Comic Relief




Rather than see resources used for one offs, i know i'm one of many that have been waiting years & years for the carnie pieces all to be available.



How about a travel power that's a similar to a Segway, but smacks you face first on the floor when you stop and when you start takes ages for the wheels to spin up then shoots off at speed leaving you behind for a second?

Sporting items - I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a cricket bat!!!!!!

A pistol that when used a flag pops out of the end that says "FREEM" (and does massive damage?)

A rifle/mortar/BFG that shoots a range of comedy ammo, including but not limited to hamsters, water melons, tampons and/or diapers (used and unused options for extra negative damage) and glittery ponies etc

A long range single zone teleport power: Take a hole out of your pocket and put it on the floor, jump in the hole and appear at a random location within the same zone. (A door would also work: Rez a door and walk through it)

The Magician's Top Hat: summon a table with a top hat on it, pull a rabbit from it and throw it at the enemy for huge exploding damage or comedy effect. Comedy and fun but a lot of risk cuz of the long rooted animation time.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I want a chainsaw for my scrappers. Not a chain sword or any such silliness, just a plain ol' chainsaw.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
I want a chainsaw for my scrappers. Not a chain sword or any such silliness, just a plain ol' chainsaw.
For Dual Blades, too, of course. Dualwielded chainsaws!

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Long underwear skin for Tights and a towel for Capes.

A mop for the upcoming staff melee.

A plunger for War Mace (and an IO we can slot that has a chance for Toxic damage )

Trash can lid for Shield Defense.

A serious, but sorely lacking option for Broadsword: A machete. Maybe for Dual Blades as well. (sorry, Katana lovers, never seen a two handed machete)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Here are a few...

  • Bathrobe version of trenchcoat
  • Bunny slippers
  • boxer shorts
  • polkadot/heart patter for boxers, other details
  • Blindfold
  • Angel/demon shoulder details (For those who need to talk to their conscience)
  • Parrot shoulder detail
  • Clown nose face detail
  • Clown faces
  • Beagle animal head
  • Pug head
  • Persian cat head
  • Fly head
  • Mouse Head
  • Fish head detail for inside the bubble helmet
  • Fish weapon for war mace



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
So I've been reading along, and I see plenty of ideas with potential but also plenty of ideas that kinda only work for one character or very limited niche.

And obviously, to have any chance of actually being made, I'm sure a funny idea will at least have to pass the "would work for a lot of people" test. But for a laugh, by all means keep posting the truly out-there stuff.

I agree that many of the ideas, while funny, are niche items. But as most women eventually figure out (the hard way), what gets mileage from your wardrobe isn't getting half a dozen smashing outfits. What works is to get a general, good, basic outfits, then getting oodles of accessories to make the outfit really pop.

What about thinking of a fairly basic, standard hero outfit (a nice jumpsuit would be nice) MINUS difficult-to-match textures, and adding lots and lots of fun accessories? Maybe a new pattern or two? (for example, I'd love an asymmetrical harlequin pattern). These don't have to necessarily make one, single outfit. It's a grab bag of fun, quirky items you just cannot live without. Groucho glasses. The big wind up key for the back item. The Joan Collins Dynasty bits. A goldfish bowl helmet with an actual goldfish swimming in it. A feathered boa for a scarf. This is all good stuff!

Market it that way. Show lots of variations, like paper dolls. "Look at all the different looks from just this ONE PACKAGE!"

I have thousands of pieces of outfits available to me in the costume creator. I sort of think I need another outfit least of all. What I need are lots and lots of fun bits and pieces to make what I already have work for me. I think a lot of us are in this same boat, too.



I'd like some joke/gag weapons, as well as some not-a-weapons weapons. Here's some things I've actively wanted.

-Fish swords. Yes, it's mentioned, people want them, we would use them.

-Parasols and Canes for sword options. Not so much 'joke' weapons, but fun items to use.

-Oversized Kitchen Utensils.

-'Nerf' weapons.

-A lot of 'random common object' weapons. We've already got a few good ones like the shovel and wrench, but there's definitely a lot more we could go, especially for swords. All the swords are swords.

And put me at +1 for reccomendation for Titan Weapons to have a person as a weapon option, as well as for the musical notes aura and the shoulder devil and angel options. I have lots of characters who could have little devils on their shoulder. Maybe make options for Devil, Angel, and Both.

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
  • Beagle animal head
  • Pug head
  • Persian cat head
  • Fly head
  • Mouse Head
  • Fish head detail for inside the bubble helmet
  • Fish weapon for war mace
You know, I'd love a Bulldog head. And a Bulldog pet.
Where can I sign for that?




A big ranged weapon set. You are running around dragging a small catapult, balista, or trenchabolt. And that is where your attacks come from, I see slow firing, but big damage, lots of it AOE.

You can expand it with the high tech version, the well made hand crafted version, and the old shopping cart crudely welded out of junk parts version.

Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts



Okay, I've read this entire thread, and I didn't see two basic, nerd-party standard issue items.

Part the first - Lampshade hat. This is the go to "Oh man, I'm a party animal now!" item. Two versions I can see, one used as a hat, another with holes cut in for eyes under the "Special Helmets" category to allow the use of a face while mostly concealing it

Part the second - Necktie headband. Because you know that's the first place it's going once the drink starts flowing.

Those items behind us now, let's see what other things we could use here...

2x4, lightning rod and oar for Titan Weapons and Staff Fighting
Coffee mug chest emblem
"Drink" Helmet
Folding chair, wine bottle, shortened 2x4 for Maces
Broken wine bottle(s) for Broadsword, Axe and Dual Blades
Hypnotists swirly-thingy headband/belt/shoulder/chest items (animating where possible!)
Rats trail aura
(Carrion) Birds flying just overhead trail aura (back off, buzzards, I ain't dead yet!)
Steel bar for Titan Weapons, Staff Fighting, Broadsword, Katana, Axe, and Mace

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Here are a few...
  • Bathrobe version of trenchcoat
  • Bunny slippers
  • boxer shorts
  • polkadot/heart patter for boxers, other details
  • Blindfold
  • Angel/demon shoulder details (For those who need to talk to their conscience)
  • Parrot shoulder detail
  • Clown nose face detail
  • Clown faces
  • Beagle animal head
  • Pug head
  • Persian cat head
  • Fly head
  • Mouse Head
  • Fish head detail for inside the bubble helmet
  • Fish weapon for war mace
All of these.



I want a skunk tail...which could have a squirrel tail option...either way..I want one.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
I want a skunk tail...which could have a squirrel tail option...either way..I want one.
Seconded! Or a ferret style tail too!

On the ferret note....a ferret face! That way my "Carpet Shark" can finally look like a real ferret!

He's an invuln/energy tank...kind of like my RL ferret...I swear that Sid is indestructible!



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Pretty much a re-colour of the wolf tail we got with the mutant pack.
Sort of...but needs to be a touch fatter, with a slight curl.

Wait...thats not even for funny giggles. I seriously want this!

Make it so!



Chest detail: giant zipper.
For when we want to suggest that the costume is, in fact, a costume.
Many and varied possible uses, from a do-it-yourself hero outfit to something more.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Land shark costume power?

[Scene: A New York apartment. Someone knocks on the door.]
Woman: [not opening the door] Yes?
Voice: (mumbling) Mrs. Arlsburgerhhh?
Woman: Who?
Voice: (mumbling) Mrs. Johannesburrrr?
Woman: Who is it?
Voice: [pause] Flowers.
Woman: Flowers for whom?
Voice: [long pause] Plumber, ma'am.
Woman: I don't need a plumber. You're that clever shark, aren't you?
Voice: [pause] Candygram.
Woman: Candygram, my foot. You get out of here before I call the police. You're the shark, and you know it.
Voice: Wait. I-I'm only a dolphin, ma'am.
Woman: A dolphin? Well...okay. [opens door]
[Huge latex and foam-rubber shark head lunges through open door, chomps down on woman's head, and drags her out of the apartment, all while the Jaws attack music is playing.]

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



1 Balloon tied to your back.
A massive UP style bunch of balloons tied to your back.

Balloon path aura. As you run or fly, balloons are released from behind you and float away.

Bubble aura. Little soap bubbles.
And a path aura version.

Luchadore masks.

Parasols, umbrellas, and canes as Mace weapon options.
Parasols, umbrellas, and canes as Assault Rifle weapon options.

Eyeball aura. Eyeballs floating around your bady. ( Physical-looking, not insubstantial like the runes and such ) Perhaps with two versions, one with a single eyeball, the other with a bunch.

--Arkham : The Blackened Hatter

Virtue: The Iron Judge - lvl 50 Inv/War Mace Tanker.
And his amazing friends: Warman, Dr. Mindfire, Ms Mallet, Papa Cap, Ibis, Ragman, Queen Steam, Rudraksha, Teflon Girl, Kodiakman.



Yes, that's brilliant! I want a balloon flight ability! Forget the magic carpets. I want a handful of helium balloons!

Oh, yeah, I also want everything everyone else has posted. Well, have no use for a skunk tail. Yet.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Yes, that's brilliant! I want a balloon flight ability! Forget the magic carpets. I want a handful of helium balloons!
How about 99 red balloons?



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Oh!! Someone mentioned a great idea for a Titan Weapons option: a long pole... with an animated person tied to the other end to be used as a club!!
Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Okay, story time.
When I first started playing D&D, my DM threw me up against (his own creation) Thorn Beasts, which required a blunt weapon, which I didn't have. My mage friend had a circlet of protection vs bludgeoning though, and had just turned himself into a 15' skeleton, so I grabbed him by the ankles and used him as my blunt weapon.

Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Snorkeler's mask (optional snorkel)
Swim fins.
While a snorkel and fins would be cool (we'll never get fins, too much clipping) - you can already do a decent scuba suit. I'm anxiously anticipating quivers so I can make a proper tank. The pixels aura does a pretty cool bubbles effect, even if they're square.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I'm anxiously anticipating quivers so I can make a proper tank. The pixels aura does a pretty cool bubbles effect, even if they're square.
I use a hair aura that tinted blue looks like air coming out of his nose/mask. I can't remember which one, but it works quite well.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Yes, that's brilliant! I want a balloon flight ability! Forget the magic carpets. I want a handful of helium balloons!
Max hover speed?



Um... bigger-than-Liefeld pouch set? Arm braces of pouches. Vanguard-like belt that is big fat hip pouches instead. Include the Mender pouch accessory. Fold-over boots converted to pouches around the top. Could have non-humour uses using the bits separately. Pouch-juggling emote.

It could come with a texture alternative to be like foam pads instead of pouches. For that home-made soft armour look. Hacky sack emote. Could be coloured as ablative armour. That texture could be added to the schoolie backpack (big ol' pouch) too.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you! opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!