Share your cool heroic/epic moments.




There's a general difference of opinion over the trials in the game , it seems to me, and one aspect of that is how 'epic' they are. In terms of narrative, the way they are presented in game lore, they do sound reasonably epic. Anti-Matter's rant atop the reactor in the cut-scene at the start of the Keyes trial is quite cool as he ABSORBS THE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE or whatever, but in terms of my own personal hero's story, after that i just experience being lost in a crowd of AoEs, spamming my attacks and ignoring any narrative, really. YMMV, but to me the actual trials aren't very epic or cool, and I've given up trying to take cool screenies during them because the end resutls are frankly awful.

The 'epic' or 'cool' moments for me happen in the course of normal content or in TFs where i've been able to get padders for I and my two SG-mates to run (and here I must big up the members of TheMarket channel, who are often kind enough to give up a few minutes to pad for me). During fights, even against AVs, I'm able to do a bit of camera-rotation to take some screenshots showing my team doling out justice, and the actual fights themselves always seem much more epic and personally heroic than the trials.

I'm going to share one of these moments, and I'd like to hear about yours too.

Yesterday, I and my Sg-mates got some padders to start Sister Psyche's TF, as one of my SG-mates has yet to get many TF badges. We did a few missions, and then logged out for the night.

Today, I logged in to see that the SG-mate who needed the badge was already logged in (Both i and the other SG-mate already have the badge, so we don't mind the other member from carrying on with the TF on his own) and in a mission.

I sent him a tell but got no response, so i figured he was either fighting or had chat turned off. i thought i'd just go to the mission and find him, so i did. I entered, and used Reveal, and saw the first floor was clear and his HP bar was going down, down, down, and his end bar was getting some serious use. His badge-toon is a 50 PB (exemped down of course for the TF).

I'm using a lvl 25 Kin/DP defender. I ninja ran through the empty floor, used the elevators and found myself at the start of another floor, and right at the other end my teammate was rotating in a largish room, and his HP bar was still dropping. I zoomed through the map, finally turning a corner to find him almost dead with a Freak Boss (one of the noise ones) and a super stunner on him, a good few vanishing dead mobs around, and him caught in n electric field.

He'd obviously been fighting an only-just losing battle, as the stunner was nearly dead too. I healed him off the boss, ran past him, siphoned its power, and whipped out my pistols, offing the stunner with one shot. Then the hold on him dropped, and we finished off the boss. When we were safe, we got skype running, and he told me 'That was amazing. You appeared out of nowhere in literally the nick of time', laughing as he related what he'd experienced. He had indeed had chat turned off to let him see more of the screen, so my appearance was a total surprise.

Now, that was just a little lucky happening, really. If he'd been facing a different way, he'd not have seen it the way he did. if I'd been a little slower or had missed the stunner, or hadn't chosen to heal him first, maybe it would have required a rez or something, and the little mini-awesome moment wouldn't have happened. But I'm sure you've all had similar small moments of Cool.

Let's hear them!


PS If you have screenshots, that would be even more awesome!


The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



sort of the opposite for me.

A team was gathering, I was waiting at the door with another guy. We went in, and a patrol walked up to the door inside and attacked us. Great mob of foes, 2 of us, lvl 20ish.

I said run, he said "why"
ice controller - he turned on arctic air, dropped an ice slick, not sure what else. And we stood there untouched while the rest of the team loaded in and we took out the spawn.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
sort of the opposite for me.

A team was gathering, I was waiting at the door with another guy. We went in, and a patrol walked up to the door inside and attacked us. Great mob of foes, 2 of us, lvl 20ish.

I said run, he said "why"
ice controller - he turned on arctic air, dropped an ice slick, not sure what else. And we stood there untouched while the rest of the team loaded in and we took out the spawn.
Every controller will nod in recognition of that moment



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Years ago, I took my grav/psi dom on a PUG with a couple of SG mates and some random searched lowbies. We picked a few missions in and around Port Oakes at the time. Family, Mooks, Hellions etc. All was going well till we hit an Arachnos base, the huge one with the training room and barracks.

We'd slowly cleared mob after mob but then we hit a roadblock; 3 mobs in a trivia of corridors all close together when bam, someone fired off an AoE and aggro'd NPCs from two of the mobs.... and they all came running, full mob sizes of 0x8. So we were fighting off two mobs with the most random assortment of lowbies you could get when we accidentally managed to aggro the third mob. A massive dogpile battle ensued, powers firing off left and right, healthbars plummeting to red and being restored by insps and healing aura from a thermal... and we were still somehow chatting

A real back-to-the-wall battle and our combination of powers, copious usage of insps and sheer doggedness meant we all survived. Not. One. Of. Us. Fell.

Now that felt epic. What should've been a full team wipe and the existing powers we had pulled us through.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I've got a few but I'll share my favourite here and maybe pop back in for more later.

So I'm on my mid-20s Warshade and I'll be honest, feeling a little gimpy. He was my first Warshade so I wasn't quite sure what I was doing and so I gladly took the invite to an early 30s mission team when it was offered.

On the team was a small, quiet Force Field Defender who kept her bubbles up at all times but didn't blast too much. I got the impression that having an Energy Secondary and being on a team full of Scrappers, her blasting hadn't been appreciated. So she hung back, keeping bubbles up and using Aid Other on anyone who needed it.

Anyway, being Scrapper heavy, the team was roaring through a warehouse when they zoomed past a corridor and managed to aggro a mob without noticing it. While they were charging into the next mob, the poor FF Defender took the brunt of their assault. She tried to run but they surrounded her and the rest of the team were too busy with the room ahead of them to help. I was in Nova form so I turned around and flew back as fast as I could to where she was struggling.

I blasted a few of the mob into the wall and dropped out of Nova. The rest of them were still wailing on the Defender so I shifted to Dwarf and teleported into the fray, right next to her. I taunted them, hit them with my Mire and scrapped it out with them until there were none standing. And the Defender never fell. I felt so proud and she was very grateful.

Best of all, ten minutes later, she came to my rescue. I caught a blast from a Void Hunter and lay there stunned, unable to fight back while he prepared for another shot. Suddenly, from behind me, a Force Bolt blasted into him and sent him into the wall before he could get another shot off. The FF Defender flew in beside me, hit Force Bubble and kept me safe while I recovered, all the while blasting the hell out of the Void until he was no more.

Now that felt heroic and I think both of us left the mission feeling that we'd both saved each other's skin.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



My little dark/psi defender, Andrea Blake, got her absolute Crowning Moment of Awesome while doing Twilight Son's arc...

In my impatience, I'd forgotten that I'd set the difficulty higher for the team I'd led the previous night. But Blake's no pushover, and she loves a challenge, so I figured, "What the hell, how hard can this be?"

I get to the cutscene, and thanks to having Ninja Run on, Blake lands between Zoria and Cyrus Thompson, before Zoria can actually kill him. She summons her Dark Servant, and promptly goes toe to toe with Zoria.

It is a knockdown, dragout, grueling fight, she's going thru inspirations like mad, but Blake won't go down. She throws EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink at Zoria and finally, by the skin of her teeth, defeats him...

... and then turns around to see Cyrus Thompson alive and well, standing behind her.

I'd been spamming Twilight Grasp so often that I'd kept HIM healed as well as Blake.

(I have the screenshot plus UI to prove it, too.)

I was so proud of my little psychic.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I recall a mission where I was fighting the Professor Echo EB all the way at the top platform in that really huge, really tall Arachnos room on a mastermind. Literally just as I beat him and won the mission, his last blast sent me over the edge and I dramatically fell all the way down to my doom. A very archetypical thing to happen to a villain. "Curse you Professor Echo! Curse yooooouuuuuu!!"

A Praetorian character was doing the mission for Wardog where you preemptively kill off a bunch of Syndicate before they betray you. She attacked one of the targets just as he was talking about their plans to kill both you and Wardog; upon his defeat my character simultaneously got both the Knows the Truth and Marked for Death badges. It was a comic book caption moment; "But now she knows the truth - that she is marked for death!"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Protean, yesterday, fighting him solo. That ****** always gives me a hard time, if you'll pardon my language, and I really don't like fighting him since when I lose, it's a cheap-shot from his Power Syphon.

Well, yesterday was no different. I had him beat, he started his Power Syphon and I got greedy. I tried to off him mid-animation like I have before, but my Titan Weapon ran out of momentum and I got sapped mid-swing. I lost all my endurance, but he didn't heal to full. Turns out that's not a 100% heal. Who knew? Anyway, I ran down the elevators and rested, then fought him again, had him down to about a quarter health when he sapped me again, this time through a wall. See, his Power Syphon LOOKS like it gives you plenty of time, but if you're not out of range or out of line of sight at around the mid point, you're hit regardless. I ran back down the elevator and waited for my endurance to refill, but didn't rest. Came back, fought him down to half health, but I was running out of inspirations by that point, so he beat me down into the red and aimed his Power Syphon AGAIN. I dodged it by diving into the lifts. Lord knows how I timed it, but I didn't get sapped.

When I came back, I knew it was all or nothing. I was down to my one last green inspiration, and he'd killed me once before, I forget at which point, so I'd used Return to Battle, as well. I'd also already used Inner Inspiration, so it was one heal, plus one awaken and two break frees, which I didn't need, being Invulnerability. I rested back to full health and went down to fight Protean for the last time. He was back up to about 2/3 health.

I fought the guy pretty much down to the ground. He had about a couple of pixels of health and I was down into the deep red. I was literally one punch from death. I could have run, but without inspirations and with no Rest for another two minutes, that would have been pointless, so I stood my ground Protean missed twice, though, which was just enough time for me to whittle his health down to nothing. And just as he went down, he hit me with something, I forget what. Bone Smasher, I think. Point is, he went down, and I toppled over on top of him. Only I had an Awaken left, and he didn't. So I awakened, but I saved my break frees, so I had to wait for the stun to wear off. I put my shields back on, finished that one Column soldier that Protean spawns with in two or three hits without taking any damage whatsoever and went on to try and save my double, obviously failing to arrive in time.

That, to me, was an epic fight. It's not so much that it was hard - Silver Mantis is harder by far. Plus, I didn't need 20 other people and a soup of effects to get it. What made this fight epic is that when it came down to the wire and I had to make that "fight or flight" decision, I chose to stand my ground, and I succeeded. It could not have been closer. We literally ended up in a double pin, only I got up. He didn't. That's a fight to remember, and I doubt I'll have another one like it soon, mostly because I messed up so many times that time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This thread is, literally, full of WIN.



So a couple months back when the Eden trial was the WST, some friends from my SG ran it, and I ran it with them on my warshade. I had never done that particular piece of content before, and so while I had read about it and knew more or less what it was about, I had no real experience with what to expect. (On an aside, that's a fun trial - I don't know why it doesn't get more play. The unique map is very cool.)

After much stomping and blasting and delightful mayhem, we finally reached the last room. For some reason or another (I forget exactly why, I think someone had to leave soon) we wanted to finish quickly, so we decided to buff up and just charge the titan. Apparently if you do that, you aggro the *entire room* and bring all few hundred DE in it down on your head at once. Suddenly we went from a group of heroes beating on the crystal AV, to a group of heroes trying to *find* the crystal AV whilst attempting to avoid drowning in the endless sea of DE. I'm pretty sure the entire team was at the aggro cap. It was sheer mayhem.

My warshade has a couple recharge bonuses and hasten, but she's by no means a purpled out perma-eclipse beast. However, it didn't matter, because while my memory is slightly fuzzy on exactly what it was (SB from our controller, I think, plus maybe the +rech secondary mutation), someone had a recharge buff on me, and hasten was up. I saw the tide of foes and smiled.

The fight is somewhat a blur. Eclipse! Mire! AoEs! Grav well a minion, blow him up with unchain essence. Nova and unload more AoEs. Somewhere in here I drop to human, stygan, grav well again and raise a fluffy. Dwarf mire, some punches, more AoEs. Blow a dozen off the platform every now and then with gravitic emanation, there's more where they came from. Dwarf mire again and nuke! Eat a blue, more stygan. Regular mire again, more AoEs!

Purple death is flying everywhere. On all sides the rest of the team is fighting the same epic battle. Fire everywhere, buffs, blasts. The squishier members start dropping, and I'm being passed inspirations from the downed players. Someone rezzes, wreaks some havoc, and falls again. At the other end of the platform the softcapped dark armor tank (and what a beastly build that is) is just as buried in foes as I am. They try to take me down, but I'm making bodies and eating souls faster than they can wear me down through eclipse. The recharge buffs keep the eclipse/mires/explosions/etc coming, and the carnage just won't stop. The only thing that could stop me is mez, but I have breakfrees. I know I had to refresh eclipse at least once, twice possibly, and I believe I nuked twice, as well, eclipse keeping me safe. Multiple unchain essences, fluffies (for the few seconds they survived, anyway), gravitic emanations everywhere. It was glorious.

Finally the flow of enemies slows, the crowds thin and we can finally see the crystal titan again through all the chaos. The other teammates climb back up, and the growing tide of heroes sweeps the floor clean. At the end I'm left with an empty inspiration tray, a ton of XP, a room that would be wall-to-wall in bodies if most of them hadn't faded long ago, and the biggest damn grin ever on my face. It was one of the most awesome experiences I've had yet in this game - to stand strong amongst such an incredible sea of foes, and not only survive, but mop the floor with them. Warshades are amazing. (So are teammates who pass out speed boosts and inspirations! )

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I've got a few but I'll share my favourite here and maybe pop back in for more later.

So I'm on my mid-20s Warshade and I'll be honest, feeling a little gimpy. He was my first Warshade so I wasn't quite sure what I was doing and so I gladly took the invite to an early 30s mission team when it was offered.

On the team was a small, quiet Force Field Defender who kept her bubbles up at all times but didn't blast too much. I got the impression that having an Energy Secondary and being on a team full of Scrappers, her blasting hadn't been appreciated. So she hung back, keeping bubbles up and using Aid Other on anyone who needed it.

Anyway, being Scrapper heavy, the team was roaring through a warehouse when they zoomed past a corridor and managed to aggro a mob without noticing it. While they were charging into the next mob, the poor FF Defender took the brunt of their assault. She tried to run but they surrounded her and the rest of the team were too busy with the room ahead of them to help. I was in Nova form so I turned around and flew back as fast as I could to where she was struggling.

I blasted a few of the mob into the wall and dropped out of Nova. The rest of them were still wailing on the Defender so I shifted to Dwarf and teleported into the fray, right next to her. I taunted them, hit them with my Mire and scrapped it out with them until there were none standing. And the Defender never fell. I felt so proud and she was very grateful.

Best of all, ten minutes later, she came to my rescue. I caught a blast from a Void Hunter and lay there stunned, unable to fight back while he prepared for another shot. Suddenly, from behind me, a Force Bolt blasted into him and sent him into the wall before he could get another shot off. The FF Defender flew in beside me, hit Force Bubble and kept me safe while I recovered, all the while blasting the hell out of the Void until he was no more.

Now that felt heroic and I think both of us left the mission feeling that we'd both saved each other's skin.
That is EXACTLY the kind of experience that I play this game for. Awesome.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Rooftops of the Grandville Gutters section, I'm playing my undercover hero running around the Isles, I want to say this is shortly before we got the morality missions, but now I don't recall. I notice just to my right and stream of Knives of Artemis.

That's right, lady ninjas going rooftop to rooftop, in the middle of my patrol route. Which is also, rooftop to rooftop.

Naturally, a fight ensues on the rooftops. Just as I think I'm clear, a second patrol comes down on me and it's just me trying to stop a band of ninja ladies on the rooftops from their appointed rounds. (I have since found out that it's a set patrol route).

But, I need more of this heroside. The Tsoo are ninja-esque. I'd love to see patrols of Tsoo going rooftop to rooftop in Talos, But there's just not enough roofs close enough together to make it worthwhile. It'd have to be a zone like Kings Row, where you can ninja run, and jump, from rooftop to rooftop for a lot of the zone. And zone-wise, the Tsoo are solidly in the Steel Canyon/Skyway/Talos level ranges. Skyway could almost work, if they keep to the edges or the low central section.



I've got many but here's a couple that stick out:

Issue 6 and I'm in Frostfire on Scarlet Shocker. There's 6 of us... three tanks, and three blasters. Remember this is old school. You take the drops you get and that's it and if you're defeated and don't have a wakey it's running back to Atlas and back to Frostfire. A very long hall and no travel powers - but we aced it. It was a great run with the tanks all working well and the blasters mincing anything they taunted. Lots of fun and maybe one of my earliest missions that really sold the game to me.

Scarlet's 50 Ding: I was on one of those long outdoor maps that often get used - must have been I7 or maybe 8... but our team was running the whole map, and we ended up with about three and a half teams on the same map all following around... it was a lot of fun and the actual ding caught me by surprise. Scarlet was my first 50 and it was really great to have so many people on the map when it happend

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



First off, this thread is a great read. I'm smiling just from the good stories here.

My story was quite a few years ago when the Terra Volta respec was very, very difficult. I don't remember why, but the devs had changed the trial and it had a bad habit of spawning +6 or even +8 bad guys.

I did not know any of this when I signed up my stone tank for the trial.

Most of the trial went easily, I tanked, the team wiped out the hoards of freakshow that surrounded me. Once we got to the reactor room, things went downhill. We had waves and waves of purple tank bosses, every time we dropped one he rez'ed. There was one guy with rez who was doing nothing else, running to bodies, raising them up, running to heal a dying member, ect.

In the midst of this I am taunting everything I can see. (this is before the aggro cap)

Then the guy with rez faceplants. I look up a moment later to find the entire team was dead save me. Chat fills up with woes as inevitable failure looms. I check the reactor, see that it is at half health. I make my way over in granite armor, plodding slowly with a crowd of freak tanks in my way. I get close enough to the reactor to heal it and I stand my ground, taking the hits and healing the green blob whenever it hit half health.

Meanwhile the entire team had hit the hospital... in Independance Port.

It felt like forever for them to get back to the mission but it musta been only 10-15 minutes. I watched the counter on the reactor heal power go down, hoping I had enough. Chat became increasingly filled with curious texts as to why the trial hadn't failed yet.

I was running out of the heal power, 22 purple freak tanks around me, when I saw green on my team screen. I held out a little longer then they stormed through the doors, focused fire on one after another freak and then we saw 'Trial Complete.' That was better than any badge.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



First one was with my MA/SR, back when he was 22 or 24, my old SG was doing missions and we aggroed 3 spawns that proceeded to wipe out the team. I was running around working at keeping aggro on me after the tanks dropped after the defender dropped, I watch the other squishies drop one by one and everyone was telling me to run. I gave a wakie to the defender then led the mobs away from her so she could rez even though it took me into another spawn. Told the defender to rest then rez the other tper, out of 30 mobs there were only 3 left when I dropped and the whole team was rezed to avenge themselves and me.

The second was with my MC/FF on a Manticore TF. The mission was getting the better of the team, we weren't even to the first elevators and we were getting over ran. The team leader was wondering if someone could stealth it to the glowie but there were too many spawns around it. Our ninja kept getting killed so I turned on PFF and said I got it. Flying thru the mission with everything +6 to me and the team yelling for me to stop come back as I was laughing at all the deflected appearing over my head. I got the glowie, mission completed and I told the team I don't mess around with my bubble, I am hamster hear me squeak.

I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
First off, this thread is a great read. I'm smiling just from the good stories here.

My story was quite a few years ago when the Terra Volta respec was very, very difficult. I don't remember why, but the devs had changed the trial and it had a bad habit of spawning +6 or even +8 bad guys.

I did not know any of this when I signed up my stone tank for the trial.

Most of the trial went easily, I tanked, the team wiped out the hoards of freakshow that surrounded me. Once we got to the reactor room, things went downhill. We had waves and waves of purple tank bosses, every time we dropped one he rez'ed. There was one guy with rez who was doing nothing else, running to bodies, raising them up, running to heal a dying member, ect.

In the midst of this I am taunting everything I can see. (this is before the aggro cap)

Then the guy with rez faceplants. I look up a moment later to find the entire team was dead save me. Chat fills up with woes as inevitable failure looms. I check the reactor, see that it is at half health. I make my way over in granite armor, plodding slowly with a crowd of freak tanks in my way. I get close enough to the reactor to heal it and I stand my ground, taking the hits and healing the green blob whenever it hit half health.

Meanwhile the entire team had hit the hospital... in Independance Port.

It felt like forever for them to get back to the mission but it musta been only 10-15 minutes. I watched the counter on the reactor heal power go down, hoping I had enough. Chat became increasingly filled with curious texts as to why the trial hadn't failed yet.

I was running out of the heal power, 22 purple freak tanks around me, when I saw green on my team screen. I held out a little longer then they stormed through the doors, focused fire on one after another freak and then we saw 'Trial Complete.' That was better than any badge.

That's a really cool story. I love the 'plodding through waves of goons' bit. Nice



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



My first successful Lambda was pretty epic - especially as it was before Marauder was tweaked to be a little more reasonable
We were mostly 50s, with a few 50+1s, and we took him down with 2 seconds left on the clock.
Running MoM for the first time on beta was also pretty awesome - Arbiter Hawk and The Net were with the league, and had to help us through the statue/aspect part, but getting dumped into MoM's brain map for the first time, and seeing we only had 2.5 minutes to destroy her before we died was totally awesome - plus it was also the first time we'd seen the Calvin Scott revelation, so it was an epic story moment too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
I was running out of the heal power, 22 purple freak tanks around me, when I saw green on my team screen. I held out a little longer then they stormed through the doors, focused fire on one after another freak and then we saw 'Trial Complete.' That was better than any badge.

I had a similar experience -- room full of Rikti, everyone faceplants except me (ice/axe tank). Chat fills with people complaining about the mass faceplant and talking about what to do now, until someone notices me still hacking my way through the Rikti. And yes, I managed to wipe up the rest of the room with the team cheering me on.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Waaay back when, (issue 10?) playing villains, I and my regular teammates were doing mission, and hit 35. I hadn't done the Ice Mistral SF, nor had the team, so we decided to give it a shot...trouble was, the foes were all 40. Fighting +5's seems silly, but we had some great players, buffs/debuffs, so we still gave it a go. We managed to level up once or so during the SF, (this was before they boosted how fast xp was earned) so By the end we were 'only' fighting +4's.

At the final Archus fight, we'd gotten most of the final room's enemies cleared, and had everything goes on Archus, trying to take him down. He had only one ambush left, and he pulled it- a spawn of +4 succubi and demons dropped on us. We were barely hanging in there anywise, most of us out of inspirations, and all at varying degrees of low health. Just as the spawn dropped, my mass confused recharged and Domination came up. I had one big accuracy inspire left, popped it, and then let loose confuse. The spawn tore itself apart, we finished the SF. This was when completing sf's gave a random rare recipe- I got a luck of the Gambler + global recharge. Good times.


Another time I started on a pick up group Statesman task force that was forming with my rogue permadom. I and some others wanted the master badge, so we set it up, and gave it a whirl. The team was great, but the best of it was the patron fights...we had a controller, and my dominator had fast double mag holds, so between us the patrons couldn't fight back. But the best was that several of our team had the soul mastery pool: soul storm. Ghost widow was locked down for her entire fight, most of it floating in her own hold. It was delicious. We finished the statesman fist time on it with the character, and we all got the master badge first try, with a pick up group no less.



My best memory was on my main, Benchpresser (Inv/SS Tank). The very last room of the Freaklympics. It was myself, a Emp/Dark Def (who took the minimum of blasts- wanted a pure healer) and a Storm/Elec Defender.

Now this was back in the days before the agro cap and right after the GDN so INV was pretty well gutted.

The Stormie had to go AFK so he flew up to the rafters... but not before agroing half the damn room....

So there I was, with nothing but a pacifist Emp to back me up.. standing in the doorway to the ceremony room with wave upon wave upon wave of Freaks piling in from both sides. My screen was nothingt but Freak faces.. I literally could not see any part of the room itself. The Emp was hovering at my side so I had to keep agro AND kill all at once. My speakers were crackling... all you could here was electric blasts, the buzz of rezzing Freaks and the dull THUDS of Smashers landing blows. The Emp must have cycled through her Auras about 8 times....

EVERY single Freak rezzed I swear. I was popping inspirations like skittles. I would drop deep into the red and Dull Pain would rechaerge just in time or the emp would hit me with Heal Other...we were both dancing on the edge of an End Crash, timing our powers so we just barely had a blue bar...

I didn't risk leading the Freaks around the room for fear of losing a lone agro and killing the Emp, so I stood still and just wailed away...

This went on for over 45 MINUTES!!!! Finally the last Freak Tank died a 2nd time and the Emp and I breathed a sigh of relief and a collective "OMG we survived!"

It was at that point we get a tell from the Stormie- "Sorry guys.. wife agro.. back. Wait.. where are the Freaks???"

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Well ok so this one time we were doing an ITF. Most of the team wasn't 50 or heavily IOd, including the tank. I was playing my DM/SD Scrapper, so because I could, when people started jumping up the cliff to the altar in the first mission I started up the path, because that's what I do. Those two spawns of Romans on the path get bored, because they always get skipped, so I give them some entertainment just to be nice. Anywho, a few people followed me, while a few went up top and started doing whatever it is they do up there. Ambushes showed up. We were split. Those of us on the path ran up top dragging a herd of angry Romans behind me.

So there we were, surrounded by Romans and an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet, and people started dropping dead. The mostly SOd low-40s SS/SD tank lasted a while, but with no support he eventually went down. Then it was just me. As soon as anyone rezzed, they got squished. The petless MM did manage at one point to get up long enough to rebubble me before getting squished again, but otherwise I was on my own, merrily tearing my way through what I later would come to realize is a Scrapper's dream. After a few minutes of this someone pointed out that maybe I should lead Sister What's-her-face to the altar...heh. Scrapperlock jokes ensued, but I won, so pttttht.

Then there was this other time, I was hanging out in Founders' Falls with my team, I was kinda bored and impatient so I started hopping around to taunt my husband the stone tank, I got stuck on the geometry, and suddenly the ground started shaking, then I was on fire, then I was dead. The Kronos ambush is always epic.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I think this counts.

This was around Issue 18 or 19. Didn't have Alpha Slots yet, but the Praetorian stuff was out. So our team was running I think the Maria Jenkins arc, and we had the mission where we had to go fight Nightstar, a pile of Warworks, and Resistance that were in the way. The team was a mix of levels, with me on my Inv/Energy giant robot tanker (seriously, he's about eight feet tall, made of metal, and wears pants). I forget what the rest of the team was, there were maybe 5 or 6 of us, and I'll mention that most of the team was probably using SO's or generic IOs instead of IO sets.

This is an important detail.

So we get to Nightstar, having a bit of trouble with the Resistance (that cloaking thing they do is annoying). And everything kind of goes bad. She's an AV spawn with an extremly large spawn of Warworks protecting her, plus Resistance. It's also at an annoying bottleneck, coming right out of a hallway past a turn, so we end up walking right into her. The fight... well, did not go well. A lot of the team, being blasters and I think a mind/ff controller and maybe a scrapper and a fire/fire tank, get torn apart.

Which leaves me. Alone. While half the team hosps and I pull Nightstar and her half dozen or so remaining Warworks off the rest of the team and end up having to hold them off the entire time. This is harder than it sounds, since I'm taking a lot of energy damage from the Warworks and my energy defenses wasn't quite up to snuff (it was still heavily generic IOs). But I managed to keep the AV busy long enough for the team to regroup.

It just felt very epic in a "You shall not pass!" kind of way.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



My own story comes from the Numina TF, way back in the bad ol' days. I was trying to get all the TF's done on my main and namesake, a DM/Regen scrapper. We were only able to get a PuG of 4 together for the TF - a fire Tanker, Fire/Emp Controller, some form of Blaster and myself. The Tanker, who was the only one who had done it before said there'd be no way we could finish it - we'd run through it for the ExP, take a look at Jurassik, and then bail.

The TF itself went well enough, we had a lot of fun. At the very last room, we try to pull some of the mobs for a bit more scrounge, and HERE COMES THE BIGGIE! Jurassik flattens the pulling Blaster, and beats the Tanker into submission as the Controller wisely beat feet out. I figured I'd give her (the Controller) a bit more cover with a heroic death, so I start swinging.
I have always sacrificed damage output for survivability on Tetsuko, so I wasn't able to make any sort of real impression on Jurassik's green bar. However, his attacks were so slow, and I had slotted my heals so heavily, we stalemated. With Regen's END recovery, I was END-neutral, so I just kept going and going... and the Controller got the Tanker back on his feet... then popped away the Blaster and rezzed them as well, whereupon they came storming back to finish the job.

That's exactly what I had built Tet to do - to survive and continue battling when all others fell. That's not the only time I've done that, but it was the craziest. I couldn't have done it without the awesome PuG, and I'm just glad they all stuck it out for a helpless fight that, in the end, we somehow won.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



An epic roleplaying and story arc moment.

My SG coleader and I were running the Rikti War Zone story arcs on American Champ (SS/WP tank) and Operation Arc Light (Energy/Energy blaster) #1 of the Nuclear 50 (read Fusionette's info if you want to know what this is). During the last mission we both leveled to 50. At the end my blaster used her [Self Destruct] power to destroy the portal, ending the threat to Paragon City and her life. She had realized that the reason Vanguard had chosen them instead of more veteran heroes or a full scale assault was that he had the ability to get her to the portal and she had the ability to destroy it for once and for all.

Well, it was cool to us.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
An epic roleplaying and story arc moment.

My SG coleader and I were running the Rikti War Zone story arcs on American Champ (SS/WP tank) and Operation Arc Light (Energy/Energy blaster) #1 of the Nuclear 50 (read Fusionette's info if you want to know what this is). During the last mission we both leveled to 50. At the end my blaster used her [Self Destruct] power to destroy the portal, ending the threat to Paragon City and her life. She had realized that the reason Vanguard had chosen them instead of more veteran heroes or a full scale assault was that he had the ability to get her to the portal and she had the ability to destroy it for once and for all.

Well, it was cool to us.
That IS cool.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."