5 min Inspirations now from Paragon Market? I may be able to solo Hamidon...




Serious, with this change I am just thinking of the possibilities that I could do. Solo MOSTF and MOLRSF would be fairly easy. (Damage cap Brute + Res Cap + Def Cap for 5 mins + Fiery Embrace)

This isn't a complaint but I am just thinking WOW they gave us a lot of power by making this change.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Serious, with this change I am just thinking of the possibilities that I could do. Solo MOSTF and MOLRSF would be fairly easy. (Damage cap Brute + Res Cap + Def Cap for 5 mins + Fiery Embrace)

This isn't a complaint but I am just thinking WOW they gave us a lot of power by making this change.
Wait, are you saying they added 5 min insps or you want them to?



They are now 5 min duration with this patch. Dual, Team, etc.

Edit: And they persist through death.



Anyone know a Green Mito's HP? With +1 level mod from alpha I wonder if I could one or two shot it at damage cap + FE.



My feelings for this change are sorta mixed. 1) I felt the dual/team insps were pretty lulzy before this change, so a buff to them is cool. However, 2) Theyre insps, insps are strong enough as it is, without them lasting lol5minutes.

And no you're not going to be soloing hamidon with this change Ultimus, unless you mean lgtf hamidon and thats been done before.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
My feelings for this change are sorta mixed. 1) I felt the dual/team insps were pretty lulzy before this change, so a buff to them is cool. However, 2) Theyre insps, insps are strong enough as it is, without them lasting lol5minutes.

And no you're not going to be soloing hamidon with this change Ultimus, unless you mean lgtf hamidon and thats been done before.
No I mean Hamidon, I can already solo the damage mitos.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
They are now 5 min duration with this patch. Dual, Team, etc.

Edit: And they persist through death.
Team inspirations buffs persist through death for the whole team?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Serious, with this change I am just thinking of the possibilities that I could do. Solo MOSTF and MOLRSF would be fairly easy. (Damage cap Brute + Res Cap + Def Cap for 5 mins + Fiery Embrace)

This isn't a complaint but I am just thinking WOW they gave us a lot of power by making this change.

Lets be honest, they were 60 seconds or so before and while the huge buff they got is nice, its not as gamebreaking as this

Apart from the superpacks, i dont think anybody in their right mind would go out and purchase a whole tray of them purely to do a solo MOSTF. Even if they did . . . . . seriously? Money too much?

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Especially as solo moSTFs and moRSFs have been done by multiple ATs before destiny and lore were even introduced, heh.

Reading any Ultimus topic is like browsing web traffic farm websites. Why oh why doesn't ignore block titles, major flaw in the forum software ; as well as my lack of willpower, but one can be easily fixed... GUESS WHICH.



Luckily, I can still play this game at -1 difficulty.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



This is an interesting change, and raises these insps from "beyond worthless" to merely "not worth the cost", at least in my mind. However, I doubt it would let you solo much of anything you couldn't already solo with Super! inspirations, /auctionhouse, and planning ahead.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Apart from the superpacks, i dont think anybody in their right mind would go out and purchase a whole tray of them purely to do a solo MOSTF. Even if they did . . . . . seriously? Money too much?
Well, a whole tray of large dual insps only costs 200 points now.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Anyone know a Green Mito's HP? With +1 level mod from alpha I wonder if I could one or two shot it at damage cap + FE.
You'd still have to break it's nigh invulnerability to damage by Holding it first by breaking Mag 50 Hold. And no single toon can generate that much mag Hold, not even a perma-dom with the most Holds.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And you drown in them if you buy the Super Pack 'mystery cards.'
I'm glad that they looked at this side of the equation finally at least. Simply put, the short duration dual and team duration inspirations were like a hit of a bad street drug. A lot of money for a relatively brief high. Now these actually become reasonably useful. And less of a bummer draw if I ever decide to use 1 token for 5 (it is five right??) super card pack thingies.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Especially as solo moSTFs and moRSFs have been done by multiple ATs before destiny and lore were even introduced, heh.

Reading any Ultimus topic is like browsing web traffic farm websites. Why oh why doesn't ignore block titles, major flaw in the forum software ; as well as my lack of willpower, but one can be easily fixed... GUESS WHICH.
I know people have soloed the RSF, but the STF? Proof or it didn't happen.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
This isn't a complaint but I am just thinking WOW they gave us a lot of power by making this change.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And you drown in them if you buy the Super Pack 'mystery cards.'
Holy Pay to Win, Statesman! Is this the devs idea of a carrot for when they stick it to the playing community with Super Packs: The Gathering?



Hope this means people will be giving more money to Paragon Studios with this change. I don't look at it as 'game-breaking', since with incarnate powers and such these really aren't any better.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You'd still have to break it's nigh invulnerability to damage by Holding it first by breaking Mag 50 Hold. And no single toon can generate that much mag Hold, not even a perma-dom with the most Holds.
It's the same Hold protection the purple triangles give, and permadoms have been permaholding AVs for years. I've even heard it done with Ice Control.

Consider the following:
* Domination makes your holds mag 6
* The single-target hold recharges pretty quickly (8s) and lasts a while (17.88s). With 95% Enhancement for Hold and Recharge, plus the +123% recharge required for permadom, this makes the power recharge in 2.51s (for a 4.58s cast cycle) and last 34.86s. It stacks with itself 7 times without breaking; 8 more often than 7.
* Earth Assault happens to have Seismic Smash, which is a single-target hold that recharges in 20s and lasts 11.92s. With the aforementioned buffs, it'll recharge in 6.28s (7.78s cast cycle) and last for 23.24s; stacking with itself nearly 3 times perma.
* There's an AoE hold you can use in case something misses.
* Many pets have holds, such as Singularity, Jack Frost and Animated Stone
* 6 mag * (7 stacks ST + 3 stacks Seismic) = 60 magnitude hold perma, not including the AoE or pet.

Oh yeah, I forgot... Earth Assault also has Power Boost, which effectively doubles (+98.34%) the duration of your Holds; which in turn effectively doubles their stackability while it's up. Between the single-target hold and Seismic Smash, you're looking at 120+ magnitude for whatever brief moment they all overlap in happy harmony.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
It's the same Hold protection the purple triangles give, and permadoms have been permaholding AVs for years. I've even heard it done with Ice Control.

Consider the following:
* Domination makes your holds mag 6
* The single-target hold recharges pretty quickly (8s) and lasts a while (17.88s). With 95% Enhancement for Hold and Recharge, plus the +123% recharge required for permadom, this makes the power recharge in 2.51s (for a 4.58s cast cycle) and last 34.86s. It stacks with itself 7 times without breaking; 8 more often than 7.
* Earth Assault happens to have Seismic Smash, which is a single-target hold that recharges in 20s and lasts 11.92s. With the aforementioned buffs, it'll recharge in 6.28s (7.78s cast cycle) and last for 23.24s; stacking with itself nearly 3 times perma.
* There's an AoE hold you can use in case something misses.
* Many pets have holds, such as Singularity, Jack Frost and Animated Stone
* 6 mag * (7 stacks ST + 3 stacks Seismic) = 60 magnitude hold perma, not including the AoE or pet.

Oh yeah, I forgot... Earth Assault also has Power Boost, which effectively doubles (+98.34%) the duration of your Holds; which in turn effectively doubles their stackability while it's up. Between the single-target hold and Seismic Smash, you're looking at 120+ magnitude for whatever brief moment they all overlap in happy harmony.
Don't forget the duration of your hold will be longer because the mitos are level 50 and you will be 51... 52 if you used an Ultimate.



See that? That's one of the reasons I love this game. We have a pair of freaking CLASSES dedicated to crowd control, and they can actually USE their holds against the big bad. Words can't describe the immense respect I have for the developers who made it possible for dominators and controllers to be that awesome.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Words can't describe the immense respect I have for the developers who made it possible for dominators and controllers to be that awesome.
While Dominators were designed in the days before the Invention system with its intense Recharge bonuses, I do remember Castle pointing out specifically that when the Issue 15 revision to Dominators came around, he wanted to have as little impact on permadom players as possible. It would have been a prime time to cut them off at the knees, but our devs made certain to allow us to participate in that playstyle anyway.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
It's the same Hold protection the purple triangles give, and permadoms have been permaholding AVs for years. I've even heard it done with Ice Control.

Consider the following:
* Domination makes your holds mag 6
* The single-target hold recharges pretty quickly (8s) and lasts a while (17.88s). With 95% Enhancement for Hold and Recharge, plus the +123% recharge required for permadom, this makes the power recharge in 2.51s (for a 4.58s cast cycle) and last 34.86s. It stacks with itself 7 times without breaking; 8 more often than 7.
* Earth Assault happens to have Seismic Smash, which is a single-target hold that recharges in 20s and lasts 11.92s. With the aforementioned buffs, it'll recharge in 6.28s (7.78s cast cycle) and last for 23.24s; stacking with itself nearly 3 times perma.
* There's an AoE hold you can use in case something misses.
* Many pets have holds, such as Singularity, Jack Frost and Animated Stone
* 6 mag * (7 stacks ST + 3 stacks Seismic) = 60 magnitude hold perma, not including the AoE or pet.

Oh yeah, I forgot... Earth Assault also has Power Boost, which effectively doubles (+98.34%) the duration of your Holds; which in turn effectively doubles their stackability while it's up. Between the single-target hold and Seismic Smash, you're looking at 120+ magnitude for whatever brief moment they all overlap in happy harmony.
I really want to roll a Grav/Earth Dom now. I think when the Grav changes go live, I will.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



However, doesn't Hamidon still have his untyped attacks?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.