Premium Players get less than expected!

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Originally Posted by Spiked_Menace View Post
Aside from the Incarnate system, I think a lot of premium players are going to be annoyed that the invention and auction systems are unavailable to the vast majority of them. God forbid they outfitted their character with IOs before they let their sub expire because they're going to be in for a nasty surprise, especially after they use one of their "character unlock tokens" on an essentially useless character.
0r they could, you know make use of a neat little feature called Build 2...

I believe SOs are still available for purchase and would work just fine in this case. >_>



....everything is very confusing and lot of information needs to be seriously updated. Go through the game information on the main page... bases still list base salavge which hasn't been in game for years, contacts list the old AP contacts which are now defunct.. Why it doesn't link directly to the Freedom information I don't know... No meantion that controllers and Masterminds need to be purchased or have a min reward tier.

Look at the Going Rogue site.. under game info and you will see an incarnate overview. But if you look at the main page under game information you will see no meantion of Incarnates at all. That to me implies that incarnates was a part of going rogue.

All of this is confusing not only to new players but to returning players. The website is very much out of date and needs an update. The information is all there but its not all that easy to access and is only known to us to be out of date/useless as we know the difference between all of this stuff.



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
Actually no incarnates was originally a part of going rogue but due to the fact they they didn't finish it on time they pushed it back into a .5 issue. It was originally a part of going rogue.

So what? GR was bought with the assumption that you have to maintain a sub to access this content. As far as the incarnate system goes, that remains true.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Is it mean that I LoLgazmed at this?



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
You're a feisty one :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Is it fair that players who bought Going Rogue don't have access to the incarnate system without paying a sub? Yes (since they bought GR expecting that they would have to have a sub to maintain access to its content)
This is probably the most compelling and easy to understand argument. For people who yell about having paid for Going Rogue, whether or NOT Incarnates were included in it, when you bought GR you expected to have to pay for everything in it, each month, for as long as you wanted to play. Nobody deceived anyone.

One of my accounts just went Premium. Do I WISH that my heavily Incarnated toons were still Incarnates? Certainly. Am I surprised that they are not? Absolutely not. Am I complaining about it? No way.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
Look at the Going Rogue site.. under game info and you will see an incarnate overview. But if you look at the main page under game information you will see no meantion of Incarnates at all. That to me implies that incarnates was a part of going rogue.
Thats because it was a part of going rogue but they pushed it back into another issue because it wasn't finished. I'd dig for the old notes on it but I'm too lazy.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
So what? GR was bought with the assumption that you have to maintain a sub to access this content. As far as the incarnate system goes, that remains true.
Your point? I'm just stating the fact that incarnates was part of going rogue. No more no less.



Even though I am a VIP player, is there anyway I can get in on the screwing?
Do I hafta switch to premium?
Or can I just get more paragon points and trade them in somewhere?

/goes to double check the Paragon Market credit card in hand



I'm sorry Bubbawheat, because I clearly can't see the apology on that page you linked to. See the "AND" in that sentence was pretty important to the discussion.

Better reading is also necessary. The only reason the devs need to word it better is because the players make knee-jerk reactions and become indignant when further research gives them information which did not please them.
If customers are confused to the point of frustration with the wording of a company's documentation, it is in the company's best interest to clarify before this starts losing them customers.

I for one am not suggesting to any returning customers that Premium is as good a deal as was originally advertised. I will warn people that they will not get what the marketting blurb leads them to believe. Because of this confusion on Boxset contents (AE/GR).

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
Your point? I'm just stating the fact that incarnates was part of going rogue. No more no less.
Ah, point taken. And I agree.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Which is patently not true. This needs to be taken out of the official documentation before Freedom goes Live proper. "Everything you already purchased" is just a horrible choice of phrase that ends up being far broader than the deal actually includes, and is just not true. This has to go. Fast.
Read the quote you posted again. It does not say "Everything you already purchased." It says "nearly" everything.

If the i18 vs. i19 comment earlier was accurate, then purchasing GR did not include the Incarnate system anyway.

Premium players should have expected significant things being held back, for a couple of reasons: 1) it's reasonable; they can't just give the whole game away for free, and 2) the grid provided well in advance tells them exactly what to expect. If they didn't do their research, that's their own fault.

If you want everything, subscribe. It you want a more limited subset (but not nearly as limited as F2P), go premium.

They could have skipped the premium tier altogether, which would have been *severely* limiting. I'm glad they didn't. I got to play CoH with my brother last night for the first time in a couple of years because the premium option is there.



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
Yes, but then the game wouldn't be free now would it? My argument still stands. Free accounts suck. You have to pay to get a good product.
Tell ya what, Red: What have you lost? NOTHING. What have you gained? OPTIONS. Free sucks, right? Here's an idea: Don't play for free.



Wait... i never bought the Architect Edition of the game...

Does this mean that i have been haxxoring the game since AE came out because i have used the AE?



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
Actually no incarnates was originally a part of going rogue but due to the fact they they didn't finish it on time they pushed it back into a .5 issue. It was originally a part of going rogue.

And it never made it into the purchased content so it was not part Going Rogue. Intentions are not product, only what makes the final cut is.




Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
Tell ya what, Red: What have you lost? NOTHING. What have you gained? OPTIONS. Free sucks, right? Here's an idea: Don't play for free.
Done and Done. Because this game on a free account does suck. I'll stick with my sub.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Player Choices -> Returning Players says:

Retain nearly everything you already purchased or unlocked, including Super Boosters, expansions, and directly purchased character slots.

Which is patently not true. This needs to be taken out of the official documentation before Freedom goes Live proper. "Everything you already purchased" is just a horrible choice of phrase that ends up being far broader than the deal actually includes, and is just not true. This has to go. Fast.
HOW, exactly, is this patently untrue?



Nobody's getting screwed. I mean, limited access to the game is a lot better than no access at all. Basically, NCSoft is saying "Hey, we'll let you play the game for free, but you'll have to pay to use certain features."

Incarnate System is one of those features. If you want to play the Incarnate system, pay for the game like you used to.



I just got my second account reactivated. I played it for about a grand total of 10 minutes, then got so bored and frustrated at the lack of options that I've decided I'm hanging it up for good. Its only purpose from here on out will be to fill on TFs and such, because that's really all it's good for.

For a genre of game that relies so heavily on socialization to encourage people to keep playing, it's really a wonder that PS expects premium accounts to be in the least worthwhile, given that they've cut out basically any options for such. After all, why would I bother dropping any money on a sub/Paragon Rewards upgrades if the first time I log in, I can't stroll back into my favourite global channel and say "I'm back!" and be greeted warmly by all the people I left behind?

I expect an awful lot of premium players who decide to return will have the same experience as me.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by lionheart_fr View Post
And it never made it into the purchased content so it was not part Going Rogue. Intentions are not product, only what makes the final cut is.


They stated that it was part of going rogue even though it was coming late. I remember because the end game content people were expecting with GR was taken away until a later date and people were pretty upset about it.

And you're argument doesn't make much sense seeing they took apart GR piece by piece and are selling it in sections right now. They just chose to put the incarnate section along with the subscription fee.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
For a genre of game that relies so heavily on socialization to encourage people to keep playing, it's really a wonder that PS expects premium accounts to be in the least worthwhile, given that they've cut out basically any options for such. After all, why would I bother dropping any money on a sub/Paragon Rewards upgrades if the first time I log in, I can't stroll back into my favourite global channel and say "I'm back!" and be greeted warmly by all the people I left behind?
I thought Premiums could send tells/join sgs/use global chat channels? My second account which is premium can at least, or is it a tier thing?

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I thought Premiums could send tells/join sgs/use global chat channels? My second account which is premium can at least, or is it a tier thing?
It's a reward on the Paragon rewards chart. Globals are on tier 4, I'm not sure where SGs are.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
It's a reward on the Paragon rewards chart. Globals are on tier 4, I'm not sure where SGs are.
You should be able to join SG (and use SG chat) as long as you've ever paid money to Paragon Studios. If you can't, it might be flagging you as a Free account.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I just got my second account reactivated. I played it for about a grand total of 10 minutes, then got so bored and frustrated at the lack of options that I've decided I'm hanging it up for good. Its only purpose from here on out will be to fill on TFs and such, because that's really all it's good for.

For a genre of game that relies so heavily on socialization to encourage people to keep playing, it's really a wonder that PS expects premium accounts to be in the least worthwhile, given that they've cut out basically any options for such. After all, why would I bother dropping any money on a sub/Paragon Rewards upgrades if the first time I log in, I can't stroll back into my favourite global channel and say "I'm back!" and be greeted warmly by all the people I left behind?

I expect an awful lot of premium players who decide to return will have the same experience as me.
You aren't entirely wrong, here. (actually, not wrong at all in many cases)
I logged on to my Premium account last night for the first time in a month, jumped onto my favorite Tank (Electric/Fire) and greeted the SG with a "HIYA! I'm Premium!". The response was "COOL! Whatcha lose? Oh, we're about to start the Signature Arc. Wanna join us?"

I was like: "Okay, sure... Switching accounts..."



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
It's a reward on the Paragon rewards chart. Globals are on tier 4, I'm not sure where SGs are.
Ah, didn't know that. My 2nd account is tier 5 I believe, I just assumed any premium could use all of those. The poster under you mentioned that you should have SGs at least, but I would be bummed about no global channels also.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]