Terrible MMORPG ideas

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Presumably the main characteristic you develop is how downright miserable you are?
No way. You could have stats for Alcoholism and Philandery.



A space exploration MMO that spans an entire galaxy, but there's no faster-than-light travel, and all travel must be conducted in real time.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



MMO Maker: The MMO of MMO Designing

You play a dev working on an MMO. You can undertake such exciting missions as "Forum Moderator Duty" "Beta Inviter" and "GM Duty!"

Earn darkside points for banning people, or not helping. Earn XP for your game being called "Teh SuXx0r!!!11!!!"



Girl Scout cookies .. The MMORPG. Create your character and race against time and other players to sell the most boxes and win the badge for highest sales. Bonus points for talking a rich relative into buying 100 boxes or more just to pad your totals. No holds barred PvP zones where your character can compete against others to reach the most houses on a city block and sell the most boxes! As you increase in levels parental units with jobs can be added to sell boxes at work! Oh god I just flashed back to those days .. NEVER again LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Garage Band / Rock Band / Guitar Hero Online

The Internet's Got Talent

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Online

The Biggest Online Loser (Hint: This is not about losing weight...)

Jersey Shore Online (XP earned by being a DeeBag)

Dancing with the Noobs (Really, this can be a console...)


Trumpy Online (Where you earn XP by covering for your pet alien and, for bonus points, his murderous mom)

Freem Online!!! (A game where players can work competitively or cooperatively to bring down the business model of The EBIL Devs for XP. Bonus XP for subscription cascade effect combos!!!!!!!)

and finally...

Tabula Rasa II: The Quest for Moar Players (where the players team up to attempt to recruit people from RL into the game for XP and LEWT!!!)

My Guide to Illusion/Kinetics Control.

CoH_Player_101: It's okay. Your choice in avatars makes up for a world of indiscretion.



Additional terrible idea:

Lawyers and Lawsuits Online, in which characters write briefs and argue a lot. The scariest thing about this idea is that a few years back, someone suggested this as a serious idea.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by mogura View Post
Garage Band / Rock Band / Guitar Hero Online
I would probably play that.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Any MMO built with consoles in mind.

Especially if it limits you to three colors per character.

Especially if everyone has the same face.



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post

Oh, false alarm.

Farming Simulator 2011 MMO.
Joss Whedon Online, where the GMs will occasionally delete your favorite characters, for the shock value.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Presumably the main characteristic you develop is how downright miserable you are?
That would also work for a Neon Genesis Evangelion MMO, only there'd at least be a bit of a payoff there, since the more emotionally wrecked your character gets the more powerful your giant robot becomes.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Joss Whedon Online, where the GMs will occasionally delete your favorite characters, and laugh, LAUGH like a mad, purple-jumpered evil genius at your stunned and miserable faces and hopeless PMs.
Fixed that for you. Feel Happy and Pepper had better watch out if they do Avengers Online...

Dredd Online: wherein you attempt to scrape a living as a perp in MegaCity One until a GM tracks you down and shoots you, or sticks you in a Juve Cube. Which is the only thing your computer will load for the next TEN YEARS.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



City of City Planning: Planning a city works pretty well as a sandbox-type game or even perhaps a real-time strategy game ("Cleveland just awarded Federal transit subsidy!").

But as an MMO, you play a city planner sitting in meetings all day discussing estimated future traffic load, or renegotiating recycling pickup contracts.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Top Gear Online: racing-based game in which you attempt a series of entirely impossible car-based challenges, and earn points for how smug and/or ambitious (but rubbish) you can be.

GMs will never, ever speak to you, and must be placated with gifts of raw meat, WD40 and Celine Dion albums before rendering assistance.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



MMODev- the MMO about MMO Development

Players take on classes based on game development roles, like Producer, Artist, Codemonkey, NOC Troll, CSR, Marketing, and more, organize into "guilds" (called Studios) and enter an epic grind to make the next MMO.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
City of City Planning: Planning a city works pretty well as a sandbox-type game or even perhaps a real-time strategy game ("Cleveland just awarded Federal transit subsidy!").

But as an MMO, you play a city planner sitting in meetings all day discussing estimated future traffic load, or renegotiating recycling pickup contracts.
Don't forget the environmental impact assessments.



Facebook Online (players can fraternize with friends in a game that's a lot like second life, only everybody on the internet can see what you're doing as well as viewing videos of your past gameplay, and the devs sell ad space to Russian Zombie-Network Mafias)

Complaint Department Online (you and your team must mitigate the ever-increasing torrent of Dev-generated complaints while attempting to eke every drop of profit out of the game you can, in order to gear up for handling the ever-increasing torrent of higher level Dev complaints)

Flame Wars Online (you play the role of an internet tough guy, progressing from a lowly dim-witted Nubposter to an epic Forumwarrior. XP is earned by correctly identifying logical fallacies, belittling said fallacies for bonus points, and for dogpiling the Nubposters with the worst ideas. Dogpile combos earn up to double xp. Loot can be gotten only by forcing people to cancel their subscription to the game; at which point, you canz has their stuff)

Codefumblers (you play the role of a code developer lost in the murky depths of a literal sea of eight year old code that was originally written during drunken nights of documentationless cavorting. Characters advance by fixing specific areas of high-priority code, but earn bonus xp for additional bugs created by their fixes. This perpetuates an ever-escalating system of tiered leveling, culminating in the epic end-game content known as "DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!")

Pin the Blame on the Marketing Director Online (speaks for itself)

My Guide to Illusion/Kinetics Control.

CoH_Player_101: It's okay. Your choice in avatars makes up for a world of indiscretion.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
City of City Planning: Planning a city works pretty well as a sandbox-type game or even perhaps a real-time strategy game ("Cleveland just awarded Federal transit subsidy!").

But as an MMO, you play a city planner sitting in meetings all day discussing estimated future traffic load, or renegotiating recycling pickup contracts.
Sounds to me a lot like Master of Orion III, which was an excellent simulation of being an interstellar emperor - sitting on your throne all day, listening to your advisors and reading reports and spreadsheets, and setting general policies which may or may not actually end up being put into effect (how could you tell?). Meanwhile, it's the people way, way under you, like starship captains, who get to do all the interesting stuff.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Final Destination - for players with terminal altitis

@Altus Vir
Triumph Server

In the pacific time zone? Join us on the "West Coast Heroes" global channel.
/chanjoin West Coast Heroes



Originally Posted by First Son View Post
The Facts of Life MMO

The Facts of Life
Known Issues
- In some zones, Blair Warner will spawn multiple times. Her petty rants can debuff you past the debuff cap.

- Currently the only playable character is Dorothy "Tootie" Ramsey sorry for the inconvenience.

- "The Sneak out and party till dawn" task force it currently removed from game. An exploit involving getting Mrs. Garrett drunk and hooking her up with a student to stay out till noon the next day currently has no known fix.
Are they still artificially segregating the playerbase from the Diff'rent Strokes MMO? I'm tired of seeing the same Peekskill maps over and over again. It'd be cool to see New York every now and then.



The Smurfs: Rather limited costume options, especially for women.
McDonaldland MMO: Mayor McCheese still gets stuck in the Evil Grimace's lair.
Homestar Runner: Currently, it's still impossible to unlock Senor Cardgage as a contact.
Ghostbusters: Wait, no. That would be completely awesome!



The Young Ones Online

  • One of few MMOs that has destructible environments.
  • Quests include but are not limited to: avoiding to pay rent; outsmarting laundromats; playing Murder in the Dark; finding a vendor who's willing to buy that nuke you just discovered in your kitchen.
  • The crafting system will allow players to build cardboard submarines or rig explosives to the doorbell, among other things.
  • PvP combat can only be initiated by the Vyvyan class. The Mike class is never flagged for PvP but can buff the Vyvyan class by giving it ideas on how to grief other players.
  • Only the Rik and Neil classes are available to players.
  • GMs are identified by their characters having the Balowski surname and <Landlord> tag.

I only regret that I have but one life to waste playing computer games.

Live fast, die young... and leave a flesh-eating corpse!