We are heroes ... demorecording




Hi all

I am in the processes of mucking around with some demorecord scripting.

After seeing Leandros's awsome perl scripts in action (the one with spelling paragon studio by using characters) I wonder if it could be taken further.

I have made a script (still in the bug fixing process) that uses several demos similar to Leandros spelling and make them into one large demo that adds movement between the "snap shots". (Sorry if this is confusion, always have problem making my self understood in writing).

The first video attempt kan be found her. Bear in mind that this is a first attempt, and the video (and spelling) is very crudely done.

There are still some "bugs" that needs to be done.

1. Toons don't turn towards target destination
2. FX/animations needs to be removed
3. Excess characteres, sometimes just hang around instead of moving out of the picture
4. The video is low qualty
5. Spelling "placement" could have been better

I still hope that you enjoy the little video.

Team Tios

Defiant to the last!



For a first attempt... that's pretty cool!