else I wanted to ask: How many holes would I need to leave with Inventions builds like this? The above talks about melee an AoE defence, but it leaves the character vulnerable to ranged damage. This is a build that concerns me, especially considering SR is one of the few sets which offers perfectly uniform defence all the way around.
You don't have to leave any holes at all. But your specific requirements are probably going to leave a few holes here and there. I would say, if you HAVE to leave a hole for whatever reason, AoE is the safest one to leave.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
A couple more things:

That's right on the money. I don't know what I want to build for. I don't know what I CAN build for, let alone what I should, never you mind what I actually want to get out of the whole thing. I guess, if we boil it down to its barest essentials, what I want is to die less and kill more, but that's really not saying much.

Let's use my above build as sort of an example - I don't want to restrict the discussion to just one build, but it might help. What would a SJ/SR/Body Scrapper want out of Inventions? How much of that can be achieved using only level 50 Inventions? How much of that would involve "expensive" inventions? How much am I shooting myself in the foot?
Most commonly people build for:

+Defense and/or +Recharge

In your specific example, a SR Scrapper would benefit from either of those two bonuses. I think the more straight forward benefit would be defense. Since you inherently have high positional defense numbers to begin with, you would want to focus on IO sets that would bring your AoE, Range and Melee defense values as close to 45% as possible.

This is where Mids comes in handy because as you set and slot your build, it calculates your defense values.

I'll be using my Martial Arts / SR / Body Scrapper as reference for my examples.

Focused Fighting- Toggle- Gives Melee Defense.

Un-enhanced, this power (according to Mids) gives 13.88% Defense to Melee attacks.

Slotting with 3 common defense IOs (not sets, just regular ole IOs) bumps that number up to 21.99%

That's less than half way to 45%.

Even if you figure in Dodge, the auto power that gives you melee defense, that's only an additional 5.63% unslotted and (roughly) 9% slotted.

So you're still a bit away from the magic 45%.

Now we look for things that give you more melee defense, and set slotting for Focused Fighting in general.

In my build, I have FF (and all my SR defense toggles) 6 slotted with Red Fortunes. Why?

With level 50 Red Fortunes, FF gives a Melee Defense value of 22.86%. A fraction less than using 3 Defense IOs. But, it also gives a "global" defense increase of 2.5% to Ranged Defense.

This percentage is cumulative to your overall Ranged Defense given by your powers. It doesn't increase the powers 2.5%, it flat out gives you 2.5%.

So, with Red Fortune, not only am I get the most out of my FF toggle for Melee Defense, I'm also getting a bit of ranged defense out it.

Red Fortune also has some other nice bonuses, like 5% global recharge.

Now, we're still looking for more Melee Defense.

Touch of Death is a Melee set that gives 3.75% Defense to Melee when you slot all 6 pieces. That's great! MA has a bunch of attacks that are single target. (StJ does as well). Storm Kick, Crane Kick, Crippling Axe Kick and Eagle's Claw are all 6 slotted with ToDs. That's 4 x 3.75% = 15%, which is applied to your overall global Melee Defense.

To recap - we have Focused Fighting giving us 21.86%, Dodge giving 6.52% (in my build) and 15% global Melee defense from Touch of Death(s). That's 43.38%. Close to where we want to be!

Now, I just so happen to have taken Super Jump as my travel power. So, hello Combat Jumping! Yes you don't give a large amount of Defense, but we're not looking for all that much. With just a regular ole defense IO, CJ gives is 2.35% to All. And that brings us to 45.73% Defense to Melee attacks.

Now, you basically rinse and repeat the same concept for your other two defense types: AoE and Range.

There are some powers that give you Defense to everything - CJ, Weave and Maneuvers. If you have room in your build, they help greatly.

If you have a power that gives you a To-Hit buff - Tactics, Focus Accu, or Build Up, you may wish to consider 6 slotting Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control. That gives you 2.5% Defense to Melee, AoE and Range.

Also, I realize this is a lot to take in so don't kill me

I should note that I have only a single character who has a billion Inf, which she made off three Purple recipes that dropped on her over the span of two days. Aside from her, most of my characters have never seen 100 million INF in their pockets all at once. Just for the sake of basic reference of the means I'm working with.
Pure influence isn't the only way to acquire the things you need. As I had mentioned with Merits, Tickets, etc you can pick up the stuff you need as you go by emailing stuff to yourself, or storing crafted versions in SG bins.

I won't lie to you though - the more useful sets are more expensive. It's just the nature of the beast.

On the plus side, as you've seen, you can always sell what you don't need and use that inf to buy what you do.

The prices you see on the market aren't set in stone, and do fluctuate. Red Fortunes for example. On average, they sell for 1.5m - 4m a piece, roughly. That doesn't mean you can't get them cheaper if you're patient, or buy the recipes and craft them yourself.

Since you seem to play a multitude of characters, you can always place low-ball bids on the things you need (within reason) and they will fill eventually.

Using the Red Fortune example, you can usually pick up most of the pieces for around 1m, sometimes less, if you're patient enough.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Ah, another good point - I really dislike having multiple characters working for just one, since I have the tendency to leave a character on a whim and not touch it for a year or two. I have not played the eponymous Samuel Tow seriously since I10. He still does not have a build to account for Inherent Stamina. I might borrow money from other characters, but I can't commit all my resources to just one because the build for that one might not actually ever get finished before I move on.
Here's what I do that might work for you as well.

I never completely bankrupt any of my characters, for the exact same reason.

What I'll do is set an arbitrary minimum number that I want all my characters to have on them. Say, for sake of argument, that you want to leave your characters with at least 20 million influence at all times.

Go through and transfer anything they have above that number to the character you're building. That way you can consolidate your resources on that character, but if you decide you want to play a different one before you finish with it they still have money to work with themselves.

Edit: All level 50 enhancements may not be feasible, but all level 40 enhancements is very doable. I just worked out a Mids' build using level 40 enhancements, and it was pretty easy to get softcapped.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

See, this is also something I hope to try and avoid. One of the things I like most about City of Heroes is that I can sit down and play it without worrying about whether I'm playing it the "right" way. I like to run story arc missions as much as I can, and it's what I find entertaining. If it transpires that I HAVE to farm for INF or Merits and that I can't play the story arc I want right now since it doesn't drop the right kind of currency and I have to go grind Architect missions, instead, that would be... Depressing. And would serve to make the game a lot less fun.
I'm not trying to talk you into grinding for drops but if you have one character set aside that does nothing but run the first SSA arc once a week, you can generate 20 random recipes a month or you could generate 2 specific recipes of your choice. This system works out to 1 hour of farming a month and rewarding you with 200 million influence.




OK then. First of all, by not taking Weave, it makes it harder to soft cap your build. Let me explain why. Weave, with three (3) generic (I will explain in a moment) level 50 crafted Defense Invention enhancements adds 5.94 defense to all your super reflexes defenses. That is quite a bit.

MORE IMPORTANT, there is a single crafted enhancement that will give 3% to ALL defenses. However, it can only go in a Damage Resistance power, and as a Scrapper, your only real way to get it is to have Tough. Even if you dont run the toggle, simply HAVING tough lets you slot this single enhancement for 3% global defense.

That single enhancement is part of the STEADFAST PROTECTION set, specifically the one called "Resistance/Def +3%".

So by not taking the Fighting Pool, you lose out on 9% global defense basically.

This problem is not insurmountable. The more picky you are about not wasting the power on Boxing, the harder it gets. But I dont want to saddle you with more mental stuff ... YET.

Back to my comment earlier about GENERIC enhancements vs SET enhancements. Both are crafted. The Generic ones are similar to the SOs you are used to, in that they buff only one aspect of a power (though a level 50 GENERIC IO will have higher numbers than the SOs you use).

By contrast, the SET crafted enhancements, do TWO things for you. FIRST, many of them give enhancements to two aspects or more of a power at once. For example, you can craft one that gives 26% defense and 15% endurance reduction in the same SINGLE enhancement. SECOND, if you have more than one enhancement FROM THE SAME SET then you start getting SET BONUSES that go over and beyond what the specific enhancements themselves do.

This is what I was talking about when I said that your problem with boxing and weave is not an insurmountable one. You *could* pick up enough stuff from other crafted sets in your powers to compensate for the lack of Weave and the lack of the 3% global defense (Steadfast Protection Res/Def 3%) in tough. But that will require a larger mental pill to swallow.

Lets just drop back from your problems with not wanting boxing and weave and tough. Just work with me. Here is how you could easily soft cap if you were willing to have boxing be wasted (no slots).

1) Focused Fighting, with one GENERIC IO for end reduction, and three GENERIC IOs for defense, would give you 21.99% defense to melee.

2) Dodge, with two GENERIC defense IO enhancements gives you 8.42% melee defense.

3) Combat Jumping, with a single GENERIC defense IO, gives 2.35% to melee defense.

4) Weave, slotted with 1 level 50 generic END IO and 3 level 50 generic DEF IOs (as per focused fighting) gives 5.94% defense to your melee.

5) The single SET IO of "Steadfast Protection Res/Def 3%" gives 3% defense to melee.

NOTE: These totals give you 41.7% defense to melee SO FAR, and similarly to ranged and AOE defense if you slot your other toggles accordingly.

6) Finally, if you were to six-slot your Combat Readiness power (the Street Justice power that buffs you and gives you 3 levels of Street Justice augment for your specials) and put ALL SIX of the SET IO family from the "GAUSSIAN'S SYNCHRONIZED FIRE CONTROL" set, you would get an additional bonus to Melee, AOE and Ranged equal in value to 2.5%. This is over and above the stuff that the set items do for the power itself.

That would bring you to 44.2% defense ... right at the soft cap.

And all you had to do is craft the cheap/simple GENERIC IOs for your 3 SR toggles, your 3 passives, weave, tough, and Combat Readiness. You could craft as few as 30 specific invention enhancements (7 of them from sets, 23 generic) and you are at the soft cap.

FINALLY, you could get off even easier on getting pretty close. If you simply used level 50 IOs in Weave (3 def), Combat Jumping (1 def), your passives (2 def each) and your three toggles (3 def each), BUT you still crafted the 7 set enhancements (1 Steadfast, 6 Gaussian), you could STILL hit 43.5% defense to all.

So basically, weave, a single set IO in tough (you dont even have to run it), and 6 set IOs in Combat readiness, and you'd be at the defense cap, or very close.


If you refused to take Boxing/Tough/Weave, you could probably put together a more involved (tho affordable) build that manages to hit the cap anyway. But it would just be more tedious to go into details ... FOR NOW.

I would make a longer post, but I am supposed to pick up my mom in a few minutes and eat at a local Mediterranean place. So I cant go into more for now.

But hopefully this post explained WHERE and WHY you could do a few simple things and still hit the soft cap.

You CAN still indulge in your build requirement and hit the soft cap, but I think this is enough for now. Absorb this, think about it, and listen to what others have to say.

But with Weave and 7 crafted IOs, you could hit the SOFT (edit: typo; was set) cap, and use SOs otherwise.

Apologies for the delay on the post. It took a while to type. I'll check back in later tonight after dinner.



Random AT Generation!
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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm guessing from context that you meant to say "don't" instead of "do"?

If so, you would be correct, but it works like this: You will ALWAYS gain in total enhancement when slotting a full set of something over SOs of the same level.

But, you will occasionally lose out in a specific aspect of enhancement. Example: Obliteration gives you 66.25% Accuracy, 96.30% Damage, and a whopping 89.93% recharge enhancement, but the cost of the damage and recharge enhancement being slightly higher is that the set only provides 18.55% end reduction. Still an overall advantage in total enhancement, but you lose some end reduction to gain more recharge.
The big one here is Kinetic Combat. It's a good thing that the important bonuses come from four-slotting it, because it only gives 22.94% accuracy.



UP makes a good point.

Getting an SR to the soft-cap is really easy to do, but your specific requirements on your build are going to make it harder for you.

Not that I'm saying that you HAVE to give in and do what he suggested, just that you're getting yourself into a mess that you could make easier on yourself by doing so.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I just wanted to say, this is a thread filled with really good, helpful information. It reminds me of the things I like so much about this community.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Ok, I am going to go against a lot of commentary in here, and for good reason.

You do not need Mids. In fact, you might even find it more distracting than useful.

Feel out the weaknesses of the char _by actually playing it_. Since you have ample experience with your chars without using Mids, you are actually in a good position for this.

Build for what you are weak at.

If you don't have any particular weakness, build for excess strength, or to do something novel.

If you don't want to spend a lot, and have a solid, functional char as is, _Frankenslot_!!!

Frankenslotting means taking a mixture of different inventions to max out bonuses. Think of it as simple addition. What can you add together to get the most number of "SO" level bonuses out of your slots.

Examples of frankenslotting are like slotting 2 different invention sets, with 3 dual, 2 trip and a quad. The total bonus to the power will far exceed 6 SOs.

You can buy ANYTHING with alignment merits. They are easy to get and versatile. And everything costs 1 or 2 merits tops, unless you want to buy weird stuff.

A good example of frankenslotting is 3 eradications and 3 cleavings in a pbaoe. This gives you ~4+ ranged def and ~4+ negative/energy def. For 6 slots, thats a lot of SO level bonuses and a lot of bonus defense. But you don't have to even slot for defense. You could go for other things.

Take your time and browse the market when you have time available. Look through everything and write down what looks good. Even if you don't have some sort of twinked out char, at least you will have one _you_ understand. That helps when building your next char.

Last but not least, it is VERY possible to build awesome under 50mil. Don't feel like you have to dump big bucks into it to make your char fun.

Hew in drag baby



At the risk of speaking for him, I can tell you with 99% certainty that Sam will not even CONSIDER Frankenslotting.

The sheer chaos frankenslotting would cause to his enhancement screen would make his head explode.

Sam and I have gone round and round on this issue so many times that I have a pretty good grasp of what he will and won't do at this point. I'm trying to keep those things in mind when offering advice here.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Lol Oh Sam. Why does it always seem you struggle with this game? If it's not the actual game, it's your characters.

My advice to you? Play your character. When you notice something about your character that you're not fond of, research to try and do something about it.

If you have a power you want to use more often or have a bigger bang, look at ways you can either slot it or use bonuses to make it more available/easier to use. If you notice you miss too often against +3 foes, see about slotting that emphasizes accuracy or seek accuracy bonuses or powers that will help. If you aren't as sturdy as you'd like, pick up powers, bonuses and what not to give you an edge.

IOs are a tool, you use them, not the other way around. You don't have to do anything you don't feel you have to and you don't need people to tell you what you can and can't do. It helps to get advice but it's what you do with it that counts.

No, there's no formula or standard. It's all what you want to do with the character.

But it's once you learn first hand what IOs can do, can you do crazy stuff like...I dunno, a strong melee defender or a tanking Blaster or something...

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Here's what I do that might work for you as well.

I never completely bankrupt any of my characters, for the exact same reason.

What I'll do is set an arbitrary minimum number that I want all my characters to have on them. Say, for sake of argument, that you want to leave your characters with at least 20 million influence at all times.

Go through and transfer anything they have above that number to the character you're building. That way you can consolidate your resources on that character, but if you decide you want to play a different one before you finish with it they still have money to work with themselves.

Edit: All level 50 enhancements may not be feasible, but all level 40 enhancements is very doable. I just worked out a Mids' build using level 40 enhancements, and it was pretty easy to get softcapped.
The way I approach funds is...well, I tend to 'borrow' from others. Once you get and can make inf, there's really nothing hard. Resources are easy to get once you learn.

By then, I tend to send a new lvl 10 character about 5-15mil inf from a 'sugar daddy' character that sits around with 400mil and a pocket full of LotG +rech IOs. The new lvl 10 character uses this to get DOs, SOs and pay for lvl 30 basic IOs. After that, they tend to collect extra $$ as they go. I always send that 5-15mil back to the original character.

This is easier to do because I tend to have themed characters with linked backgrounds. It makes sense that they'd help eachother and I always no who's linked to who and therefore who borrowed from whom.



1. What must one do to acquire the resources needed to make Inventions - recipes and salvage? Can this be done by just playing Story Arcs and regular missions like I always have, or do I need to run Architect missions or farm Alignment missions or such?
I usually just get my stuff by playing normally and buy whatever I need at the time from the market.

I find farming to be terribly boring.

I think 'farming Alignment missions' is not really something that can be done, since you're limited to 5 tips per 20 hours and thus 1 alignment merit every 40. That said, alignment merits are where I get most of my inf to buy recipes from, or if I feel the price on the market is too high, where I get some recipes from.

2. Is it possible to build specifically at level 50, using only level 50 Inventions, or do I have to have a menagerie of different numbers on my Enhancements screen?
You can build however you like.

But it may not be as effective as you'd like.

All proc IOs will work regardless of their level if you can use the power they're slotted in when you RSK.

All global bonus IOs will cease functioning if your RSK level is more than 3 levels under the IO.

A good explanation is here.

3. What defines "cheap" vs. "expensive" sets? Market price? Ticket cost? Merit cost? Is there any way to tell which is which before I commit to it?
'Value' is determined by a combination of rarity and market price.

Experience with the market will usually give you an idea of how expensive your build will be.

4. Does everyone have to build for Defence? Seemingly, whether your sets provide defence or not, and even whether you're melee or not, everyone suggests building for defence. What else should I build for as a general thing? Recharge? Endurance? What?
Depends on what you want or need. My Storm/Elec Defender has stuff that keeps enemies from wailing on her. I focused on Recharge with her. I don't think I'll be able to say the same for my Ice/Cold Corruptor. She's going to need her defense boosted.

You have to know your character.

5. Is it possible to develop a basic template that's at least generally applicable to a whole AT with whatever amount of tweaking, or does every character essentially require starting a build design from scratch?
There are quite a few builds available in the Archetypes forums, though not always up to date. You should download Mid's and see how it works.

6. How much work is it to put together a decent, "cheap" build at the level cap as opposed to, say, buying a full set of Common Inventions, assuming I have the build worked out beforehand?
You can estimate the 'work' you'll need to do by deciding how expensive your character's build may be. Filling a character out with Uncommon and Rare sets is more expensive than filling one out with Common IOs. Filling a character out with any number of Purples in addition to Uncommons and Rares is far more expensive.

Depending on how much inf you've got or still need to get, you may or may not get the build finished overnight.

Don't expect to. I've spent a long time on characters putting them together after they've hit 50. Then again, I've spent relatively short amounts of times putting them together completely, if not most of the way.

It's usually the builds where I'm trying to get defense bonuses that take shorter times. Purple sets don't have many useful defense bonuses. Not that it's necessary to get a good number of recharge bonuses from Uncommon or Rare sets...but not all of them are at 50...

I'm not a genius at building, but I can tell you some of my building methodologies if you'd like.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
1) Focused Fighting, with one GENERIC IO for end reduction, and three GENERIC IOs for defense, would give you 21.99% defense to melee.
That's easy. Already there. As in, I'm already using this exact slotting.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
2) Dodge, with two GENERIC defense IO enhancements gives you 8.42% melee defense.
Two? Is the third slot not really worth it at level 50? I checked Mids' and it suggests it's worth... 0.66% or there about. Yeah, probably not. OK, so I can spare one slot from all three toggles to go into something else. That could work.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
3) Combat Jumping, with a single GENERIC defense IO, gives 2.35% to melee defense.
I have mine slotted for jumping for... Some reason. Easy enough to change, and Combat Jumping sucks for jumping anyway.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
6) Finally, if you were to six-slot your Combat Readiness power (the Street Justice power that buffs you and gives you 3 levels of Street Justice augment for your specials) and put ALL SIX of the SET IO family from the "GAUSSIAN'S SYNCHRONIZED FIRE CONTROL" set, you would get an additional bonus to Melee, AOE and Ranged equal in value to 2.5%. This is over and above the stuff that the set items do for the power itself.
That's not very easy to achieve. Currently, I have it two-slotted for just recharge since that's what I tend to slot Build Up style powers for.

Yeah, I skipped a few steps, but I follow your logic so far, I think.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
And all you had to do is craft the cheap/simple GENERIC IOs for your 3 SR toggles, your 3 passives, weave, tough, and Combat Readiness. You could craft as few as 30 specific invention enhancements (7 of them from sets, 23 generic) and you are at the soft cap.
See, Tough, Weave and let's say Boxing is three powers. I can only spare two. I have all of Street Justice, all of Super Reflexes, Combat Jumping, Super Jump, Conserve Power and Physical Perfection. These are not things I can give up on, and they leave only two power picks left.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Apologies for the delay on the post. It took a while to type. I'll check back in later tonight after dinner.
That's OK, I was in the other room watching the Matrix

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Not that I'm saying that you HAVE to give in and do what he suggested, just that you're getting yourself into a mess that you could make easier on yourself by doing so.
I'm not sure if I even need to hit the soft-cap, really. Even at 32.?% Defence, my Scrapper does fairly well, except against Devouring Earth Quartz eminators and Rularuu Watchers. Honestly, if that were all that's it, I wouldn't even bother trying to work for more defence, aside from maybe two-slotting Combat Jumping for it. But the thing is, I want to have a shot at Incarnate stuff with her, and with everything in Dark Astoria having a higher to-hit base... Yeah, I'll need to shoot for more.

See, I've never been a greedy guy. My concern is to build for "enough" to have the character feel comfortable in battle. I don't need to step on Bill Z Bubba's toes and going to solo AVs or Pylons or anything

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
At the risk of speaking for him, I can tell you with 99% certainty that Sam will not even CONSIDER Frankenslotting.

The sheer chaos frankenslotting would cause to his enhancement screen would make his head explode.

Sam and I have gone round and round on this issue so many times that I have a pretty good grasp of what he will and won't do at this point. I'm trying to keep those things in mind when offering advice here.
Claws has a point here. I did consider Frankenslotting at one point, but the sheer clutter of unmanaged set bonuses just bugs me to no end. Not only am I getting bonuses I don't account for, but there's no way to track performance between characters without accounting for them.

Honestly, if there existed a class of enhancements that enhanced two two aspects of a power, offered no bonuses whatsoever and were not limited by how many of which kind you can slot in a power that accepts them, I would be SO all over those! I'm not sure if they'd earn me a lot of extra defence, obviously, but I'd try them anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This may be stupid advice but you might consider making your first IOed character one that should conceptually be really strong. That way you aren't just buying IOs for no apparent reason, you're working on your character's concept as well.

I second the motion that you don't have to use mids. I never have and never will and I feel like I have a deep, spiritual connection to my builds. That may be a slight exaggeration. But it's fun to come up with a good build just by doing mental math or some back-of-the-spreadsheet calculations, and if you screw up you can always respec!

The most leisurely way for me to make the money I use to fund a build is running arcs and TFs that are level-appropriate from character creation. Like, as many as possible. At level 30, turn experience off or play different alts for a while and remember to log in each day and convert reward merits into a hero merit and then roll that hero merit for five random 30-34 rare recipes. This makes you a ton of money, usually enough to finance an entire build short of PVP IOs and purples. If that sounds too fiddly, just save your merits until level 50 by which time you'll have a colossal stockpile and you can do the rolls then. Or, simply buy what you need. Whatever you prefer.

Another way to make money that's coming soon is ATOs. Even without spending actual money to get them, you'll be able to purchase them for reward merits and I have a hunch that they're going to be the next big money maker.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Honestly, if there existed a class of enhancements that enhanced two two aspects of a power, offered no bonuses whatsoever and were not limited by how many of which kind you can slot in a power that accepts them, I would be SO all over those! I'm not sure if they'd earn me a lot of extra defence, obviously, but I'd try them anyway.
Hamidon Origin Enhancements.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)




If you can get over the fact that you may get some set bonuses you didn't ask for, I have a build for you that I think is the one that allows for the more egregious of your other mental quirks while still hitting the soft cap.

First, the build has every power you mentioned, and no others.

Second, it hits the soft cap to Melee and Ranged, while almost hitting it for AOE.

Third, while every single item in it is a crafted enhancement, ALL POWERS are slotted with either GENERIC IOs or FULL SETS. Basically, if you are looking at your character's enhancements, these will not conflict visually, they will be easy to follow, and hopefully not distracting.

Fourth, I believe that while crafting for you may be tedious, the market cost would be under 300 million. In fact, I believe that other than the Touch of Death sets, the cost could be under 150 million. I am sure there are those of us on the forums who would help you with the cost, or the crafting, and I might even have a few Touch of Death sets that could ease the cost.

OK, so first of all, I WILL post the MIDS build at the end of this post. Don't let it freak you out. I am only including it in case you have the latest MIDS installed, and/or so that others can see it. AFTER this post, I will type up the non-MIDS build in a way that should be easy to follow without MIDS.

After that, I will explain the build in simple language. Basically, I will explain why each power was slotted as indicated.

Oh, also, the reason I go with 2 generic IOs in the passives, and why I blow past ED on occasion here or there, is that when you get a half a percent here or there adding up, before you know it, you've scraped up an extra percent or two.



Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.953

Click this DataLink to open the build!

ZZZ JUN: Level 50 Magic Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Street Justice
Secondary Power Set: Super Reflexes
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Initial Strike -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(15), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(15), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), T'Death-Dam%(46)
Level 1: Focused Fighting -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(3), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(3), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(5), RedFtn-Def(46), RedFtn-EndRdx(48)
Level 2: Heavy Blow -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(5), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(13), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(31), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), T'Death-Dam%(46)
Level 4: Sweeping Cross -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx(7), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg(7), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg(25), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37)
Level 6: Combat Readiness -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(34), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(34), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(40), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(42), GSFC-Build%(42)
Level 8: Rib Cracker -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(9), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(9), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(31), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), T'Death-Dam%(45)
Level 10: Practiced Brawler -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(11), RechRdx-I(11)
Level 12: Agile -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(13)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A)
Level 16: Dodge -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(17)
Level 18: Spinning Strike -- Det'tn-Acc/Dmg(A), Det'tn-Dmg/EndRdx(19), Det'tn-Dmg/Rchg(19), Det'tn-Dmg/Rng(21), Det'tn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37)
Level 20: Quickness -- Run-I(A)
Level 22: Focused Senses -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(23), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(23), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(25), RedFtn-Def(48), RedFtn-EndRdx(50)
Level 24: Confront -- Range-I(A)
Level 26: Shin Breaker -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(27), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(27), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(29), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), Mako-Dam%(43)
Level 28: Lucky -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(29)
Level 30: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(31)
Level 32: Crushing Uppercut -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(33), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(33), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37)
Level 35: Evasion -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(36), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(36), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(36), RedFtn-Def(50), RedFtn-EndRdx(50)
Level 38: Elude -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(39)
Level 41: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(42)
Level 44: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(45)
Level 47: Focused Accuracy -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(48)
Level 49: Physical Perfection -- EndMod-I(A)
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(17), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(21), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(43), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(43), P'Shift-End%(45)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Critical Hit
Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 1: Combo Level 1
Level 1: Combo Level 2
Level 1: Combo Level 3

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
This may be stupid advice but you might consider making your first IOed character one that should conceptually be really strong. That way you aren't just buying IOs for no apparent reason, you're working on your character's concept as well.
That's easy enough. I don't make characters who aren't intended to be really, really powerful. If I can't explain them eventually having Mary Sue powers in terms of their own personal narrative, I don't make them in the first place. Jun may be just a little girl with a big dream, but she was born with the mother of all mutant abilities. There's literally no limit to the strength, speed and agility she can achieve if she just trains hard enough.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
The most leisurely way for me to make the money I use to fund a build is running arcs and TFs that are level-appropriate from character creation. Like, as many as possible. At level 30, turn experience off or play different alts for a while and remember to log in each day and convert reward merits into a hero merit and then roll that hero merit for five random 30-34 rare recipes. This makes you a ton of money, usually enough to finance an entire build short of PVP IOs and purples. If that sounds too fiddly, just save your merits until level 50 by which time you'll have a colossal stockpile and you can do the rolls then. Or, simply buy what you need. Whatever you prefer.
I feel I should clarify something - I'm looking for a way to make decent progress on Inventions WHILE enjoying the game at the same time, as opposed to working and playing intermittently. Ideally, my fun and games shouldn't include anything readily identifiable as work. That's mainly why I eschew farming - because it's not fun, and it's something I have to stop having fun to do.

Sure, running as many story arcs and TF as possible is not a bad prospect - it's what I want to do anyway. But from then on, we're talking serious work. Turning off experience to work on converting Merits, rolling on Recipes and selling them or even crafting stuff to sell... This is ye olde MMO profession stuff, and it's the very antithesis of what I want to do in this game, which primarily consists of flipping out and killing stuff.

If it seems like I'm reluctant, it's because builds, the economy, drops and so forth are - to me at least - obstacles that keep me from having fun. I find no real joy in making a build, crunching the numbers or hunting for drops. These are just things I'm forced to do in order to progress, and what enjoyment I get out of them is when I'm DONE and I don't have to mess with them for a long time past that.

I'm trying to find a way where I can focus on doing what I like AND gain at least some level of progress for doing it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't like farming either. The only time I did it was when ambush farming was astoundingly profitable and then only for a couple runs every few months, essentially. I get around the level 30 freeze feeling grindy by simply playing a couple new characters at a time. While one is frozen, the other is playable. That has the side effect of keeping both of them more fresh than when I used to blitz to 50 on a single hero.

For some perspective, I pretty much was only working on incarnate stuff when I21 came out. As soon as street justice was available I made a new scrapper and brute, and then when titan weapons became available I made another new scrapper. Today the last of that trio hit 50. When I21 came out I probably had about two billion inf strewn across an array of characters, plus a bunch of random purples and stuff like that. Now I have about five billion inf liquid and three completed builds that are worth* ten billion, fifteen billion, and five billion. Never farmed even a single time since I21 hit.

*Very different from "cost."




Here is the simple English explanation version of the build. I may list the powers out of order. They are grouped for my convenience.


Initial Strike: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
Heavy Blow: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
Rib Cracker: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
Sweeping Cross: FIVE slots. Use five of SCIROCCO's DERVISH (PBAOE Damage set). Skip the "Proc".
Combat Readiness: SIX slots. Use all six from GAUSSIAN'S set (a to-hit buff set).
Spinning Strike: FIVE slots. Use five of DETONATION (a targeted AOE set). Skip the 6th set item (dam/end/range).
Shin Breaker: SIX slots. Use the full set of MAKO's BITE (a melee damage set).
Crushing Uppercut: FIVE slots. Use 5 of the CRUSHING IMPACT set (skip the Dam/Rech item).
Confront: Only use the basic default slot. Put a GENERIC level 50 IO set in there.


Focused Fighting: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
Focused Senses: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
Evasion: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
Practiced Brawler: THREE slots. Use 3 level 50 GENERIC RECHARGE IOs.
Dodge: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Agile: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Lucky: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Quickness: Only use the basic default slot. Put a GENERIC level 50 RUNSPEED IO in there.
Elude: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC RECHARGE IOs.


Health: Default Slot. I put a Miracle Recovery IO in here, but meant to put 1 GENERIC HEALTH IO.
Stamina: SIX slots. Use the full PERFORMANCE SHIFTER set (an endurance modification set).


Combat Jumping: TWO slots. Use two GENERIC LEVEL 50 DEFENSE IOs.
Super Jump: Use the default slot with a GENERIC LEVEL 50 JUMP IO.
Hasten: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 RECHARGE IOs.

Conserve Power: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 RECHARGE IOs.
Focused Accuracy: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 ENDURANCE REDUCTION IOs.
Physical Perfection: Use the default slot. Put in a LEVEL 50 GENERIC ENDMOD IO.

I think that covers everything important. The other stuff I didnt mention should use the obvious stuff, in the form of level 50 generic IOs. Run speed. Jump. End Reduction for Sprint. Etc.

NEXT post will break down the WHY of this slotting.



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
OK, so first of all, I WILL post the MIDS build at the end of this post. Don't let it freak you out. I am only including it in case you have the latest MIDS installed, and/or so that others can see it. AFTER this post, I will type up the non-MIDS build in a way that should be easy to follow without MIDS.
I do have Mids', actually, and did manage to have a look at that build. It's... A lot prettier than most Set-driven builds I've seen. Some of those 40s in there bug me, and I mean A LOT, but you've manage to produce something that's still aesthetically very pleasing. The slot distribution is somewhat similar to mine, but with a few differences.

You've outright gutted Physical Perfection, though somehow you've been able to get more overall recovery out of the whole thing (not sure how yet), so that's something. Might not even need that power overall. You've also cribbed slots from stuff I had slotted for more, like Elude and Conserve power for more recharge, though I assume you have recharge in the build to compensate (haven't checked, not sure how).

The level 40 stuff in there bugs me, though. I don't know how I feel about it. Might have to sleep on it. Yeah, overall, the numbers look better, but... I don't know.

Isn't the Performance Shifter thing really expensive?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



One nitpick, UP. The most he'd probably want in practiced brawler is two recharge. I normally find a single recharge to be enough and one time I made a DM/SR build that had so much global recharge that I actually had to pull the single recharge out of PB and replace it with an end reducer simply because it was firing way too often. Even on a low recharge build, two level 50 commons is plenty given that SR also gets quickness and is second only to ice armor in terms of being hard to affect with slows.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Initial Strike: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
Heavy Blow: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
Rib Cracker: SIX slots. Use the full TOUCH OF DEATH set (a melee damage set).
OK. Lets start here. If it were not for set bonuses, going with any particular defense toggle, with the passive 2-slotted with level 50 generics, and also with combat jumping slotted with 2 level 50 generics, you would have 33% defense to melee. Same for your other toggles. So we have a gap of about 12% to make up with set bonuses in your build.

Super reflexes is Positional. Therefore you need sets that increase positional defense. One such set (the best such set, really) for single target melee damage sets, is TOUCH OF DEATH. The main bonus you care about is the one you only get if you slot all six slots: 3.75% melee defense. I put the full set in THREE of your powers above, and that added 11.25% to your melee defense, bringing it up to 44.25%. That more or less did you all in one shot. Combat readiness does add a bit more, but it adds it to ALL your defenses. Lets look at that next.

BTW, The touch of death set items are the most expensive in this build, btw (not counting the Miracle I habitually slotted in Health, that you dont need).

Combat Readiness: SIX slots. Use all six from GAUSSIAN'S set (a to-hit buff set).
Aside from any other set bonuses, the main set bonus requires all 6 members. This set helps all typed (fire, cold, etc) defenses by 1.25%, but it is better for Positional defense, such as the kind Super Reflexes has. It gives you 2.5% to melee, ranged, and AOE. That pushed your melee defense up to over 46%.

Sweeping Cross: FIVE slots. Use five of SCIROCCO's DERVISH (PBAOE Damage set). Skip the "Proc".
Spinning Strike: FIVE slots. Use five of DETONATION (a targeted AOE set). Skip the 6th set item (dam/end/range).
Stamina: SIX slots. Use the full PERFORMANCE SHIFTER set (an endurance modification set).
I took the liberty of moving the Inherent Fitness power up next to these since now we are dealing with your AOE defense.

Five members of SCIROCCO's DERVISH gives you 3.13% AOE defense. Five members of DETONATION gives 1.88% AOE defense. We already discussed the 2.5% AOE defense that came along with the awesome GAUSSIAN set back in the Combat Readiness power. Finally, all six members of PERFORMANCE SHIFTER in your inherent stamina gives you 3.13% AOE defense. Plus it gives a chance for end recovery from the PROC in the PERFORMANCE SHIFTER SET.

Anyway, these numbers bring your AOE defense to over 43%. It is just shy of the soft cap, but close enough.

Shin Breaker: SIX slots. Use the full set of MAKO's BITE (a melee damage set).
Focused Fighting: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
Focused Senses: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
Evasion: SIX slots. Use the full RED FORTUNE set (a defense set).
I grouped the above, since they all deal with Ranged Defense.

The full RED FORTUNE set gives 2.5% defense to Ranged if you have all six set members. Since I did this three times, that was a total of 7.5%. Also recall that GAUSSIAN in Combat Readiness also contributes 2.5% so you are up to +10%. Finally, all six members from MAKO's BITE will give a bonus of 3.75%. That brings your set bonus Ranged Def bonus to 13.75%, which brings your base 33% up to over 46%


That covers all of your defenses. There are other set bonuses. Try not to think about them. Because I didnt focus on anything else, the small this or that from other set bonuses will hardly affect performance at all. You will have 20% global recharge and 12% or so damage buff and a bit of accuracy buff, but its not too much to worry about.

But lets at least glance at some of the other stuff.

Crushing Uppercut: FIVE slots. Use 5 of the CRUSHING IMPACT set (skip the Dam/Rech item).
Confront: Only use the basic default slot. Put a GENERIC level 50 IO set in there.
Practiced Brawler: THREE slots. Use 3 level 50 GENERIC RECHARGE IOs.
Dodge: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Agile: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Lucky: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC DEFENSE IOs.
Combat Jumping: TWO slots. Use two GENERIC LEVEL 50 DEFENSE IOs.
Quickness: Only use the basic default slot. Put a GENERIC level 50 RUNSPEED IO in there.
Elude: TWO slots. Use two level 50 GENERIC RECHARGE IOs.
Health: Default Slot. I put a Miracle Recovery IO in here, but meant to put 1 GENERIC HEALTH IO.
Super Jump: Use the default slot with a GENERIC LEVEL 50 JUMP IO.
Hasten: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 RECHARGE IOs.
Conserve Power: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 RECHARGE IOs.
Focused Accuracy: TWO slots. Use 2 GENERIC LEVEL 50 ENDURANCE REDUCTION IOs.
Physical Perfection: Use the default slot. Put in a LEVEL 50 GENERIC ENDMOD IO.
Crushing Uppercut didnt really need a set, but it does give a little global recharge, and some global accuracy. I didnt feel that confront needed slots. I like 3 recharge in Practiced Brawler. You may prefer two. We already went over Dodge, Agile, Lucky and Combat Jumping in a previous post. I find 2-slotting them valuable. Elude doesnt need defense, just a bit of recharge if you use it often. Hasten is OK with 2 recharge slots. Same for Conserve power. Focused Accuracy may be less needed now that you have some global accuracy, but you really only need the 2 endurance reducers to run it. You will hit very well when running it, even if you dont slot hitbuffs in it. Physical Perfection just got the default slot. Good enough.

I hope you found the build simple and the explanation reasonable. Even if you dont use any of this, it was my privilege to explain it all to you. After all, someone once had to explain it to me.



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan