Haven't recieved my 400 points for this month yet...




Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I renew today and no token (which I really want, to get next piece of Celestial Armor) and no 400 Paragon Points either...I tried finding my veteran rewards on my account page but nothing to be done there either as it no longer lists your next veteran award since the changeover.
Paragon Reward tokens are awarded at the end of your monthly billing cycle, as the system is still somewhat linked to the old vet reward system. In your case, you won't receive your October reward token until November 10th.

Paragon Points are supposed to be awarded on your monthly billing date, but everybody receiving September's points at the Freedom launch offset the database which handles point awards. So those folks whose billing date falls between the 1st and 10th should be receiving October's points today (as I type this, they haven't yet been awarded; my billing date is the 4th), and those with billing dates beyond the 10th should receive them normally. Each month, as the database corrects itself, those with billing dates between the 1st and 10th will receive their points earlier than the previous month until they get points on their billing date as intended.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I renew today and no token (which I really want, to get next piece of Celestial Armor) and no 400 Paragon Points either...I tried finding my veteran rewards on my account page but nothing to be done there either as it no longer lists your next veteran award since the changeover.
It's not just you - apparently everyone is being cheated out of a token for October.

But don't worry, if you miss any of the Celestial Armor set because of it, they'll go ahead and sell it to you, or make you grind for it in the future.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
It's not just you - apparently everyone is being cheated out of a token for October.

But don't worry, if you miss any of the Celestial Armor set because of it, they'll go ahead and sell it to you, or make you grind for it in the future.
Can you not read the thread? No one's being cheated, FFS. You'll get your token at the END of the billing cycle.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
First, did your account roll over, or did you come back after a period of inactivity? I think the two situations are handled differently in terms of points, not sure though...

As for them being stingy, they are not. It is still the 11th, and we really cannot complain until the clock passes 11:59pm PDT. Accounts roll over at the exact time you activated the account. So if you activated at 8:34pm, you won't receive your points today until 8:34pm.
Well, I have no way of knowing what time I renewed my account, since they don't keep track of the time anywhere, only the date. I know it was in the afternoon, though, which by my clock is just about over.

And yes, I renewed my account a few days after it expired. Are you telling me though, that this means I'm not going to get my October points until October is pretty much over?
That just seems unintuitive and just plain wrong to me.
Also, I'm still confused about the rest of this system. Lemme see if I get this straight: If your last bill cycle ended between Oct 1 and Oct 11, you'll get your points on Oct 11. Ok, simple enough. But if it ended before that window,... then you'll only get your points at the end of your current cycle, and only if you'll continue to be a VIP into the next cycle. Did I read that right? I seriously hope I misread part of that somewhere, because it would mean that if, say, my last bill cycle ended on Sept 30th, then when Oct 30th rolls around, if I didn't pay my subscription for November, then I'd get zero points for October, even though I'd have been a VIP throughout the entire month except for like the last day and a half.

All I know is that this just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. We should be getting our points at the beginning of each cycle, not at the end.

(Also when I used the term "stingy" I wasn't speaking literally, although I admit that may not have been the best choice of words to use.)

EDIT: Just noticed the redname post in the other thread. I'll wait and see how things turn out tomorrow... or Thursday (not sure which it's going to be). Still confused about that other stuff I mentioned, though.

Two wrongs don't make a right. However, three rights make a left.

L00k, w3'r3 r3f0rmed! W3'v3 g0t l1v3s n0w, 4nd 1'm 4 buz1n3ss Pwnz0r! -Reformed Freak Proprieter

Seek. Find. Rularuu.
Target. Destroy. Rularuu.
Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Rularuu.



From Zwillinger:

Apologies for the delay in responding to this. We've been waiting for confirmation on the exact situation.

Here the situation: The script to award your monthly stipend of Paragon Points on the 11th was scheduled to go up with a billing publish that was slated for Monday. Unfortunately, this publish did not happen on Monday. This means that the script will go up during a billing publish tomorrow, 10/12/2011.

I know many of you are eagerly anticipating your monthly stipend of points and very much so appreciate your patience.

My apologies for the delay .

So we'll be getting them tomorrow.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Can you not read the thread? No one's being cheated, FFS. You'll get your token at the END of the billing cycle.
I apologize that I upset you to the point of resulting to thinly-veiled vulgarity.

I was under the impression that every month we would receive a reward token. Furthermore I was always taught that the 31 days constituting the period of time known as "October" was a "month." I am now being told that during the time period referred to as "October," which may or may not be a month, I will not, in fact, receive a reward token.

Therefore, one of three things is possible:

1) I received October's reward token in September and there is an official post, or link to an official post, buried somewhere in this thread that indicates that such is the case.

2) I have been duped since childhood, and "October" is not, in fact, a month at all.

3) October is a month, I did not receive the October reward token in September, and I will not receive a reward token in October.

If #1 is the case, would you be so kind as to direct me to the post in question?

If #2 is the case, I have a bone to pick with my all of my teachers, older relatives and all the people at the Calender Club kiosk at the mall.

If #3 is the case, I maintain that have been cheated out of a "monthly reward token" by not receiving on in the month of October.

And defend the Devs all you want, but they are the ones who brought this on themselves by dangling "limited time only" Reward Token items in front of us. If the Tier 9+ rewards were something you'd eventually earn anyway, I would not be the least bit bothered by not receiving a token in the month of October.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I apologize that I upset you to the point of resulting to thinly-veiled vulgarity.

I was under the impression that every month we would receive a reward token. Furthermore I was always taught that the 31 days constituting the period of time known as "October" was a "month." I am now being told that during the time period referred to as "October," which may or may not be a month, I will not, in fact, receive a reward token.

Therefore, one of three things is possible:

1) I received October's reward token in September and there is an official post, or link to an official post, buried somewhere in this thread that indicates that such is the case.

2) I have been duped since childhood, and "October" is not, in fact, a month at all.

3) October is a month, I did not receive the October reward token in September, and I will not receive a reward token in October.

If #1 is the case, would you be so kind as to direct me to the post in question?

If #2 is the case, I have a bone to pick with my all of my teachers, older relatives and all the people at the Calender Club kiosk at the mall.

If #3 is the case, I maintain that have been cheated out of a "monthly reward token" by not receiving on in the month of October.

And defend the Devs all you want, but they are the ones who brought this on themselves by dangling "limited time only" Reward Token items in front of us. If the Tier 9+ rewards were something you'd eventually earn anyway, I would not be the least bit bothered by not receiving a token in the month of October.
Tokens are rewarded at the END of a billing cycle like Veteran Rewards.

If you Pay in Oct that pay time is up in Nov and you get a token.

Just think token=1/3 Vet reward and you'll understand.

Each of the twelve named periods into which a year is divided.
A period of time between the same dates in successive calendar months.

Definition 2 is what they use most of the time.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I apologize that I upset you to the point of resulting to thinly-veiled vulgarity.

I was under the impression that every month we would receive a reward token. Furthermore I was always taught that the 31 days constituting the period of time known as "October" was a "month." I am now being told that during the time period referred to as "October," which may or may not be a month, I will not, in fact, receive a reward token.

Therefore, one of three things is possible:

1) I received October's reward token in September and there is an official post, or link to an official post, buried somewhere in this thread that indicates that such is the case.

2) I have been duped since childhood, and "October" is not, in fact, a month at all.

3) October is a month, I did not receive the October reward token in September, and I will not receive a reward token in October.

If #1 is the case, would you be so kind as to direct me to the post in question?

If #2 is the case, I have a bone to pick with my all of my teachers, older relatives and all the people at the Calender Club kiosk at the mall.

If #3 is the case, I maintain that have been cheated out of a "monthly reward token" by not receiving on in the month of October.

And defend the Devs all you want, but they are the ones who brought this on themselves by dangling "limited time only" Reward Token items in front of us. If the Tier 9+ rewards were something you'd eventually earn anyway, I would not be the least bit bothered by not receiving a token in the month of October.
I'm actually under the assumption that I've already received my points for October in September. When issue 21 was officially launched i received 1750 points (i'm at tier 9 vip so 550) but whats odd is the break down is 400 for July, 400 august, 400 September, and 550 for October. Personally my billing date was on October 3rd so, I'm actually unsure if when this patch goes through on the 12th if i will get anything or if it will be awarding me for November.

Reading over what Zwil has said i'm kind of lost on the points, though the tokens makes sense (kind of).

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



OK, so I know this is the Paragon Points thread, and I keep bringing up the Reward Tokens, and for that I apologize, but I'm hoping someone actually understands how these work and can explain it to me.

My main account reached 45 months on October 2, 2011, which would have awarded me my 15th Vet reward on that date if we were still under the old system, because I have already paid for 45 months of game time.

Under the old system, I wouldn't have had to wait until the end of my 46th month to get my 45 month Vet reward, but under the new system it seems as though I have to wait until just before my 46th bill date to get the equivalent of my 45th month reward. I don't understand why the new system requires this when the old system didn't.

To me this would be like your company telling you that you get paid every two weeks, but you won't get your paycheck for any given two week period until you've already worked another two weeks.

I may be off base here, but I cannot find a comprehensive, official explanation of X number of months paid = Y number of Reward Tokens, so again, if anyone knows of one, please direct me to it. I even tried to go to the official page on the COH website that was dedicated to the Paragon Rewards System, but page doesn't seem to exist any more.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Well...Here we are...October 12! Still no @#^&ing points! Now, I am writing this before I have even finished my first cup of coffee....BUT, and I quote Zwillinger, COMMUNITY MANAGER;

"If your game account has a bill day between the 1st of the month to the 10th of the month, you should expect your October stipend of Paragon Points on October 11th, provided your VIP subscription continues. Over the next few months, your stipend date will line up with your bill date as long as you maintain the VIP status of your game account."

Now, I have an unbroken time line for 6 months of monthly paying of $14.99, and variable time line of being a paying vet for 2 years. YOu guys take away us Vets rewards and "SAY" that we will be compensated by Paragon Points. BUT if our charge date is on of before a certain date...WE WILL GET THEM BY A SPECIFIED DATE! Well, After the specified date.....WTF are my GD POINTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

SO, if I seem a bit harsh or upset, can you blame me? I am a vet, my vet rewards are taken away and I am given...? Nothing. Ban me for being upset. I love this game and is why I keep comming back after taking a break.

Ugh, Now, its time for coffee and wait for a damn reply from Zwill or someone who supposedly knows WTF is going on, because obviously...THEY DONT KNOW WTF is going on or they wouldnt post recordable LIES!

BTW My billing cycle is Oct, 02. I paid my account as i always do...No token, no points!

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself.... I'm going to take that.



Originally Posted by Ragnar_Lodbrok View Post
Well...Here we are...October 12! Still no @#^&ing points! Now, I am writing this before I have even finished my first cup of coffee....BUT, and I quote Zwillinger, COMMUNITY MANAGER;

"If your game account has a bill day between the 1st of the month to the 10th of the month, you should expect your October stipend of Paragon Points on October 11th, provided your VIP subscription continues. Over the next few months, your stipend date will line up with your bill date as long as you maintain the VIP status of your game account."

Now, I have an unbroken time line for 6 months of monthly paying of $14.99, and variable time line of being a paying vet for 2 years. YOu guys take away us Vets rewards and "SAY" that we will be compensated by Paragon Points. BUT if our charge date is on of before a certain date...WE WILL GET THEM BY A SPECIFIED DATE! Well, After the specified date.....WTF are my GD POINTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

SO, if I seem a bit harsh or upset, can you blame me? I am a vet, my vet rewards are taken away and I am given...? Nothing. Ban me for being upset. I love this game and is why I keep comming back after taking a break.

Ugh, Now, its time for coffee and wait for a damn reply from Zwill or someone who supposedly knows WTF is going on, because obviously...THEY DONT KNOW WTF is going on or they wouldnt post recordable LIES!
Zwillinger amended his previous statement, saying that they pushed it back today and accounts rolling over in the early part of the month would be awarded today, October 12th, as opposed to October 11th. Nowhere does it say that you will get your points at exactly 12:00AM, PDT on October 12, 2011.

The points will be awarded "today." Whether that is at a set time (determined by the studio) or at the exact time each individual account rolls over remains to be seen. If it is the latter, and you activated your account in the evening, you can expect to see your points this evening. In either case, we have no right to complain unless we remain pointless after "today."

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
In either case, we have no right to complain unless we remain pointless after "today."
Not quite.

We can't justifiably complain that we haven't been informed about this compounded problem. Zwillinger has done his best to keep the community informed every time a new wrinkle appears with this issue.

We may unreservedly complain that our VIP Paragon Points are being delivered later and later than first promised, even if we receive them "today".



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Not quite.

We can't justifiably complain that we haven't been informed about this compounded problem. Zwillinger has done his best to keep the community informed every time a new wrinkle appears with this issue.

We may unreservedly complain that our VIP Paragon Points are being delivered later and later than first promised, even if we receive them "today".

"Complain" was a poor choice of words, and I do not wish to defend that problem, as I myself am quite annoyed that my account rolled over on the 1st but I am only now receiving the stipend.

I simply meant that raging over it is, as you implied, unjustifiable unless you end up still point-less tomorrow.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I got my points but not my token. Grr and argh and stuff.


Also on Steam




My renewal date is the 15th. I got my 550 points today, the 12th.




Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post

My renewal date is the 15th. I got my 550 points today, the 12th.

I share your boggle... Mine's the 19th and I also got my points today.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I simply meant that raging over it is, as you implied, unjustifiable unless you end up still point-less tomorrow.
Even if everyone's VIP points were received yesterday, as they should have, they're still being given out late. That's something we're entirely justified in complaining about, particularly since this is an ongoing, long-term problem. Let's recap.

First Beastyle informed that we'd get our VIP points on our account billing dates:
Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Going forward from October you will receive your Paragon Points on your game account's billing date as long as you maintain VIP status.
Then, after several days of confusion, Zwillinger had to let us know there was a problem with the billing database, resulting in late delivery for anyone whose billing date occurred before the 11th. He promised we'd get our delayed points on the 11th, however.
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
If your game account has a bill day between the 1st of the month to the 10th of the month, you should expect your October stipend of Paragon Points on October 11th, provided your VIP subscription continues. Over the next few months, your stipend date will line up with your bill date as long as you maintain the VIP status of your game account.
When nobody got their points on the 11th, Zwillinger had to explain:
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Here the situation: The script to award your monthly stipend of Paragon Points on the 11th was scheduled to go up with a billing publish that was slated for Monday. Unfortunately, this publish did not happen on Monday. This means that the script will go up during a billing publish tomorrow, 10/12/2011.
As I said, it would be unfair to say Paragon hasn't kept us informed about the problems, but to say we can't complain about them flies in the face of the facts.

Incidentally, since people are reporting receiving their VIP points early now, it's a safe to wager that there are still problems with the billing database. We shall see when people receive their points next month. It's a safe bet that many people still won't on their billing date.



I'd say it is an absolute fact that many people will not receive their points on their billing dates because Zwillinger specifically said that returning the points to rolling over on actual billing dates would be a gradual process, performed over the next few months.

I believe you misunderstood what I meant, TrueGentleman. As I said, I agree that people are perfectly justified in complaining about getting their points later than their renewal dates. (Though I do not see much point to it.) What was unjustified was complaining at 11am of October 12 that the points had not been awarded yet. That is just impatience.

If UPS had told me that I was to receive a parcel on October 1st, and then later told me that, due to their own internal error, I would not be receiving my parcel until October 12th, you can bet that I would be annoyed. But, come October 12th, I would be unjustified in complaining at 11am that I had not received my parcel because UPS never gave me an exact time of day for delivery, and therefore I could not rightly be upset unless I failed to receive my parcel on the 12th.

Of course, all of this is moot because it seems like everyone got their points yesterday, as promised.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I got my points but not my token. Grr and argh and stuff.
Me too.

And through all of the teeth-gnashing, I can't tell when I should be receiving my token. I've heard that I'll receive October's token in November, but I don't really know what the hell is the case anymore.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Me too.

And through all of the teeth-gnashing, I can't tell when I should be receiving my token. I've heard that I'll receive October's token in November, but I don't really know what the hell is the case anymore.
Yeah I also got my points today and would really like a set date in my Master Account for the tokens. That was the great thing about vet rewards, it told you when the next one was coming. Not really liking the nebulous "Limited Time" on Tier 9 VIP rewards either...if I wait it out until November 11, will I still be able to purchase Celestial items or am I going to be behind forever?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I believe you misunderstood what I meant, TrueGentleman. As I said, I agree that people are perfectly justified in complaining about getting their points later than their renewal dates. (Though I do not see much point to it.) What was unjustified was complaining at 11am of October 12 that the points had not been awarded yet. That is just impatience.
11am for Paragon is 5/6pm for UK/Europe. THAT is the end of the day so complaints are completely justified.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I believe you misunderstood what I meant, TrueGentleman. As I said, I agree that people are perfectly justified in complaining about getting their points later than their renewal dates. (Though I do not see much point to it.)
Ah, we're in agreement then (referrent confusion over "raging over it is").

The point is, of course, one of customer service. The money has been charged to our credit cards/debitted from our accounts/redeemed from timecards, so Paragon Studios/NC Soft is obliged to deliver the virtual goods promptly. They've acknowledged the error lies with them and apologized, but until the billing database is fixed, well, it's broken.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Yeah I also got my points today and would really like a set date in my Master Account for the tokens. That was the great thing about vet rewards, it told you when the next one was coming. Not really liking the nebulous "Limited Time" on Tier 9 VIP rewards either...if I wait it out until November 11, will I still be able to purchase Celestial items or am I going to be behind forever?
I got points but no token as well. At this point I'm so bloody confused about what I'm supposed to have that I don't even know if I should be expecting a token.

Paragon has really fallen down on setting and then meeting customer expectations.

Heck TrueGentleman left out from his timeline the whole deal with Paragon promising that you would get all your tokens up front, only to change that the day before release.



Haven't received my points either and my subscription renewed yesterday.