Why Fighting Cole should not be a Trial

Agent White



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I LOLed. Running from patches like an Incarnate.
The colored patches turn us all into Incarnate Asada.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Instead, it's going to be Darth Vader versus Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Billy Dee Williams, C3P0, R2D2, Porkins, Admiral Ackbar, Jar Jar Binks, Kirk, Spock and half the the Rebel Alliance forces all crammed into one room, running from colored patches on the ground and obeying the red text.
You forgot the part where Luke is an NPC ally, and you have to make sure his health never gets below 50% or else you lose the trial. And he has a penchant for aggroing everything in sight.



We'll just lock Cole in the hospital.

Hospital doors are stronger than Incarnates.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
You forgot the part where Luke is an NPC ally, and you have to make sure his health never gets below 50% or else you lose the trial. And he has a penchant for aggroing everything in sight.
And suddenly, I know how Wedge feels. Stupid Luke kid getting himself in trouble all the time. At least he wasn't mission critical in the Hoth trial.

I'd like for the taking down Cole to be twofold, actually. I do want to big showdown at Tyrant's Tower, preferably on that big shiny gold star right in the middle of the plaza. I also want this to be a right slobberknocker, with few gimmicks, just a powerful single foe that we have to beat the Well out of. Give him a big battle aura so he's easy to spot in the crowd, though.

But for Cole's final fate, I'd love a single player mission. It'd be pretty much a lore mission, as we'd already done the big fight, but I would like at least an opportunity to hear his motive rant. Without having to stall the league every single time he does it. Basically a mission where you deal with Cole in the way you prefer and... unlock the next set of Incarnate slots. Remember, Cole has the power to do that, and it'd be a good way to end the Praetorian arc.

Although, my favorite idea for the Tyrant's Tower trial would have the fight rudely interrupted by Praetorian Hamidon. Because all those huge buildings and a big open plaza? That's a perfect spot to fight a gigantic tentacled monstrosity. That an the only thing that could possibly smack Tyrant across the face with a clue-by-four is the appearance of Praetorian Hamidon IN Nova Praetoria. He's a Tyrant, but there's no way he'd let Hami get away with that. Yeah, the teaming up with the villain to take on something larger has been done, but if we want Praetoria to end up useful for the further story, we need Hamidon out of the picture, and Tyrant either redeeming himself through sacrifice, or otherwise defeated. I'd like to keep him around, though. I like his brand of villainy, the whole doing evil for a perceived good reason (and Hamidon is a pretty good reason) it'd be shame to waste it.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I would expect nothing less than, once you've finally defeated Emperor Cole, you find out that it's not really him!!!. What you just defeated was... well, you know the rest.



To all the people who think Tyrant shouldn't be soloable for story reasons: I say that's EXACTLY WHY he should be soloable.
Just imagine this scenario:
It's been a long fight, you've had to tear through all of Cole's Army AND his Praetors in one grand reprise, and now it's down to you and him in the heart of Praetoria itself. You're well past your last leg, you've exhausted all your best moves, and Cole's still acting fresh as a daisy.
Suddenly, Cole has the Sonic Fences inverted while striking you with his full power. Now you're on the ground, somehow still intact and Cole stands over you, seemingly invincible. He doesn't even seem to care that his own city is now dead.
It all seems hopeless...
So what do you do?
Your hand's the first to twitch.
Cole steps back in shock.
Slowly you draw yourself back up to full height as lightning strikes behind casting your shadow long across the Magisterium, putting even the mighty Tyrant in your shadow as your narrow your eyes and continue to fight anyway.

Afterwords, well of furies sez: "[character]: Incarnate of the year of ALL da years."

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I see where you're coming from but I disagree.

The whole incarnate thing, love or hate it, is building up to a huge cataclysm. If you need a huge team to beat everyone then get to Cole and solo him it cheapens the entire effort. Why the hell is he the leader when he's such a wimp?

He needs to be mega-tough and a b'stard to take down. It absolutely should not be easy! This guy is a nasty, double dealing git that will stop at nothing to maintain his power base and has taken it on himself to decide the fate of his people - and is backed up by some nasty lieutenants.

To get to that stage then solo him would cheapen it.

Yes, it needs to be very very dramatic. Maybe even a dreadful pact with Hamidon: "Take Cole, and I will let you live. But come for me and I will destroy all your kind!" may be a nasty kinda double cross that allows the Devs to pick up the Incarnate system at a later stage.

Personally I just want to get the whole Incarnate thing out the way and move on to some fun. But solo isn't gonna make it fun, it's gonna make it cheap.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And who got captured by the guys we're now beating up
Who got captured by the guys I BEAT UP SOLO long before becoming an incarnate.

You really think what you're saying SUPPORTS having it be a trial?



I 100% agree it should not be a trial but i do think it should be a TF. I feel that as incarnates we should not be able to defeat Cole....yet but as a small group we can.

That way the story can be satisfactorily concluded and we can get a feel of our place in the coh world as incarnates.

I also think what comes next, the coming storm or whatever it is (ive given up caring), needs to have more story involved. Maybe a combination of missions which can be done solo or as a group plus good ol' fashioned TF (after all, this is a 7 year sucessful MMO where TFs were integral to background story) and trials which, if not overused (and i will make no comments here *cough* trial grind* cough cough*) are a good variety of play style.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Who got captured by the guys I BEAT UP SOLO long before becoming an incarnate.

You really think what you're saying SUPPORTS having it be a trial?
Yes - the Well has made Tyrant and his loyalist hencpeople more powerful than we can possibly imagine

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Personally I just want to get the whole Incarnate thing out of the way
The Incarnate system never ends

Onc ethe Praetorian chapter of the Incarnate storyline is finishes, we'll start the chapter featuring the Battalion and the Coming Storm - and then ocne that's done, we'll move onto chapter 3 - more slots, more powers, more cosmetic unlcoks, more Trials - there's no end to the endgame content.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes - the Well has made Tyrant and his loyalist hencpeople more powerful than we can possibly imagine
Completely arbitrarily.

WHY are they so much more powerful than Statesman and Recluse now?

Because the writers arbitrarily decided it.

They can arbitrarily decide that 8 of us is enough to do it, too.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I see where you're coming from but I disagree.

The whole incarnate thing, love or hate it, is building up to a huge cataclysm. If you need a huge team to beat everyone then get to Cole and solo him it cheapens the entire effort. Why the hell is he the leader when he's such a wimp?

He needs to be mega-tough and a b'stard to take down. It absolutely should not be easy! This guy is a nasty, double dealing git that will stop at nothing to maintain his power base and has taken it on himself to decide the fate of his people - and is backed up by some nasty lieutenants.

To get to that stage then solo him would cheapen it.

Yes, it needs to be very very dramatic. Maybe even a dreadful pact with Hamidon: "Take Cole, and I will let you live. But come for me and I will destroy all your kind!" may be a nasty kinda double cross that allows the Devs to pick up the Incarnate system at a later stage.

Personally I just want to get the whole Incarnate thing out the way and move on to some fun. But solo isn't gonna make it fun, it's gonna make it cheap.
But Cole ISN'T the huge cataclysm. He's not even part of it, just a bump on the road to something bigger.

And I'm not saying he should be easy, far from it. But I am saying we should be able to fully appreciate that we've become strong enough to not need a small army where our individual efforts fade into a background noise to fight with him.

I don't mind if the Battalion requires a huge trial, after all, they're the BATTALION, but for Cole, I just want a TF-esque showdown with a chance to solo it to fully take in the fight. Every bit of venomous banter Cole spews to deride out character.
To fully appreciate that my character is only keeping up with Cole by a hair as each of his punches nearly leaves me with an empty green bar. And to hear him swear me out as the last of the Well's power abandons him and I leave him barely conscious on the floor, walking away from one hellish battle only to more right onto the next without rest or complaint.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Who got captured by the guys I BEAT UP SOLO long before becoming an incarnate.

You really think what you're saying SUPPORTS having it be a trial?
didn't they have to use Primal Earth tech to capture Statesman? since Praetorian tech didn't work?

even Superman has been sucker punched before



I've just had a thought which could potentially satisfy all parties. The conclusion could take place in two events. As much as I dislike the lore, I would make it go like this:

Cole is powered by the Well of the Furies so the first part would be our final battle with him, empowered by the Well. Now this would be a full on, 24 man Incarnate trial or big, large scale Task Force, whatever works. Call in the big effects, gimmicks, whatever and go to town. Let the heavens rock with the sound of teams of Incarnates proving themselves to the Well by striking down its chosen champion.

At the end, Cole falls. The Well, impressed by our persistence, withdraws its support from Emperor Cole, leaving him as he began, the equivalent of our own Statesman. Scared, he runs from our might. Completing the trial unlocks the final part:

The second part is a story arc, similar to Ramiel's. In a team or solo, we track Cole to his refuge, and lay waste to the remainder of his personal guard until it's just us. And him. Once again, the battle is joined and Cole is brought to his knees. Just as Trapdoor was left beaten before us at the start of this journey, we face a choice: let him live or kill him.

Heroes and Villains make their moral choice but either way, the Well now speaks. We are now its named champions, heroes and villains of Primal Earth, ready to stand against the Well's greatest fear: the Battalion, now fast approaching our world.

Just as completing Ramiel's arc unlocked the Incarnate slots, completing this arc now opens the remaining five slots for Incarnates to explore.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I've just had a thought which could potentially satisfy all parties. The conclusion could take place in two events. As much as I dislike the lore, I would make it go like this:

Cole is powered by the Well of the Furies so the first part would be our final battle with him, empowered by the Well. Now this would be a full on, 24 man Incarnate trial or big, large scale Task Force, whatever works. Call in the big effects, gimmicks, whatever and go to town. Let the heavens rock with the sound of teams of Incarnates proving themselves to the Well by striking down its chosen champion.

At the end, Cole falls. The Well, impressed by our persistence, withdraws its support from Emperor Cole, leaving him as he began, the equivalent of our own Statesman. Scared, he runs from our might. Completing the trial unlocks the final part:

The second part is a story arc, similar to Ramiel's. In a team or solo, we track Cole to his refuge, and lay waste to the remainder of his personal guard until it's just us. And him. Once again, the battle is joined and Cole is brought to his knees. Just as Trapdoor was left beaten before us at the start of this journey, we face a choice: let him live or kill him.

Heroes and Villains make their moral choice but either way, the Well now speaks. We are now its named champions, heroes and villains of Primal Earth, ready to stand against the Well's greatest fear: the Battalion, now fast approaching our world.

Just as completing Ramiel's arc unlocked the Incarnate slots, completing this arc now opens the remaining five slots for Incarnates to explore.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Let me say that I like your idea. I dislike that the trials lower the significance of the individual, and would love it if my characters could go one-on-one with Cole and be the sole savior of Praetoria.

That being said, I do not see this happening for a couple reasons. First, the Devs promised seven Praetorian Trials. We have now seen six, and since (as you say) Tyrant is really the only one left, it is pretty clear that "Cole's Tower" or something will be the final Praetorian trial. Second, Cole is the Well's champion (according to the game). Until we have access to the Omega slot, I cannot imagine us currently having the strength to take down Cole single-handedly.

Again, I wish it were so, and indeed, I hope in the future that we can be on the same solo-strength level as Statesman, but I do not see it happening with Cole.
The Hamidon could be the 7th trial.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You might get some of that on the smaller scale solo Incarnate path - but it won't happen on the Trials, as they're co-op, so they'll always be heroic.
Who says relying on villains can't be heroic in this case?

Dr Aeon has made the Web, which can drain the powers of just about every meta in the world at once. Surely, he can come up with something more portable for use against just Cole. And nobody builds a gigantic death ray like a supervillain.

I see a fight where, every time Cole powers up to fight us off, we have to hit him with draining devices. The devices feed into an orbital death cannon we've mounted on Anti-Matter's space station. When it's charged, everyone has to get clear before it fires, blowing away part of his power and allowing us to hurt him again for a while. Villain tech, villain thinking, but still heroic.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
Who says relying on villains can't be heroic in this case?

Dr Aeon has made the Web, which can drain the powers of just about every meta in the world at once. Surely, he can come up with something more portable for use against just Cole. And nobody builds a gigantic death ray like a supervillain.

I see a fight where, every time Cole powers up to fight us off, we have to hit him with draining devices. The devices feed into an orbital death cannon we've mounted on Anti-Matter's space station. When it's charged, everyone has to get clear before it fires, blowing away part of his power and allowing us to hurt him again for a while. Villain tech, villain thinking, but still heroic.
Villain inclined or not, this would be pretty freakin' metal.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



The moment we finally get to Cole Hamidon pops up and EATS HIM without us even getting a chance to throw a punch.

Then we fight Hamidon.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I've just had a thought which could potentially satisfy all parties. The conclusion could take place in two events. As much as I dislike the lore, I would make it go like this:

Cole is powered by the Well of the Furies so the first part would be our final battle with him, empowered by the Well. Now this would be a full on, 24 man Incarnate trial or big, large scale Task Force, whatever works. Call in the big effects, gimmicks, whatever and go to town. Let the heavens rock with the sound of teams of Incarnates proving themselves to the Well by striking down its chosen champion.

At the end, Cole falls. The Well, impressed by our persistence, withdraws its support from Emperor Cole, leaving him as he began, the equivalent of our own Statesman. Scared, he runs from our might. Completing the trial unlocks the final part:

The second part is a story arc, similar to Ramiel's. In a team or solo, we track Cole to his refuge, and lay waste to the remainder of his personal guard until it's just us. And him. Once again, the battle is joined and Cole is brought to his knees. Just as Trapdoor was left beaten before us at the start of this journey, we face a choice: let him live or kill him.

Heroes and Villains make their moral choice but either way, the Well now speaks. We are now its named champions, heroes and villains of Primal Earth, ready to stand against the Well's greatest fear: the Battalion, now fast approaching our world.

Just as completing Ramiel's arc unlocked the Incarnate slots, completing this arc now opens the remaining five slots for Incarnates to explore.
I really like this idea. It combines the best of both worlds, and makes sense from a story perspective. Having a final solo-able confrontation in the aftermath would be very cool. Having it come full-circle with an arc similar to the one that kicks off the Incarnate stuff would make for nice symmetry.

And I agree with what some of the others have said - telling a story in the trials is kind of hard to follow. There's ways to get around that, but the fact remains - you still need to be on a trial to experience it. That takes time and effort, and not everyone wants to run the trials that have the story you haven't experienced. I've yet to complete an Underground trial successfully, since I tried during the initial release period where people were still learning and haven't had the time since - and now it's not a popular trial on the server I'm on. Not being able to experience parts of the story because a trial isn't popular is annoying.

Beyond that, the trials are completely railroaded in terms of story. I understand why that's the case, and I'm fine with the reasoning behind it. I just wish it wasn't Praetorian content. Compared to the 1-20 content, it's pretty shallow and one-sided, lacking pretty much all of the depth that the earlier content contained. It's cool and flashy, sure, but as far as story goes, it's just...lackluster. I'd hoped for something that would have a better resolution of the Praetorian storyline...and the trials ain't it.

Don't get me wrong though. They're fun for the most part. I just wish there were other solo options to experience the story. I even wish the trials had a solo option without the incarnate xp or reward table, because I don't care about those so much as I care about experiencing the story, even if there's not much there.



In any case, I think the badge for beating the Trial/TF or whatever leads to Cole's defeat should be called Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
In any case, I think the badge for beating the Trial/TF or whatever leads to Cole's defeat should be called Sic Semper Tyrannis.
"Simpering Dictators Make Me Sick?"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



No, Sic Semper Tyrannis is Latin for "Thus Always to Tyrants"

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
No, Sic Semper Tyrannis is Latin for "Thus Always to Tyrants"
I think my one would look better as a badge title over an avatar's head

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork