What is the Role of a Tanker




Good morning, all.

I wanted to start this thread in conjunction with the Consolidated Tanker. Basically, I think that throwing out a ton of ideas at the Devs will help them to figure out what we're looking for. But I think that having an open and honest discussion about what we, the players, feel is the actual role in this game of what we think that Tankers are, and what we want them to be, will help them as well.

I think that most of the discussion I see posted about new ideas are that it doesn't fulfill the tole of the Tank in the eyes of the commenter. This is problematic for a number of reasons, but mostly because I think that even amongst mainly Tanker players, we have different ideas of what a Tanker should be.

So, while the other thread is looking at specific ideas that people want done for Tankers, this thread will be more of a general discussion. What do people feel is the role of a Tanker in the level 1-49 content? In the 50+ content? Does it change? What about on a buff-saturated team? Solo? On Trials and i-Trials? All of these are up for discussion. Also, I think it would be useful for the Devs to know what we think the Tanker's role SHOULD be. I know that this will open up a lot of discussion, but I think it's one that the Devs need to see if they're going to be looking at Tankers soon. If we throw out 1,000 ideas, and they choose the ones that the players feel take Tankers away from the role that we feel they should have, nobody is going to be happy.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



MOAR DAMAGE is the wrong response.

Hew in drag baby




Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch
MOAR DAMAGE is the wrong response.

As for the Tanker's Role in-game, I'd say its the same one as it's always been. Get beat on by mobs and laugh at them while keeping their team alive. Same role they've got from level 1 to 50+. Beyond that, they can pull mobs and do extra aggro management with Taunt, and some manage respectable melee damage (mainly with /Fire or /SS).

The only major difference I can see is a buff-saturated team, but by then the Tank is an unkillable god amongst squishier gods (and probably has a better damage bonus as well) so instead of focusing on aggro could just go all out and beat the Hell out of stuff. Tanks can Smash too, it just usually takes a bit longer.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Redirecting damage is my first response which doesn't actually mean taking it, defense sets wouldn't be tanks for a start if that was the rule.

Grouping mobs for AoEs, all types of AoEs, damage aoes save on endurance, debuff aoes, save on time and endurance, holy moley we are supposed to make teams a bit more efficient and safer even with our lacking damage.

There is a common core of abilities that all Tanks have, it's from them, you get the basic fundamental idea of what a Tanker should be doing.

I personally will on any type of tank make it my goal to tank anything for any team make up. Then do it with a brute or scrapper or maybe in reverse order. Not fussed.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I am trying to remember the quote "First to fight, First to fall, Never Fall..." I saw this on Dechs Kaisons website.

I have played video games before CoH. Shocking I know. So, I knew what I was looking for when I rolled my first Hero almost 5 years ago. A big ol' Tank. And I was wrong. Ever been wrong? Happened to me.

Because back then I did not understand the city, or this strange archtype at all. In every game I have played the big guy has tons of armor, and either does slightly less damage, slightly slower damage, or can only fight melee, or some other penalty to make up for being the toughest. That guy is the Brute, or a well built Scrapper in the city. The Tanker archtype is just different. The more I look at it, the more I like it.

To me the Tanker is a Controller or Dominator, with only one trick, Agro. Then the designers made it so the Tank is best suited to using that Agro trick, and they did a very good job. It seems a lot of folks wants to take the Tanker base and make a better Brute, or Scrapper, or Tank Mage. But that is not what the Tanker is. The Tank is there to be the general of the battle. In a weird way (and slightly condescending, sorry) you can equate a Tank to a MM. The tank needs all his friends out there killing. But the Tank has to decide which mob to engage, whether to pull, herd, or steamroll. The Tank is responsible for keeping all his pets up.

It is my hope that the Devs will not change the archtype. I would love to see it so any changes they make actually just make the Tank tougher, especially for the new stuff in the game, (Super Stunners, Auto-hit Death patches, late game and Incarnate Trial stuff that whistles through Tank armor like it was toilet paper) Also, I would love to see a (slight) increase in the Agro Cap, and based on what I have seen in the city a (slight) increase in Tank threat level.



Tanks are NOT damage-doers.
Tanks are combat control experts.
If it's an enemy he aggros it.
If it's wandering lose, he taunts it in.
If it's in a lousy spot he moves it.
If he's lucky, he'll die young in the center of his teammates AoEs and get used as a corpse bomb, for that is the closest he'll ever get to being a damage doer.
Hell! I don't know why any man would want to be a tanker!

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There are at least 5 areas to consider

1. Solo
2. Small team (2-4)
3. Large team (5-8)
4. League
5. PvP



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
There are at least 5 areas to consider

1. Solo
2. Small team (2-4)
3. Large team (5-8)
4. League
5. PvP

  1. Survive long enough to kill stuff
  2. Hold enemies in place while your team nukes them
  3. See #2
  4. Dance around while trying to avoid various cheat mechanics that make you about as durable as a blaster and like it.
  5. Taunt like crazy and die a lot until you realize that PVP is a gigantic waste of time in CoH.

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A) the first one into a fight to take the alpha strike and just shrug it off
B) the last one out of the mission.

As a tank, I'll gadly let Romulus or Reichman pummel me (*) so that he leaves my teammates alone to do their own thing.

(*) it usually tickles...

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
What do people feel is the role of a Tanker in the level 1-49 content?
Gather the pain and keep it from the squishies. Control the fight by holding the aggro. Taunt it, punch it, aura it, but keep those minions and others from wounding the defenders, blasters, corrs, etc.

On my favorite tanky tanks I slot unusually, trying to maximize taunt, and then back that with regen (in addition to the normal resist/def).
Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
In the 50+ content? Does it change? What about on a buff-saturated team?
The later you get in levels, the more durable a team should get, so then the job is the same - just perhaps more time for general punchiness. But, also use that to set a fast pace - gather, once team has it on the way down, move on to prep the next spawn (steamroll)... So, pacesetter is another tank role.

Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
On Trials and i-Trials?
Nice question... I'd say consider the BAF, it is often the tank that is expected to charge to get the AVs and bring them back (granted, sometimes a durable Brute, but the fact is that is a tank role). Or on the Keyes to drag Anti-Matter around. Lambda - tanks often collect the grenades and are expected to hold that aggro and time the debuff. UGT - keep the avatar facing a corner. You live where others should fall
- which is just a different way of applying their unique ability to control the fight.

Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
MOAR DAMAGE is the wrong response.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Lets examine the Tanker's power sets. A personal defense set, and a melee damage set.

What does this tell me that Tankers are not?

-They're not supposed to be "paladins". Buffing/healing is not part of their forte.
-They're not "melee controllers" or anything like that. If they were, their secondary would be closer to a Blaster's secondary; a mix of attacks and crowd control.

What does this tell me Tankers are about?

-They are intended to be tough above all else. They are the only melee AT with their defensive set as their primary, and this cannot be denied. However, there is a caveat to this, which I will get back to.
-They absolutely were intended to deal damage. If they weren't, they wouldn't have been given a melee damage set at all, or they would have been given something closer to said Blaster secondary sets instead.

Let's next examine the image the developers try to cultivate with the written descriptions of the AT:

The Tanker is an irresistible force combined with an immovable object. This Archetype can take and dish out all sorts of damage.

The Tanker is not totally invulnerable, but his skills allow the other Archetypes to play their parts, too. The Tanker is a devastating hand to hand combatant, and ranks second only to the Scrapper in sheer melee power. He possesses some ranged abilities, though far below those of the Blaster or the Defender.

Tankers proudly stand in the front lines of battle in order to protect their comrades and, of course, the innocent.
The "immovable object" refers to their stalwartness and resoluteness in battle. An "irresistible force" isn't something you'd apply to a character passively taking attacks, so I must conclude that part speaks of their offense.

The next paragraph clarifies that Tankers are not 'god mode'. They're not totally invulnerable, they can be downed, but they have enough survivability to allow the other ATs breathing room by taking the heat.

It also mentions they are "devastating hand to hand combatants" and "rank second only to the Scrapper in sheer melee power".

This was written long before Brutes and Stalkers entered the picture, but are Tankers devastating hand to hand combatants in most people's opinions?

The honest answer is no, they aren't. Set aside hyperbole and denial for a second. If you opened this question up to Broadcast or the general forums, most people wouldn't identify Tankers as "devastating". 'Adequate' or 'OK' at best, 'unremarkable' and 'meh' at worst.

Lastly, the descriptions states Tankers "proudly stand in the front lines of battle in order to protect their comrades and, of course, the innocent."

This is true. Tankers are the first ones in, last to fall. As far as I'm concerned, they meet expectations for this aspect. There's no language in there that says they have to be unkillable, or have vastly higher aggro caps than anyone else.

What I take from this:

Tankers don't live up to their own press when it comes to their offensive prowess. It's another argument altogether if they can or not, but the description is quite clear that offensive might was supposed to be an important part of their equation, or at least the developers want people who don't know any better to THINK it is.

Knowing the true current state of the AT, that strikes me as dishonest if the developers have no intent on making good on it; they paint a picture that really is half false and strongly suggest at something that isn't accurate by most people's reckoning. It plays to the uninitiated's expectations.

Newb: "Oh, this is the AT that gets super strength and is invincible (and isn't a savage hulking anger-fueled brute)? I know who that's all about!"

Wrong! /Kevin Spacey

Lastly, lets look at the main lore Tankers they present as examples:

Statesman and Back Alley Brawler.

The Brawler is all about fighting. That's his name, for crying out loud. He's supposed to be one of the biggest badasses with a reputation for wrecking anyone who goes against him. Does that resolve with the reality of Tankers as aggro sponges with mediocre damage? Not for me.

Then there's Statesman, who also has this image as a massive powerhouse. It's humorous to me: some people like to beat their drum over and over and say "Tankers aren't Superman". Well, the lore goes out of its way to say otherwise. It has for seven years, so maybe it's understandable where the idea comes from, especially when the game and developers work to cultivate it. But I digress. So do the most famous signature Tankers in the gamet fit with how Tankers are actually regarded? Again, I say they don't.

What do I conclude from all of this:

Regardless of what they're allowed to do mechanically, Tankers were supposed to evoke the heavy hitters from comics. Do they? Not especially. Feel free to poll the population of the game of what they think of Tanker damage, I'd be interested in seeing that. Regardless, they are there to protect the team first and be the team's backbone. They do, and they are when they're played correctly.

If Tankers fall short of anything they were given the tools to do, it's their offense, which their NPC role models and AT description are writing cheques that the Tanker AT and the developers can't cash.




I don't like to see any AT pigeon-holed which is why I like the variety of Powersets we currently have. Want to lay out lots of opponents? Take Fire. Want to stand tough against any opponent? Take Stone. Want to slow everything down? Take Ice and so on.

Tankers SHOULD be able to, all else being equal, take more damage for a longer period than any other AT. I have no problem with them 'paying' for this with less damage output. I don't think this role should change with level although it might become less important at the Incarnate stage where there are so many AoEs flying around. (Standing next to the Tank when he's holding aggro for a 25' radius blast means he did his job and the people around him need to clear out a bit.)

The problem is that even if the ROLE of the Tank remains the same his level of necessity and effectiveness changes at times.

Solo: No worries with aggro...everyone focusses on YOU. Advancement should be about the same as other ATs since damage output is lower but downtime due to injury should be lower too. Might have trouble with fast-Regen foes due to low damage overall.

Small team (2-4): The Tank's bread and butter IMHO. Without a Tank, especially at low levels, the team might not have the moxy to put down/contain the enemy fast enough to be safe. Mobs that are spread out might become more dangerous. A Tank rounds up the enemy, takes the alpha strike, deals some damage and generally enables the rest of the team to do what they do but better.

Large team (5-8): Here is where a Tank might begin to feel a bit out of sorts, especially on a higher-level team. Without a lot of ranged attacks (normally 1) the Tank has to mix it up. If the team doesn't wait for him to get stuck in then he might reach the mob only to find them defeated. Note that ALL melee ATs might suffer from this but we're focussing on Tanks here. A good high-level team can often melt a mob while the Tank is moving up for his first hit.

League: Tanks come back into their own a bit here since most Leagues face tougher opponents that they can't melt with their first attack. It's up to the Tank to keep attention from his squishier friends. Problem is, with the high-end damage being thrown around holding aggro can be tough.

PvP: I don't PvP.

As I see it other ATs are finding it more and more possible to eclipse the Tank but the same does not work the other way. 8 Defenders can daisy-chain buff each other until they're truly obscene and a Tank become unnecessary. 8 Controllers can lock down mobs so fast they never take any damage. However 8 Tanks can't use the same trick to increase their damage or buff each other.

This why I feel that Tanks should be able to stack their abilities somehow...so they can gain some sort of benefit. Either allow them to stack Bruising with each other or something. Otherwise after the first Tank the rest will seem redundant.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-They're not "melee controllers" or anything like that. If they were, their secondary would be closer to a Blaster's secondary; a mix of attacks and crowd control.

Er, wrong. Tanks are primarily Melee Controllers. Okay, in a Tank's seconday is Taunt. It works different for Tanks than anyone else. Also, each of a Tanks secondary builds on this taunt. The reason Tanks do not have a Defense/Armor primary and a Dominator / Troller group of powers in their seconday, is that thier Agro power is hardcoded into the game itself. A Tank uses the threat determination mechanism of the entire game against every single mob there is. Off soap box.



The Role of the Tanker is too Hold Aggro, To play one Get taunt and a Taunt Aura like Rise of the Challenge.

You goal like any other Tank class in other MMo is to hold Aggro and protect the team form Harm, if you can't do that right, get some tips form other players.

My Wp/SS Tanker For Example is Super Ratz, he could hold Aggro well, If you on a Team with him, he will save you Butt. I would go into a Mob, Taunt the Enemies and pull them off any other team mates.

A Good Buffer or Emp can help you out, they like a Tanker best friend at time, not always needed, Focus-less on Damage and more on your Toggles and Defense Skill more then you skills for damage.

They can Handle most farms well and can hold aggro againest any AV and Eb in this game, you best bet for the best outcome is Willpower, Invulnerability and Stone.

If Some how explain this wrong here a link to help you understand better http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Tankers and another Tanker Strategy page http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Tanker_Strategy

Now if you still want to change how to play them then forget about it, they been this way since issue 0 and they won't fix things that are not needed to be fix.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Er, wrong. Tanks are primarily Melee Controllers. Okay, in a Tank's seconday is Taunt. It works different for Tanks than anyone else. Also, each of a Tanks secondary builds on this taunt. The reason Tanks do not have a Defense/Armor primary and a Dominator / Troller group of powers in their seconday, is that thier Agro power is hardcoded into the game itself. A Tank uses the threat determination mechanism of the entire game against every single mob there is. Off soap box.
No there Secondary Power Sets is Melee look for yourself http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Tanker there Primary is Defense.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-They're not "melee controllers" or anything like that. If they were, their secondary would be closer to a Blaster's secondary; a mix of attacks and crowd control.
Yeah Johnny. They are.

Aggro is a soft control. As opposed to holds, immobs, and sleeps which are hard controls.

I know you don't like to hear it. But it's the truth.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
They're not "melee controllers" or anything like that. If they were, their secondary would be closer to a Blaster's secondary; a mix of attacks and crowd control.
I think you are discounting soft control and the prominent role of taunt in the secondary.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Then there's Statesman, who also has this image as a massive powerhouse. It's humorous to me: some people like to beat their drum over and over and say "Tankers aren't Superman". Well, the lore goes out of its way to say otherwise. It has for seven years, so maybe it's understandable where the idea comes from, especially when the game and developers work to cultivate it. But I digress. So do the most famous signature Tankers in the gamet fit with how Tankers are actually regarded? Again, I say they don't.
  1. Superman is a bad reference period as a genre/concept/balance breaker, so, right out.
  2. States is a Mary Sue-Superman (see #1), and pretty much well worth ignoring as a justification for AT behavior. Otherwise we could cite all the prominent CoH characters and argue how their ATs are clearly not meeting design.
  3. Also, States is an incarnate, and based on my tanks' advancement so far, they hit pretty hard as incarnates, too...
Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Regardless of what they're allowed to do mechanically, Tankers were supposed to evoke the heavy hitters from comics. Do they? Not especially. Feel free to poll the population of the game of what they think of Tanker damage, I'd be interested in seeing that. Regardless, they are there to protect the team first and be the team's backbone. They do, and they are when they're played correctly.
*shrug* I have never thought of tankers representing heavy hitter. They do model a style of character in comics that draws attention and takes the hits that team mates cannot while they use their flashy powers. Comics being what they are, many of those same characters pack some oomf too, but the AT was not designed to be Mr. Durable and Mr. Heavy Punch. Game Balance requires it. No one would ever make anything else. (Admittedly, I something more like Brutes are what Tanks woulda/coulda at initial release.)

While tanker damage isn't "high" I've not been particularly disappointed with it either. And when I want to punch something and hear it break into a million pieces - scrapper or brute alt to the rescue. On the other hand, if I want to tank, I know what and why I'm getting it and any min/max 'woe is superman' logic need not apply...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



A melee controller. Aggro is a kind of control - YOU decide who the mob will be beating on and make sure that it will be the member of the group least effective to be beating on.

Most sets include control tools. Yes they are with the same effectiveness as the Brute's and Scrapper's, which is wrong, but in any case, the tanker has more incentive to focus on applying status effects. It meshes well with the aggro controller because first you make them want to hit you, then you make them suck at it or completely unable to.

The way to make tankers more distinct is to improve control tools. This archtype should have longer duration, higher % to proc and perhaps higher mag status effects in the secondary than the Brutes and Scrappers primary sets.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
There are at least 5 areas to consider

1. Solo
2. Small team (2-4)
3. Large team (5-8)
4. League
5. PvP
'Role' to me implies role within a team. Solo, the only effective role for any AT is 'mob killer,' though different AT's have different tools to perform that role.

I see the role of tankers as the archetypal MMO tank. The main functions within that role include damage mitigation, aggro management, and mob positioning. Damage mitigation typically means reducing the damage taken by the tank, though it can also include situationally reducing the damage dealt to others should they draw aggro or move within range of AoE's. Aggro management means focusing the attention of the mobs where the player wants it, typically on the tanker. Mob positioning can include gathering mobs together so they can be hit with AoE's, moving mobs to an advantageous spot in which to fight them, or controlling a mob's facing so that it can't hit the other players with dangerous cone attacks.

Tanks generally have moderate damage output as well, but they don't fill the role of damage specialist. That seems to be a point of contention and controversy in just about every MMO I've played.



Originally Posted by MustachedHero View Post

The way to make tankers more distinct is to improve control tools. This archtype should have longer duration, higher % to proc and perhaps higher mag status effects in the secondary than the Brutes and Scrappers primary sets.
Boom, there it is. The first tanker change suggestion that I have seen which gets me 1/2-way interested.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I like the idea of longer duration controls.

I find Tanker damage to be OK as it is now that most sets have a heavy hitter. Between that, bruising and inherent Stamina you can solo out of the gate without gasping for air after the first spawn.

My solo "role" on my Electric/MA tanker has been to fight large hordes at lower difficulty, say +0/x4 (instead of +2/x1 on my Stalker) and let Lightning Field and my survivability do much of the work. Combat is slow and epic rather than fast and decisive.

On teams its been aggro magnet, herder and pace-setter. I made a tank again to be able to set a good fast pace on teams I lead



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
States is a Mary Sue-Superman (see #1), and pretty much well worth ignoring as a justification for AT behavior.
A bit tangential to the topic, but I'd like to point out that Statesman is NOT a mary-sue. He has character flaws and is certainly not a self-insert wish fulfillment tool of the writer.

To the actual topic:

I could see tankers getting a slight damage buff. Still below Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers, I think, but their damage has room to improve without being equal or better to the Melee damage ATs. I don't think that tankers need a gimmick or a filling bar to increase their damage; just a slight numeric increase across the board.

Second, tankers should have a higher aggro cap than other ATs. They should be the very best at melee control, maybe with that increased secondary effects idea for their attacks.

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.



Conceptually, Tankers are the team powerhouse- the heavy hitters who charge in first and take on the biggest threats. Superman is a good example, and the comparison was pretty much encouraged when the added Laser Beam Eyes. The part that some people have a hard time wrapping their head around is that, for the purpose of game balance, some of that power is represented as "threat" rather than straight damage. The reason being, if you could play a full-powered Superman, who would play Green Arrow?

What's interesting is that Tankers as they currently exist are a player-driven creation. Originally, Tankers were Melee Controllers- as in actual control, not aggro. The devs thought we would use knockback and stuns to mitigate damage, but players ignored or complained about those powers, took Provoke from the Presence Pool, and played as aggro magnets. (Fire was especially popular because what it lacked in controls it made up for with damage.) So Gauntlet and taunt auras were added, Taunt made AoE, defenses shored up, and Tankers were aggro managers.

Tankers are a support class, we absorb aggro for the team. As opposed to Brutes, who absorb it for themselves (the fact that it helps the team is a nice bonus.) I don't think we need all the aggro, leave some for the Brutes, other Tanks, and to keep teammates on their toes (we shouldn't completely remove all challenge). It's a pretty easy, straight-forward playstyle- charge in! That's what you were going to do anyway, right?

Tankers still solo very well, they can level fast by upping their difficulty and taking on lots of enemies (once you have your AoE powers.) Tankers are Easy Mode.



Roles are things that players make up and decide they want to fill, not things that are set in game mechanics. The role of a Tanker is whatever the player decides it to be.



Originally Posted by Brennivin View Post
A bit tangential to the topic, but I'd like to point out that Statesman is NOT a mary-sue. He has character flaws and is certainly not a self-insert wish fulfillment tool of the writer.
OK, I'll grant you he isn't a textbook definition, and concede the point.
But, he sure seems like basic "I want to be Superman" wish fulfillment if I ever saw it.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous