So .... Street Justice ...




Street justice feels more like Sagat to me: TIGER UPPERCUT!


Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Last night I rolled a StJ/Inv scrap and took him to 12 on the sewer trial. It's a bit too early to have a real feel for the set but it does feel quite competent so far. In a little playing around in Mids I can see some good potential for the combo as a ST powerhouse.

That is, when and if I get him leveled... since issue 21 hit I've started 5 new characters to go along with over 70 pre-existing characters. Altitis? Naw, surely not...

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Apparenty it's purchaseable ...

Already having my fill of /SD toons the question is

StJ/EA (yay 2 new shinies)

or something else ??

Anyone have a good feel for the set from beta? I remember there being some complaints about the AOE spin attack and how to maximize it.
Something that is upsetting many VIP players having to pay for new power sets that is just wrong. Like we don't already pay enough for the game to be VIP accounts, not to mention the money I'm sure enough of use spent on costume packs over the years......



Oh yeah, forgot to mention, added a StJ/DA to my collection of lowbies.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



StJ/SR scrapper - Striking Beauty
StJ/WP scrapper - Moxie Girl
StJ/Inv brute - Zero for Hire

Too early to tell, but I'm liking it better for brutes out of the gate. I'll see if that changes later on though.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
Something that is upsetting many VIP players having to pay for new power sets that is just wrong. Like we don't already pay enough for the game to be VIP accounts, not to mention the money I'm sure enough of use spent on costume packs over the years......
Don't spend your FREE Paragon Points, on extra costume slots, costume sets, respecs, extra enhancement slots, inspiration storage...and basically anything and everything that you would of had to have paid for before i21, and you know what? You'll have free power sets just like you did before.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Don't spend your FREE Paragon Points, on extra costume slots, costume sets, respecs, extra enhancement slots, inspiration storage...and basically anything and everything that you would of had to have paid for before i21, and you know what? You'll have free power sets just like you did before.
Exactly. They'd have to come out with a new powerset once a month to 'beat' the 400 points per month VIPs get.

And if they did come out with one powerset a month that would be awesome.

Right now they're frontloading and trying to do exactly that - get VIP to spend more than their stipend - by having Beam Rifle and Street Fighting ready to go. We'll probably have time to build up a nice cushion of VIP paragon points before the other two new sets that are in development (Titan Weapons and Staff Fighting) come out.

The sneakiest thing I could see them doing is releasing two 800 point powersets every 3 months so you always come up 400 short and are tempted to drop an extra 5 bucks.

On topic (and on tangent) I'm waiting for my next 400 points to get StJ, as I feel ripped off by beam rifle and am never buying a powerset with anything besides my stipend ever again. I'm cautiously optimistic because people seem happy with it...

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I played a StJ/EA Brute on beta with some good success. However, after Issue 21 came out, I jumped the gun and made a Stone/EA Brute, who I like a lot.

This time, I made a StJ/Elec Scrapper. He's pretty good so far, so I'm happy to have him and his cousin, the Stone/EA Brute, to alternate with!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I am going to well as said on another post go with a SJ/SD scrapper on Guardian I figure. The concept will be a barbarian style character with beast run, thinking the set fits very well with this just primal fighting and natural feel. That and something about doing a shield charge into an uppercut that has me excited



StJ/WP Brute named Brawler T, was originally a scrapper named Scrappah T. He is my next incarnation of Mr. T in the Co...-verse. He had to be a brute cuz...well...HE'S FRIKKIN' MR. T!!

Edit: Hmm...i should make a stalker version of him too...that doesn't use Hide cuz...HE'S FRIKKIN' MR. T!!

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Ok not much of an experience up to level 6, however with only at the time the starting power in shield defense and the first three powers in SJ I

ran two 0x3 missions did well enough, minus the two times I pulled more then I wanted to by going into scrapper lock and danced close to 25% health or less a few times. Even still It just felt very good and the combos work very well with each other and the vet powers I took of sands of mu/ghost slaying axe was able to build a half way decent running set of moves to keep things going.

Yes sweeping cross is a bit particular in getting the most out of it, but if your used to shadow maul/sands of mu and how that works it shouldn't be anything challenging. My first real issue wasn't with the set to be honest it was forcing myself to get true grit at level 6 and not pick up combat readiness.

For me I know when I forget about my secondary I"m enjoying the set well enough and this is my first time playing both shield and SJ, though YMMV of course



I'm curious if anyone has run the numbers between Martial Arts and Street Justice. How do they stack up to one another and which is one "superior" in terms of DPS/Burst/etc?

Which is the premier Scrapper kicky-punchy set?

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



Originally Posted by DJMadman View Post
My first real issue wasn't with the set to be honest it was forcing myself to get true grit at level 6 and not pick up combat readiness.

I decided to skip Heavy Blow, myself. I knew that if I went with the route you took, I might have had to make a similar decision.
Combat Readiness is amazing, however, it only really starts to shine when you get your second finisher at 18.
3 combos -> Spinning Strike -> Combat Readiness -> Reposition and Sweeping Cross

It's the sexiest thing ever when one of the finishers crits.

Anyway, you're not going to feel that much of a hit for not taking CR right away.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
I decided to skip Heavy Blow, myself. I knew that if I went with the route you took, I might have had to make a similar decision.
Combat Readiness is amazing, however, it only really starts to shine when you get your second finisher at 18.
3 combos -> Spinning Strike -> Combat Readiness -> Reposition and Sweeping Cross

It's the sexiest thing ever when one of the finishers crits.

Anyway, you're not going to feel that much of a hit for not taking CR right away.
This is true. Especially with the building combo points being so quick.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I've done a ripoff SJ/SR on Exalted and she's awesome at level in spite of my being bad (haven't used melee cones since forever) and CoH being freezy. I think I'll do a SJ/SD original on Union but War Mace is also tempting.

Of course WM/EA is FotM...



Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
Of course WM/EA is FotM...
You mean FotG (Flavor of the Game)? So strong... so pretty...

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



im having a very tough time deciding between a SJ/SR scrapper and a SJ/WP scrapper and a SJ/WP brute. Im wanting big time offense and survivabilty.

I would think that a brute with willpower would do better than a scrapper with willpower on survivabilty and also with fury be able to hold his own, but someone was telling me that a scrapper with willpower and a brute with willpower wasn't that much difference cause they were saying that you can reach a cap or something with a brute and he would be weaker compared to the scrapper cause the scrapper can get his cap alot higher in something, I dont understand that much though I guess about these cap stuff.



Originally Posted by Mint View Post
im having a very tough time deciding between a SJ/SR scrapper and a SJ/WP scrapper and a SJ/WP brute. Im wanting big time offense and survivabilty.

I would think that a brute with willpower would do better than a scrapper with willpower on survivabilty and also with fury be able to hold his own, but someone was telling me that a scrapper with willpower and a brute with willpower wasn't that much difference cause they were saying that you can reach a cap or something with a brute and he would be weaker compared to the scrapper cause the scrapper can get his cap alot higher in something, I dont understand that much though I guess about these cap stuff.
I personally went with the Brute route of this combo for the survivability factor. The biggest difference between scrappers and brutes with WP largely boils down to +HP and Regen. Brutes have a higher HP cap than scrappers do, which helps boost the effectiveness of +Regen.

Before Fury accumulation, scrappers definitely lead in the damage dept. With a good amount of fury...the gap is signifigantly less, all things considered.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



What's the thinking on StJ/DA?

I have never been able to handle making a /DA -- though I came close looking at Iggy's DB/DA build -- and I'm wondering if StJ is the answer.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
What's the thinking on StJ/DA?

I have never been able to handle making a /DA -- though I came close looking at Iggy's DB/DA build -- and I'm wondering if StJ is the answer.
<---Made, just need time/ability to play it with the other 30 Alts he has. Looks like decent potential, especially with stacking tastyness from OG and attacks.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



It would be great, Granite. The more you can invest in the character, the more each bit of investment benefits DA. My SJ dude is still low level but my educated guess is that it follows that same rule. That is to say that the set looks like it performs well over a wide spectrum of builds, but if you happen to be able to get crushing uppercut recharging in six seconds, so much the better. A mid-range SJ/DA would still be quite the trooper, you just need to be a little more careful around the big piles of guys. I don't think it's a primary that only functions well up to a certain point.



Man i dunno what to make, a few friends have been suggesting shield defense, any info on how that works? I ask cause ive never made a /SD toon, and this does sorta seem a good time, just hopin for some basic info.

Like how do animations work with a shield out?



Originally Posted by darkcrabs View Post
how do animations work with a shield out?
I have been playing my shiny new StJ/SD scrapper and I think the animations work quite nicely. In particular the forearm-strike animation of Heavy Blow coupled with /SD makes it look like you smash the edge of your shield into the enemy's face.



I've rolled like 5 so far but dedicating my time to StJ/SD and StJ/FA (the later getting the more attention at the moment).

Get some mid builds goin, I wanna see what people's ideas are. Economic-Builds minimum requirement.



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
I've rolled like 5 so far but dedicating my time to StJ/SD and StJ/FA (the later getting the more attention at the moment).

Get some mid builds goin, I wanna see what people's ideas are. Economic-Builds minimum requirement.
First, wanted to say that I love the avatar. Adam Jensen rocks!

I am up to 48 with my StJ/Invul scrapper, and it is still awesome! I have all but my purples installed at this point, and it is just massive fun.

Few things that I have noticed.

When I do crushing uppercut and I am behind an oponent, I feel a but guilty. It is like I am giving them in the butt. I can only imagine the look of shock on their face.

I am not sure if it was intentional, but Shin Breaker is the perfect "stomp then while they are down" attack...I use it a lot.

Why would anyone ever play Martial Arts again?

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