What's the situation on ingame RP?
I'd say play on Virtue since it's the unofficial RP server, which is the server I call home. Pocket D, Atlas Park and a few other places has groupings of RP'ers. There are also RP themed super groups running around there so it's not to hard to find people for RP.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

I play on Virtue (which was unofficially designated as the RP server pre-release) and I used to run into RP in teams all the time, as well as see Broadverts for RP superteams in Atlas on a regular basis. I don't run into either anywhere near as often, but they still happen from time to time. The best bet, I'd say, would be to find an active supergroup that favours RP - whatever server you choose.
And to do that, I'd probably start by asking around the forum of whichever server I was looking to play on.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
It has been declining in my experience. I don't RP but I play a lot on Virtue, the 'unofficial' RP server, and after I took a 1-yr break, I see less and less people RPing, before my break people RP'ed all the time there while on teams.
That said, on most teams I'm on (in Virtue) have RPers that use brackets to talk 'out of character' since most Pick-up teams don't RP, and people always advertise about RP supergroups there, and there's a lot going on Pocket D (although it can get creepy there, and Pocket D is not where you go to team for missions except on special events, just casual RP).
Not sure how Supergroups work for free players but my bet is that you're better off joining a RP-focused SG/VG on Virtue - the other server I play a ton is Freedom and there's virtually zero RP there. But on Virtue the chances you'll get on a team with RP'ers is fairly high and you can talk to them about it, I've been on a lot of teams that half the people there were RPing lately, although it's not as prevalent as before, I believe the reason is that Virtue has become almost (or more) popular than Freedom.
I can't speak much for the other servers, haven't seen anyone RPing on Champion but I haven't played there as much as in Freedom/Virtue where I have level 50 toons (most are on Freedom, and I really don't recall seeing RP on Freedom since I joined the game in 2007).
Yep. Just affirming what others have said. Virtue server has become associated with frequent/open RP play, and you can probably find someone on most servers who might be interested in it if you check the server-specific forums. Virtue seems like the place to start unless you have your heart set on something else. It's also a fairly populous server.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA

And welcome to the game and the forums, Kashelarlin

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Blueside has things going on all the time. Redside... not so much because nobody ever wants to play the bad guy :<
Also ERP is as rampant as its always been. Can't go one day without seeing a female character with maxxed chest clad in the skimpiest costume pieces with a white slime aura parading through Pocket D.
I happen to part of a very insular, invite-only RP channel. Recently, someone invited a bunch of random people in and there was much anxiety by some members over inviting people who weren't "one of us" and might use chatspeak and so on. The unfriendliness and elitism were shocking. Contrast this with another channel dedicated to speed TFs that I'm also in, which was generally friendly and cooperative without drama. I left the RP channel soon after.
It's cliquish attitudes like this that have always made me think twice about joining any sort of RP supergroup.
Here I was about to do a shameless plug, but I see Tyger beat me to it! *give Tyger cookies*
Anyway, everything people have stated so far is spot on. Virtue is generally considered to be one of the more RP-accessible servers, however some might argue that RP in general has dwindled over the last year or two.
There's still plenty to be had, though! I've always had the best luck joining a group. My group, the Codex, does a lot of forums stories and in-game events. There's plenty of active supergroups still out there and I'm sure many would love to have you. If you can afford to make the transition from Free to Premium (no monthly fee, still), I'd highly recommend it!
A lot of RP happens in Super Groups now, it's just easier for people to get together that way. On Virtue, I can even think of at least two SGs that have their bases set up as clubs, and they're "open" on certan nights of the week.
(Go to St. Martial on Thursday evenings, and you'll usually find doormen for the group "Black Friday" at the base portal to let people into the club. Just dress well, it's formal.)
RP does happen in Pocket D and elsewhere, but that can be fairly random in quality and content.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
RP on a busy server..? Goto Virtue...
RP on a social friendly ex-european server..? Goto Union...
Both have a roleplaying community...
Those places will tell you most of the info you need.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

RP on a busy server..? Goto Virtue... RP on a social friendly ex-european server..? Goto Union... |
If that somewhat different approach to RP is of interest, I'd suggest the OP contact me, but I'm not long for the game, I fear. Pretty easy to find the RPC, though...
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
Here I was about to do a shameless plug, but I see Tyger beat me to it! *give Tyger cookies*
Anyway, everything people have stated so far is spot on. Virtue is generally considered to be one of the more RP-accessible servers, however some might argue that RP in general has dwindled over the last year or two. There's still plenty to be had, though! I've always had the best luck joining a group. My group, the Codex, does a lot of forums stories and in-game events. There's plenty of active supergroups still out there and I'm sure many would love to have you. If you can afford to make the transition from Free to Premium (no monthly fee, still), I'd highly recommend it! |
{}... .-
I happen to part of a very insular, invite-only RP channel. Recently, someone invited a bunch of random people in and there was much anxiety by some members over inviting people who weren't "one of us" and might use chatspeak and so on. The unfriendliness and elitism were shocking. Contrast this with another channel dedicated to speed TFs that I'm also in, which was generally friendly and cooperative without drama. I left the RP channel soon after.
It's cliquish attitudes like this that have always made me think twice about joining any sort of RP supergroup. |

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
It's not "cliquish elitism" when the wariness isn't totally uncalled for. RPers are quite often the favorite targets of trolls and griefers.

I RP myself often.
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
Blueside has things going on all the time. Redside... not so much because nobody ever wants to play the bad guy :<
Also ERP is as rampant as its always been. Can't go one day without seeing a female character with maxxed chest clad in the skimpiest costume pieces with a white slime aura parading through Pocket D. |
And rampant Erotic RP? Hm, I haven't seen the extremes you're talking about, the only slime aura female I've seen seemed to be played as a living blob or bubblegum that just liked to splosh everywhere, it was gross but certainly not erotic.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
And rampant Erotic RP? Hm, I haven't seen the extremes you're talking about, the only slime aura female I've seen seemed to be played as a living blob or bubblegum that just liked to splosh everywhere, it was gross but certainly not erotic.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I have been playing MMO's for a long time, and recently i have been getting into RP... So i just started COH:F and i was wondering about the ingame RP community?