Fix Beast Run power!




I just purchased Beast Run power. What a waste of 500 points!

Beast Run turns off Super Jump! WTF?!
Compared to Super Jump Beast Run uses more endurance and has way less jump height than Super Jump.

My suggestion:

1. Fix Beast Run so it does not conflict with Super Jump!
2. Remove endurance cost and jump height from the power!
3. IMO Beast Run power is just for looks.
4. Optional: Beast Run could be an auto power just for looks, no power conflicts!

Please fix this power I feel like I wasted 500 points! This power will go unused until it's fixed!!!

Joe Wolf



Working as intended.

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Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
Working as intended.
Thoug I agree with removing the endurance cost ... this ^^^ applies.



Are you not familiar with the concept of a trade-off? You don't jump as high as Super Jump but you also run faster than with just Sprint (and Beast Run stacks with that). By the way, Ninja Run works exactly the same way.

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ITT: Didn't do the research.

Really, come to us BEFORE you purchase something, we usually know what's up.



I gotta say the endurance thing is a +1, but the rest, nope, ok with it.

And I only say that about the endurance because... yeah. It's not as fast in traveling distance as superjump, nor as high, so why does it cost more....?

But in total, don't really have an issue, there's more to do than this... like the things noted below.

/yes, still harpin' on it.
//I want them. Badly. So there.

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It's meant to be equivalent to ninja run, a "mostly just for looks" power.

If you want to know why ninja run exists, make a dual pistols character and turn on ninja run and jump around with your guns and shoot up groups of enemies like crazy.

It sounds stupid.

It's incredibly fun.

you could have it all
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I will let you down
I will make you <3



yeah, really beast run, like ninja run, is a largely thematic power. its not directly comparable with a travel power, no cost of a power pick, no slots. Plus, its faster than sprint, as mentioned by gob, and gives you a hefty boost in your vertical leap, its not superjump, but if you played a super speeder in grandville or even tried to jump on a bout right out of the water directly onto a boat or raised pier, switching to it can be a nice alternative to spending a second power pick.



Personally, I'd love for both of those to come with a no-cost, no-stats toggle that's just for cosmetics. If my werewolf could run like a beast all the time without worrying about endurance cost, then I'd be more than happy to give up the movement speed and jump height buffs.

I find that one of the biggest mistakes with Ninja Run was to attach stats to it. This made it impractical to run all the time, because then it had to have a cost and be mutually exclusive with a whole bunch of travel powers. I would not miss the extra movement if I could just use it all the time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Eh, Ninja Run and Beast Run aren't 'mostly just for looks' powers. They're good enough that a lot of players have been skipping travel powers and relying only on them (usually Ninja Run). I have plenty of toons I skipped a travel power because of NR. Also, very useful for 'brute stealthing' or navigating long maps when you have to find a glowie or whatever.

So I'm completely against turning it into a completely cosmetic power with no end cost, it's actually useful to me and not an 'emote'.



I wish SJ and SS could be given the animations of Ninja Run and Beast Run (to choose from).

You might lose the added run speed of the Ninja Run power, but when using the animation with SJ, you'd still run like you're using NR or BR, while jumping in the air with the flips like NR/BR.

The same goes with SS, but instead you'd have the faster run speed, but lose out on the jumping distance.

I'd pick up SJ on my main if I could go that route with it. As it is now, I rely on just NR, as while the waiting stance I don't think fits her, the run and flipping fit her nicely Love jumping between and on top of buildings with NR!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I'd love for both of those to come with a no-cost, no-stats toggle that's just for cosmetics. If my werewolf could run like a beast all the time without worrying about endurance cost, then I'd be more than happy to give up the movement speed and jump height buffs.

I find that one of the biggest mistakes with Ninja Run was to attach stats to it. This made it impractical to run all the time, because then it had to have a cost and be mutually exclusive with a whole bunch of travel powers. I would not miss the extra movement if I could just use it all the time.

Buy and use the new Coyote travel power. Then your werewolf can shift into full doggie mode to run around and shift back into werewolf form to fight.

As to the OP's complaint.

1. Working as intended
2. Do some research before impulse buying. People are more than happy to answer your questions.
3. Beast Run like Ninja Run serve two purposes.
a.) Thematic and
b.) They are the poor man's travel powers for players that don't want to burn a power choice and slot on a real travel power. They are better than Sprint/Swift/Hurdle but not as good as SS or SJ.

The only real shame about the OP buying Beast Run yesterday without consulting anyone about how it worked, is that had he asked and waited for our replies he could have bought it today when it went on sale for 375pp as opposed to the 500pp it normally sells for.



Originally Posted by forbin_project View Post
the only real shame about the op buying beast run yesterday without consulting anyone about how it worked, is that had he asked and waited for our replies he could have bought it today when it went on sale for 375pp as opposed to the 500pp it normally sells for.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I wish SJ and SS could be given the animations of Ninja Run and Beast Run (to choose from).

You might lose the added run speed of the Ninja Run power, but when using the animation with SJ, you'd still run like you're using NR or BR, while jumping in the air with the flips like NR/BR.

The same goes with SS, but instead you'd have the faster run speed, but lose out on the jumping distance.

I'd pick up SJ on my main if I could go that route with it. As it is now, I rely on just NR, as while the waiting stance I don't think fits her, the run and flipping fit her nicely Love jumping between and on top of buildings with NR!
I'd prefer the animation go to combat jumping instead.

But otherwise, I completely agree.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



The only comment I have is that it's funny the OP automatically assumed/implied the way Beast Run works is "broken" and that it's something that needs to be "fixed". I wonder if I could claim that Brawl is broken because I can't seem to get it to do 1,000HPs damage to even level critters like I want it to.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
The only comment I have is that it's funny the OP automatically assumed/implied the way Beast Run works is "broken" and that it's something that needs to be "fixed". I wonder if I could claim that Brawl is broken because I can't seem to get it to do 1,000HPs damage to even level critters like I want it to.

You mean you aren't soloing AV's with an attack chain of brawl, origin power, brawl, pause brawl?!?!?!?

Yours is broken.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post


The only real shame about the OP buying Beast Run yesterday without consulting anyone about how it worked, is that had he asked and waited for our replies he could have bought it today when it went on sale for 375pp as opposed to the 500pp it normally sells for.
Nice ... add insult to injury ... LOL



It doesn't have the speed nor the -presence that SS has and doesn't have even a 10th of the jump height or speed of SJ. Why does it cost more than both combined? I would understand the cost if we could put enhancments in it.

I would like one of 2 options:
significantly reduce/completely remove, end cost
or let us put any applicable enhancment in it ie: run, jump, end reduction. IOs also.

I payed money for a cool power (bought back when it was a costume pack) It should be BETTER than a power everyone gets by default for just playing the game.



Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
It doesn't have the speed nor the -presence that SS has and doesn't have even a 10th of the jump height or speed of SJ. Why does it cost more than both combined?
It has considerably more than a tenth, and costs the same as either of them individually, not more than both combined.
It should be BETTER than a power everyone gets by default for just playing the game.
It... is. It's far superior to Sprint alone. You don't get SS nor SJ by default, you have to spend power picks on them.

I did like the idea of an additional option for a purely cosmetic toggle, though.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
It has considerably more than a tenth, and costs the same as either of them individually, not more than both combined.

It... is. It's far superior to Sprint alone. You don't get SS nor SJ by default, you have to spend power picks on them.

I did like the idea of an additional option for a purely cosmetic toggle, though.
Ok, even if the numbers are closer ... it would still be nice for the end to be reduced. or allow for end reduction and slots.

I have no problem with another option ... I wouldn't use it though.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
It has considerably more than a tenth, and costs the same as either of them individually, not more than both combined.

It... is. It's far superior to Sprint alone. You don't get SS nor SJ by default, you have to spend power picks on them.

I did like the idea of an additional option for a purely cosmetic toggle, though.
Also aren't Ninja and Beast Run just as fast as the max Fly speed when used in conjunction with Sprint/Swift?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I'd love for both of those to come with a no-cost, no-stats toggle that's just for cosmetics. If my werewolf could run like a beast all the time without worrying about endurance cost, then I'd be more than happy to give up the movement speed and jump height buffs.

I find that one of the biggest mistakes with Ninja Run was to attach stats to it. This made it impractical to run all the time, because then it had to have a cost and be mutually exclusive with a whole bunch of travel powers. I would not miss the extra movement if I could just use it all the time.
And if I could have the extra fly poses in similar no-End cosmetic toggles that could only be activated while flying I'd really be happy...

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As far as the endurance cost +1, the rest...not so much, I have used the beast run power to great effect on one of my characters, its a trade off...not super leap or super speed (it doesn't get negated if you attack while its on either...+1), but still better than hurdle or sprint alone and looks pretty neat for a "animal" type char i/m/h/ fine for me.