Share your cool heroic/epic moments.




Mine is not as nearly epic as all the ones mentioned, and while I was thinking first of my grav/ff controller saving a team, or my Psi/Psi Dom soloing Dominatrix when my party wiped, I would have to actually go with Hexsing, my Blaster.

So we were doing the AV arc. Hexsing is my Dark/Mental/Electric Blaster, and we were taking out infernal and and Diabolique. Someone aggrod both of Av's at the same time, and we were swamped and completely covered in both AV's and demons.

My team wipes, save for me and the tank. The tank is dropping in HP fast, and Im sustaining myself purely on my drain life ability, and drain psyche. Finally the tank takes down Infernal with my help, and then dies.

So I am alone...and the rest of the team is at the hospital heading back. Alone, and a blaster is never good. So Im firing my blasts at Diabolique, and since Im more a blasttroller than a blaster, when my team arrived they found her with half life, and held completely still (Until she phases out) but still, she was half dead, and had full life before.

The tank praised me for 1 being not dead, 2 for being not dead and not having lore pet available.

I know it's not as epic as others saving the day, but to me it was epic because I actually felt like I fended off something impossible. And it made me a hero!



This was before the last deletion, so... alas... this character is only a memory... at least until I re-create her again for the current tournament...

I was running my Fire/Devices Blaster (best blaster combo EVAH).. and was teamed with another blaster... pretty sure it was Energy Blast/Energy Manip... we were doing a "defeat boss and guards" mission and were in the last room on the sewer map where there is the iron walkway along the right and rear walls with the huge machinery block in room's center.

As usual for that room two spawns in the rear right had mingled together so when we aggroed one the other decided to join in for the fun of it... my partner in heroics died and left me to fly far enough away to have them lose interest in pursuit...

While my partner hospital ported and made their way back to the mission I entertained myself... eventually he got back and we tried again with things going wrong pretty quickly yet again... (for future reference combining an AoE blaster with a KB specialist probably isn't the best choice)...

Me: "RUN!"

Him: "only at 1/2 health! we can do this!"

Me: "Run out of the room!"

We ran.


Him: "What the <bleep!> happened?!"

Me: "While I was waiting for you to get back I planted a half-acre of trip mines by the room entrance"

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I got two stories. One that succeeded, and one that at least was a valiant effort.

The first one is a oldie. Before Blasters got the new boring Defiance. Yes, it's better, but so boring. I have this Elec/Elec Blapper that had a habit of jumping things she really shouldn't, and coming out alive. Like hunting Rikti bosses for sport. Or tanking AVs. Man did I learn so much about AI quirks playing her... Did you know that the enemies have a shorter aggro ranged behind them? Or that you could force Rikti Bosses to draw their swords, before they got the gunswords?

Anyway, I had decided that she would need to solo Tyrant, you know, the old Energy Melee one in A Hero's Hero. He's always level 50, but my Blaster was level 47. I asked other people if it was even possible to do what I was thinking, and the answers ranged from "lol, no" to "You're crazy, of course not!" Well, I wasn't going to take that kind of pessimism. I was going to go for it. Some of my friends thought I was mad, but they wanted to watch, so they joined me in the mission and dropped team. So... an "impossible" solo fight... with a crowd. Now, I'll happily admit that the first time went pretty bad. So did the second, although I did hurt him. The third time, however... Low HP, and a Blaster in melee range at that time meant a ton of damage. And I did it. Tyrant fell. That was fun. Riding that blinking HP was an artform for a solo blaster.

The other story is from a Stalker, Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu that I was exemplaring down to run an 8-man version of the Barracuda AV mission. If you know the mission, you know how dreadfully frontloaded it could be, like 3-4 spawns spawning on top of each other. Anyway, the team took out Barracuda, but the sea of Freaks took us down. Well, all except my Stalker. I think I fought that mess of Freaks for a good solid 10 minutes, taking them down one at a time, but it was a losing battle. Sure, the could barely hit me, but with that many, 5% of the hits is still a lot of hits, and I used the Ninjitsu self heal on the brink of death so many times. But in the end, I fell, too. With my blue bar completely exhausted, no inspirations left at all, and an awestruck team asking in chat "Stalkers can DO that?!" Yes, yes they can. They should have seen her at level 50, they should. (How to ding 50 in style: On Lord Recluse.)

I've since retired and remade that Stalker. I will make her as good as, or better than she was before.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Cannot remember all the details but it was a Silver Mantis SF. We could not get a full team, someone left, someone dropped... at the end there were three of us. I was on a DP/Kin corruptor. We slowly cleared the platform and got to the top. Not easy, not too bad. Then the AV spawned, with his boss friends and we wiped.
So back to hospital and stealth through the cargo ship.
Apparently he spawns at the other, burning ship because that is where we found and fought him. Just three of us, at a burning wreck with the platform and masses of flying Sky Raiders in the distant background. I was using the kin heal whenever it was up, redrawing pistols all the time.
And it worked.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



A while back, my usual gang of cohorts and I tackled an Apex TF. I was on my thoroughly villainous Plant/Elec/Ice Dominator, and we had a pretty decent smattering of melee beef, ranged damage, and team support.

Well, we get down to the last fight with Battle Maiden, after she disappears and reappears, and the blue patches, floaty swords, and swarms of minions start doing what they do - inflicting casualties. Until, at one point, I realize that I, the squishy blasty dominator, am the only one left on the field. Against Battle Maiden, quite a few of her pals, and an endless supply of heat-seeking pointy bits of metal. So, I start dancing. I have a lot of recharge and permadom, so I start throwing Seeds at any large clutch of enemies I see. Immob patches on the swords. Carrion Creepers and Fly Trap summoning as fast as they recharge, just to take some of the heat off. Dropping Sleet patches hither and yon, one finger over the Hibernate button. The whole time bouncing like crazy to keep out of the fire, away from the swords, and out of BM's line of crossbow doom.

Two minutes later, the team's back in action, and I'm still alive.

Oh, and then there was the time I was tanking for a STF, accidentally pulled all 4 lieutenant AVs, and when the team said "run?" I said "nah". We beat 'em.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



I was in a PUG with my scrapper, Dr. Kalen Herne, and the tank had accidently bitten off more than it could chew. I decided to try out Provoke, which I'd just respected into my toon, and to my amazement it pulled off all the extra mobs, which allowed the rest of the group to be able to lay the smackdown on them.

Course my epic moment was short lived, as I quickly turned around and began running around like I was on fire with a large group of angry mobs following me.

...Then again, this sadly fits Kalen's concept. As a scientist and as someone who regenerates faster than most people (WP scrapper), his dad and the rest of his family use him to test out their inventions...which leads to the "YES! It worked!"........."CRAP!"*RUN* moments quite often



I was on my bots/storm mastermind, running missions with some friends. There were also a corruptor, a Peacebringer, and a few lowbies on the team, and we were running at our usual difficulty of +too hard/too many. We'd reached the end of the story arc, and were facing an archvillain who would summon three waves of reinforcements. Without a dedicated aggro-holder, there was no way we'd be able to keep the lowbies from getting squished by stray mobs, so while the rest of the team beat down the AV, I parked my bots in the doorway and held off three waves of high-level Rikti.

I don't know if you've ever seen a stormie go all-out when knockback isn't a concern, but it's awesome. Two Tornadoes, two Lightning Storms, Hurricane, Gale, enemies flying all over the place. It's also hell on the endurance bar, and my inspiration tray was looking pretty empty by the time I heard the "Mission Complete" tune play and saw the rest of the team sweep past me to clean up the surviving Rikti.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Mine is not as nearly epic as all the ones mentioned, and while I was thinking first of my grav/ff controller saving a team, or my Psi/Psi Dom soloing Dominatrix when my party wiped, I would have to actually go with Hexsing, my Blaster.

So we were doing the AV arc. Hexsing is my Dark/Mental/Electric Blaster, and we were taking out infernal and and Diabolique. Someone aggrod both of Av's at the same time, and we were swamped and completely covered in both AV's and demons.

My team wipes, save for me and the tank. The tank is dropping in HP fast, and Im sustaining myself purely on my drain life ability, and drain psyche. Finally the tank takes down Infernal with my help, and then dies.

So I am alone...and the rest of the team is at the hospital heading back. Alone, and a blaster is never good. So Im firing my blasts at Diabolique, and since Im more a blasttroller than a blaster, when my team arrived they found her with half life, and held completely still (Until she phases out) but still, she was half dead, and had full life before.

The tank praised me for 1 being not dead, 2 for being not dead and not having lore pet available.

I know it's not as epic as others saving the day, but to me it was epic because I actually felt like I fended off something impossible. And it made me a hero!
To me, this is far more an epic tale than any of the do-with-your-eyes-shut dogpile trials.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Shortly after I dinged 21 on my Warshade, I joined a PuG that was running the Midnighter arc. Dealing with Lost spawns on an all-squishy team turns every battle into a contest of which side can mez the other side's mezzers first. After a couple pulls' worth of that, I remembered I was on a WARSHADE. Dwarf Form. Which I had just got done slotting 3 resistance enhancers in a couple minutes ago. Derp.

So I pull out ye olde lobster and lead the charge into the next spawn. Turned out I was just tough enough to absorb the alpha while the aoe controls flew in - but that was all the group needed. Using my (relatively) thick hide to buy time for the controllers to set up, we rolled over the remainder of the mission and moved on to the next one.

RL chose right about then to happen. I warned the group I had to do a quick afk, and went to take care of business. They decided they could handle one pull without me (usually a reasonable assumption). Problem was, it was that annoying room with one pack at the top of a flight of stairs and one pack at the bottom - pulling one pretty much always aggroes the other. I returned to my chair to find the team getting curbstomped by as many Lost as could fit in the entryway.

Normally I would have tagged it as a lost battle (no pun intended) and simply joined the team as they regrouped after hosping. But I was still in the "protector" mindset, and my team was getting beat up without me there to run interference. *twitch* LOBSTER SMASH!!

It felt like one of those cheesy foe-tossing-charge scenes you see on the animated superhero shows. I crashed into the middle of the melee just as the last two heroes were about to go down. Mire, taunt, use the mire buff to crush one of the lieutenants fast and clear some space. Burn a couple insps. Taunt again. Pretty sure I have aggro on everything now. Banged-up friends retreat to recuperate. Heal every time it's up. Punch the most convenient face. Burn more insps - tray is now empty. Health and end both running low. Keep fighting. Another insp drops, pop it right away. Fight on. Still clinging to life, painfully aware of how weak that self-heal is.

DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA! The team finally makes it back from the hospital and mows down the surviving Lost.

"Thanks for holding the line, man."

You're welcome.