5 min Inspirations now from Paragon Market? I may be able to solo Hamidon...




Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
While Dominators were designed in the days before the Invention system with its intense Recharge bonuses, I do remember Castle pointing out specifically that when the Issue 15 revision to Dominators came around, he wanted to have as little impact on permadom players as possible. It would have been a prime time to cut them off at the knees, but our devs made certain to allow us to participate in that playstyle anyway.

Plus it'ld be an epic disaster telling everybody that the billions they spent on their builds to get these permadoms are . . . . . not so good now

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As it was, it was still bad enough with the multi-dom people complaining their characters no longer had the damage buff and that having it moved to the base damage didn't compensate.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
However, doesn't Hamidon still have his untyped attacks?
Hamidon Inspirations can resist it, the blue wisp pet gives you defense vs it (its base defense) and any type of "regen" set (Regeneration, Fiery Aura Healing Flames has a very short cooldown) can effectively negate it.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I know people have soloed the RSF, but the STF? Proof or it didn't happen.

I know this isn't really the point of the topic but I'm one of those people that say you can't solo a TF/SF; need at least 3 others to help start a TF so therefore you cannot solo it.

But wow...I didn't know about the 5 min. changes! Is that only for dual/team inspirations or for all inspirations?

I can see it being for only team/dual inspirations...at least make them somewhat "useful."

Especially get a few of the team BF ones...tada now everyone can have greater than 20 confuse protection!

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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
It's the same Hold protection the purple triangles give, and permadoms have been permaholding AVs for years. I've even heard it done with Ice Control.

Consider the following:
* Domination makes your holds mag 6
* The single-target hold recharges pretty quickly (8s) and lasts a while (17.88s). With 95% Enhancement for Hold and Recharge, plus the +123% recharge required for permadom, this makes the power recharge in 2.51s (for a 4.58s cast cycle) and last 34.86s. It stacks with itself 7 times without breaking; 8 more often than 7.
* Earth Assault happens to have Seismic Smash, which is a single-target hold that recharges in 20s and lasts 11.92s. With the aforementioned buffs, it'll recharge in 6.28s (7.78s cast cycle) and last for 23.24s; stacking with itself nearly 3 times perma.
* There's an AoE hold you can use in case something misses.
* Many pets have holds, such as Singularity, Jack Frost and Animated Stone
* 6 mag * (7 stacks ST + 3 stacks Seismic) = 60 magnitude hold perma, not including the AoE or pet.

Oh yeah, I forgot... Earth Assault also has Power Boost, which effectively doubles (+98.34%) the duration of your Holds; which in turn effectively doubles their stackability while it's up. Between the single-target hold and Seismic Smash, you're looking at 120+ magnitude for whatever brief moment they all overlap in happy harmony.
Dom holds with domination up come in 2 parts. A base 17.88 sec mag 3 hold and a base 26.8 sec mag 3 hold. It's a total of mag 6, but the 2 durations are different which affect stacking. You would also want to be Mind or Fire Control as they have the fastest animating holds they allow the most stacking. You'd also want to be /fire not /earth. Earth has power boost but power boost is not required to stack up to mag 50 holds, the amount of dps fire can put out is far better. Power Boost is also not double duration on holds. Unslotted it is, but with 99% hold duration in dominate the duration is increased from 35.6 and 53.4 to 53.2 and 79.8 respectively, with 50% up time at best (283% rchg).

But yes, as said, perma doms have been perma holding AVs for years. With no need for pets or power boost either.

Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
However, doesn't Hamidon still have his untyped attacks?



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Oh hush. I was trying to blow some socks off.

Though I wouldn't write out Earth for Fiery just because of DPS, at least not ONLY for DPS. Fiery doesn't have a spare hold.



These are in the market now?

I'll buy them. Inspirations used wisely have bridged the gap between failure and success for me on many occasions. I don't know if I can call myself a casual player (oh goodness I get really into this game sometimes), but only two of my twenty-five characters have had really OCD-levels of care put into their enhancement slotting. I like the invention system a whole lot, but in moderation. Hence, the usefulness of inspirations in my case.

I bought several inspiration packs when they first came out, and they turned out to be a real letdown. Especially the team inspirations. Their short duration inclined me to employ them at the most critical moments--wasted money, it usually felt like, after the team wiped anyway. I never bought any again.

Longer duration inspirations seem like they could be valuable components of actual strategies, insofar as the game requires strategies.

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I've never really seen the main usefulness of team insps to be teams themselves, but for masterminds and their pets. At 15PP each and a 5 minute duration. My MMs will be lapping these up.

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I think this change is great. No, it won't make me actually buy them, but I might be tempted to during some TF for instance where the team just can't seem to take down the AV and I got some from those super card packs.

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And I just did a solo MOLRSF on my SS/Fire/Soul Brute. Was pretty intense



With this change, they are quite a lot more useful now.

But I don't really see the appeal for paying money to put the game in easy mode. Maybe it will bring in more $$$ from other people though.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And you drown in them if you buy the Super Pack 'mystery cards.'
Haha! Pretty much. I'm sure lots of other players will be swimming in these amongst self-rezzes and 'experienced' boosters after the super packs release. Just feels like a bunch of clutter to me though.

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In regards to the OP, no, I don't think you'll be soloing Hamidon. I don't seem to have good data on the AT modifiers for Hami and his mitos, but you're going to be looking at around 750 automatic damage every 6 seconds from Hami, and around 450 damage every four seconds from every yellow Mito. In addition, Hami hits you with 10% heal resist and -50% regen that lasts 70 seconds every time he damages you. The greens are even worst on the heal resist front, with each one applying 75% heal resist every six seconds. You're also going to be end sapped by six blues each applying -20% endurance, -20% recovery and -50% to all movement every six seconds. Blues and Greens do damage, too, although only the blues do special damage. (Greens deal Toxic damage.)

Even assuming an infinite supply of EoEs to keep you at the resist cap, and assuming that the big Break Frees will keep you unmezzed (it looks like they would), I just don't think you'd be able to survive that kind of firepower. For someone with a 75% resist cap, you would still take around 369 points of damage a second, while being progressively unable to use greens.

A WP or Regen Brute might do better, what with their 90% resist cap. That's down to suffering 147.5 HP/sec, and a Regen's self-heals bypass the -heal. But I'm pretty sure a Brute isn't going to be mezzing the greens.

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