Secondary for Titan Weapons




Has anyone thought about what secondaries would go well with Titan Weapons. I have yet to get a chance to try out the set on beta. I beleive I read that TW doesnt work with Shield if Im not mistaken. So far the only brute/scrapper secondaries I have not played to 50 are Regen and Elec. I was considering pairing one of those when TW goes live.
Any thoughts or ideas?



Thankfully, both of those options have decent end recovery options. I genuinely like Regen, but I would take Elec to go with TW. There will be less redraw than there would be if you went with Regen. That may not bother you, but some people dislike the constant redraw associated with click-happy Regen.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Titan Weapons will cost a lost of endurance, so it would be worthwhile to pair with electric for energize/power sink. It also would pair well with energy aura for the same reason, though defensive sweep doesn't have a ton of synergy with typed position sets (it only protects against smashing).

Overall, if you are planning on a titan weapon toon, you will need endurance control. The sets that work well with it from an endurance standpoint are, in order, electric/energy>willpower/regeneration>fire>all others. If you pair it with another secondary, I would HIGHLY advise taking cardiac and/or ageless to combat endurance issues. TW also pairs well with sets that can make use of its parry cone, which helps positional sets more than types sets. The sets that can make the best use of that are, in order, Dark>SR>EA>Willpower>Regen>all others (dark ranks higher because the defense is in addition to other means of protection). TW/Dark is going to be an extremely endurance heavy combination however.

So, regeneration will work well with TW. However, it is extremely clicky and using its clicks will greatly reduce the benefit of momentum (for instance, reconstruction will take 20% of your momentum time just from its activation time, and force a redraw of your weapon). Electric should be a good combination, because it will combine high resistances and a little regeneration with the ability to increase defense from TW, as well as helping to combat the set's endurance problem. If you want to go hardcore, you can go either /Dark, for maximum survivability, or /fire, for maximum damage. Willpower should be a good combo because it will help with endurance and won't take any momentum time, and it benefits from the smashing portion of your defense. EA is also good for the same reason, but also gives you some leeway on recharge.

The sets that I, personally, would not use it with are /SR, /Stone, and /Invuln. All will struggle to deal with endurance while not gaining much benefit from the defense. Regeneration is a good combo, but I wouldn't want the clicks taking momentum time away. I think the go-to sets are going to be electric, energy aura, and willpower, because they will benefit from the defense power while fighting endurance, and aren't extremely reliant on click powers. Fire and dark are outliers. A TW/Fire character should be an absolute offensive powerhouse, with ridiculous AoE and single target damage, but won't be incredibly survivable, even with defensive sweep. Dark will have a tremendous amount of soft control from the mez auras and knockdown, and can use DS to get to soft-capped defenses, allowing them to be very survivable and take advantage of the higher damage of TW compared to the other sword sets. However, TW/DA will drain endurance like none other, and you will practically be forced to take power mastery, cardiac, and ageless, and even that might not be enough.

And that's my take. I'm going to make 3 titan weapon characters: An electric armor, a willpower, and a dark armor.

TW/Elec Optimization



The big question is how exactly will the momentum system of TW work? Unless I've missed it, this hasn't been revealed yet. If the powers must be used strictly consecutively with nothing else in between, then regen would be a poor choice. I suspect they would know better however and it will be something along the lines of needing to activate the next attack within x seconds of the last. Only time will tell.


I really should finish catching up on the forums after the weekend (I seldom read them during the weekend) before replying to posts. So it seems momentum is a 5-second buff you gain after using specific powers. That means using non-primary powers during that buff will reduce it's effectiveness, especially factoring in redraw. I suspect the power players will be avoiding TW/Regen like the plague, but if you're not too anal about such things I'm sure it's viable.



My understanding is that momentum is activated for five seconds after you use an attack that doesn't have momentum. Having momentum changes the animation on your attacks to something that is far faster than when you attack without momentum. That's how it is explained in the Beta Forum, at any rate.

Given that, I still think regen is a poor choice, despite having efficient endurance usage. Your DPS will suffer more than usual whenever you have to use a click-power because you'll lose whatever momentum you had, and it's very unlikely you can always afford to only use click powers when your momentum is down considering how *often* you have to use click powers on that set. Personally I think Willpower will be the strongest secondary for TW given its' hands-free nature and endurance efficiency. Electric Armor is an attractive option as well, I just feel like Power Sink comes so late that you can't really plan around having it when you'd really like it.

There are also two attacks that won't work until you have momentum, but that might be changed so that they just gain extra benefit for having momentum so as to allow players more freedom in how they play. It's also being discussed having build up grant momentum. I believe it's endurance use per power is also being challenged.



well...depending how the end usage is...I might finally stick w/ a Dark Armor character






To give you an idea of how bad the set is for endurance, I'll use a hypothetical example for a TW/Dark with no endurance reduction..

Say I use the power shatter armor to activate momentum, then use the AoE powers Sweeping Strikes, Arc of Destruction, and Whirling Smash to wipe out the small targets. I then use Follow Through to finish the hard target, but notice my health has dropped dangerously low, so I use Dark Regeneration to heal myself off of the remaining targets. Hopefully I have over 100 endurance, because in just 9.372 seconds you have used 103.8 endurance. Just using the three AoEs (not counting Defensive Sweep), you have already used 48.64 endurance, and you can do that in 4.09 seconds. Needless to say, the set can burn endurance.

TW/Elec Optimization



Fire Armor all the way. That sound? Yes, that's right, it's me opening a can of whoop ***.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Fire Armor all the way. That sound? Yes, that's right, it's me opening a can of whoop ***.
The character I'll be making for Titan weapons will likely be Fire armour as well, though that's mostly a concept thing (although the ridiculous damage output is nice too).

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The character I'll be making for Titan weapons will likely be Fire armour as well, though that's mostly a concept thing (although the ridiculous damage output is nice too).
I am not sure if I should go scrapper or brute. What are you going for?



Brute so your burn patch doesn't make everything run away.



Brute or Tanker for me. FA is definitely better for Brutes and Tankers than for Scrappers.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




This is why they need to port Niniitsu over to Scrappers when Titan Weapons goes live.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'll be going /WP. Partly because I've never played a /WP to a high level before and partly because I want a secondary that doesn't take a lot of management so I can focus on smashing things.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
If you pair it with another secondary, I would HIGHLY advise taking cardiac and/or ageless to combat endurance issues.
I find it odd that for end management advice you'd jump to something only available at level 50, and fail to mention Physical Perfection which is available much sooner.



I just slot for lotsa end-reds, get the Cardiac and and all good to go.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I'll most likely be going /dark unless it's endurance is too difficult to maintain, but really it's not hard to build for +recov/+end, and then probably take Ageless Destiny.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
To give you an idea of how bad the set is for endurance, I'll use a hypothetical example for a TW/Dark with no endurance reduction..

Say I use the power shatter armor to activate momentum, then use the AoE powers Sweeping Strikes, Arc of Destruction, and Whirling Smash to wipe out the small targets. I then use Follow Through to finish the hard target, but notice my health has dropped dangerously low, so I use Dark Regeneration to heal myself off of the remaining targets. Hopefully I have over 100 endurance, because in just 9.372 seconds you have used 103.8 endurance. Just using the three AoEs (not counting Defensive Sweep), you have already used 48.64 endurance, and you can do that in 4.09 seconds. Needless to say, the set can burn endurance.
Except you arent factoring end redution and the amount of endurance that you would recover over those 9.372 seconds, your situation isn't practical or accurate. Over 10 seconds you will probably recover 10-20 endurance depending on how you slot, your dark regeneration will be slotted with decent end reduction as well as a +end proc, and all your attacks will have at least 40% endurance reduction or more. On top of that eventually you will have cardiac or ageless (not both mind you, thats a bit overkill) to boost your endurance management further. There are many sets already in the game that can drop your end bar to 0 within a matter of seconds with no enhancements, cause ya know, thats what having no enhancements does.



This better make its way to stalkers. Or else.

Along with the well-kept secret of Giant Armor, the defensive set that equips you with humorously oversized armour pieces, most notably the oversized half-pot helmet that keeps slipping into your eyes (the +def easily outweighs the -acc).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




One thing to consider: When you don't have momentum the attacks are horrendously slow, the slowest melee attacks in the game.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Except you arent factoring end redution and the amount of endurance that you would recover over those 9.372 seconds, your situation isn't practical or accurate. Over 10 seconds you will probably recover 10-20 endurance depending on how you slot, your dark regeneration will be slotted with decent end reduction as well as a +end proc, and all your attacks will have at least 40% endurance reduction or more. On top of that eventually you will have cardiac or ageless (not both mind you, thats a bit overkill) to boost your endurance management further. There are many sets already in the game that can drop your end bar to 0 within a matter of seconds with no enhancements, cause ya know, thats what having no enhancements does.
I mentioned that only because it was an easy example, not as a "this is exactly what will happen" example. Only two attacks in the set use less than 10 endurance (Crushing Blow and Defensive Sweep), and have relatively high EPA even outside of momentum, AoD for instance, which uses 7.628 end per second outside of momentum. Add momentum, which reduces all animations to 1.3 except follow through and whirling smash (which are 1 second), and you have REALLY high endurance use. For instance, the chain I calculated for single target damage uses 8.28 EPS. In contrast, most chains tend to run in the 4-6 range, and the AoE chain will be even more expensive. Even with heavy endurance slotting, you will still need to regain 4 end per sec AFTER toggles, if you want to run that chain.

Now, you can use a less expensive chain, but that may cost you more endurance if you are forced to use WS or Sweeping Strikes as single target attacks. The only way to be more efficient is to use crushing blow and defensive sweep as your main attacks, which will kill your DPS.

The animations for the attacks aren't really THAT slow outside of momentum. The longest one, AoD is only 2.5 seconds, about the same as Hurl, for instance. It may feel like they take 4 seconds, but that is just a trick of the animation (much like Kinetic Melee feels slower than it actually is).

EDIT: Oh, and I didn't add power mastery because it may run counter to some peoples' themes. I know people who plan epics/ancillaries around thematic choices, but even most of these people don't really care about incarnates, which are much easier to hand wave.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
One thing to consider: When you don't have momentum the attacks are horrendously slow, the slowest melee attacks in the game.
They're on the slow end, but the numbers posted over in beta have the non-momentum animations between 2 and 2.5 seconds. That puts them in the same general category as Knockout Blow, Head Splitter, Eviscerate, Greater Fire Sword - you get the idea. Slow, but not exceptionally so, and certainly not the slowest in the game. They're significantly faster than powers like Total Focus, Shadow Maul, or Concentrated Strike.

