Why Movies Suck Today ?
And apparently you are the intellectual big shot of these forums? No wonder you people are so easy to dominate in an argument if you are the best these forums can produce.
Stick with math ace. |
It's easy to argue with anyone when you have your head up your ***.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Yours, actually. I thought that was obvious, but just in case it wasn't apparent.
Hm so by giving me a mathematical example of how the simplest solution is often wrong you are trying to prove that the simplest solution for the Norweigns to do in the THING was to hire a paleontologist from Norway but somehow this was wrong and the correct solution was to go to a foreign government and hire someone NOT BOUND BY NORWEIGN LAW when they wanted to keep their discovery a secret?
How? That makes no sense.
You gotta forgive me I aint as fast as you chief. Trying to see the connection your math has to rational behavior.
Problem is, lately at least, you enter every conversation like it is a battle. Anyone that agrees with you is your pal, and anyone that disagrees is an idiot that begs to be belittled. On top of that, as soon as you don't get a reaction, you resort to sensationalism so that way, at least people are paying attention to you.
As for this particular topic, any "authority" you may have had evaporated with your praise of Braveheart 2. I wouldn't normally say that that is of course my opinion, but it seems that some things need to be spelled out.
I think we're having way too much fun at Whats-His-Name's expense, already. I mean, I can understand that causing a racist, misogynist, close-minded fool to foam at the mouth is fun and all (and I speak hypothetically of course; not pointing my finger at anyone here at all, nope!), but at some point it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Dead fish.
Point blank.
With a bazooka.
I think we're having way too much fun at Whats-His-Name's expense, already. I mean, I can understand that causing a racist, misogynist, close-minded fool to foam at the mouth is fun and all (and I speak hypothetically of course; not pointing my finger at anyone here at all, nope!), but at some point it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Dead fish. Point blank. With a bazooka. |
Yeah because logic is on your side. Not like Norweigns hiring a person NOT BOUND BY NORWEIGN LAW to study alien remans they want kept secret is stupid or anything.
Was going to post about a(n) historical inaccuracy, but the subject seems to have been snipped from the thread. Which is probably a good thing.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Problem is, lately at least, you enter every conversation like it is a battle. Anyone that agrees with you is your pal, and anyone that disagrees is an idiot that begs to be belittled. On top of that, as soon as you don't get a reaction, you resort to sensationalism so that way, at least people are paying attention to you.
As for this particular topic, any "authority" you may have had evaporated with your praise of Braveheart 2. I wouldn't normally say that that is of course my opinion, but it seems that some things need to be spelled out. |
There was a Braveheart 2 or did you mean to type "too" ?
I spoke of the problems with Braveheart. It was entertaining overall but riddled with ridiculous inaccuracies.
Yeah because logic is on your side. Not like Norweigns hiring a person NOT BOUND BY NORWEIGN LAW to study alien remans they want kept secret is completely stupid.
Now, I know logic dictates that if they don't actually live in America, they are not immigrants, but since everyone wants to live in America, because it is the best, the whole world is really filled with commie potential immigrants. Hooah.
Everyones a shrink.
There was a Braveheart 2 or did you mean to type "too" ? I spoke of the problems with Braveheart. It was entertaining overall but riddled with ridiculous inaccuracies. No doubt if Braveheart was remade in 2020 , they would find some excuse to put blacks in it and women would fight in the ranks. Blacks in Thirteenth century Scotland lol. |
Sarah Palin was a producer on that film and insisted that the movie properly represent the way jobs should go to hard working Americans rather than be shunted off to commie immigrants.
Now, I know logic dictates that if they don't actually live in America, they are not immigrants, but since everyone wants to live in America, because it is the best, the whole world is really filled with commie potential immigrants. Hooah. |
Commie immigrants? Did someone rewrite the history books or something. Norway was communist and in the Warsaw Pact rather than NATO?
lol I know its a joke.
*blinks* what the hell is Sarah Palin doing anything near a movie?
*blinks* what the hell is Sarah Palin doing anything near a movie?
Also, Hitler.
Edit: To be honest, I get your frustration, OP. Hollywood's got this rose colored liberal glasses most of the time (When was the last time you saw a corporation portrayed as a hero, or a conservative champion in the military who wasn't a redneck racist homophobe bigot?). But it's not necessarily the only or even leading cause of bad movies. The desire to capture the old infatuation that people had with the silver screen is usually to blame - and by that, I mean the desire to make money.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
I'm actually a bit confused now.
Everyone against the OP seems to be saying he's a racist or something else negative, when I'm going over the thread looking for where exactly this is.
Or is it because he said "this wouldn't have happened in this time period" and thusly, because the movie used actors who wouldn't have been in that role in that actual period of time, he's a racist?
Though, in reference to Flyboys character of Eugene Skinner, he was based off a real pilot. His relations to those in the squadron, I have no idea.
But the characters in the movie were loosely based on real life figures, rather than exact portrayals, likely due to the fact that it probably wouldn't have been as entertaining of a movie otherwise.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
When was the last time you saw a corporation portrayed as a hero)
(actually Stark Industuries can be portrayed as ethical most of the time, and while I only just started playing Deus Ex - Human Revolution, Sarif Industries is presented positively)
Well, movies are made by corpoations.
To be fair while corporations occasionaly do positive (and sometimes even heroic) things, these things are rarely stories that make for entertaining films. "Y-corp gives millions to charity, charities are happy, the end." On the other hand, when corporations do bad things, those things are often wrapped in the kind of stuff that makes or can make for interesting stories; subertfuge, corruption, sercrets & lone heroes standing against them.
(actually Stark Industuries can be portrayed as ethical most of the time, and while I only just started playing Deus Ex - Human Revolution, Sarif Industries is presented positively) Well, movies are made by corpoations. |
Personally, I just dont let that part bother me if it makes for an entertaining movie!
I want to be entertained! ENTERTAIN ME!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Being fictional is not the problem...being irrational, silly and emasculate is. I have an imagination and can , for example, go along with the story in the THING 2011 about an alien crashing thousands of years ago in Anarctica. What I cannot go along with is the fact that these Norweigns, who according to the movie wanted to keep the alien discovery a secret, would travel to the USA and hire an American scientist rather than someone from Norway.
Besides, its not like hiring from America or even coming here means the US Government knows automatically what is going on.
Sarah Palin must be mentioned in any political thread, no matter how mediocre the thread. Much like Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert must be brought up in any thread about comedians, or the "lolfauxnews" idiotic meme must be brought up in any thread involving news.
Also, Hitler. |

^Its called Godwin's law. The longer an online discussion grows, the probability of a comparison involving Nazi's or Hitler approaches 1.
From my experience, anyone who bothers to comment about how they're winning an argument or how someone else is losing is a troll. Just let this thread die.
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Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound