Consolidated Tanker Improvement Ideas
Once again you have misread my posts. I never said anything about buffing BASE mitigation. I stated that streamlining the four tank AT's so that they all share the same res/def/hp CAP.
The Tanker would still have the highest base mods. The only thing this would change for Brutes would be they would get a higher HP cap which would be around 160% (260% if not counting base). The Kheldians would see the most benefit from this. |
Good start.
On top of this, Tankers would be getting team buffs, like shouts, that increase the team's HP, resistance, defense, debuffs enemies res, def, etc. (Not all at once, just one at a time)
We have Buff/Debuff ATs already, and they aren't gigantic sacks of un-killable HP.
So, basically a pointless "buff" for Brutes since none of them could ever actually hit that cap.
Good start. On top of their mitigation, it's too much. We have Buff/Debuff ATs already, and they aren't gigantic sacks of un-killable HP. Their attacks could also get more debuffs put in place like bruising. Something akin to Tanker attacks cripple their opponents. |
So you don't want Tanker buffs? Do you just want nerfs? Or neither? Serious question I am trying to understand your direction you are coming from.
So you don't want Tanker buffs? Do you just want nerfs? Or neither? Serious question I am trying to understand your direction you are coming from.
I think a lot of players take their massive base mitigation for granted (or downplay it), underestimate their melee contribution in relation to that mitigation (even though they aren't high end damage dealers) and assume that every situation will be fully saturated buffs to the caps.
I'm not convinced they actually need a buff.
I think a lot of players take their massive base mitigation for granted (or downplay it), underestimate their melee contribution in relation to that mitigation (even though they aren't high end damage dealers) and assume that every situation will be fully saturated buffs to the caps. |
Not every team has sonics/fire shields. Also the little amount of Psionic resistance provided from team buffs. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any?
I agree with you to an extent on this -- People tend to look at the max and not the actual gameplay.
Not every team has sonics/fire shields. Also the little amount of Psionic resistance provided from team buffs. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any? |
When I'm running my Brute solo and hit a rough patch, I pop a purple inspiration or two and I'm laughing. Or a green or an orange for that matter. I don't suffer any damage penalty of any kind and I don't faceplant.
When I'm running my Brute on a team or league, I'm buffed, healed, still have access to inspirations, and I'm still not faceplanting 96% of the time. And if I'm with a Kin or some Leadership buffs, I'm outputting sick damage. And I know that no matter what new Incarnate powers or IOs are coming down the line, I'm only going to get better offensively and defensively. I feel like, comparatively speaking, the sky is the limit for this character.
When I'm running my Tanker solo, I don't faceplant either. But I'd have to mainline reds for the whole mission to perform as well as the Brute.
When I'm running my Tanker on a team, I'm not faceplanting 98% of the time. I'm not dealing sick damage. I'm against the damage cap with one decent Kin or some Leadership buffs. And I feel like unless an Incarnate ability or IO set arrives that alters damage caps, I'm not really ever going to deal sick damage and probably not even get much better and pushing 98% survivability to 99% is pretty hollow in light of that. I feel like this character has no real future or growth potential in any way I'd want to take them.
I tend to look at it like this.
When I'm running my Brute solo and hit a rough patch, I pop a purple inspiration or two and I'm laughing. Or a green or an orange for that matter. I don't suffer any damage penalty of any kind and I don't faceplant. When I'm running my Brute on a team or league, I'm buffed, healed, still have access to inspirations, and I'm still not faceplanting 96% of the time. And if I'm with a Kin or some Leadership buffs, I'm outputting sick damage. And I know that no matter what new Incarnate powers or IOs are coming down the line, I'm only going to get better offensively and defensively. I feel like, comparatively speaking, the sky is the limit for this character. When I'm running my Tanker solo, I don't faceplant either. But I'd have to mainline reds for the whole mission to perform as well as the Brute. When I'm running my Tanker on a team, I'm not faceplanting 98% of the time. I'm not dealing sick damage. I'm against the damage cap with one decent Kin or some Leadership buffs. And I feel like unless an Incarnate ability or IO set arrives that alters damage caps, I'm not really ever going to deal sick damage and probably not even get much better and pushing 98% survivability to 99% is pretty hollow in light of that. I feel like this character has no real future or growth potential in any way I'd want to take them. . |
I'm not convinced they actually need a buff.
I think a lot of players take their massive base mitigation for granted (or downplay it), underestimate their melee contribution in relation to that mitigation (even though they aren't high end damage dealers) and assume that every situation will be fully saturated buffs to the caps. |
With that said I agree with the thoughts on expanding the Tanker's aggro generation abilities in order to separate them from Brutes & Scrappers... I like the idea of an increase to the aggro cap and possibly the Taunt target cap. I don't think we need anything huge, but moving the aggro cap up to ~22 or so would be about in line and possibly buff Taunt's AOE to as many as 10 targets.
Most of our secondaries are pretty well where they belong damage wise although there's room for improvement <cough, EM, cough>. I do think Willpower and Super Reflexes badly need their taunt auras adjusted to be in line with all the other sets; those two are such obvious cellar dwellers in aggro generation that to my way of thinking they're broken. I can say from experience that an SR tanker has extreme difficulty holding a spawn's attention from an Energy Aura brute. You get the attention of what you hit with Taunt and everything else peels off and goes for the Brute. Even Gauntlet from AOE's isn't enough to hold the aggro.
For me the bottom line is that a Tank is defined by it's durability advantage (check, we're good there) and it's unmatched aggro abilities (we could use some work here). Damage is good but the AT isn't about doing the most damage, it's about having the most durability. I think we're about right on the damage side... I certainly don't think we need any major buff there.
And Johnny, Tankers aren't intended to do "sick damage"; that's the province of Scrappers and Brutes... that's what they get in return for only having 75% of a tanker's durability. Think about it a second, if Tanks had Scrapper damage and Tank durability what advantage would there be to playing any other melee character? We have roughly 25% more durability and they have roughly 25% more damage. Sounds fair to me.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
A common problem I've seen over the years is comparing a Scrapper (or these days, a Brute) plus a Defender to a Tank plus a Defender. That's comparing Damage + Support to Support + Support. Obviously that's overkill.
A better comparison is a Tanker plus a Blaster. Who needs buffs and debuffs when you can just destroy stuff?
Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane;4024406[/quote
When I'm running my Brute on a team or league, I'm buffed, healed, still have access to inspirations, and I'm still not faceplanting 96% of the time.
When I'm running my Tanker on a team, I'm not faceplanting 98% of the time. |
Brutes and Scrappers aren't supposed to drop like flies, they're still not as tough as Tankers.
A good player can mitigate quite a lot through smart inspiration use, accolades, etc.
The point is that at the base Tanker's do have a massive mitigation advantage.
The point is that Brutes are not always buffed to the caps.
The point is that it's not fair to compare a Brute with an entire League of allies as well as Incarnate buffs & Inspirations to advocate more damage for Tankers without actually looking at the base for either AT.
There really can not be any further improvement in terms of offense for the Tanker without some kind of corresponding reduction of their mitigation IMO.
Because when the buffs are gone, when destiny is on cooldown, when you have run out of insps and your Brute gets caught out all alone - there are times where the Tanker will survive and the Brute will die.
The truth is JB that I think you are just hung up on the name of the AT, and probably the heroic image and the image that you have from comics.
At the end of the day it's just a set of mechanics, mechanics borrowed heavily from the concepts of other MMO design but fashioned slightly thematically on inspiration of characters from comics.
If you're happy surviving "most' of the time, and think you have "enough" survivability and don't mind dying a few more times than the Tanker and want the added damage that comes with the lower mitigation - the truth is you are a Brute player at heart.
If you want to be the unkillable mass, and you don't care about the offensive cost you have to pay because you want to be absolutely reliable in your mitigation and are more focused on watching after softer teammates - then you are a Tanker player.
With that said I agree with the thoughts on expanding the Tanker's aggro generation abilities in order to separate them from Brutes & Scrappers... I like the idea of an increase to the aggro cap and possibly the Taunt target cap. I don't think we need anything huge, but moving the aggro cap up to ~22 or so would be about in line and possibly buff Taunt's AOE to as many as 10 targets.
It allows Tankers to soak up the aggro of larger groups but it doesn't mean they will outstrip a Brute of any targets focused on them automatically.
For me the bottom line is that a Tank is defined by it's durability advantage (check, we're good there) and it's unmatched aggro abilities (we could use some work here).
Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome
We have roughly 25% more durability and they have roughly 25% more damage. Sounds fair to me.
It doesn't work out perfectly evenly from set to set, but 25% tougher is misleading.
Compare an SD Brute with 45% DEF, 30% SM/L Res & 2400 HP and (guesstimate) 20 HP/S Regen vs. an SD Tanker with 45% DEF, 55% SM/L Res & 3000 HP & (guesstimate) 35 HP/S Regen.
That's a lot more than "25%" more durability.
Apparently the toughest Brute ever built, because to listen to some people, Brutes are dropping like flies all the time.
I have an Incarnate SS/Inv, a mid level StJ/Fire, an Elec/EA and a baby TW/WP. |
The problem with your hyperbole and insistence that Inspirations, League Buffs & Incarnate powers can make you un-killable is that you are playing Invuln and not FA or Regen, or any set not softcappped.
The problem is your hyperbole effectively means that if there is no meaningful survivability difference between a Tanker and a Brute, then there is also no survivability difference between Invuln and FA.
And this is simply untrue. I don't even think you would dare make such a statement.
Have you tried other sets on incarnate trials that are not Invuln, which is hands down probably the toughest outside of stone armor?
Let me know when you start running your StJ/Fire on trials. Let us know when you get put onto some kind of pull duty solo, or simply end up alone, or you are in charge of keeping maelstrom occupied and you're on an outside team without much support.
Let us know how that works out.
Well in all fairness an IO'd out Invul Brute is probably the toughest Brute in the game aside from a Granite Brute, especially if you are packing Rebirth on top of that. I'm not trying to discount your experience, but I have a SS/Fire, SS/Elec, SS/Regen, and an Elec/EA Brute all at 50 and you really do have to watch yourself in trials at times.
He still has to answer the question to the dilemma he created.
Otherwise FA is hands down just as tough as any other set due to league buffs, inspirations, incarnate powers - and it also has the best offense and therefore every other set in the game is mechanically at a disadvantage.
It's simply not true for FA vs. other sets and it's not true for Brutes vs. Tankers.
I tend to look at it like this.
When I'm running my Brute solo and hit a rough patch, I pop a purple inspiration or two and I'm laughing. Or a green or an orange for that matter. I don't suffer any damage penalty of any kind and I don't faceplant. When I'm running my Brute on a team or league, I'm buffed, healed, still have access to inspirations, and I'm still not faceplanting 96% of the time. And if I'm with a Kin or some Leadership buffs, I'm outputting sick damage. And I know that no matter what new Incarnate powers or IOs are coming down the line, I'm only going to get better offensively and defensively. I feel like, comparatively speaking, the sky is the limit for this character. When I'm running my Tanker solo, I don't faceplant either. But I'd have to mainline reds for the whole mission to perform as well as the Brute. When I'm running my Tanker on a team, I'm not faceplanting 98% of the time. I'm not dealing sick damage. I'm against the damage cap with one decent Kin or some Leadership buffs. And I feel like unless an Incarnate ability or IO set arrives that alters damage caps, I'm not really ever going to deal sick damage and probably not even get much better and pushing 98% survivability to 99% is pretty hollow in light of that. I feel like this character has no real future or growth potential in any way I'd want to take them. . |
My main beef with tankers isn't that their damage is too low when everyone is buffed to the gills, it's that having more than one tanker on your league/team isn't that attractive due to how bruising works. Make bruising stack-able with diminishing returns and that would help out a lot. Heck, I'm not even sure implementing diminishing returns would be necessary.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
When you're buffed to the gills with a brute, your 50%'ish higher damage than a tank doesn't really mean that much either, as you have about 7-23 other people dealing damage alongside you. Meanwhile a tank is giving that entire team/league a significant resistance debuff against hard targets, and doing a slightly better job at tanking.
My main beef with tankers isn't that their damage is too low when everyone is buffed to the gills, it's that having more than one tanker on your league/team isn't that attractive due to how bruising works. Make bruising stack-able with diminishing returns and that would help out a lot. Heck, I'm not even sure implementing diminishing returns would be necessary. |
If you make it stack-able without diminishing returns, I think you make the tank too appealing. But with diminishing returns would be good. I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of 20% bruising from one tank. If another tank hits the target, it does 10% bruising. If a third tank his it, it does 5%. And that's the cap. So 1 tank gives the team 20% damage improvement on a single target. 2 tanks can give the team a 30% damage improvement on a single target. 3 or more tanks can give the team a 35% damage improvement on a single target. It would be hard to implement this though we the current system. When the target grants himself the bruising effect, there's no way to know the next time a bruise attack comes in that it was from the same tank or a different one. The mechanics would have to change such that the debuff is associated to the tank that applied it. Doing it this way, the purple patch would kick in, and against the really hard targets, we are now nerfing the tank's bruising effect. I'm tired and am rambling. But to reiterate what I said in an earlier post: Soloing or without buffs, the tank is more survivable than a brute, but the brute does more damage... so it's a wash. In teams the brute can achieve the survivability of a tank (or close enough to it) while doing superior individual damage... the tank would have bruising affect the entire team, so its another wash. The difference comes down to what do you get out of adding more brutes versus adding more tanks. Brutes win out as their damage output is far superior whereas only one tank can provide the team the benefit of bruising (on one target, technically two tanks could just target different targets to up the DPS of the team in terms of AoE).
Alright, I'm off to bed, but I wanted to agree with you... but wanted to point out that you need diminishing returns on debuffs otherwise the balance shifts way to much for the tanker. I mentioned in the same post that if you had 8 Fire/Cold Corruptors, their stacking debuffs would make them an absolute beast. You don't want that with a team of tanks all applying 20% res debuffs on one target. It becomes unfair to the other melee ATs that are suppose to do more damage.
The point is that it's not fair to compare a Brute with an entire League of allies as well as Incarnate buffs & Inspirations to advocate more damage for Tankers without actually looking at the base for either AT.
When Brutes are still above the immortality line for the 95% of the game's content that's not the STF or i-Trials, that's not much of a drawback, is it? I don't think it's fair to suffer a huge damage hit just because Tankers line is set to 98% of the game.
Tankers may have a sizable theoretical survivability edge, but how often that actually matters in the game is much much less. And the more survivable Brutes are Scrappers are allowed to get, with IOs and Incarnate system, the less the Tankers survivability edge matters. Even if Tanker survivability grows an equal amount, there are diminishing returns to the benefits increasing levels of survivability brings; once you can survive a situation, more survivability than that is redundant.
I have to say that with all of the 'X needs an improvement!' threads I've ever read this one makes the most sense. No ranting about the AT being broken or gimped, just in need of an update to keep up with all the new stuff.
I'm not good with the mechanics of Tanks (threat, aggro and so on) so I'll only comment on what I've seen through personal experience:
1) I agree that holding aggro and taking damage should be THE things for Tanks. I have no problem with a Brute or Scrapper being better at one of these things for a short time via a click power but as a baseline the Tank should ALWAYS be better at holding aggro and taking damage than any other set. The tweaks for the Aggro cap and Resistance/Defense caps sound plausible to me. I also like increasing the max targets for Taunt since I see many Tankers skipping that power.
2) I have felt for a long time that the sets should be more standardized so that they are a bit easier to balance. Some sets bloom earlier (several sets get a self-heal and a damage shield by lvl 12), some later (Ice grants no protection to Energy until lvl 18 and more foes use Energy now) and some feel like one-trick ponies (does anyone NOT respec into Granite at 32?). I think that these should be addressed before the AT as a whole gets an upgrade. Otherwise everything might need to be re-balanced again.
3) I'm all about choices when I play and I LOVE some of your ideas with regards to damage output. Raising the dmg cap might be excessive since that puts a well-buffed Tank into Scrapper/Brute territory I think but I particularly like the whole 'increase damage with decreased survivability' thing. I see no problem with larger radii on the PBAoEs either. Stacking Bruising also sounds like a good idea since 30% for multiple Tanks does not sound game-breaking.
I play several Tanks with a wide variety of sets and I completely agree that the AT needs some work. However I firmly believe that the individual sets should be tweaked first before anyone goes adjusting the AT's inherents. Get the baseline first, THEN make the overall changes. Doing it the other way around seems like putting the cart before the horse to me.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
No, the point is I don't think it's fair to strictly balance a Tanker's damage against increased survivability when solo having less than that level of survivability is clearly not much of a handicap for Brutes and Scrappers.
You can't say that it isn't there just because you don't see it, it just doesn't work that way.
So how much mitigation would you be willing to sacrifice from the Tanker AT to get an offense increase?
You have to answer this question, because you're case is that the survivability isn't needed.
OK, let's start there then. Let's say it isn't needed.
How much isn't needed? How much Base DEF, base RES and base HP are you willing to cut for more damage?
You yourself just admitted Scrappers and Brutes aren't dropping like flies, so you can't deny it.
Scrappers and Brutes are designed to have some measure of survivability.
They're not supposed to die every time they take a face punch, or they would be pointless ATs.
I also said that they still aren't as tough as a Tanker, they still don't have the Tanker's mitigation.
So when you have a proposal to reduce that mitigation to gain more offense in the same fashion of both of those ATs, let me know.
Tankers may have a sizable theoretical survivability edge,
It's the other way around.
The Tanker has a guaranteed, consistently higher base mitigation.
There's nothing theoretical about it, it actually exists. It doesn't depend on buffs, it doesn't depend on inspirations. It's there.
Ultimately JB, you will never get me or other posters to take you seriously until you answer the tough questions we ask of you.
You clearly skipped over the dilemma I laid out in my prior post (Let's call it "FA rules the world") and I know you will dodge the question of mitigation reduction here as well.
You do this every time this debate comes up, which is about once a week.
You never answer the tough questions.
Personally I always thought the problems that are being talking about could be fixed with IO sets. Not ones that are in the game now but I thought the Dev's could do new ones like a Taunt set that actually gives you more to the Taunt cap or similar effects for what ever. I was hoping this was going to be the purpose of the new AT IO sets. But I haven't seen any yet so have no idea.
I think a lot of these problems could be fixed this way. But no new sets since they invention system has come out.
just my 2 cent.
Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..
You clearly skipped over the dilemma I laid out in my prior post (Let's call it "FA rules the world") and I know you will dodge the question of mitigation reduction here as well.
You do this every time this debate comes up, which is about once a week. You never answer the tough questions. |
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65545B4F1A51109E5D965256506E0A78411615446E6EF 5BD69AA266D34D162F|
|B6A367A0A6B11E90249FBD6DFD087F6A14DFADE5FD17BFF42 FF442FEFD6D2393347|
|2161037CE77C672EDF9C9965EFD95608E0C56DD042775B4EB 77B74E8B49F08CFBFE|
|734DCE3891DD1175EB6DEEB7B67010048F3E1D196782CDA5D 51DD7185F7FCE84EDF|
|7352EA644FB4C4154FEBE8BD765378A2DDAB5E2D42FBE7E7A DEAAE703A6EBB11A6C|
|D8EDB68F6703775757422BC6ED3ED98B4AF778438896F77DC E3EA765B780D8CEC74|
|7B98218592CAF8FD18C41F0DBF303020878B02E819060B210 FC622ED0C8B1CA226A|
|807CDEB0839B8B1CFF080E0E601838B60C3078CAE7174BFD6 21CA7CCAE01184BA0C|
|3D82C93E411C93F83889DFC70693EC1C61E708DBC538468C9 D67F096FD9C4BF74F6|
|B924A24182E915C8018860DA8B08153F66199335C424A6AB7 20252BC9C22C97F709|
|4B082AAF609DE2CD1E12CC3FD464D8791B611D321B4466360 9BEA2CB048BF14D589|
|43E9324F36C0A610AB265BACF2F6817A6FB1F40B84476C980 3C2757985A25EA1B5A|
|459586E83F5D26C80E08ACBF0C17BAD4605DD26E49DE5E1E3 40C145781E2037CC08|
|7CCB452356D515F97B8BD4BDCFA656EBD8176496597940E15 588E535DCB51827C84|
|E03BEA4AAB0C69A51E2F794E499D637179969A97C257A1704 1BB024B2D48A936443|
|1E182EADD828C5D8522272CC6087268B0C806DA62891A5364 4898F2972732774641|
|D79A0C2D0697A07C4A9046F315A56F450E410DCA3C04651E8 20AB7BDC2E35CE1717|
|EE793D2B9D0D51275EE7D18A0C4945E7A8DB113507B49296A AF083E076519EC53BD|
|E593533463CA2E7115EB6F74D91EFB2DC1BC71FD5EE147F66 A778CD937D49B8A8C4|
|6CC4F7384A9D0FDFF1AA5787A7E0F294DBBAFC974B547348B 7F8627BAC635D85C83|
|CD35148DEB7F87C1DA98A0F531C61E6336C698CD312618B97 EDF078E2965F2FA00A|
"Why yes, FA DOES rule the world."

The scary thing is, a good ss/fa brute makes that build look puny. Sad, but true.
"Why yes, FA DOES rule the world."
![]() The scary thing is, a good ss/fa brute makes that build look puny. Sad, but true. |
An Invuln Tanker can sit 3534 HP, your build has 2199.
An Invuln Tanker can be softcapped to SM/L/Ene/Neg/Fire/Cold.
An Invuln Tanker can be incarnate softcapped to SM/L and probably Ene with some effort.
You're build has a paltry 25% Global Recharge before hasten.
Even with Spiritual running you will have something like 20-25s downtime on Hasten.
You're proving my point, not yours or JBs.
By JBs estimation, since he has stated it repeatedly, "At the caps" there is no HP difference (well, he states only a 10% HP difference for brutes and Tankers), no RES difference and no DEF difference due to Incarnate powers, league/team buffs and inspirations.
In which case an Invuln Tanker and an FA Tanker have effectively the same mitigation, but the FA tanker has a much higher offense. BEcause FA has the exact same caps as Invuln.
So is that true? Do you believe that about Invuln Tankers vs. FA Tankers?
We all know that from the Gospel according to JB all characters will always be buffed to their caps, therefore even thinking about a character's base, unbuffed performance is pointless since it doesn't matter.
I think we'd best let that conversation die off.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
We all know that from the Gospel according to JB all characters will always be buffed to their caps, therefore even thinking about a character's base, unbuffed performance is pointless since it doesn't matter.
I think we'd best let that conversation die off. |
So you think your FA Tanker build there is as resilient as an Invuln Tanker?
You see, I have both, fully incarnated, and with good builds, that I play frequently.
My Inv Tanker does not hesitate to herd the patrons in the STF, assuming I have a few buffs. If I don't, I'll eat some candy and do it anyway. Maybe I'll get stomped, maybe I won't. (Ghost Widow cheats.)
My Fire Tanker does not hesitate to herd the patrons in the STF, assuming I have a few buffs. If I don't, I'll eat some candy and do it anyway. Maybe I'll get stomped, maybe I won't. (Ghost Widow cheats.)
Both the Inv and the Fire have main-tanked every Incarnate Trial released so far, except the last two. (And I've run, and beaten, both of those on the fire, so far.)
The Fire is actually WAAY tougher on the Keyes than the Inv is. The Fire tank can also solo the sewers phase of the Tin Mage, which the Invuln tank can't even begin to do. 90 percent toxic resist is sweeeet, man.

In simple truth, the Fire tank is BETTER at tanking than the Invuln is. The only place I can think that the Inv is a better choice is against tower-buffed LR. And LR I just jet-pack kite on the fire, using taunt. Works fine unless he resists too many taunts.
I do not give a rats backside that the numbers on the inv are 'better' than the numbers on the fire tank.
Here's what I've been saying all along:
Defensively, the Fire Tank is GOOD ENOUGH.
Nothing in the content can stop or slow it down. And the Fire tank does roughly twice as much damage as the invuln tank.
And a ss/fire brute can be made JUST as survivable as the fire tank, and the brute will make even the fire tank's damage output look feeble.
Out of curiosity, what tanker builds do you even play? How can you not know this stuff?
Guys, I would really like this thread to remain on track and be useful to the Devs. Can we take all side conversations out of this thread into another one?
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Guys, I would really like this thread to remain on track and be useful to the Devs. Can we take all side conversations out of this thread into another one?
Thanks, Aett |
I would highlight the argumentative and redundant posts and ask a Mod to delete them, not to squelch debate, but constructive debate is not "you will see my point if I have to burn this thread down!".
That Ultimus thread is still up if anyone feels the need to net-cagefight.
-Res is a flat value, even with so called resistance.
If you hit a 54 AV with 10 -Res debuffs that do -40% resistance each, he still takes 400% more damage AKA the cap. This is whether he has 0 resistance or 99% resistance he still takes 400% more damage.
Resistance itself resists resistance debuffs. By quirk of mathematics established long ago, when resistance resists the effects of a resistance debuff the net effect is to make a -X% resistance debuff act to increase the damage of the attacker by +X%. So a -40% resistance debuff acts to increase damage by 1.4x.
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