Discussion: New Items at the Paragon Market - September 20, 2011




Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Signature Story Arc

One by one, members of the Freedom Phalanx are being targeted by an unknown enemy. Play the first episode of the seven-part, monthly story arc to find out who will live . . . and who will die!
Available free to VIP players!
Who Will Die!

Just like modern comic books! Superheroes as snuff films!

Because, the creators can't think of anything worthwhile or interesting to do with these iconic characters! And because today's comic book audience demands it!

So, kill them! Make a splash! Get some mainstream media attention!

Too bad, unlike a comic book, a video game can't show a static, full-page, realistically rendered image of the hero burned, dismembered, or disemboweled... so children can fixate their attention and emotions on the horrific, stomach-churning display.

Maybe CoH can add a splash screen showing the awful image? Sell a commemorative wallpaper in the Paragon Market?



Calm down.



Is it just me or is the +10 Enhancement slots completely overpriced? 1600 PP is basically $20 for 10 more enhancement slot holders, or $40 for 20 more... id love to have it but not for $20-$40.



Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
Because, the creators can't think of anything worthwhile or interesting to do with these iconic characters! And because today's comic book audience demands it!
One of the designators of poor literature is a lack of displays of mortality to add gravity to the actions of characters. I think after seven years someone can stand to actually die, and hopefully stay dead.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The more I look at the market, the less I want to use it because the prices are stupid. They say these are micro-transactions, but they are set at macro-transaction prices.
A million times this.
These aren't micro-transactions.

I would gladly pay for QoL stuff, but not the prices they are asking right now. We've lived without this stuff for years. They're great little additions, but at the prices I just have to say to myself, "meh, whatever, I've played 4 total years over the last 7 without using them".

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Signature Story Arc

One by one, members of the Freedom Phalanx are being targeted by an unknown enemy. Play the first episode of the seven-part, monthly story arc to find out who will live . . . and who will die!
Available free to VIP players!

Store Market Location: Content > Story Arcs
400 Points
As for the signature arc, I'm not sure if 400 points is fair for the level of content. Compare to content being delivered at roughly 400 points over Xbox Live and Xbox Live Arcade. $5 bucks for about 20-30 minutes seems, well steep. Price aside, I'm still extremely let down by the whole thing. No, I did not expect the full story line to hit at once, but I did expect an arc that was engaging and memorable. Instead, we got a very disjointed first episode on some very non-challenging maps, with very non-challenging objectives.

While there was decent amount of quest text, holes in the story completely abound. How was Synapse taken? Why did no one in the Freedom Phalanx see it coming? What purpose is there in stealing his power? The arc should have been, easily, 3 times longer with a stronger story, a stronger lead up and a stronger follow up, and then double the price for non-VIPs.

When there are more epic arcs at level 12-19 in The Hollows than the much announced "Signature Story Arc", there's a problem. The only thing I'll remember from the arc is "oooh, lava!". Nothing about it made me anticipate future parts of the story. Nothing.

Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM



Maybe I'm doing it wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but. . .

In the Paragon Market window, shouldn't you be able to SEE what you're buying? It seems like this is true for only some of the items.


  • the Barbarian Costume pack. Just says it's a collection for male, female and huge but doesn't list what you get. Not even a useful icon.
  • Volcanic Aura. Clicking on this gives a description at least. But a small picture would be nice.

And so on. Yes, I can search for "barbarian" and scroll through the list, (and assume that I will get everything if I purchase the set). And some sets are shown in paragonwiki. I just think that if they want me to buy this stuff, they ought to be better at SHOWING me what it is that I'm buying.

@ Purgatorio



I bought some unslotters a couple of days ago. (Yes, it's irrational. I have a spectacular error rate with mis-slotting things, and I can come up with money, but I get fussy if I waste valuable in-game resources. Like I said, irrational.)

They were 225 each already then. Was the sale started early, or should these just not be in the list of new stuff this week?



The story arc was cool....... It made my lvl 25 scrapper lvl 20 so i think those who don't get a clue for the contact must not be of high enough lvl.

As for the prices I think they are on par with other games. If you dont want to pay that much money for them don't.



Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
Who Will Die!

Just like modern comic books! Superheroes as snuff films!

Because, the creators can't think of anything worthwhile or interesting to do with these iconic characters! And because today's comic book audience demands it!
I don't know what prompted the rest of your rant, but remember, if it's like a comic book, no signature character will actually die, or at least not for long.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by PBaRmy View Post
Is it just me or is the +10 Enhancement slots completely overpriced? 1600 PP is basically $20 for 10 more enhancement slot holders, or $40 for 20 more... id love to have it but not for $20-$40.
I LIKE them but personally won't pay more than $10 for both of them, certainly NOT $20+, just not that useful imnsho.

And the rest of the prices? I will watch for sales, when they have something 50-90%, I'll be buying.

PS. Wake me when StJ and Titans are available, by then I might enough points saved up for them!



Once again a single costume part for $1.00. I question why costume packs went down to $5.00 and a brand new pack came out for $5.00, yet you guys are selling individual items for $1.00.

It's like you have a Jekyll and Hyde operating the price sheets. On one hand you have a guy going "I'll give people about 40-60 items for $5.00! I'm valuing individual costume pieces around 8 to 15 cents each!" and then another guy goes "AHAHAHAHA $1.00 PER PIECE, YEAAAAHHHH!" And then he drinks blood out of a skull and rides off on a motorcycle made of baby seals.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Noobian_Prince View Post
Maybe I'm doing it wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but. . .

In the Paragon Market window, shouldn't you be able to SEE what you're buying? It seems like this is true for only some of the items.

  • the Barbarian Costume pack. Just says it's a collection for male, female and huge but doesn't list what you get. Not even a useful icon.
  • Volcanic Aura. Clicking on this gives a description at least. But a small picture would be nice.

And so on. Yes, I can search for "barbarian" and scroll through the list, (and assume that I will get everything if I purchase the set). And some sets are shown in paragonwiki. I just think that if they want me to buy this stuff, they ought to be better at SHOWING me what it is that I'm buying.
I've been noticing that when in the tailor if an aura is locked for you to not be able to have, you can still click on it and see the aura on your toon. I've been using this to go over the locked auras, seeing which ones I might be interested in.



Originally Posted by Cuppa_A61Sun View Post
I LIKE them but personally won't pay more than $10 for both of them, certainly NOT $20+, just not that useful imnsho.

And the rest of the prices? I will watch for sales, when they have something 50-90%, I'll be buying.

PS. Wake me when StJ and Titans are available, by then I might enough points saved up for them!
I agree that the current prices for some items seems a bit...odd. I'm waiting for them to work out any lingering bugs/QOL issues with the store and hopefully reevaluate the prices a bit.

Also waiting for StJ and Titan



I didn't see a Signature Story Arc discussion thread, so I'm putting this here. Apologies if it's out of place...

I liked the new Signature Story Arc a lot, the writing and the maps were both top notch. I'd give examples (there were plenty, but want this to be spoiler free). I could have done without being exemplared down to level 20, but that's a minor quibble.

As a Rogue however, I did find the choice of rewards at the end rather... underwhelming. Yes, I know Rogues can't get Villain Merits but a choice of one Astral Merit, or 10 threads, or 22 merits seemed a bit light especially considering the Rogue-equivalent of earning a Villain Merit is *60* standard merits!

Perhaps up the reward to 1 Villain/Hero merit (for villains/do-gooders), or 1 Empyrean Merit, or 20 threads, or 60 standard merits, awarded once per week and the current lesser rewards for subsequent runs per week?

Oh, and a shiny new badge would be nice as well.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
Oh, and a shiny new badge would be nice as well.

There's no badge? Is that some kind of sick joke? :P

Also, I thought the Back Alley Brawler was shown in the "who will die" teaser poster and his gloves was one of the images. Shouldn't it be someone is targeting members of the Freedom Phalanx "and also the Back Alley Brawler"? lol

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Also, I thought the Back Alley Brawler was shown in the "who will die" teaser poster and his gloves was one of the images. Shouldn't it be someone is targeting members of the Freedom Phalanx "and also the Back Alley Brawler"?
Maybe BABs is targeting the Phalanx. <.<

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Once again a single costume part for $1.00. I question why costume packs went down to $5.00 and a brand new pack came out for $5.00, yet you guys are selling individual items for $1.00.

It's like you have a Jekyll and Hyde operating the price sheets. On one hand you have a guy going "I'll give people about 40-60 items for $5.00! I'm valuing individual costume pieces around 8 to 15 cents each!" and then another guy goes "AHAHAHAHA $1.00 PER PIECE, YEAAAAHHHH!" And then he drinks blood out of a skull and rides off on a motorcycle made of baby seals.
Not to sound condescending, but do you understand how an a la carte menu works? If an entire set were not a deal, why would anyone buy it, outside of just pure laziness in not wanting to buy each piece individually?

If (and when) they decide to make an Auras value pack, it will follow a similar deal. The sum will be less than the individual parts. Premiums are charged to players that demand individual options, because that's how pricing always works in the real world. Why would this be any different?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Not to sound condescending, but do you understand how an a la carte menu works? If an entire set were not a deal, why would anyone buy it, outside of just pure laziness in not wanting to buy each piece individually?

If (and when) they decide to make an Auras value pack, it will follow a similar deal. The sum will be less than the individual parts. Premiums are charged to players that demand individual options, because that's how pricing always works in the real world. Why would this be any different?
Yes, there should be value in ordering items as a set, but 1) they're valuing individual items at 1/5th the price of 40-60 items, 2) you can't buy them as a set so you have to pay those high prices. Hell, just the weapons offered in the Barbarian pack are worth $5.00 at the same price we're expected to pay for new auras and backpacks.

$1.00 = 1 item
$5.00 = around 50 items (or 10 items per dollar)

I'd actually be interested to see just how many costume parts each pack contains. Divide that by five and you'll get the estimated worth for a costume part when bought as a pack. For instance, the magic pack has 47 costume parts or so. So is the real value of the magic pack $47, and they're just being nice and offering it for 1/10th that? Is the magic pack in reality worth three months of subscription time?

One single item shouldn't be worth 1/5th of a pack that contains 50 items. Unless all this time they've been super generous offering us costume parts at a 90% discount when the real worth of costume parts is massive. Because otherwise it just looks like we're getting ripped off when being offered individual items for such a high price.

The bottom line is, it's acceptable for things to cost a bit more if they're not part of a set. But not 10x+ more, especially when there's no set option even available to alleviate the price. You mention the real world -- in the real world you usually get something like a 10-20% discount for buying in bulk. Maybe during special sales you'll get a buy-one-get-one free deal. Not buy one get nine free. Even if we're talking fireworks.

I'd probably buy things like these if they were 25 cents each. Which would still cost more than buying them as a pack (if one even existed). But not at a dollar each.

I own every single costume pack, and I bought them all when they were $10 instead of $5. I bought the barbarian pack right away. I even have the party pack. The sense of value I get from those things is worthwhile (although for a while I had no intention of buying the party pack as its price per item is very high). The value of these new items is about ten times less than I've paid for items in the past. They're horribly overpriced. And while I know people are buying them anyway, I will not be. I would love to buy many of the store items, but not at the prices they're expecting me to pay. And I've thrown lots of money at the game in the past, over stupid things, so that's saying something.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



So, will the market let you buy the story arc if you are a ViP?

If so, this seems... wrong. Taking my money for something I am already paying for.

As I look back, I think I already made this mistake with the IDF costume set as well. I purchased it, but now that I think about it isn't it free for VIPs?

I plan on keeping my sub running, so I should not pay for these things. Moreover, I should not be /able/ to pay for these things. If, for some reason, I drop my sub and then want to pay for them, that's fine.

At the very least they need a bold bright disclaimer and confirmation box if I am trying to buy something that my subscription is already giving me.



So, I have a question about this stuff....

I like the new aura. I like quite a few things in the market really. In fact I bought the beam rifle set, and then also picked up the extra enhancement tray. I think it was like "enhancement storage increase #1" or something like that.

So, I went back into the market last night. And I noticed something- I can apparently buy "enhancment storage increase #1". I even hit buy and it showed up in my cart. I did not buy it however, I removed it thinking "wow. why would they allow people to buy something twice?"

Then I see the known issues thread, and it says something to the effect " stuff you already aquired doesnt have a buy button". So.... why is that an issue? Are people complaining they cant make purchases for real money over and over again for something they already have? Like, I didnt get to pay enough for this!! Why cant I buy it 5 times over so I can pay you 5x as much for the same thing!!

I had also bought a salvage increase. And of course that is also available to buy again. And I dont mean like the #2-10 offered, I mean i could buy #1 twice. To me, this is eighther an oversight that allows people to "pay to much" or buy it twice or whatever, or a terrible underhanded scheme to sucker people into paying for something twice.

Mostly, I was rather annoyed that I would have to track my purchases myself so I didnt accidentally buy salvage increase number 6 twice as I slowly save points up to get these things. WOuldnt it make more sense to have account items already purchased show such on the market screen? or move into a seperate "bought" catagory or something? Instead we get a known issues thread stating account items you already have dont have a buy button.

I could of course be missing something here.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Greyhawke View Post
So, will the market let you buy the story arc if you are a ViP?

If so, this seems... wrong. Taking my money for something I am already paying for.

As I look back, I think I already made this mistake with the IDF costume set as well. I purchased it, but now that I think about it isn't it free for VIPs?

I plan on keeping my sub running, so I should not pay for these things. Moreover, I should not be /able/ to pay for these things. If, for some reason, I drop my sub and then want to pay for them, that's fine.

At the very least they need a bold bright disclaimer and confirmation box if I am trying to buy something that my subscription is already giving me.
This. Pretty much what I just wrote. I havent made any double purchases yet, but I was extremely dissapointed it would be so blatently easy to do so. It feels underhanded. Points are expensive. It shouldnt be so easy to blow them all on something you already have. But at least there is a known issue listed with almost exactly the opposite sentiment.

*edit: I just thought of something. maybe they could make an account unlockable available in the store for 10,000 points that tracks what you buy in the store so you dont buy something multiple times!! That way, people wont spend money needlessly!! (rolls eyes)

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



As already pointed out, the Volcanic aura was forgotten in the actual post. >.>
Except for the signature arc that aura is the only thing of interest to me (and one of the only two "new" things, since the others are promotions unless I'm mistaken).
I am glad to see the store being updated frequently though!

Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
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Street justice? Street? Wanna hit the street. Uh oh, play it cool. Here come the street police. Street! STREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET (justice)!

Seriously though, glad to see the sig arcs starting up.