Incarnate Trial Comprehension Check
Or the design of trials could just be cleaner. Usually with the fog of Fx soup and latency during some phases it's easy to miss most of what you need to know. Explanations from league leaders are usually required before starting a new trial or for new players. Following the pop-up text, narration, and league chat is either difficult or if its in slideshow mode impossible. I've missed info plenty of times from text pop-ups just due to white-out conditions with powers going off. I see no reason why time and development money should be put into a feature that the players reviewing the league chat function before the trial can completely address.
I'm a damn expert at the BAF and LAM trials, but since nobody ever apparently runs Keyes or Underground, I've yet to experience those and have no clue about them whatsoever.
Kind of a bummer!
Some kind of tutorial or info during the loading screen might be nice.
And, you know, actually finding somebody who will run Keyes or Underground.
Even if this or something like it were implemented; it wouldn't prevent "n00bishness" during an Incy Trial. Over on Guardian we have a hardcore bunch of badgers who are constantly running all of the Trials and other Badge rewarding content. AND silly mistakes still happen. Add to this the larger likelihood of n00berocity from the truly casual player who just wants to run and gun through anything because he/she "knows what they're doing", and who doesnt listen to a Team or League Leader for the same reason.
The Incarnate Trials (indeed any Trial or TF/SF) are not always really PUG or n00b friendly, and they shouldnt' be. They are specific, intensive activities that even have you "Agree to form a Task Force" or "Enter the Que" which should bring an extra level of attention to what the Player is doing. As has been stated; I do not see any reasonable reason for this 'Check' since simply paying attention (as a Player should) will generally remedy any problem in this 'Higher Level' content. And how would you feel (pardon my snark) if you failed just such a Check due to some RL distraction for a moment or two and became locked out of a Trial? Probably get a little annoyed... as you watched yourself being booted from a League that you know you could have been a part of...
If anyone has a problem with learning these (or any) Trials or TF/SF's; transfer a toon to Guardian for a bit and any or all of the more intensive content is being attempted (and completed) almost any day of the week, and twice on Saturday. Contact me at my Global (in my siggy) and if I am not doing it; I can point you in the direction of someone who is. Cheers.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
That is one of the silliest suggestions I have seen on the forums in a LONG time... and I have seen a ton of silly suggestions in these four years.
You are proposing that a test be taken before they can play a part of a video game? Really? Talk about taking this game WAY the F too seriously. I mean, I am guilty of taking things seriously too... but NEVER would I propose that people need to pass a test to play the game. That is going way too far.
Yes, I would love it if everyone payed attention, but some people just don't care that much. And there are ways to figure that out beforehand, this idea should not be among those options.
Alternatively, you could just chill out and play the game in a more relaxed fashion, realizing that not every single thing must attempted must succeed and that not everyone really cares about doing it all perfectly.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
I don't agree with the OP, but I wouldn't say no to some kind of large flashing indicator that said "This dickhead still has 3 acids/pac temps that he hasn't used" during Lambdas.
Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
My Characters
CoX Chatlog Parser Feed
If the player fails any part of the ITCC, then they would not be able to participate in any trial they wish to play until they pass the ITCC. Seems harsh, but better they not able to play than screw over the time investment of 15-23 other players.

So, you don't have to worry about me messing up your precious lil' trials.
G'day, indeed.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
Or the iTrials could be a less confusing pile of turd that take way too long to organise and then run?
Just an idea, mebbe.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I don't agree with the OP, but I wouldn't say no to some kind of large flashing indicator that said "This dickhead still has 3 acids/pac temps that he hasn't used" during Lambdas.
I also would like the mission specifice temp powers not to be bundled in with the 50 other temp powers I carry around. They should have their own list AT THE TOP.
Also, a wrong way indecator if you're running away from the battle. LOL Lag has had me running the wrong way a few times. LOL
Oh, and the hospitals that TP you the the stage your team is at, TPs you to a door you have to go through. I think that makes no scense. it should land you in the location after the door. noobs go running off (the before mentioned) wrong way. and no one else knows it cause they aren't on the same map to notice it. LOL
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
Or ITCC for short. There needs to be something implemented into the game that forces first time trial players (or rather players who only do Trials every so often, and I'd go as far as to make it mandatory for everyone to do it) to pay attention to what is going on during a trial.
Too many times I've seen trials either fail, or not succeed in the proper form, because people are not paying attention to their Screens, Chat, and/or Power trays. From not seeing the League Leader giving directions, to missing the acids/grenades popping up in their trays. A simple 30 second to 2 minute test to make sure players are checking these things could be implemented into the game and make everyone's life easier. Part 1 would be checking chat. The game says something in chat requesting the player either respond to a statement or activate a power on their power tray. Part 2 would be checking the screen for obvious gameplay cues. The game pops up, in the usual big red letters, the answer to a question which then must clicked on in a pop-up window a moment or two after the warning pop-up. Similar to the Wisp quiz in SSA 1.2. This could be done one to three times Part 3 would be checking for temp powers in the power tray or powers list. The game creates a test temp power in your tray or your powers list if trays are full. The player is then required to click on that power to declare to the game that they have noticed it. Every answer needs to be able to randomly change, whether it be a different chat command, different answer for the quiz, and different color temp powers and the temp power in different open slots, so that way people can't just memorize where everything is. They would actually have to understand the game mechanics in order to continue. If the player fails any part of the ITCC, then they would not be able to participate in any trial they wish to play until they pass the ITCC. Seems harsh, but better they not able to play than screw over the time investment of 15-23 other players. I feel that this could be put into the game very quickly and without a lot of effort. Hell if I knew how they coded the game, I'd do it myself, but the point being, to save a lot of headaches in the player base, this needs to be done. That's my suggestion. G'day. |
Yeah, let's force a 12 year old to take a test before they can do something in a video game. THAT will bring the subscriber numbers up.
How about you stop being such an elitist tool and accept the fact that not everyone is going to be at the same level of competence? And also the fact that even with a test people STILL are going to ignore what the trial leader is saying.
If your suggestion is implemented, all that effort the devs have gone through to entice players into the trials will be undone. No one is going to take a 3 part test that you are required to pass in order to take part in OPTIONAL content.
Dumbest suggestion I've seen lately, G'day.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Okay, I will be honest I only sped-read all that. But the vibe I am getting is definitely "Play the game my way!"
Alternatively, you could just chill out and play the game in a more relaxed fashion, realizing that not every single thing must attempted must succeed and that not everyone really cares about doing it all perfectly.
*shrug* |
I don't agree with the OP, but I wouldn't say no to some kind of large flashing indicator that said "This dickhead still has 3 acids/pac temps that he hasn't used" during Lambdas.
I have my powers arranged so that my 3 standard trays are 2, 5 & 8. I then keep tray 1 empty and floating for when I do trials. Makes it really easy to see any new temp powers you receive.
And you really think this is a good idea?
Yeah, let's force a 12 year old to take a test before they can do something in a video game. THAT will bring the subscriber numbers up. How about you stop being such an elitist tool and accept the fact that not everyone is going to be at the same level of competence? And also the fact that even with a test people STILL are going to ignore what the trial leader is saying. If your suggestion is implemented, all that effort the devs have gone through to entice players into the trials will be undone. No one is going to take a 3 part test that you are required to pass in order to take part in OPTIONAL content. Dumbest suggestion I've seen lately, G'day. |
It seems that more people are fine with wasting time in failed attempts at trials and game content in general, which is really sad, but hey, You pay to play your way, I'll pay to play mine. Was just hoping that this suggestion would lead to a little less headache for those of us that like to get stuff done.
If this were just a box game with free multiplayer, I'd have no problem with relaxing and not worrying about people not paying attnetion to everything that needs to be done, but because I pay (and so do all the other Incarnate Content players) 15 bucks a month, I expect a certain amount of payoff for my investment.
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
I haven't been on many failed trials in fact after the first couple runs it really gets routine. I'm not sure that instructions beyond follow league chat and repeat warnings in league chat for everyone don't basically solve the multiple issues trials have.
If you're not, answer me this:
What exactly is it that gives YOU the right to decide the level of competence required of other people playing the game?
If you didn't think you had that right, you never would have made this suggestion.
Just sayin'.
It doesn't necessarily make you a tool, but it most certainly makes you an elitist. You're saying in this thread: "No one not up to my arbitrary standard of competence should be allowed to play the content I enjoy."
And it's not cool to exclude paying customers from something just because they may not be as good at it as someone else. They are paying just as much money as you to play the game, thus they deserve access to exactly the same amount of content without having to pass a frigging test to play it.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
What I want is a little notice about who entered early and triggered the BAF cutscene, despite being repeatedly asked not to.
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
What I would like would be for there to be a kind of single player "simulation mode" for each of the trials. In-game it could be presented as some kind of "danger room" holographic training exercise in order to prepare yourself for the real mission. Really what it would be is a version of the trial that allows you to proceed step by step until you get it right. The enemies don't give any rewards and you don't get debt for dying. It's just a dry run to make sure you know where to go and what to do.
I don't know, maybe they could even tie a badge to something like that? LOL
Too many times I've seen trials either fail, or not succeed in the proper form
Oh, wait, you're talking about not qualifying for one of those "I'm so 5UP44 1337 I did this without $ARBITRARY_NON_FAILURE_CONDITION! Don't you wish you were as awesome as me?" badges, aren't you.
Yeah, that's not success "in the proper form", that's a peen-buffing bonus badge. Expecting people to pass some sort of training process (apart from, I don't know, playing the trial a few times) in order to get some arbitrary "perfection" badge on the first try? That's toolery, son. Thank you, drive through.
What I want is a little notice about who entered early and triggered the BAF cutscene, despite being repeatedly asked not to.
One of the player's first time and haven't seen the cutscene yet?
Let's Dance!
I've been where you are, and just about as frustrated. While something like this would come in definite handy, a workable solution at this point is to form a channel with people who are reliably team players with a decent head on their shoulders. I've taken to inviting people who shine in trials to a channel I made for that purpose - with 4 to 5 competent players, you can handle a league full of people who do nothing but wait for you to carry them to victory.
In addition, I've taken to using the player note system and removing anyone from the league with 1 star - given for rudeness, refusing to follow repeated instructions, or otherwise making the experience unproductive and unpleasant for their presence.
If you play on Virtue, look me up some time. I've got some Popmenu binds I use for Keyes that helps make it a breeze, and I'm working on a set for the Underground that should help herd those cats a bit quicker.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
I would love this for a UG but even after laying the entire Trial on the way down and giving hints for last fight. Most people still failed to move when targeted and when people died because of this their response was to come back and ignore the Av to fight the mobs. At least with this one people were careful when getting confused and we had little to no problems with team damage or buffing the AV but then the response for most was to just give up doing anything at all even when they got hit with a doss of clarion.
I played the Halloween trial last night with a friend who has only recently started playing CoX and it occurs to me that it IS something of an Incarnate training mission in that it uses the LFG system and has an AV that has avoidance-mechanic attacks.
I expect mechanics currently only used in the Incarnate content will eventually make its way into the rest of the game. So that it won't be such a surprise to players on their first run.
It was also very funny to hear my friend howling in Skype and to watch him running blindly through the graveyard after the Abomination stamped on his scrapper
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
Or ITCC for short. There needs to be something implemented into the game that forces first time trial players (or rather players who only do Trials every so often, and I'd go as far as to make it mandatory for everyone to do it) to pay attention to what is going on during a trial.
Too many times I've seen trials either fail, or not succeed in the proper form, because people are not paying attention to their Screens, Chat, and/or Power trays. From not seeing the League Leader giving directions, to missing the acids/grenades popping up in their trays.
A simple 30 second to 2 minute test to make sure players are checking these things could be implemented into the game and make everyone's life easier.
Part 1 would be checking chat. The game says something in chat requesting the player either respond to a statement or activate a power on their power tray.
Part 2 would be checking the screen for obvious gameplay cues. The game pops up, in the usual big red letters, the answer to a question which then must clicked on in a pop-up window a moment or two after the warning pop-up. Similar to the Wisp quiz in SSA 1.2. This could be done one to three times
Part 3 would be checking for temp powers in the power tray or powers list. The game creates a test temp power in your tray or your powers list if trays are full. The player is then required to click on that power to declare to the game that they have noticed it.
Every answer needs to be able to randomly change, whether it be a different chat command, different answer for the quiz, and different color temp powers and the temp power in different open slots, so that way people can't just memorize where everything is. They would actually have to understand the game mechanics in order to continue.
If the player fails any part of the ITCC, then they would not be able to participate in any trial they wish to play until they pass the ITCC. Seems harsh, but better they not able to play than screw over the time investment of 15-23 other players.
I feel that this could be put into the game very quickly and without a lot of effort. Hell if I knew how they coded the game, I'd do it myself, but the point being, to save a lot of headaches in the player base, this needs to be done.
That's my suggestion. G'day.