78 -
Finally I can cross "SSA 1.1 under 7 minutes" of the bucket list.
I have done a script in java that does something similar, it is still in the works (the whole "turn character in the directions you want him to go" aspect is not all done yet) and school is getting, very busy atm so I have know ETA
The script uses x number of demos from Leandro script and chews it and spits it out in an end destination demo.
The script is not yet bug free but a poorly and crude video of the result from the script, can be seen here.
If anyone is interested to finish the java code knock yourself out:
Team Tios -
Wavelength, because its all about routine, age and experience.
I'd say any hospital nurse, if she kept the outfit on,
but she would most likely do this, if asked:
Hi all
I am in the processes of mucking around with some demorecord scripting.
After seeing Leandros's awsome perl scripts in action (the one with spelling paragon studio by using characters) I wonder if it could be taken further.
I have made a script (still in the bug fixing process) that uses several demos similar to Leandros spelling and make them into one large demo that adds movement between the "snap shots". (Sorry if this is confusion, always have problem making my self understood in writing).
The first video attempt kan be found her. Bear in mind that this is a first attempt, and the video (and spelling) is very crudely done.
There are still some "bugs" that needs to be done.
1. Toons don't turn towards target destination
2. FX/animations needs to be removed
3. Excess characteres, sometimes just hang around instead of moving out of the picture
4. The video is low qualty
5. Spelling "placement" could have been better
I still hope that you enjoy the little video.
Team Tios -
Quote:Thanks for the help airheadYou sure can. Just be sure to copy in the costume lines (COSTUME, PARTSNAME), plus the location (POS), orientation(PYR), health (HP, HPMAX) and emote (MOV) of the toon you're adding. You can actually do this without needing a group at all, using an existing group was (for me) just a quicker way to learn.
Now, the location and orientation may be completely different (off-camera) when copying from another .cohdemo (demo record) file. So simply copy-paste the location of one of the existing toons instead, and move it (say) 3 meters. That is, add or subtract 3 from the first or third parameter of the "POS" (example below):
0 132 NEW Airhead
0 132 COSTUME 0 00575757 -5.967551 -0.074101 0 -0.537006 0.128799 -0.380599 -0.537006 0.000835 0 0.44 0.96 0.97 -0.03 0.96 0.97 -0.25 -0.61 0.97 -0.38 0.19 -0.71 -1 0.12 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.97 -1 -0.71
0 132 PARTSNAME V_MALE_Pants.GEO/GEO_Hips_Monstrous_01 !X_Hips_V_Animal_01_Mask !Hips_Blend 00575757 001f0b00
[some info removed, there's about 29 lines of PARTSNAME to a toon]
0 132 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 132 PARTSNAME none none none 007eeef1 00ffffff 00000000 00000000 Costumes/AnimatedTails/AnimatedTail_Wolf02_Male.fx
0 132 MOV READY 0
0 132 POS 54.463161 -768 -636
0 132 PYR 0 1.406125 0
0 132 HP 1427.40
0 132 HPMAX 1427.40
The middle parameter is the height, changing that might put your toon in the floorAlso make sure the object number ("132" above) is the same for all lines of a single character, and is unique to that character. This is better explained in the guides I linked. After some experimenting you'll find the best place to put the toon. Holler if you have any trouble playing back your demo.
Seems like I have some fun demorecording editing ahead of me
Team Tios -
Quote:Thanks for the info.
Now, to assemble the toons: Similar. Use
/demorecord <anotherfilename>
To record a bunch of people in a group. They could be NPCs for all you care. Then using a text editor, change the existing character's data to your costume file. [b]There's a few guides on how to do this on the web.
Question though: Can I insert the character into the "main" recording instead of changing the coustume of a NPC. Reason is that I might want to do the shot, where there aren't that many NPC. e.g on the stairs of city hall in Atlas Park.
Team Tios -
Hi all
To all you master demorecorders. How can I make a demorecord containing all of my main account characters, aka the rally video that Leandro made?
What raw data is needed for this?
Team Tios -
Hi all!
Im just overwhelmed by all the work and effort the community is pouring in to this, and I thought heck I need to do my part (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7-PQIuWwLo)
So I have emailed the national television networks in both Denmark and Norway (I live in Denmark, come from Norway), writing them a lengthy letter about our cause.
I know that they are both small countries and cant pull that much weight, but I'll be damned if you yanks and poms (prisoner of her majesty) or gonna have all the fun.
I encourage all other players from other countries to do the same.
Team Tios -
15 on my main account, one of each AT (except Warshade and Widow) and then an extra MM, brute and Empath
1 on each of my 7 premium accounts, only used for multiboxing
Team Tios -
Just one thing Major: If you are SO sure all hope is utterly lost would you mind mail all your inf and purples to the following global: @stroemstad5
Team Tios -
/demorecord start filename
/demorecord stop
Team Tips. -
Woot woot!
Got them both for my NA account and my EUs account.
The NA was the hard one to find, but I guess EU is just waking up atm
Tema Tios -
Quote:So this would mean that each of my pets would have a 75% chance of fire dot and 25% for a 2.5% resistance debuff if I slotted interface radial flawless? Could anyone confirm this?Pretty sure they get ALpha benefits..I think. I know some incarnate powers are weird, with some of a type working..and others not.
You are right about teh rech being useless though
Perhaps someone can confirm if alphas do work..cause I KNOW the icon shows up (and interface 75% fire dot works).
Team Tios -
Quote:Hmm, so they wont benefit for any resist damage as well then. As I'm almost always is in close ranged/melee range it seems the range buff is useless as well. Seems my bet bet would be vigor T4 core my best "end" path.
If you could slot Ninjas for Defense Buff, then you'd be able to leverage your Alpha Slot to enhance their entirely pitiful and pathetic Defenses. But as you can see, Genin, Jounin and Oni do not accept Defense Enhancements ... and therefore gain no benefit from Defense Buffing courtesy of the Alpha Slot. Mumble mumble fink grumble ...
...mumble grumble.
Thanks for the help though -
Quote:True ninjas wont benefit from heal, but my alkaloid will, and of course all my debuff powers will benefit from accuracy.Was going to suggest Vigor..but ninjas have nothing to benefit from the heal right? Can the be slotted for def at all? Maybe agility would be better.
I didnt think that pets benefitted from any alpha slotting?.
If they do, will my ninjas benefit from the defense buff/ recharge from cardiac?
And do the pet aoe aura procs (edict of the master and command of the mastermind) benefit from the defense buff in cardiac or is it just powers that are cast that does? -
Hi all
I'm having problem deciding what to slot my Ninja/Poison in alpha!
The toon is fully slotted, and is performing quite awesome at the moment. The main issue is the end hog. I have currently slotted the MM with cardiac T1, and it is performing a lot better (good enough) endurance wise. My problem is though, that the T4 secondary effects (range and resist buffs) is not as interesting for me as the T4 secondary/tertiary effects in Muscular and agility. But is the 33%/45% end mod effects in Muscular and agility enough to replace the endurance reduction that cardiac gives?
I have tried to look at the data in mids, but cannot make heads and tails of it.
I have included the build for reference.
In advance
Team Tios
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1501;687;1374;HEX;| |78DA6D94CB4F135114C667DA29A52FDA5228458A1428E525A5155C9BF80C861A147| |54B2A9476483B259D6264E9BFE0C695CFF85C8882515923A2FE293E00373E37F5D0| |EF039AE024CD6FEE77CFE9FDCEB9F74EEAFA29F7D2D91BC715D577329F36CDA954D| |A2C674A05DD98B1A5D2597DDAAA288A2725C3484A37CBA58C69DA4509ED874D4D2E| |140A45237E5E37E6D266B066E2C4C2EC6C7CA2A89B45C33F66E432A58C518EEFBEB| |8278AC57C7C3C939ED78DACA73A38A3677365197977A766322533A7CFFBABE331E3| |9A6EEA57F5BC5E5E0C9F9ED7A7E3354BA5D2D3195A5F0C89BF98FC966D0A9F8A4D5| |9973A929A62F9486E80DA27F2B384F56A4ADD0FA53ACE6A4295B957D4AA567719AC| |BF444E82CE8BE40530A7315572D50F96AAE6DE20D7C186F7E43BD0B706EA926B65A| |ED5056F3E37D8E8241D60533D69075F49BD28B9A2D83A51475036CB0E4DB537C35F| |D20FCEC95A0ED6E85886165A215F82875E90CFC1F012F85A1672D1A76B1B6B85B7C| |0C39BE457F20B18F906B688210F7D7AFAA05944F352F356E451DEC80A7E2A7E5663| |95A8001C6B816370121C05232360E75132016A92D38C1C4B333B106C628C0F6C949| |816C4282D5CEBADACDFCA0A5B594994954559519495C758598C1D284867DB98DBF6| |073B1BF90D76FF247F80B15F60EF5FD02F5EDAB92BED4EF8EB7681FD6ED2030E349| |05E70553C77B0671DAC6345B42E7AE97A006DE03E78E41E7997BC030EDD0603E2A5| |875E7A9ED1E753F209D8FF181C7A443E04F3D2833E9EBCBE9DE6B66BCA7008F4C8F| |F0EB2DF83DC935539C471EE539CFB33BC7B62036083E425585F8273616DEF96E3EA| |685665B456AB9EA681034AF2803252AB0CA103E3FFD126F6EFB7A246A16D3A6B34C| |66DD56A3CE7DB3B1AAA54D5736AF59B333C067EAF9DBB892E266F8189036E53FB4A| |C5E1DBFB6A54D6E4D224F9FE0F327FE6E1| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
So I assume this is a bug, but I had a WTF moment when I noticed this, and had to check if I could get to Sharkehead (actually it was from the Talos side, but ended up in FF).
Thanks guys, that was relly helpful.
Team Tios -
Hi all!
I hope this is the right place to ask, could not find a more suitable place.
Is there a way to receive a reminder email, BEFORE your VIP account is about to expire? I alway seem to get the "VIP account expired" email when I am the furthest away from any computer.
If there is not already an existing feature for this already, could you make it, so pretty please?? (You are loosing money on me every time I forget to pay uprfront, which is every 6 months)
Thanks in advance
Team Tios -
Hi guys
What is the best way (recovery wise) to 2 slot stamina?
Is it:
a) 2 * Endurance Modification
b) 1 * Performance Shifter/ End mod + 1 * Performance Shifter /Chance for +End
Mids dont show an average of the Chance for +End AFAIK.
Thanks in advance
Team Tios -
Hi all
Two questions about the SSA and the reward tables:
1. Is the same cool down counter used for both SSA 1 and SSA2, or is it possible to get to hero merit rewards for doing one arc in each SSA once a week?
2. Does the 'first time' playing the arc count for both hero and villain side when you have played one of them. E.g can you get 8 + 1 merits doing villain side and then switch side and re-enforce the hero alignment (takes 6 days i think) and then do the SSA arc on heroside getting 8 + 1 merits? Making it 18 merits in 6 days.
Team Tios