AT's, their desirability and usefulness in teams




Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Eh, they're bored, he's bored, seems to work itself out.
I agree with this, but what I found funnier (hilarious even) were the replies from people who didn't seem to respond outta boredom - they HAD to say 'but my scrapper/stalker/warshade/whatever is SO GUD, he does this and that' like... They need to convince the OP or something.

Hadn't read the post at first but now I congratulate the OP, funny thread.



The desirability of any AT rises and falls with the current team composition but only after a certain break point. Every AT is desirable when first forming a league/team as all you need are willing players, and this universal recruiting extends until you are about 90% full. Only then you can properly judge the desirability of ATs as you try and round out your group.



Woke early today and was finishing the last mission and errand on the Midnighter. In help I hear someone railing against Tanks. I point out they can be useful, although they are a specific tool for a specific job. He/She says they are useless. I point out that they are very desirable for certain Master TFs and have a good place in regular teams as well. He/She says they are useless, using different words. I point out that they are very good for fast rolling teams hitting the spawn/taking the alpha/moving on. He/She says his (dom or troll, cant remember) can do that better, tanks are useless. I retort "I dub theee Troll..." and that was part of my morning in the city lol.



I was in a level 30 mission team last night and we were 6 stalkers and 2 night widows.

It was a really strange experience but it was a blast! Very entertaining. We were like 8 ninjas.

That is what i love about this game. Anything, yes ANYTHING can work if you really want it to work.

I was thinking about Aion while playing. Was thinking about how much time i wasted back then because building a team took ages, because nothing could be done if you had not with you a healer, a tank or mezz.

In CoH, you just invite whatever is available and you are set. Inspirations drops like candies and you can run all along with only these and your teamates forever.

Any player loaded with Inspirations can accomplish miracles.

The real Universal I Win Button: Inspirations

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Originally Posted by Celestial_Fury View Post
I was thinking about Aion while playing. Was thinking about how much time i wasted back then because building a team took ages, because nothing could be done if you had not with you a healer, a tank or mezz.
Well that game also has a very different community than coh, one that caters more to such a playstyle, where things actually matter, and it works for those people that play that game. And tbh making a team there wasn't that bad. sins/glads/temps/chanters could all tank, clerics/chanters could heal, anything could dps, and mez was only needed if your group was bad.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
they weren't the exact words used - but I didn't think you would nitpick exact wording.

And you keep saying I am wrong, but post nothing substantive to show that I am. Your continued avoidance of substance simply convinces me further that I am right.

You have posted on this thread multiple times, you are not avoiding it. You have no reason not to post a substantive example of how I am wrong except that you do not have one.
Why should I bother when you've yet to give anything substantive to back up your initial claims? You just threw some idiotic crap out there then started playing the poor, bullied victim when everyone told you how idiotic it was.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Why should I bother when you've yet to give anything substantive to back up your initial claims? You just threw some idiotic crap out there then started playing the poor, bullied victim when everyone told you how idiotic it was.
Great, now you're nitpicking the premise. Will it never end?



I didn't read the whole thread, but I agree that desirability and usefulness should be inherent for all ATs.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
For my last post on this thread I will skip any analysis or comments and just list a rank order of usefulness to a team for non-IO, non-incarnate, characters not going after an AV or GM.

SoA Crab
SoA Fortunata
SoA Bane
SoA Night Widow
Stalker (with new buffs)

Too build specific to rank:

and for the record, I play Tankers and Dominators
Opinion posted as fact = Hubris. Look it up. Now, go look in the mirror.
