Sure we know "Who"... but "HOW?!"
He went down with the ship
The Player is given a moral choice at the end of the story arc. The two choices are ...

Col. Mustard, in the conservatory, with the lead pipe.
Have him wake up in a bed in Vegas with Lindsay Lohan on one side and Paris Hilton on the other. All three are wearing rings on that special finger, as well as an impressive assortment of dessert topping stains.
Fuggeddaboutit. States will find a way to kill his own self.
M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)
McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
A Huge-bodied monster bedecked in the Omega costume pieces crashes to earth and goes on a rampage. He defeats the rest of the Freedom Phalanx before getting in a one-on-one battle with Statesman which ends with both of them falling. At the end we're left with Ms. Liberty cradling States battered body as in the background a shred of his cape flutters from a random piece of broken scenery like a depressing flag.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Darren Wade uses Miss Liberty's blood in a ritual that let's him use Statesman like a puppet, to stop himself from committing some horrific atrocity he gains control long enough to do something that kills himself. like trying to open a gateway to release Rularuu he throws himself in and it tears him to pieces, or he even throws himself at Rularuu full strength and uses his power up in the process.
Dies of old age while waiting in line to ride on Space Mountain at Disneyland.
Steelclaw?! Hit 50?!?! I can't BELIEV...glrrkkkkr...kkughhh...
so if ol statesmen is going to take the dive. that means that we are all alone with Emperor Cole, will he call off the invasion of a morning time of one of his more powerful enemy's or will he just take this advantage to move in for the kill? i mean the balance is now in the preatorens favor. ohh and for a way for him to die.. well if his head is removed from his shoulders......there can be only one.
Fusionette kills him after finding his love letters to Faultline.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Forced to change genders and THEN stuffed in a refrigerator.
Two words: "Chuck" & "Norris"
AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan
Statesman was considered to be invulnerable until he took an arrow to the knee.
He died like Achilles.
Manticor is reported saying, "Oops!"
he gets overwritten in an unexpected patch update, which finally fixes all known in game issues
Edit: on the note of martial artists: Statesman dies because he unwisely chooses to fight Jackie Chan. In a construction site to be a future ladder factory, where a baby needs protection, his sidekick is nearby and in danger, and he does not want trouble.
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His own over-inflated ego finally ruptures blowing Statesman into millions of small pieces.
Allowing for comic book logic, this does not really kill him but spreads his residual mental self all over the city, which presents the possibilty that someone could recreate him using a 'Psychic Vacuum recloning ....thingy'
Of course, that could go wrong and we get a Statesman that has onl;y about 90% of his original personality.
Who is the extra 10%??? Stay tuned players......
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
Statesman dies, but is then replaced by Zartan.
... Hit it ...

Ok....gonna try a logical approach here...someone get the straight jacket ready.
Statesman married Monica, Recluse's sister.
The two had Alexis, who is Recluse's niece.
Technically since Statesman didn't rush out to save Alexis, and instead had us heroes and Manticore try to save her, this could be seen by Recluse as a weakness (yet another according to him) and in his eyes that Statesman "let" Alexis die.
Even though Recluse is technically all evil and according to the first book "Web of Arachnos" he disowns his sister, Monica, because she didn't choose to side with him, he still has the family pride portion of himself. This could be seen in a twisted way of Statesman trying to somehow destroy what's left of the Richter Family genepool, and so he decides once and for all to take out Statesman.
ALSO, because Statesman has been acting "weak" by "running away" after Alexis' death, the well could see him as weak and take away some of his powers, making him less powerful than Recluse, who is always questing for power, thus finally giving Recluse the needed edge.
Paragon gets attacked by Rikti and Preatorian forces. Statesman defeats them all with one giant foot stomp attack which triggers Marty and thereby bans him from the game for life.
Defiant to the last!
Warning: do not click the links if you don't want spoilers to unnamed stories.
Tired of the NeverEnding Story of hero versus villain, Marcus Cole decides to fake his death when Generic Villain 42 attacks him. Utilizing a complicated series of theatrics and a few Incarnate Shards he received from his last Hamidon raid, he convinces the world that GV 42 managed to perform the impossible: he killed the Statesman. 42 becomes the new Big Shot in the Rogue Isles as many real villains flock to his side, planning to one day kill the man who killed the hero.
Naturally, the Devs will hire Brad Pitt or Kevin Conroy to voice Statesman in the game's first ever fully-dubbed cutscene.

We now know that Statesman is going to be the one to buy the farm at the end of the current SSA. Fine. Dandy. I can live with that, but the real question is no longer who will die and not even Why will they die..
The real question is "How" is Statesman going to shuffle off the mortal coil?
Here are a few suggestions to the Devs on how the boring ol' shlub... er... I mean how our brave, noble hero could best see his end...
* Blow to the back of the head.
* 93 years of accumulated, impacted red meat... followed by one bran muffin too many.
* Well of the Furies not only no longer notices him... it took out a restraining order.
* Massive heart attack following viewing a naughty video on the internet of what appeared to be himself and Megan Duncan... didn't notice the "imported from Praetoria" disclaimer at video's start...
* Lusca attacked his ship in Independence Port... States had NOT seen enough hentai to know where this was going...
* After years of hiding their love Ghost Widow had finally issued him an ultimatum...
* We're not entirely sure but as Captain Mako was being led from the scene in handcuffs he was overheard to say "tough to chew... but rather tasty"
* The super powered hero Democratean enacted his Policy Power to siphon power from the States and into the hands of the elder hero Captain Federal...
* Lord Nemesis travels back in time and replaces the cup of Well of Furies water in Statesman's hand with a can of Crystal Pepsi just before he drinks it.
* Cast into deepest depression by the death of his daughter, Statesman fakes his own death... years later the world is threatened once more by alien invasion but still he ignores it... a little girl with an adorable and mischievous little puppy stumble upon his secret hide out when escaping from the alien death squads... after a time together she melts the wall of ice around his heart but still he refuses to leave his self-imposed exile... an alien bombing run causes a section of his tunnel network to collapse trapping the girl and her puppy under it... he saves the girl.. but her dog has died... as she sobs in his arms Statesman undergoes a sudden realization... he bursts from his cave like a hero on a mission... a man reborn... ... ... and while the rest of the world's heroes eventually push back the alien forces Statesman pitches the story to Hollywood execs and makes millions...
... oh... and as an afterthought he buys the kid a new dog...
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw